Why not I’m not voting for Barack Hussein Obama, Jr

Shadow08's picture

2008 Presidential Election why not I’m not voting for Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.!

National Security – He has no experience in this area other than intelligence briefings from State and National Intelligence. He is a first-term junior senator with no other executive level experience. He does not have the intestinal fortified to do “whatever is necessary” to protect Americans here and abroad. His election will be viewed as a victory for all those extremist that wish us harm. He will be viewed as being weak and soft, not a projection we need at this stage of the global war on terrorism. No experience, no backbone, no strategic vision or plan to get us out of Iraq except just pulling out all at once. John McCain has the experience and understands very well about what lengths people will go to harm us and he will take steps to take the fight to the folks that means us harm. With projected force, the fight will be in some place other than that of the American homeland.

Tax Reform – Obama is not for and will not consider a FairTax (FairTax.org) for the country. I will not say anymore except the tax system is broken, and the FairTax is the best plan and would result in huge changes in our economy and prosperity. He preaches change, change candidate for change, but yet he is not willing to even debate this change. I know of no group of individuals, other than lobbyists, a few IRS workers, and some politicians that would not benefit from the FairTax. Ok, I’ll compromise, we can keep the current tax code for all those working inside the DC Beltway, and the rest of the country will go to the FairTax. McCain is willing to look at the plan and Huckabee supports it 100% Its bipartisan support grows daily. HINT: if Obama was to run on this platform alone, he would pick up 40% of all registered Republicans, and Every Fence Sitter, let’s hope he is not reading this blog. Do your own research, and if you can find a reason to not support it you’re an idiot and should not even be allowed to procreate!

Will have another 4 years where nothing will get done, he is too liberal, his social engineering through legislation will slow growth and produce more autotrons who expect big government to take care of all their wants, needs, and desires. He is a socialist, who downplays hard work and self reliance. I don’t want government health care, he does. I don’t want more taxes, he does. I don’t want more government, he does. I don’t want government bailouts when people show no personal responsibility (Subprime mess) in this country, he does. The list goes on, enough!

Immigration – Simple, secure or borders first, then round up and remove “undocumented” or just plain illegal aliens, deport them, and invite them to apply for entry as the law provides. While supporting a huge “Guest Worker Program” that allows folks to work legally in this country, supporting our economy through a consumption tax on goods used or purchased while here. They return, home every so often, and with a record of good behavior, they get to come back again and again, while there resident alien status works it way through the system. Right now illegal immigration is a huge draw on our financial resources, supporting medical, education, and social services for this group. They think, get here, get pregnant, download a tricycle motor or 3 or 4 on US soil, and now they can’t get shipped back. Enough on this, Barrack is opposed to any secure border program that does not award amnesty (20 -30 million potential Hispanic voters) again social engineering, not following the rule of law and he is a Lawyer?

I have said nothing about race, or other hateful words to the effect, but I believe that if elected, anyone who opposes him that is white will be branded a racist without benefit of debate. I am tired of the “African American” title you are American or you’re not? This is a country where we stand up, proud of our heritage, but we are Americans. Either you are or your not. End this stupid ethic grouping and yes women, please no more hyphenated names. Use your maiden name or your married name, not both (Hyphen code for difficult to get along with or the b-word right off the top) Seems his wife got it right, she is not a proud American, she is what she is and I support her right to be disillusioned, misinformed, and her ability to say what she feels, but I don’t have to agree with her and I think we saw her and in a small part his true feelings. Do we really want a commander in chief who will not place his hand over his heart when colors are presented.

You just not going to get this (Black-Irish), (Angry-White-Male), (Appalachian-American) vote. I invite your comments and discussion, because the Shadow does not always know!

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 3:28pm.

for that deep insight. (eyes rolling)
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

wulfman's picture
Submitted by wulfman on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 8:24am.

Yep you are right,

That third grade education I received in public school does fail me from time to time.

Anyway it still tasted good when Granny Wulf cooked up a mess.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 8:44am.

I would not have known myself, only my wife made me learn to speak Southern before she would agree to marry me. Now I can say bidness, gummint, and momenem with the best of y'all. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

wulfman's picture
Submitted by wulfman on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 8:02am.

Polk Salad brings back the sweet memories of Granny Wulf in the kitchen cooking up a mess of Polk salad.


TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 12:09pm.

You won't get a response from Sniffles05 unless it is a personal attack.
You are correct.

Sniffles05 The Plagiarizer in Chief
Sniffles05:Jeffc calls for your explanation and apology.

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