What do you think about alcohol sales on Sundays?

Fri, 02/29/2008 - 3:44pm
By: The Citizen
They should allow it - let Georgia catch up with the rest of the country.
71% (193 votes)
They should not allow it - we've come this far without it.
29% (79 votes)
Total votes: 272
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Submitted by andreea360 on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 5:12am.

Good question, but still, it isn't the right manner to put it.. people can buy the drinks in any other day of the week so they can still be drinking during Sundays. The problem is the addiction and how to prevent it: stop drinking too much! Have a limit.

Submitted by shefrog7 on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 10:35am.

"catch up with the rest of the country" I am not sure that is the best reason to do anything.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 12:38am.

state is a very good thing! Do you want a very large government making decisions for you on what days on the calendar you can buy legal products that businesses want to sell you? Why no cigarette bans? Why allow pork purchases on Friday? Mandatory church attendance? Why not legislate fasting and prayer? This is truly nonsensical for "The Land of the Free."


Kevin "Hack" King

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 10:45am.

Yes, allow alcohol sales on Sunday. People have a right to attend church inebriated!

MainframeComputerGuy's picture
Submitted by MainframeComputerGuy on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 11:20pm.

No, let's keep it the way it is. You holier-than-thous should always be making the rules for everyone else. What I don't understand is why you let ANY businesses remain open on Sundays!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 12:45am.

Your life is controlled by a law sustained by the GOP and yet you call Hillary a communist? Robs you of credibility mainframe.

Kevin "Hack" King

MainframeComputerGuy's picture
Submitted by MainframeComputerGuy on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 12:08pm.

Wrong on both counts "Hack". Hillary has even spouted the direct manifesto quote, she believes in "from each according to their means, to each according to their need". And Osama, the other "choice" on that side, is even farther left than she.

Sunday alcohol sales have nothing to do with the GOP -- they are prohibited because of the stranglehold the Bible bangers have on this state.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 9:37pm.

"they are prohibited because of the stranglehold the Bible bangers have on this state."

And which party is endorsed by, embraced by, and has a message laced with "Bible thumping?"

Kevin "Hack" King

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:15pm.

I am sorry to hear about your life being controlled by the GOP. I am sure you are just as shocked as I am!

You see, bible thumpers are Republican ... unless it's the new testament ... and then Main Extreme says they are like Jesus they say ... and us conservatives, we are in the old testament and like slavery ... but anyway, I am sure it is the fault of the GOP and Bush.

Again, I am sorry and I am sure I am just as controlled as you are.

It's good we have these liberals here to enlighten us ignorant "blue eyed devils"!

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Paul Perkins's picture
Submitted by Paul Perkins on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 7:55pm.

The way MS is twisting, bending, and blending the Old and New Testaments is about as consistent and logical as the old country boy who opened his Bible for some direction.

It fell open to this verse
[he] "went and hanged himself."

Somewhat daunted he let it fall open again to this verse

"Go and do thou likewise"

Hoping things would improve he randomly opened the next verse.

"What you are about to do, do quickly"

Hey, if you take things out of context maybe there is a message for left wing folks. Smiling

This is the way to blog!

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 4:15pm.

Sunday alcohol sales have nothing to do with the GOP -- they are prohibited because of the stranglehold the Bible bangers have on this state.

Which happen to be in the GOP also. Since Perdue and the legislature are Repubs, the failure of the alcohol bill to even make it out of committee is solely the fault of the Repubs. I'm used to blaming Dems for a lot of fault in GA, but this one falls squarely on the Repubs who seem intent on squandering their advantages in the state legislature every bit as much as they have in the federal branches.

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 1:03pm.

Do you have a reference for your claim that Hillary said: "from each according to their means, to each according to their need" or did you just make it up?

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 2:03pm.

As opposed to just plain 'distortion' ... like you thinking you are some want-to-be John Locke.

Shouldn't you be looking up the meaning of the word "is"?

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 3:52pm.

I noticed that you can't back up this lie either.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 5:33pm.

Let me see if I have this correct: You want me to provide you with proof of something someone else said, that someone said, that I never commented on? Riiighhhht. I'll be right back with whatever you tell me to do massa' ... do us all a favor and hold your breath while you wait.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:03pm.

I just thinking how funny it was that you were relying on a lie to comment about liberal distortion.

Here, so you won’t have to look it up:

i•ro•ny: An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:23pm.

Irony is the Junior Senator calling the Junior Senator on her political left a part of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiricy".

Is Obama really "Ken Starr"?

Irony is also you thinking Democrats keep us safe at home by withdrawing troops from Iraq or that making it more expensive for businesses in America will help keep jobs here. On the other hand...maybe that's just 'stupid'.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:46pm.

If you'll re-read the thread, tsloth, you'll see once again someone made a fool of you.

Mainframe lied about Hillary Clinton saying something.

Locke challenged him.

Then you got involved, whining about LOCKE'S supposed "distortion".

Locke then challenged YOU to back up Mainframe's ficticious quote.

"Oh noe, I can't do that! It's unfair! *I* never said that...I just agreed with him!" you whined.

Does this bring back memories of the other day when I made you look foolish by pointing out the factual errors in a cut and paste hit job of yours? Hmmm? You whined that my math had to be wrong? Even the loathesome Denise Conner had to agree with me against you!

Bottom line: Maybe you should do a bit more research before reflexively attacking people out of habit because you disagree with them.

Truthsleuth Speaks!
Don't Click This Link, Denise!

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:56pm.

Would you encourage tsloth to do more research? Is it that you think facts would matter to him? Can you point to a single posting of his that was of substance?

Good luck in that quest!

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:55pm.

Let's see. I said:

Redundant isn't it? .... Liberal Distortion (That was why I posted - saw the redundant message and commented on it)


As opposed to just plain 'distortion' ... like you thinking you are some want-to-be John Locke.


Shouldn't you be looking up the meaning of the word "is"?

So tell us all again which part of that has any semblance of your interpretation that:

Mainframe lied about Hillary Clinton saying something.

Locke challenged him.

Then you got involved, whining about LOCKE'S supposed "distortion".

So Basmati, when you post as other people, do you also change clothes?

By the way.... seems the DNC doesn't think "Rules is Rules" after all...... must be crushing for you.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:58pm.

Please try again...

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 3:03pm.

Just post under one name..... you are confusing yourself even further. First deal with gender, then try rationalizing ... baby steps basmati ... baby steps.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 5:45pm.

You know, when I see my user name, I usually click on the post to see why I'm being addressed. Like in your post just now. Stop wasting MY time by addressing me, if you, aren't REALLY addressing Main Stream.

I am NOT basmati or sniffles or locke. I've met several bloggers in person (Hack, Hutch, gratefuldoc, sniffles, yardman) and yardman and sniffles even met my husband last week.

So, get over your delusion (this includes denise). It's getting rather old.


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 8:59pm.

Just because SOMEONE was at Starbucks does not provide proof that that person is the one who posts under the user name "Main Stream." Laughing out loud

As for "rather old" ...

MS: "It's funny how we change as we age. The older I get, the more Main Stream I become, staying away from the fringe elements." Puzzled

MS: "I grew up in the Bay Area during the turbulent 60's - it made me what I am today (can ya tell?)."

So, that makes you late 50s or 60s? Now that's OLD! Laughing out loud

Just like Hillary. But, she's not as vain as Kerry, who thought that Botox injections would give that same old liberal line a new face!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 6:52pm.

Now y'all just wait a dang minute. All women who grew up in the 60's aren't screeching old ladies or smart alecks. Smiling

BTW Denise, the "retarded" comment was totally unnecessary and wrong.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:24pm.

Sweet Tug, I'd never think of you that way! You're a Southern lady, not a Beserkley screech. Laughing out loud

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire ... Laughing out loud

Miss your comments & Hutch's to $. Maybe Hutch is spending too much time perfecting his golf game (to beat Hack)? Eye-wink

Hope you haven't had the flu. Take care!


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:58pm.

Denise, I don't know about being a sweet southern lady. I am a true southerner and proud of it! I will stand up for what I believe is right.

Take care Smiling

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:39pm.

Hope you are feeling much better. I'll be thinking of you.

We Will Stand

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:59pm.

Thanks, I'm doing good, hope you are too. Smiling

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:38pm.

Did you get my posts? Just checking.Smiling

We Will Stand

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:01pm.

I stand corrected. I was trying to say those who chose to preclude themselves from self-control, restraint, and abstention are the ones that are showing the unsavory wear and tear Eye-wink As for the other ladies of silver and gold.... every man loves a classy lady with a little experience and a lot of common sense Cool

(It's those high mileage ex-hippies from the left coast that wise men avoid like wilted lettuce! Yea baby!)

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:15pm.

I forgive you this time. Smiling

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 6:57pm.

get 'em Tug.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:16pm.

Hey! How ya doing? Smiling

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:24pm.

I'm doing fine, I met Hack's parents today, really nice people, makes you wonder what happened with Hack. Hope you're doing ok.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 9:15pm.

Did Hack beat you playing golf? lol

I remember the video of Hack's Dad. I'm sure they are wonderful people, and very proud of their son. Smiling

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 9:20pm.

He went and had an operation just so he couldn't play. can't trust those Air Force guys.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 10:24am.

Your posts are getting more and more... uh.... retarded, for lack of a better word. And regarding age, your post sounds like it was written by a 12 year old.

Grow up please.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 5:33pm.

.... it made perfect sense.

I guess the "turbulent 60s" were especially hard on those who used it an an excuse to divorce themselves from self-control, restraint, and abstention. Just think ... old AND burned out ... it explains a lot don't you think?

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 6:36am.

That's such a rational comment. Laughing out loud “Retarded” is considered a pejorative and has "shameful connotations" to those suffering from developmental disabilities. You mockingly referred to Tourette's Syndrome, too.

If you'd improve your social skills, you'd likely be more pleasant, and improving your vocabulary could happen with only 30 minutes a day. Eye-wink

Did the wrinkles bother you, or does it remind you of painful Botox injections and face lifts? Laughing out loud

Liberals, always telling others what to do (even what light bulbs to use) and then pretending that they're for FREEDOM. Puzzled

Actually, OLD HIPPIES (like those Code-Pinkos' "Breasts Not Bombs" protesters) are often the ones who have never grown up. Sad

“Old Hippies Never Die”

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:58pm.

Have to laugh, at least a little, to keep from .... Smiling

Saying that I sound like a 12-YO when calling me a childish taunt... Well, what can I say?

I've visited with kids who had severe physical problems (deformities), who were usually forgotten by their families (very, very sad) -- to read to them, talk with them, treat them like human beings instead of freaks. I've never forgotten them or the beauty of the human spirit. Children with mental disabilities can accomplish so much more than many once believed possible. The conditions at institutions was (and, while improved, still often is) deplorable. About 90% of children with Down syndrome are aborted today. These children are so loving.

"Joey's Story"

"Committee Passage of Pre-Natally and Post-Natally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act" (S. 1810, originally introduced 3/11/05) -- Call your representatives to support this.

“Committee OKs Bill to Limit Down Syndrome 'Genocide'”
(2/27/08) -- There's been almost no news coverage of this bill (not surprised), but the Baptist Messenger (OK) covered it (no surprise Eye-wink).

You might enjoy reading More Precious Than Gold: The Fiery Trial of a Family's Faith by John Vaughn.


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:55am.

sounds retarded. Actually, this MAY be the best word to describe your posts.

Retarded (definition from Webster's): less than normal intellectual competence; a person lacking intelligence or common sense.

BTW - cute zygote in your new avatar. Time to get rid of old Betty Hutton, I see. Too many go arounds with those enlisted men, I suppose.

I'm driving to Atlanta today and I was wondering. If a woman is pregnant, and a zygote is a human baby like you argue, she can drive in the HOV lane, since there are two in the car, right? And if she gets pulled over by the police, they'll most likely have to give her a pregnancy test, to see if she REALLY is carrying a human in her uterus. Correct?

Even your zygote argument, sounds 'retarded.'

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 3:47am.

Just because SOMEONE was at Starbucks does not provide proof that that person is the one who posts under the user name "Main Stream."
What an inane comment...even for you, Denise. Is this one of your feeble attempts at humor? Or are you trying to keep her on the defensive? It's too bad your Mom won't let you drive the car to Starbucks, you could have seen her there yourself! But then, given the hellish dosage of anti-psychotic drugs I suspect are a part of your daily regimen, it's probably prudent that your Mom DOESN'T allow you to drive. Smiling

So, that makes you late 50s or 60s? Now that's OLD!
Good to see that your mathematical skills are on par with your deductive reasoning skills (i.e. severely flawed) It's amazing that you graduated home school magna cum laude with your obvious math shortcomings! (Were you special ed?)
Truthsleuth Speaks!
Don't Click This Link, Denise!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:06am.

Well, that's slightly more tactful than "retarded."

No need for concern. My math skills are excellent. Have you figured out percentages yet? Laughing out loud

I see that you've incorporated "inane" into several of your posts since I originally used it. (More of your "original thought"?) I'm glad you're improving yourself; so, I must remember to introduce you to other new words, such as fatuity and fatuous.

Your fatuity in ASSuming my educational and mental abilities reveals your fatuous character. Laughing out loud

Magna cum laude -- "with great praise"; an honor indicative of high academic distinction and added to a diploma or degree [i.e., at the university level, or to use your words, "an accredited institution of higher learning"] for work considered greatly above average.

Have you ever heard of the Dean's List or G.P.A.? Eye-wink

Don't you remember having a similar conversation with "JeffC" and "Nitpicker$" who now calls himself $ageless?

"Jeff, keep in mind you're debating a woman with some pretty significant gaps in her basic education. I know there's a lot of people jokingly refer to her as 'Dr. Denise', [sic] but I've always had my doubts that she ever attended college."

"Aren't you in awe of the intellectual firepower she musters?"

"Magna Cum Laude....in your homeschool?"

Nitpicker$ -- "I have three [doctorates] via mail." Laughing out loud

You intend "homeschool" to be a slur, but that just reveals your fatuity! I wasn't homeschooled, but I recognize that it is an excellent educational method.

All of the following presidents and notable persons were "home educated" for at least part of their education:

John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Grover Cleveland, James Garfield, William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, John Tyler, George Washington, Woodrow Wilson

Abigail Adams, Winston Churchill, Henry Clay, Pierre du Pont, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, William Penn, Daniel Webster, John Paul Jones, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Gen. George Patton, Matthew Perry, John Pershing, John Jay, George Washington Carver, Pierre Curie, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, Blaise Pascal, Booker T. Washington, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Cyrus McCormick, Guglielmo Marconi, Eli Whitney, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hans Christian Anderson, Brett Harte, Charles, Dickens, C.S. Lewis, Phillis Wheatley, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Andrew Carnegie, Susan B. Anthony, John James Audubon, Clara Barton, Horace Greeley, Joseph Pulitzer, William F. Buckley, Jr. ...

Senior Robert Marsland of Madison, Wisconsin,
clinched the 2007 title of GSN National Vocabulary Champion, winning $40,000 towards his college education. He outperformed 49 other top vocabulary scholars from across America. Robert was homeschooled through the eighth grade and then enrolled in Scholars Online courses in Greek, Latin, and literature while attending classes at St. Ambrose Academy. He plays cello in the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra and plans to attend Princeton University and study physics and philosophy.

Homeschooled sophomore Philip Streich
won a $50,000 scholarship as one of the "best of the best" in 2007’s Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (the Intel ISEF), garnering one of the three Intel Foundation Young Scientist awards.

14-year-old homeschooler Caitlin Snaring,
who studies 60 hours a week, became the first girl in 17 years to win the National Geographic Bee (and the $25,000 prize) and only the second girl to win in the 19-year history of the NGB. Amazingly, it was her first shot at the competition.

13-year-old homeschooler Evan O'Dorney
was the fourth homeschooler (since 1997) to take home the coveted Scripps National Spelling Bee trophy. It comes with $35,000 cash, a $5,000 college scholarship, a $2,500 savings bond, and assorted prizes. He placed second among all contestants in 2004 when he was 11 and was a four-year top scorer in his grade level (6th) in the Sandia Go Figure Mathematical Challenge. He plans to tackle calculus next. He is an accomplished pianist and takes composition and piano classes at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.

I’d say that homeschooling is “special.” Laughing out loud


A person who is psychotic is out of touch with reality. He may "hear voices" or have strange and untrue ideas (for example, thinking that others can hear his thoughts, or are trying to harm him, or that he is the President of the United States or some other famous person).

He may get excited or angry for no apparent reason or spend a lot of time off by himself, or in bed sleeping during the day and staying awake at night. He may neglect his appearance, not bathing or changing clothes, and may become difficult to communicate with, saying things that make no sense, or barely talking at all. These kinds of behaviors are symptoms of schizophrenia.

Meds often have adverse side effects, including weight gain, impotence, lethargy, dysphoria, seizures, tardive dyskinesia, in which the patient displays repetitive, involuntary, purposeless movements of the lips, face, legs, or torso. Is this why you mentioned Tourette's?

Now, were you saying that it's time for you & $Dollar-less$ to take your anti-psychotic meds? Laughing out loud

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:43am.

in your epistle to "homeschooling", you might think of changing "...is an excellent educational method" to "...can be an excellent educational method". For every example of great outcomes in home schooling (I believe you left off John Marshall, btw..."The greatest figure in American History!"}, one can cite examples of homeschoolers that are "dumb as a bag of hammers!" Having taught in what you probably refer to as "government schools" for years (also a strong career in private education), I knew quite a number of homeschooled students who displayed significant gaps in their educations. Just my 2 cents. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 8:30am.

Sadly, there are many poorly educated children in public and private schools, too. I was thinking about a couple of kids whose grandparents removed them from Clayton Co. schools. They're learning a lot better and doing well on their tests. The curriculum is from Georgia Virtual Academy, I think. I'm glad that they're getting the help that they need before it's too late.

From what I've read, I'd question your "quite a number" opinion as applied statistically to all homeschoolers. Some try it for a short time and then return to public education because of the commitment involved, or other reasons. So, the students' entire educational experience would have to be analyzed to determine the cause for the gaps. You wouldn't have any bias, would you? Puzzled


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 9:09am.

I think that I can safely say that I have no bias in reference to education. I have classroom experience in both public and private schools. I spent my high school years in a private school and I have a parent who was a public school teacher for 40 years. There are merits to but public and private schools with neither being innately better than the other. I will say that public schools do something that private schools cannot hope to duplicate...namely educate everyone who walks in the door. The range of abilities handled by public schools is astounding. I know students who were "successfully" homeschooled and I know some students who were homeschooled that were "dumb as a bag of hammers". I just think that to judging the effectiveness of schools is very, VERY difficult because of the number of variables involved. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 6:55am.

At the age Denise has reached, whether she did MagmaKumLoud in school or not, isn't important. Her vast years of experience would count for much more.
However, from studying her posts -when I have time, it appears that she has the following qualifications:

Paper (paid her bill) from North Dakota County Internet Correspondence School of the North. MBS--same school.
C & P degree from the TV professor disks. MCP from same unit.
A Doctorate ( DC&P&BS) from Lebanon Internet University.
A Nose High in the Air diploma from Miss Tightrear's school of charm in Yugoslavia (former).
She is well qualified for here!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 3:52am.

I mean main sream/ locke, whoever the heck you are!
Laughing out loud

Kevin "Hack" King

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 3:10am.

" But, she's not as vain as Kerry, who thought that Botox injections would give that same old liberal line a new face!"

Have you bothered to take a look at the face the GOP will ask us to vote for in November? Do we need to go there? four more years of the same, tired, proven ineffective quasi-conservative (conservative talk with very liberal spending and govt growth) dance? Your party's face is due a nip and tuck if you want to try and disguise the same song and dance we've seen Laughing out loud

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 6:52am.

Definitely "very liberal spending and govt growth."

The House Budget Committee
on Thursday [3/6/08] voted 22-16 to pass a $3 trillion fiscal year 2009 budget resolution that would increase spending for medical research, health care for veterans and other domestic programs by more than the inflation rate and would not address the "exploding growth" of entitlement programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, the AP/Houston Chronicle reports.

The budget resolution includes $22 billion, or almost 5%, more in spending for domestic programs than President Bush has requested (Taylor, AP/Houston Chronicle, 3/6). [And we all know how Bush likes to spend $.] In addition, the budget resolution also includes a number of Medicare provisions, a $50 billion increase in spending for SCHIP and an outline for electronic-prescribing legislation (Johnson/Goode, CongressDaily, 3/6).

According to the AP/Chronicle, efforts to reduce spending for entitlement programs in an election year "would be a painful exercise."

What were you saying?


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:11pm.

That group that makes their own reality (Other_side_trax, tsloth, Conner, etc) cannot face the realization that more and more "libruls" are posting on this site. To them, anything they really really believe in is a "fact", so to rationalize this influx of new posters, Conner and tsloth have decided that there are only 2 or 3 liberal posters here and we are all sharing the same names.

Of course, if you look at how poorly the likes of Conner and tsloth have fared in debates where actual facts are involved over the past few weeks, you can hardly blame them for wanting to retreat into the comfort of their own made-up universe.

Hey tsloth, since I have your attention....are you going to Starbucks on Friday? Want to have a face-to-face discussion of the issues? I'm game!
Truthsleuth Speaks!
Don't Click This Link, Denise!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:10am.

Check out these ACTUAL FACTS:

AF A-10 "Hack" -- "very liberal spending"

Mainly Sniffy -- "Special Ed"?


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.” (Feminists for Life)

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 9:44pm.

As a fellow self-proclaimed military front lines hero, I'd gladly share a table with you to discuss how confused and delusional liberal-thinking guys like me are. We can talk about spending dozens of years in Iraq and paying the three trillion dollar bill with tax cuts. We can reason through McCain's endorsement today by the President who's camp, in 2000, claimed McCain fathered an illegitimate black child (maybe they mistook him for Strom Thurmon). We can try to determine when GWB became an economist who can say with great certainty that we are not in a recession. Or we can just drink coffee and quietly pretend we're long lost buddies. Choice is yours.

Kevin "Hack" King

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 9:53am.

Please help me understand this statement: "As a fellow self-proclaimed military front lines hero,...". Are you telling us you are a front line combat veteran from Iraq? Is that your claim now? What are you talking about? Or is this the part where you proclaim to speak for the entire military (who in majority now support the surge and are optimistic about the Iraq war)?

As for your Bush mantra and fixation .... yawn..... is he running for President again? Why do you liberals always assume that conservatives like Bush? He is a big spender and a mushy 'compassionate conservative', you Dems should love the guy. I do not fit the 'compassionate mold. Hell Hack, I am a pro-choice conservative. I hate government spending, taxes, and welfare. I believe in forced sterilization, guns without licenses for anyone not convicted of a crime, euthanasia and the death penalty. I think child molesters should be castrated and serve hard time for 20 years first offense. I think people that hire illegals should lose their business license and every man and woman who wants to vote should have to pass a reading test and serve two years in the military. I think a C.O. should suffer the same fate as a felon and I think if you can't pay your mortgage you should lose your house. I believe in natural selection and capitalism and I think people should feel shame when they steal, rob, rape, or murder through public humiliation and, when called for, execution on pay-per-view.

You see Kevin, I am unabashedly conservative, just to the right of the Huns and think political correctness and excuse making has made this country weak, poor, and sloppy compared to the remainder of the world. Besides, I thought it was John McCain for the GOP and player to be named later for the socialists.

In fact, it looks like Hillderbeast is going to find a way for Florida and Michigan to play ... (I guess 'rules ain't rules' after all) that's bad news for your boy Hussein Kev. If you would have paid attention you would know that the Clintonistas play dirty ... as do most demoncrats.

By the way, are you saying there is something wrong with white men fathering children with black women? That sounds like something Robert KKK Byrd would espouse Kevin. I hate racism...it disgusts me, so do race-baiters and people who make decisions based on race. "Can't we all just get along"? What happened to being "Judged" on the content of character and not the color of one's skin? Are you opposed to interracial relationships or something? I couldn't care less if John McCain was married to Sarah Hussein Obama.

The bottom line is, your 'hack-le' is up and to me, with comments about the "Face" of the GOP, John McCain, you are beginning to sound like a racist. Did you want to comment on his character .... you know, the 'stuff' on the 'inside' and not the 'face'?

I thought you were a better man than that. Perhaps you are just angry that B. Hussein Obama can't seem to win the big states and that the Hilderbeast my steal the nomination after all?

And please, tell me what you asked Denise about, what's wrong with the "face of the Republican party" Kevin? Is it too white?

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 12:21pm.

"By the way, are you saying there is something wrong with white men fathering children with black women? That sounds like something Robert KKK Byrd would espouse Kevin. I hate racism...it disgusts me, so do race-baiters and people who make decisions based on race. "Can't we all just get along"? What happened to being "Judged" on the content of character and not the color of one's skin? Are you opposed to interracial relationships or something? I couldn't care less if John McCain was married to Sarah Hussein Obama."

Of course I have no issues with race. I admire John McCain for adopting as I have. I admire him for raising black kids as I raised two white nieces for a year. The irony, Truthsleuth, which you missed, is that the racial innuendo was used by Bush supporters successfully (as you know) to defeat McCain in Strom Thurmond's South Carolina. The main problem in the conservative party is that such a dishonest and Harold-Ford-like race baiting attack works; consistently. I'm not a conservative, so it doesn't work on me. Oh, and as you have gone out of your way to speak of your "battle-tested" status, I say back at you bro. Show me where I tried to speak for you or anyone other than myself and my father, and I'll eat my words and wash 'em down with spiced chai.


Kevin "Hack" King

ps: Truthsleuth, You said this:

"As for your Bush mantra and fixation .... yawn..... is he running for President again? "

Do you remember saying this about a man 8 years removed from the White House?

"This is exactly what Bill Clinton did and you supported him ... what's the problem? No law was broken, both are adults in the eyes of the law ... he was honest and Clinton lied"

but you don't understand bringing up the man actively campaigning for the man he passively smeared?

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 2:15pm.

For your civil tone. I have no idea what you are talking about whenever you said I claimed to be "Battle tested". I do not discuss my military experience.

I feel certain you are more than smart enough to appreciate the nuances between being a conservative that supports Bush's policy in Iraq, which I do and you do not, and being some sort of Bush sycophant that blindly follows a political party. Rest assured that, like many other conservatives, I am not happy with George Bush and believe he has done great damage to the 'conservative' moniker.

I am well aware that some people (including 20% of the democrats according the the exit poll in Texas) vote based on race. I find it pathetic but know it is true. I am equally aware that over 90% of the black vote is currently supporting Obama for the same reason that some of the voters will NEVER vote for Obama - race.

As far as the incident with Clinton and Heintz goes, my point is simple. Considering that I DO have a 22 year old I can tell you that if her 50+ year old boss used a position of authority to cheat on his wife and destroy her reputation by pressuring her into some tawdry affair ... I might not shoot his butt, but I would sure as hell want his job and would never defend him or his irresponsible actions. Both, as far as I am concerned, are unworthy of ANY adoration or defense of action and both lack the minimum acceptable character for their respective position. High standards Kevin precede success.

You are I disagree on several issues for the same reason. We believe it is what is best for society as a whole and people specifically.

I'm glad we can agree on race. I wish everyone could lose the God awful burden of harboring racism in their hearts. All of that being said - you will vote for the left and I will vote for the right and somewhere in the middle is probably where the country will prosper.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 5:37pm.

Thanks for the civility as well. I figured you for a military type from our past discussions on Iraq and military policies. The prescribed narcotics might be leading me astray though. Smiling

"I'm glad we can agree on race. I wish everyone could lose the God awful burden of harboring racism in their hearts. All of that being said - you will vote for the left and I will vote for the right and somewhere in the middle is probably where the country will prosper."

I wholeheartedly agree. As I've noted before, if conservatives didn't drag Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton's names into the blogs, you'd never hear of these guys, because no one else here sites them. As I reread your "who am I" blog, I was reminded of how much we have in common. Now, I'm going to whisper this, and please don't repeat it. I hope a democrat wins the White House, but McCain and a democratic congress won't be half bad either. Shhhhhh. Say nothin to no one.


Kevin "Hack" King

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 10:36am.

You were sounding at times like a good Libertarian and liberty lover as far as guns without restriction, all-out capitalism, taxes, welfare, etc...but you definitely ventured into the territory of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini with the ideas of forced sterilization, universal military conscription, castration, etc. That doesn't sound like anyone who hates government at all....that sounds like someone who hates government the way it is now but would love to be in a dictatorship that could use the sheer power of governmental force to require involuntary servitude to the government and the govt deciding who has basic human rights to reproduction. Once you open the doors to allow the government to have that kind of power, anything resembling liberty is going to head out the door pretty quickly.

I don't want to live in that world whatsoever. Government is not the solution; it's usually the problem.


TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 11:56am.

Don't get too carried away my friend. I was on the proverbial roll and will explain in greater detail. (Since that was not the crux of the blog I did not expand on my comments).

First and foremost - I abhor government and certainly would fight to the death against dictatorship; regardless, as far as "... forced sterilization, universal military conscription, castration, etc. allow me to expand on my opinion.

Forced Sterilization- All convicted sex offenders found guilty of rape and/or sodomy of a prepubescent child who has exhausted his appeals should be CASTRATED. Anyone found guilty of the aggravated murder of a minor child who has exhausted all measure of appeal should be CASTRATED. Anyone with 3 children who are on the government dole and do not seek prenatal care, abuse the children, and or seek government assistance who are otherwise able bodied should be STERILIZED as a condition to receive any additional aid.

That just leaves one: Military Service. Mormons do it for the church, the Israelis do it, the South Koreans do it, and I think we should do it. Two years of service before you are eligible for any government loans for education, housing or business. If you would like the right to vote - serve.

Now this all my seem radical to you but to me it is just good old fashioned common sense.

By the way, making the leap from supporting a republic representative form of government to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and any other fascist because I think we are too soft on criminals seems a bit exaggerated to me.

I guess you should just be glad it's not up to me.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 12:53pm.

You go way too far with this one!

I can't support anything you said!

Are you an inserectionist?

Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 12:52pm.

You go way too far with this one!

I can't support anything you said!

Are you an inserectionist?

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:32pm.

It sickens us to see a proliferation of liberals. I guess that's why we keep leaving and building newer and nicer communities for the liberals to slowly infest.

The demise of our county and the return to the malaise of a Carter and the scandal and terrorist empowering military destruction of another Clinton would sicken any 'normal' citizen.

Sure- I will be glad to come by - which Starbuck's? Can't do a Friday morning though I have to work ... but you and I can meet without the group if you wish. Just adjust the time. Friday evening or Saturday morning early works for me too.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 5:55pm.

How have you been sniffy?

Regardless, why do you insist on calling Denise, the little submissive, non-opinionated conservative Dense-nise?

That's old too.

Oh and by the way - I am not wasting your time - you are. I don't read to you...you read them yourself.

Stop reading if you don't like it and don't tell me what to do.

I know you liberals want to control everything and everyone but honestly ... it makes you look ...well ... bossy, liberal and old.

There - how much time did you just waste? And why is your avatar so little?

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 11:56pm.

yet open on Fridays during Lent?

Is there fish somewhere on the menu?

The lesson: Profit trumps religion every time.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 7:02am.

Because the Cathy family is Protestant and not Catholic. If profit was their ONLY motive, they'd be open on Sundays too so I don't see the "profit trumps religion" when Chick-Fil-A is paying overhead on Sundays like any other day of the week yet making zero sales. They lose money on Sundays.

I don't see what a private business like Chick-Fil-A and how they choose to run their business has anything remotely to do with Sunday alcohol sales. One is a business that chooses which days to be open or not and the other is a state-mandated prohibition of whether a business can have retail store sales of alcohol. Right now, it's a state ban(supported by Atlanta(and some other cities)restaurants and bars who can serve on Sundays unlike retails stores) and so far the state doesn't even want to give its citizens the chance to vote on whether they want to even consider allowing it.

Maybe if Chick-Fil-A somehow had the power to dictate to every other food business that they had to be closed on Sunday I could see some comparison, but that's not the case.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:24am.

"Chick-fil-A, the third-largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the country, gives all employees Sunday off to spend with family and to express their faith."

"Chick-Fil-A Chairman Says Business, Morals Can Co-Exist"
(Birmingham Business Journal, 3/8/08)

Treating people with respect is a big reason for his company's success.

"We've been able to excel by just being kind," Cathy said. "Courtesy is very cheap, and it pays great dividends."

A deeply religious man, Cathy told the group that the best business decision he ever made was keeping Chick-Fil-A restaurants closed on Sunday - even though about 20 percent of fast-food sales are made on that day. He said he gets a high-quality, loyal work force because of the policy.

Cathy, who Forbes magazine estimates is worth $1.2 billion, stressed the importance of service and humility. He noted that he still lives on the same farm he bought for $29,000 in the 1950s.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 9:24am.

The celebration of Lent isn’t just a Catholic thing.

I have nothing against the Cathy family and their great business. They give back TONS to the community and then some.

The question was, "Why are they open on Fridays during lent?”

I have read many articles on the subject and they indicate that many religions are following the Catholic traditions of Lent. What’s really strange is that the Catholics seem to be relenting on some of the more strict traditions.


If not for profit sake, then what?

Is it only Catholics’ that get to decide when and what traditions they choose to practice?

As for how this ties into “Sunday sales of alcohol”, how do you think it came about? Pre-Revolutionary blue laws prohibited breaking the Sabbath by working, shopping, or consuming alcohol on Sundays. All are deeply held religious beliefs.

So much for the separation of church and state.

On a lighter note:

A Protestant married a lovely Catholic girl and being good Catholics her family welcomed him into their community. But, also because they were good Catholics they did not eat red meat on Fridays. So, when he began barbecuing some juicy steak on Friday night, they began to squirm.

They were so annoyed that they went to talk to him about it. After much talk they convinced him to become Catholic. He decided to convert. The next Lent he was having trouble with feeling Catholic so he went to the priest who said "You were born Protestant. You were raised Protestant. But now you are Catholic! Keep telling yourself that and you'll be fine!" And so, the next Friday, as the extended family sat down to eat their fish, they were disturbed by the smell of roast beef coming from the backyard. They went in to talk to the new Catholic because he knew he was not supposed to eat beef on Fridays. When they saw him, he was sprinkling salt on the beef saying: "You were born a cow. You were raised a cow. But now you are fish!"

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 9:39am.

Obviously history in America is full of ridiculous blue laws and some still exist such as Georgia's alcohol thang and other BS on the books in mostly southern states that aren't enforced, but I don't see what that has to do with Chick-Fil-A.

Lent isn't sole province of Catholics, but I think it's very easy to tell that they observe it more noticeably than Protestants who have long considered it as not a "big deal" and most do not observe Lent. If Lent was something Protestants had been doing avidly for quite a long time around when Cathy started Chick-Fil-A, I'm sure Cathy would have in some ways adjusted Chick-Fil-A to follow along with the observations of Lent. As it was, when Cathy founded CFA in 1946, there was a ton of distrust by Protestants towards Catholics, and Catholics were the ones real big on Lent, not Protestants, so I think it's pretty easy to tell why Lent was never observed by Cathy then or now.

I don't think profit motive is the case with this, which is what I took your point originally to be. Again, if it's all about profit, why isn't Chick-Fil-A open on Sunday?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 7:23pm.

Good points Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:42pm.

and it in now way disqualifies me from going to heaven. The Lord knows that if I had to earn my way into heaven by keeping up with a bunch of man made religious procedures and gimmicks, I'd be toast. Burn't toast at that. Evil

And cheers to Truett Cathy! If anyone feels the need to make him a target, I'd say "they just ain't right". Many of us have had the honor of visiting that $29K farm over the years. I even had the honor of helping to break a knuckleheaded horse for them one time. They are a wonderful family. I just hope the sons and generations beyond them can maintain an honorable business as Truett has created as a result of honoring his creator.


"I'm Pro Choice - On Light Bulbs Cool

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:56pm.

I know it's fashionable to hate people with money, but the entire Cathy family is as fine a group of people I have ever known. If he wants to close on Sunday - Gos bless him for it...apparently, he has.

By the way, if they ever go public- I will be all over the IPO!

Now, as for a good steak.... I am thankful I am not Catholic even though some of my friends have told me I was going to Purgatory and that sounds a lot better than Hell to me! Maybe I will convert!?

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Angry and often proven wrong.

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 5:52pm.

This law is kind of out of date.

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