Obama: How he voted ... when he voted ....

TruthSleuth1958's picture

First and foremost: What was he doing when he should have been voting? I realize he has only had two years in the U.S. Senate and seven years in the Illinois State Senate but hey, shouldn’t he have voted a bit more?

On Abortion – he has had the opportunity to vote 3 times and voted once.

On Agriculture – he has had the opportunity to vote 4 times and voted once.

On Appropriations – he has voted many times but did not vote on the Future Military Funding for Iraq Amendment.

On the Budget, Spending and Taxes – He didn’t vote on 28 issues. These range from the Economic Stimulus Package to Military Funding to Tax Adjustments to Border Fence to Student Loans to everything in between.

On Civil Liberties and Civil Rights – He didn’t vote on 5 of 11 issues here.

On National Defense – He didn’t vote on 5 issues including the Iraq Withdrawal Amendment.

On Public Education – He voted on 4 of 8 issues.

On Energy – He didn’t vote on the Energy Act of 2007 and Offshore Drilling.

On Environmental Issues – He didn’t vote on 5 of 11 issues.

On Family and Children Issues – He only voted for 4 of 8 issues.

On Foreign Aid and Policy Issues – He didn’t vote on Iraq Withdrawal, National Defense Acts and Bills, Trade Agreements. He failed to vote on Federalism in Iraq, Iran and Revolutionary Guard Corps on Guantanamo Bay, etc. etc.

Health Issues – He voted on 6 of 15 issues.

Obama actually didn’t vote for many National Security issues, abortion issues, transportation issues, and only 1 of 5 votes on welfare issues.

All in all Obama has already missed 17% of potential votes since Jan 6, 2005

So what DID he vote for when he voted?

He sponsored S.CON.RES.53: Where he voted against photo ID requirements to vote. (Terrorists can vote in Illinois?)

In 1999 he was the only Illinois State Senator to vote for early release for (criminal) sex offenders. (Why support early release of sex offenders Obama?)

He voted against filtering pornography on public school and public library computers and he voted for sex education for kindergarten children through the 5th grade. (Maybe your first graded shouldn’t ‘google’ ‘hard’)

Also, in 2001, he voted “present” on a bill to keep pornographic book and video stores and strip clubs from setting up within 1,000 feet of schools and churches. (A stop on the way home Obama?)

Twice, Obama voted against bills prohibiting tax funding of abortions. (Sorry Catholics – you are paying for them.)

In February 2004, his wife, Michelle, sent out a fundraising letter, which actually stated her concern over the rise of conservatism in the Country, and that the ‘so-called’ partial-birth abortion was a legitimate medical procedure that should be protected. (I am pro-choice and oppose partial birth abortion.)

In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA (Born Alive Infants Protection Act) was sent, Obama prevented it from even getting a hearing. (BAIPA, by the way, stated that all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted.)

In 2001, he voted “present” on a bill to notify parents when their minor children seek an abortion. (Your 12 year old can have major surgery and be a victim of rape and you do NOT have the right to know.)

He voted against a cloning ban in 2000, but voted for it in 2001. (Flippity-Floppity)

In 1997, Obama twice voted “present” on an Illinois partial-birth abortion ban. (Present?)

Voted against extending the Bush tax cuts on capital gains and dividends.

Voted against permanently repealing the Death Tax. (You die – government gets half.).

Voted YES on raising the minimum wage to $7.25 rather than $6.25.

Opposed the lifting of $0.54 per gallon tariff on cheaper Brazillian ethanol. (Obama said, "ethanol imports are neither necessary nor a practical response to current gasoline prices.")

Opposes privatizing Social Security
Voted against drilling in ANWR.

Voted against confirmation of Sam Alito AND John Roberts as chief justice.

Voted against extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision.(Hello? Hussein?)

Last year, Obama got 100 percent scores from the AFL-CIO.

100% from the League of Conservation Voters.

100% from Planned Parenthood.

An "A" rating from the National Education Association.

He voted against allowing people to claim self-defense if they used a gun in their home.

Obama voted against the Central American Free Trade Act but for a trade deal with the Middle East country of Oman. (Your Hussein is showing!)

I am sure we will all learn more about Mr. Obama in the future.

For now, it is his voting record that interests me. As a self described moderate who voted for both a 'Clinton' in the past and for a 'Bush' as well - there will not be a Democrat for me to support in this election.

I think I'll take a look at McCain - watch for the post!

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Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 5:30pm.

Great article Truth, I don't care if it is plagiarized. We need to get the word out on how dangerous B. Hussein is.

Barack Obama is a human featherball -- a slick, smiling, substance-free empty suit who excites gullible dimwits by repeating the words “change,” “unity,” and “hope” over and over --

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 4:58pm.


When will it end!?!

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 6:54pm.

How voting records look alike for the same guy at the same time? Wow. Thanks for the link sniffy, I have not seen that site before.... I like it!

Here's a couple for you:

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Jeffc calls for your explanation and apology.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 6:54pm.

How voting records look alike for the same guy at the same time? Wow. Thanks for the link sniffy, I have not seen that site before.... I like it!

Here's a couple for you:

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Jeffc calls for your explanation and apology.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 6:17pm.

Soooo.... again let me see if I understand. It's completely acceptable for Sniffles to plagiarize. However, it is a mortal sin if anyone else does it. Oh.. Unless they wear a 'D' after their name.

Typical and predicatable Sniffles.


"Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of Chicago a Savior, who is Barack the Democrat

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