Rumor from a member of the press is that dethroned Tyrone Manager Barry Amos has been lobbying officials in Palmetto to become their Town Manager. THAT'S HOW HE WENT ABOUT GETTING THE JOB IN TYRONE. One guesses that Barry packed his Tyrone file with many accolades for reference.

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Submitted by Boo on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 12:24pm.

I'll bet that the petition signed by 422 people to get rid of him and presented to the mayor and council is not in his file.

Submitted by TYRONE6784 on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 3:15pm.

Oh my gosh! Barry is gone, let him be! You people never let up, do you??Why don't you worry about yourself and let everyone else be! Also, whatever reply you have for me, I DON'T CARE! Don't waste your breath!

Submitted by rm.snell on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 3:13pm.

The Mayor and town council hired Fayette County's fired rejects. Why would you care where Amos went? Are you saying he does not deserve a job? What is the difference in his position and Venice or Bill?

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