Attention Bloggers

My name is Jody Thomas and I am Capt. Pruitt’s second in command for the drug task force. While the members of the drug unit do not normally blog, curiosity often drives us to read them. Having said that, allow me to explain my current position. Due to Capt. Pruitt’s current health issues I run the day to day operations of the task force. Make no mistake, Capt. Pruitt is still the commander of the drug task force, he does however have other pressing issues at the moment.
The reason that I am writing this is to enlighten certain bloggers on this site that if you have issues with the drug task force, blame me not Capt. Pruitt. He has enough going on in his life right now without the added pressure of being publicly critiqued on this or any other site.
As for the negative bloggers, please do not take this to mean that I or anyone else in the task force will respond to your blogs. You are entitled to your opinions and it wouldn’t be professional for us to engage in a public war of words. I just thought you should know at whom you should address your concerns or displeasure with.

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Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 12:32pm.

Thank you for risking your life to protect Fayette Co. You are appreciated.
Please tell Mr. Pruitt thank you too. He is in my prayers. Smiling

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 10:36pm.

Thank you for all of your hard work.

90-95% of the people in Fayette County appreciate your hard work.


TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 8:10pm.

And as for "Sage" ...yea - that is exactly what it means -got his back every day in every way.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Jeffc calls for your explanation and apology.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 8:16pm.

Glad you're back! Don't stay away for so long next time. Smiling

Submitted by justcurious on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 8:04pm.

You seemed to have misunderstood me or I was unclear. I am sorry for Mike Pruitt's illness, I cannot imagine what he is going through. That is a personal matter, not one that should interfere with day to day business which is how many people are taking it.

As far as those who say they have your back - if you are an honest man who is truly doing your job by the book - then you have no need for that. As for my being ignorant - I assure you that my education exceeds any member of the sheriff's department and I have many friends in the Georgia State Patrol, that I have great respect for. I am not anti-police by any means.

What I am against is a group of men who think they are above the law. I have spoken to you in regards to questionable behavior of members of your department. It does no good - you get defensive and I doubt you even look into any complaints. I actually think you are a decent man and do a fine job. There are a few members of your team, however, that I feel are not worthy of wearing a badge. You can say it's not true, but I know - I've spoken with the ones who are well aware of and and working to remedy the problems I'm referring to.

I also feel that it's not just the sheriff's department that needs to be looked at - the courts are where the major problem is - if they would do their jobs, then search warrants that are based on lies would be thrown out.

The truth is going to come out soon about corruption in this county and when it does - I hope those who have used their position to harm innocent people are punished, as well as those who knew it was happening and looked the other way.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 3:28pm.

“The truth is going to come out soon about corruption in this county and when it does - I hope those who have used their position to harm innocent people are punished, as well as those who knew it was happening and looked the other way.”

Yes it is just a matter of time now.

You must know who and what I know.

Submitted by justcurious on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 8:32pm.

Finally.....I'm glad someone else has a clue as to what is going on in this county, without having to know the names and the dates, etc.! Thanks for posting your comment, now maybe those that think I must be a criminal for trying to make people open their eyes will see that I'm not alone!

Thanks again for not being afraid to speak out!

Road Runner's picture
Submitted by Road Runner on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 8:49pm.

Yes, I too have a clue as to what is going on in this county. Unfortunately...most don't.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 10:32pm.

You do realize that most of the Fayette County deputies live in the county, ie: next to all of us?

We know that the men and women at the sheriff's dept. are good honest people because we live next to them.

Sounds like you got this not-so-cool-raheem??

The Fayette County court system has had a reputation of giving the maximum sentence everytime. At least that has been their reputation until Scotty became DA. That is why we have a low crime rate compared to the rest of the metro area counties.

We like low crime, and we like our sheriff's dept. Everytime you criticize them we know they must be doing something right. You and the old guy that has been retired for 12yrs. are the only ones that seem bent on alienating 90-95% of Fayette County voters.

You must be someone who couldn't measure up to Randalls tough standards. Cheer up they take C-team skill level people in Fulton County, .......they have to take whatever they can get.

Submitted by justcurious on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 1:16pm.

Let me see....did I realize that most of the Fayette County deputies live in the county....I never said they didn't and again, I do not have issues with the majority of them. They are brave to take on that type of job and I know they do not get paid near what they should be. I know most of them are good honest people, but if you do not think there is a bad apple in any bunch, you're the one who is high on something.

Do you not watch the news? In today's time, men and women who hold various jobs in every area of the country, are being found guilty of using their positions to break the law or to steal, etc. Corruption in law enforcement in the South has been going on since the beginning. During the civil rights movement, many county commissioners, police officers, etc. were members of the KKK. I am not the first person to criticize police corruption. Until recently, I was unaware that it existed, until shown proof. Apparently, you didn't get that memo, so you'll just have to sit back and wait to know what's going on.

No, I do have never been "busted", arrested or even suspected of any illegal behavior. Why is it that anyone who has an opinion that does not agree with yours, you go on the defense and throw out words like ignorant, gangs, etc.? Being an educated person, but more importantly, being open-minded, I am able to look at information and form an opinion based on facts. You seem to base your opinion on friendships.

I do, however, follow the court cases in this county and I am well aware that they have the big bad reputation of giving the maximum sentence every time. My concern is with such cases as the woman who was under the influence and killed two people and got probation, while I've seen first offenders, arrested with questionable warrants, be denied first offender status (as they would be in almost any other county in Georgia) and Scotty and his assistants, along with the judges ignore the State of Georgia Drug Court Guidelines. These guidelines were designed to help everyone - they give first time offenders (not dealers) get drug counseling and they monitor that for an extended time, drug test them, etc. and it helps to try and keep our already over-crowded prisons from becoming even more so.

As for Scotty - again, how can a man cross county lines to speak on the behalf of a convicted child molester, then turn around and throw the book at people charged with, in my opinion, far less serious offenses. If that's not being hypocritical, I don't know what is.

All this information is available online for anyone to view. Counties that are implementing these drug court standards are showing great success. See, any psychiatrist will tell you that all addictions - drug, eating, etc., all stem from the same problem - untreated depression. I look forward to the day that Georgia forces every county to follow their guidelines.

I was unaware that you took a survey - or did you just pull the 90-95% voter approval out of the air? You can speak for yourself and your friends that you know they share your opinion, but how dare you speak for the majority of the county. You seem to think I sound like a criminal, well - you sound to me to be a good old boy sheriff's deputy. That, or you're part of the generation that believes everything the police or the government say is the truth. We won't expect to see you admit you were wrong - you don't seem like the type who would ever admit they were.

Ignorance is bliss. When you see one the news or read in the Atlanta paper the true story about a member of our task force and you see how , just like in Atlanta - drug cases being thrown out by the dozens - maybe then you'll realize that you can't always trust our officials 100% - local, state or federal.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 1:37pm.

If ignorance is bliss you must be very happy.

You have been throwing around baseless allegations of corruption for the last 2 weeks. When will we see the "inside evidence" that you have?

No I'm not a deputy.

I agree the painter woman should have gotten more than probabiton.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 8:09pm.

You got busted did you? Evil

Either that or perhaps you get paid to spring scumbags? Not that I know... Im just curious. Puzzled

"I'm Pro Choice - On Light Bulbs Cool

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 7:58pm.

See, what had happenned was, I was mentioning my favorite Eric Clapton song. It's not my fault he named it cocaine. Right? We can keep this just between us, right? Cool? No worries?

Kevin "Hack" King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 6:57pm.

You guys are to blame for doing an outstanding job. Please ignore some of those on here that are proponents of drug use, supporters of underage sex, defenders of gangs, and all other sorts anti-family and destructive lifestyles.

Thanks for getting in the way of those who would destroy my children's lives in order to profit themselves or to gain personal gratification at our communities expense and safety. Too bad your critics are so clueless in understanding that Fayette's drug problem is a regional issue and that if the coordination of law enforcement agencies didn't take place, our drug problems would probably be ten times worse that they are now.

Keep looking after Mike and have someone give us regular updates on his progress. Last I heard he was doing some better. We'll keep lifting him up in our prayers as many of us have been. Thanks.... and don't feel compelled to defend Mike or yourselves against some of the knuckleheads on here. They're probably just bitter because you guys have either locked their punk kids up or they recognize that it's not in the distant future that you'll be taking said punks down due to the failure of their parents to bring them up properly. Smiling

Hey Jody! Tell the deputy that directs traffic on Hwy 85 in front of Minter in the mornings, that not only is he a hoot, but he's quite the ambassador to the community from your department.

Tell the guys thanks and we look forward to getting some insight from you guys as to which candidate you guys feel will help preserve this community with the quality leadership skills needed for our next sheriff.


"I'm Pro Choice - On Light Bulbs Cool

Submitted by Jody Thomas on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 9:16pm.

While I said that I would not respond to comments about the job, I am happy to update you on Pruitt.
He is doing great, he does get a little tired at times but he say's he feels fine. He keeps his faith in God and while we have always admired him, now more than ever, he has proven to be an inspiration to us all, not just the people at the SO but everywhere. you wouldn't believe the calls of support for him that we get here. The lord is definantly using him to touch the hearts and lives of others.
Thank you for asking.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 10:12pm.

I heard he has improved. That's great. And yes, one thing you are right about. From what I've heard he is quite the testimony to God's goodness and faithfulness. I hope to meet him in person some time soon. We were on the way out of town, but were tickled to see all the crowds and blue lights at Big Daddy's Saturday before last.

Perhaps we could all benefit from Mike's fresh perspective on life.

You and your team be safe.


"I'm Pro Choice - On Light Bulbs Cool

Submitted by Jody Thomas on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 9:16pm.

While I said that I would not respond to comments about the job, I am happy to update you on Pruitt.
He is doing great, he does get a little tired at times but he say's he feels fine. He keeps his faith in God and while we have always admired him, now more than ever, he has proven to be an inspiration to us all, not just the people at the SO but everywhere. you wouldn't believe the calls of support for him that we get here. The lord is definantly using him to touch the hearts and lives of others.
Thank you for asking.

Submitted by Jody Thomas on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 9:16pm.

While I said that I would not respond to comments about the job, I am happy to update you on Pruitt.
He is doing great, he does get a little tired at times but he say's he feels fine. He keeps his faith in God and while we have always admired him, now more than ever, he has proven to be an inspiration to us all, not just the people at the SO but everywhere. you wouldn't believe the calls of support for him that we get here. The lord is definantly using him to touch the hearts and lives of others.
Thank you for asking.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 5:36pm.

Thanks for your comments and for wanting to alleviate stress for Mike Pruitt. I've read what a fine person he is, and I hope and pray that he will win his fight.

TomDoniphon's picture
Submitted by TomDoniphon on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 3:17pm.

Jody, you know the boys and I always have your back. I recently shared the following quote with a dear friend of mine who was also the object of some of this sites more ignorant bloggers. "The tranquillity that comes when you stop caring what they say. Or think, or do. Only what you do. ...not to be distracted by their darkness. To run straight for the finish line, unswerving." Marcus Aurelius

look to the future's picture
Submitted by look to the future on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 3:54pm.

Many of the folks around here walk around with their head in the clouds. They do not realize the work that you must do on the streets because they fail to recognize the inherant danger this lifestyle introduces to the community, its current prevalence in the community and their own responsibility at home. They also have the unnerving audacity to pick apart each word when they are fully aware of the meaning behind your words. I consider myself blessed to have men and women such such as yourselves upholding the laws of the state. You have chosen a life of service to people, which is often misunderstood and at times must be incredibly disheartening. Take heart though -- I and many others do recognize your contribution. THANK YOU!!

Submitted by sageadvice on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 3:31pm.

The phrase, "we got your back," isn't clear to me as to it's meaning.
In combat I know what it means, "action" by one to help save another by risk.
Is that what you do for the Captain?

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