Bush's secret success

TruthSleuth1958's picture

I'll give him credit, George W. Bush's policies have made a tremendous positive impact on, and has sparked substantial decreases in the incidents of, both Malaria and HIV on the African Continent.

While Bush is suffering with low popularity at home, he is having no such problem in Africa.

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Submitted by daisyheadmaisy on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 6:42pm.

It just figures: any "success" Bush has would be secret!

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 1:30pm.

The program is succeeding despite George W. Bush's efforts, not because of them.

A large percentage of the $15 billion is being wasted on "Abstinence Only" programs, which more and more research has shown just doesn't work. LINK

UN:Bush cuts funds for condoms, promotes "abstinence only"

One third of 15 billion goes to "faith based" abstinence only groups

Criticism of rigid abstinence-until-marriage funding requirement.

We could be doing so much more, had it not been for Bush's insistence on providing "wingnut welfare" for his base.

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