
Every time that I buy some first class stamps in bulk at the post office, I can't get them used before they change the value of the ones I have. With another trip and extra effort to use them I can prevent waste.
Now I heard that they are going to raise the price again by $.01 each. $.01, what on earth for?
The only reason I can logically see for that so soon after the last increase, is that they think we won't notice such an insignificant increase perpetrated real often instead of raising the price once a year if necessary by an amount to do for the whole year!
Maybe they have no idea how much they need from year to year, I don't know, but I do know when this little aggravation is added to the hundreds of others similar to it, it becomes an unnecessary pain we could do without.
I know we could operate our country without such ill-conceived ideas, because at one stretch of time for numerous years, first class stamps were $.03. Just need smart people making decisions.
Wouldn't surprise me if the County doesn't soon start billing us every month for our property taxes---with the new higher rates built in each month!
Bush says we have very little inflation---the only excuse I can think of for such actions!

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TonyF's picture
Submitted by TonyF on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 6:48am.

O wad some Power the giftie gie us,To see oursels as ithers see us!
(R. Burns)
If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot.
(E. M. Cioran)

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