Sex chat logs lead to chief’s resignation

Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:30pm
By: Cal Beverly

Sex chat logs lead to chief’s resignation

Though Peachtree City Police Chief James Murray had been talking with city officials for 16 months about an orderly resignation process, he had no idea that a Nov. 5 meeting with City Manager Bernard McMullen would present him with a stark choice.

The issue was explicit sex chats discovered on Murray’s department computer. McMullen wanted an explanation. Instead of an explanation, McMullen got Murray’s resignation.

The supreme irony may be that the chief who made a name for himself and his department for zealous pursuit of Internet chat room predators was himself undone by logs of his adult sex chat room activity on city-owned computers.

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Click on the links below for more details about this story.

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While the very public campaign Murray conducted against online exploitation of minors involved felonious activities by adults against children, Murray’s sexual chats with consenting adults on the Internet via city equipment was not illegal, but it was against city policy. Confronted with that evidence Nov. 5, Murray decided to resign.

Murray has obliquely suggested — through his attorney, Richard Lindsey of the Peachtree City law firm of Webb, Lindsey and Wade — that his chat room activity was linked to ongoing investigations of illegal activities, but no documentation has been provided to city officials — including other members of the police department — to corroborate that implied defense.

“The information [about the chat room logs] was presented to the chief and he just up and said that he decided he would rather retire,” Mayor Harold Logsdon said in an interview last month, adding that McMullen didn’t present Murray with any potential punishment but was instead looking for an explanation.

“It never got any farther than that,” Logsdon said. “It was, ‘Here’s some information we have, and do you have an explanation for this,’ and, ‘I think I’ll retire,’” Logsdon said. “It pretty much went that way.”

Logsdon said there was “never an investigation” and that there was no “witch hunt” to get rid of Murray. He added that Murray never, to his knowledge, offered an explanation for the explicit material that was attributed to his city computer.

“If anybody in the city wants to believe that his use of the computer that he knew full well every key stroke was being examined was for anything other than police purposes, that’s their issue. It’s not his,” Murray’s attorney, Lindsey, said.

“And it was a question, in position as chief, he has to have the trust and the respect and support of his superiors and there have been just a number of items over the last couple of years where it was obvious that that was never going to be,” Lindsey said. “And [the] chief wanted to go out on a high note and did not want to get into any type of public discourse. And so we’ve been discussing [his retirement] for 16 months.”

City Manager McMullen — having suffered a very public humiliation at the hands of Murray’s officers in June 2006 when he was arrested for driving a golf cart while intoxicated at the city-owned Fredrick Brown Amphitheater — was circumspect to the point of non-responsiveness about his history with Murray and the reasons for the chief’s abrupt departure.

“You’ll have to talk to him on that,” McMullen said in an interview in January.

“The chief ran a good department and the chief and I have always been on the same page in terms of what what’s being done in terms of law enforcement,” McMullen said. “I believe in having a good, strong police department. Recently we have been working to add to the amount of staffing (at the PD) and upgrading technology so we can better utilize our people.”

McMullen said there were no major disagreements with Murray on police operations between either himself or City Council. McMullen also said the only major issue the department has had is dealing with the problems at the new headquarters building. The department is in temporary quarters while mold and moisture problems are being fixed at the HQ on Ga. Highway 74 South.

Some who follow city operations contend that Murray’s problems with McMullen began in earnest in early 2004, less than a year after McMullen came on board. That’s when the police department unveiled embarrassing revelations about thefts of services and materials involving the city’s Public Works Department over many months.

Later, McMullen incurred the ill will of officers by cutting anticipated pay raises and instituting higher payroll deductions for employees’ benefits, including health insurance. In response some officers for the first time joined a police union and showed up in strength at one city council meeting to oppose McMullen’s cost-cutting proposals.

The final chapter of the Murray era began with a complaint about the chief from one of his own officers.

A Sept. 27, 2007, memo from Sgt. Odilia Bergh alleged that Murray made inappropriate comments to another female officer at a May 12 dinner at an Atlanta restaurant prior to the McIntosh High School prom.

City Manager McMullen met with Sgt. Bergh and Human Resources Manager Brenda Rogers on Oct. 2 and an investigation was launched, with Murray and a number of police officers subsequently interviewed.

On Oct. 17 and again Nov. 7, McMullen received anonymous emails from someone going by the name Lord Knight and professing to be a long-time Peachtree City police officer who said he wrote to substantiate Bergh’s claims and offered allegations of his own relating to Murray.

Also in October, McMullen instructed city computer System Administrator Matt Robinson to conduct a review of the computer activity reports to determine if any unusual activity regarding the police chief existed.

The city had installed so-called keystroke logging software on a number of city computers, including Chief Murray’s, exhaustive logs archived by the computer department supervisor.

On Nov. 5, Robinson submitted a memo to McMullen stating the results of his findings on potential violations of the city’s policy on computer use by city employees as they related to stored data that had originated on Murray’s computer.

On Nov. 5, McMullen authored a memo stating that he found no evidence to corroborate Bergh’s allegations and considered the matter closed.

On Nov. 5, McMullen met with Murray with Fayette County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Col. Wayne Hannah present. At the meeting McMullen and Murray discussed the chief’s retirement.

On Nov. 20, Murray gave written notice of his intent to retire effective Jan. 1.

On Dec. 10, a memo to McMullen from Maj. Mike Dupree indicated that an internal affairs investigation had been suspended, apparently at McMullen’s instruction.

Georgia Open Records requests were forwarded to McMullen by The Citizen on Nov. 9. The Citizen requested all information relating to a meeting held Nov. 5 and reportedly attended by Peachtree City Manager Bernie McMullen, Police Chief James Murray and at least one high-ranking deputy.

The Citizen wanted to know the circumstances of the meeting, including the role of the deputies, whether Murray was required to surrender his service weapon prior to meeting with McMullen, whether City Hall was on lock-down before and during the meeting, Murray’s current status and if McMullen was seeking either Murray’s dismissal or retirement before the end of the calendar year.

Responding Nov. 14 to some of those questions, Peachtree City spokesperson Betsy Tyler said, “Last week a meeting occurred at City Hall that included the police chief, city manager and one representative from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department. The chief did not have to surrender his service weapon prior to the meeting. During a large portion of the meeting, only the city manager and the police chief were in the room. At no time was city hall on lock-down or closed to the public. James Murray departed the meeting with his service weapon and remains on active duty as the Peachtree City Chief of Police.”

Repeated attempts to contact Murray at that time were unsuccessful. Murray has since chosen to respond only through his attorney, despite repeated requests for his unfiltered responses.

Contacted Nov. 17, Lt. Col. Hannah said he had been present at the beginning of the meeting that lasted 30-40 minutes. Hannah said he left the room and returned for approximately two minutes at meeting’s end.

Hannah said he had been asked not to repeat what had been stated during the portion of the meeting for which he was present. Hannah said he could not comment on questions relating to whether Murray’s service weapon had been removed for the meeting. Hannah also acknowledged that Capt. Bryan Woodie rode with him to Peachtree City but was not involved in the meeting.

While Murray could not be contacted in reference to the Nov. 5 meeting at City Hall, his attorney Rick Lindsey did speak with The Citizen on Jan. 15.

Asked why Murray was called to City Hall, Lindsey said he did not know. Lindsey did say that, “I know they had a conversation. But there was no termination, no disciplinary action, nothing like that, that I know of. It was a conversation between Bernie and the chief.” Lindsey added his belief that Murray was not persuaded in any way to turn in or submit to retirement.

“From my conversations with the chief, we had been discussing the possibility of his retirement for 16 months,” Lindsey said. “He had been accused of a sexual harassment which he was cleared of and that is what he was under the impression of that was happening at the Nov. 5 meeting. At the meeting, an additional unrelated, basically off-the-wall allegation, came about the chat room. ... He’d gotten the department re-accredited. He received at the same time the highest award that the accreditation (organization) gives to individual police officers. He had accomplished everything he wanted to. And it was time to just time to say you know what ... it’s time to go. So he elected to retire.”

Lindsey also responded to questions that the Nov. 5 meeting was heated, which might have been a potential reason for the presence of sheriff’s deputies in City Hall.

“I was not there. I have had two conversations with the chief about what took place at that meeting. I’ve had conversations that involved Mr. McMullen about that meeting. No one has ever described it to me as heated. No one has told me it was anything other than a regular meeting,” Lindsey said.

Central to the substance of the meeting where Murray’s retirement was discussed and the chief’s subsequent submission of his plans to retire in a letter to McMullen 15 days later, Lindsey was asked why Murray decided to resign in such close proximity to his being cleared on the allegations by Bergh and the computer chat room information turned in to McMullen the same day.

“He was cleared of the Bergh allegations. On behalf of Jim Murray, for well over 16 months, I’ve had meetings with the mayor and city attorney, too numerous to count, on the possibility of Jim Murray retiring as chief of police. And those meetings, at some times, were numerous over a short period of time and at other times spread out. For 16 months on a fairly regular basis we were discussing the possibility of the chief retiring.

“The chief has required that certain things happen for any date of retirement. One, to never impact the accreditation or reaccreditation of the department to make sure that any impact was minimal, that it was timed as such that a replacement could be found. That was always paramount to the chief. I know in early November, I don’t know the date, where he was cleared of the Bergh allegations,” Lindsey said.

“As I understand it, in that meeting, certain Internet correspondence was brought up to him. As I understand it, the chief’s response was ‘Listen, I know that every key stroke, everything done on the computers in the city, is recorded and kept. Because of the work the department does, because of past investigations dealing with prostitution, particularly involving Asian women being brought over, the chief wanted to know how this all worked, was told how the chat rooms worked, went on to the chat rooms to participate. I don’t know any more about these investigations other than that. These communications were the ones that were shown to him and were subsequently shown to me,” Lindsey said.

Lindsey was asked whether a previous DUI issued to McMullen by Peachtree City police or an earlier incident involving theft of services at the city Public Works Department might have come into play in the men’s professional relationship and might have prompted a desire to have Murray vacate his position as chief.

“Obviously Mr. McMullen was the chief’s boss. And obviously Mr. McMullen was arrested for DUI by two of the police officers in Peachtree City and the chief stayed on the sideline with that,” Lindsey responded.

“You’d have to ask Bernie about his motivations, but I don’t know. You’d have to ask him. And then there were some tensions about the pay plan, with no raises given to the officers, with other related issues between the police officers and the city as a whole. I know of no attempts to fire the chief. I know of nothing on either side to escalate it other than it’s a friction that (they) did not agree on those points. So I don’t have any knowledge that Mr. McMullen was trying to do anything, but you’d have to ask him about his motivation,” Lindsey said.

Lindsey also added that he knew of no pressure by Mayor Logsdon to prompt Murray’s retirement or resignation. Lindsey characterized Murray’s relationship with Logsdon as positive in nature.

“My conversations with the mayor about Jim’s retirement were always positive,” said Lindsey. “My conversations with the chief regarding the mayor were always forthright and like any upper level management talking about the elected folks. Most of the time its positive, but there are times they disagree, and they think policy is not where it needs to go.”

Though the specifics of the Nov. 5 meeting between McMullen and Murray remains unclear, what is known is that Murray sent a Nov. 20 letter to McMullen stating the notification of his intent to retire as chief effective Jan. 1.

Also known today is that, in addition to the meeting at City Hall, Nov. 5 was a pivotal date in terms of other intersecting portions of the circumstances surrounding Murray and leading to his resignation. It was on Nov. 5 that McMullen received a memo from city computer System Administrator Matt Robinson on information that had originated on the chief’s computer on various dates ranging from November 2004 through August 2007.

It was also on Nov. 5 that McMullen wrote a memo stating that allegations by Sgt. Bergh toward Chief Murray could not be corroborated and that the matter was closed.

Pertaining to potential city policy violations relating to information from Murray’s computer, additional open records documents were obtained by The Citizen during the first week of January. Those dealt primarily with information compiled by city IT System Administrator Robinson.

In a Nov. 5, 2007, letter to McMullen, Robinson referred to the city manager’s October request for a chronology of potential violations of city policy CAR 3-8 to determine if he had “any information regarding the police chief in response to another investigation.”

That policy involves computer systems used by city employees and elected officials. Included in the policy are those uses considered unacceptable, including the statement that, “No employee shall use the Internet service at any time to access sites or information that could be interpreted as demonstrating poor ethical conduct, unless required as part of their official duties (i.e., administrative or official investigations). These types of sites or information include, but are not limited to, those containing derogatory racial content, sexual content, derogatory religious content, offensive language, improper humor, material that could negatively reflect upon the city of Peachtree City, or material prohibited by law.”

Robinson said in an interview in January that the city’s automated computer activity report process for each computer records every keystroke, all websites visited, every program opened and all chat information.

In his Nov. 5 letter, Robinson said, “I advised the city manager of and provided the (eight) suspect files found from August 2006, and the city manager requested additional files and information from the computer activity reports and a search of the police chief’s computer for suspect files and activity. In the course of this most recent investigation, the majority of suspect information provided to the city manager was found.”

Aside from the eight files found in August 2006, of which city Finance Director Paul Salvatore was made aware at that time, Robinson complied with McMullen’s request by performing a search of Murray’s computer using a series of search terms.

Information from Murray’s computer revealed 16 entries listing “Adult Friend Finder,” 56 entries listing “Asian Euro,” 65 entries for “web-cam,” 32 entries for “panties,” six entries for “breast,” and 22 entries for slang terms describing both male and female genitalia. The city data collection system does not provide for web-cam photos, Robinson said.

Chat information retrieved from entries on Murray’s computer included numerous sexually explicit references and, occasionally, to forming a long-term relationship.

In a chat conversation between “jimmiesim” and someone signed in as “bounce_out_2,” the jimmiesim user at approximately 11:20 a.m. on March 11, 2006 referred to himself as “james andrew murray cross” while “bounce_out_2” at one point used the name Mrs. Adeline Magabang.

The conversation progressed to “bounce_out_2” asking, “So why u decide to bring ur grandma’s ring?” “Jimmiesim” responded, “Because when she died she told me to give that ring to the woman I love and marry so I want you to have it.”

Peachtree City police have long been in the business of arresting pedophiles who use the Internet to prey on their young victims. That investigative program is well-known locally.

Commenting on the chat room information recorded on Murray’s computer, Lindsey could speak only from a limited perspective.

“I’ve never had a point-blank conversation with the chief about the details of the investigation. I’m not sure the chief would tell me if I did ask about any investigation unless I was involved from a legal perspective,” said Lindsey. “I’m not the city attorney so I’m not privy to what’s going on with investigations anymore. But I do know that we did have a prostitution-type location here in Peachtree City where we had a massage parlor that employed Asian women who were performing certain acts for pay, and I know newspapers are PG-rated so I’ll leave it at that. In my conversations with the chief, he was looking at investigations, looking at an Asian women connection, but I’ve not gone through and cross-examined him on any of these.”

“We had discussions on the computer activity,” Lindsey continued. “Let me just make sure that it is clear that there are no allegations of any criminal wrongdoing on anybody’s part here. Even if the chat room history were of a personal nature, it’s not illegal. He would have only talked to some women reportedly from Asia, as far as I understand. But again, my understanding is that it dealt with an investigation a few years ago or at some time in the past. And actually, they put an undercover police officer into that massage parlor to the get evidence.”

The massage parlor investigation and the subsequent arrests came in March 2003.

Also addressed in Robinson’s Nov. 5 letter to McMullen was a reference to a May 20, 2003, email sent from a person identified as Judy Zeng, apparently a resident of China, to several city email addresses regarding a police chief named “Jimmy.” In the email, Zeng apparently believed Jimmy was single with no family. Zeng said her purpose was not to destroy him, but to get to the truth after two years and four months.

“You are a chief, which means you must be an honest man and I should have no reason to doubt what you said. I did trust you so much. But is this the truth as it should be? I thought a good man as you deserves true love from a nice woman. Each time I asked you if you could come visit me in China, you said as soon as possible. You had time to go diving on holiday but no time to meet me.”

Lindsey said he was not familiar with Zeng, though he pointed out the close proximity in time between her letter and the massage parlor investigation.

“I don’t know who Judy Zeng is. I would not have been city attorney. It would have been about the same time if not identically the same time as the situation with the massage parlor in PTC,” Lindsey said. “And Judy Zeng, or whoever this person or persons might be, in China or wherever, I don’t know if this person was part of the investigation or a target of the investigation, I don’t know.”

Other portions of the open records request by The Citizen were for documents, pertaining to any and all complaints, including complaints of sexual harassment and/or inappropriate comments or of a sexual or harassing nature, against Police Chief James Murray and/or officers under his command during the past 60 days.

Responding to the documents not released in November, Tyler said, “There are additional records applicable to this (request) that are not subject to disclosure under (Georgia statute).”

The documents that were obtained by The Citizen in November dealt with “a complaint filed, investigated and closed due to lack of findings,” Tyler said.

In those documents were allegations by Sgt. Odilia Bergh, who serves as Booth Middle School Resource Officer, that Murray had made comments of a sexually inappropriate nature to Cpl. Heather Lackey while attending a May 12 dinner at Pano’s & Paul’s Restaurant in Buckhead prior to the McIntosh High School prom. More than a half dozen Peachtree City officers were present at the dinner, according to Bergh’s Sept. 27 memo.

Lackey is the officer who — as part of investigations into online predators — has played the part of a 14-year-old girl several times in Internet chat rooms. More than one dozen men have gone to jail as the result of her investigations.

At one point during the meal, according to Bergh, Lackey “leaned forward to grab something from the table and commented, ‘Oops, my boob almost popped out (as she placed her hand over her chest).’ To this Chief Murray replied, ‘Don’t worry I would have thrown my hand in front of it — I would have thrown my face in front of it.’”

Bergh in her Sept. 27 memo to Human Resources Director Brenda Rogers states that during a Sept. 12 conversation with Lackey, the corporal said of the incident, “Oh that, I just ignore him, half the time I don’t listen to anything he says,” city records said.

Responding to Bergh’s Sept. 27 statement, Murray, Lackey and Maj. Mike Dupree disputed her assertion. In an Oct. 10 letter to McMullen addressing Bergh’s accusation, Murray said, “Not only is this memo incomprehensible on its face, it is a completely manufactured and libelous fabrication driven by some philosophical Machiavellianism etched in her perversed consciousness ... I denied any conversation that was inappropriate in nature to either Cpl. Heather Lackey or in the presence of Sgt. Bergh. My contradiction to Sgt. Bergh’s allegations is not only based on my recollection of events that evening, but is supported by Cpl. Lackey and Maj. Dupree.”

In his written response to McMullen, Murray theorized that Bergh’s accusation might have been related to an August 2007 incident at Booth Middle School where Bergh had been required to investigate an incident where a local man was charged with taking nearly $10,000 from the school’s booster club.

Bergh has a close relationship with Booth’s principal and vice-principal, Murray said.

Also noted in Murray’s letter was Lackey’s consideration of filing a hostile workplace grievance against Bergh over interactions she had experienced. Noting his 34 years in law enforcement without any accusations of such a nature, Murray also took aim at Bergh and the city.

“It also appears that the city gave Sgt. Bergh the lanyard when they advised her to report any retaliation prior to ascertaining or validating undistorted credibility. This is not the first time when distorted information has been accepted with prejudice,” Murray said. “I wish to be quite clear on my future course of action in this matter. First, I hold Sgt. Bergh responsible for her actions in this case and I am contemplating civil litigation against her both individually and as a city employee. I will support Cpl. Lackey if she wishes to do the same. Second, I hold the city of Peachtree and/or its agents responsible for any damages that may occur either by their actions, writings, conversations or any other conveyance where my name is attached to this defamatory and degenerated misrepresentation of the truth.”

Lackey’s recall of the incident also differed completely from that of Bergh. In an Oct. 10 meeting with Lackey, McMullen noted the corporal’s comments.

“Cpl. Lackey indicated she was very distressed by this incident and that she denied (Bergh’s) statements. She felt like Sgt. Bergh was taking some statements out of context and for whatever reason was twisting those statements. Cpl. Lackey relayed that Chief Murray had known her since she was in middle school, was a close family friend, and always treated her very professionally. She indicated that she did not understand the motivation of Sgt. Bergh, but that she felt it would be impossible for her to work with Sgt. Bergh in the future. Cpl. Lackey indicated that Sgt. Bergh may be jealous of her because of her success in the department. Cpl. Lackey felt that her reputation was being damaged by this incident, that most of the department were aware of the accusations and she wanted to know what she could do,” McMullen’s documentation of the meeting said.

Also weighing in on the allegation was Maj. Dupree, the second highest ranking officer in the department, who acknowledged his presence at the restaurant along with Murray, Lackey, Bergh, Capt. Stan Pye, Capt. Terry Ernst, Cpl. Kristine Doyle and Cpl. Kay Crider.

Dupree said, “At no time did I hear any conversation or remark that one could consider inappropriate or offensive (certainly about Cpl. Lackey’s breast).”

Dupree also noted an aspect of Bergh’s behavior that was offensive. DuPree said it dealt with Bergh’s sponsorship of a “romantic party” for which invitations had been sent to some female officers and school system employees through the city and school’s email systems.

“I am of the understanding that the party’s theme was sexual in nature, where romantic toys and other items are ordered or sold,” Dupree said, who said he found it offensive and highly inappropriate for a school resource officer to be sponsoring such an event.

A copy of the invitation for the Pure Romance Party, obtained by The Citizen, included a pictorial illustration of an alcoholic drink and contained the statement, “I promise you’ll giggle you’re [sic] ass off.”

Another submission in the open records request was McMullen’s Oct. 16 interview with Cpl. Crider relating to Bergh’s allegation. Crider said she was seated across the table from Lackey at the restaurant.

In his notation of Crider’s statements, McMullen wrote, “I asked Cpl. Crider if she heard or saw anything. She said at one point the chief was reaching for something on the table and his arm brushed up against Cpl. Lackey’s chest. She said Cpl. Lackey ‘giggled,’ but she did not hear any other discussion on this matter.”

A Nov. 5 memo by McMullen stated that evidence of Bergh’s allegations had not been substantiated and that the matter was closed.

A different type of submission contained in the open records releases included two anonymous emails on Oct. 17 and Nov. 7 by a person claiming to be a Peachtree City police officer and going by the name “Lord Knight.”

Supporting Bergh’s allegation, Lord Knight also noted inflated arrests statistics and offered thanks for McMullen’s “moving forward with the information provided by Sgt. Bergh.”

“I have been with the department a long time and understand fully the retaliation abilities of the chief and Maj. Dupree and Capt. Pye. You do as well, your incident was classic retaliation that we have suffered under for a long time. You need to speak with the supervisors at the Sgt. and Lt. level. If you can provide them protection they will give you the truth. I have witnessed Chief Murray engaged in a conversation with Admin. Asst. Lisa Ficalore at her desk discussing the size of her breasts. Chief Murray was openly suggesting to her to obtain breast implants. His preferential treatment of females has a long history with the department,” the Oct. 17 email by “Lord Knight” said.

A Dec. 10 memo to McMullen from Maj. Dupree on an internal affairs investigation on the Lord Knight emails noted a Dec. 3 request by McMullen to narrow the scope of the investigation. Dupree said he met with Capt. Rosanna Dove and instructed her to suspend the investigation until further clarification and direction is received.

Attached to the Dec. 10 memo was another dated Dec. 7 from Dupree and Pye to McMullen. Entitled “Internal Affairs Investigation,” the memo provided a “listing of officers that should be interviewed and why they should be considered as linked to the two emails sent by ‘Lord Knight.’” The list contained the names of six officers and an explanation as to their presence on the list. Those included Sgt. Sam Smith, Lt. Mark Brown, Sgt. Bergh, Lt. Jason Epps, Sgt. Brad Williams and Cpl. E. Powell.

Pertaining to Sgt. Smith, the memo stated that Smith has made many comments throughout the past months concerning the activities of command staff. “There has been a long history with Sgt. Smith and disciplinary problems in which he felt should have been handled much differently. Both he and his spouse have been very vocal in their opposition of the chief’s position on many topics,” the memo said.

Regarding Lt. Brown, the memo stated that he had been vocal about suing over promotional testing and the assessments centers. “He has made several comments about suing over some minor issues that have come up regarding his duties or his assignments. During past promotion rosters he was passed over for promotions and has been vocal about those decisions,” Dupree and Pye said.

The memo’s comments on Sgt. Bergh indicated that she had recently reported issues and allegations that “were not substantiated regarding the command of this police department as well as at least one other employee. She places herself as the martyr for the officers on occasion. Sgt. Bergh was advised that there were some issues the department would be checking into and was apparently displeased and defensive about this.”

Lt. Epps, the memo said, had been very vocal about decisions made by the chief and command staff concerning the promotion of female candidates. “He has also been very vocal about many issues with Bill Weston and his reassignment from CID (Criminal Investigations Division) and his quest to return to CID. He has made many comments about his concerns over Sgt. (Matt) Myers being taken off the promotion list. He is also very vocal about off-duty jobs within the department,” according to the memo.

Commenting on Sgt. Brad Williams, the memo said that besides having made many comments about the inability for officers to work some of the off-duty events, Williams had made the comment that “it did cross his mind that the city manager could have been targeted. Just in the past days he has voiced some opinions he has over the current internal affairs proceedings and on at least one occasion has quoted our conversations we had with the city manager and the city attorney. He stated that there have been issues with both off-duty employment as well as admitting having made the statement about the arrest of the city manager.”

And regarding Cpl. Powell, the memo said the officer has been disgruntled lately and was twice admonished recently concerning his actions while working off-duty jobs. Since the onset of the investigation “he has been very reclusive and troubled in appearance,” the memo said.

The memo by Dupree and Pye concluded with a notation that in recent days several of the department’s union board members have stopped by the office and “on more than one occasion they have almost precisely quoted at least three of the topics listed in the email from Lord Knight. They admitted that several of these issues have been discussed at the union’s board level.”

Dupree and Pye stated that, if directed to resume the investigation, the focus would continue to be on departmental rules and regulations violations, including Reporting Violations of Laws, Rules and Orders, Gossip/Rumors, Duty to Suppress Mutinous Conduct and Public Statements and Appearances.

An additional city investigation involving Murray also arose during the same proximity of time in fall 2007. This investigation surrounded Murray’s 2004 bid to become a contestant on the “Survivor” television program.

An Oct. 29, 2007, memo from city System Administrator Robinson responded to McMullen’s request for information regarding unusual activities at the police department. Reviewing work orders from the city system, Robinson noted “requests from the police department staff to provide technical support for an audition video of Chief James Murray for the television show ‘Survivor.’”

Robinson noted that on or about June 14, 2004, Capt. Rosanna Dove had requested assistance copying video to a video recorder from the computer file. Robinson said he spent 15 minutes assisting with the transfer. Robinson said he determined that the video was that of Murray, including highlights of his television appearances from his time in Savannah, still photographs of his running and scuba diving and recorded comments as to why he should be considered for the show. Robinson said Murray and Dove confirmed the audition tape was for the television program.

Robinson also noted a June 11, 2007, date when Dove requested assistance with copying video from DVD to VCR. Robinson said he spent 30 minutes working with Dove assisting with hardware connections. “I discovered while on site (the) video was another ‘Survivor’ audition tape for Murray with elements similar to previous video, and it was noted in (the) work order system that video was ‘nonessential,’” Robinson said.

Also relating to the “Survivor” program, Maj. Dupree wrote a Dec. 14, 2007, memo to McMullen, reporting on the investigative inquiry on Dove that McMullen had requested. In the memo, Dupree said he had been called to McMullen’s office Nov. 21 and was asked to conduct the inquiry.

“The purpose of the inquiry was not to conduct an internal affairs investigation, but to determine the extent of Capt. Dove’s involvement when assisting Chief Murray when he applied for the role on the television production. It was my understanding that city administration was made aware of subordinate involvement in making one or more video tapes or digital video discs to assist Chief Murray in completing his ‘Survivor’ application. The concern was that the video recordings were allegedly made on city time, during Capt. Dove’s and Chief Murray’s work days,” Dupree said.

Dupree discussed the inquiry with Dove Nov. 26 and then with the remaining members of the command staff.

“I knew that all of us, at one level or another, were aware that the videos for Chief Murray’s ‘Survivor’ application had been recorded; however, I did not know if anyone, except Capt. Dove, had participated. Most of us believed that there was a real possibility that Chief Murray would be selected for ‘Survivor’ and were excited, not only for him, but for the city and police department as well,” Dupree said.

Dupree said some in the department discussed holding a “Survivor” party that would rival the party that current County Commissioner Eric Maxwell gave for “Survivor” contestant Judge Paschal English, noting the celebrity that English experienced and amount of attention it brought to Fayette County and the Griffin Judicial Circuit.

Commenting on why she assisted Murray on the project, Dove said Murray had asked for her help and that she did not believe there was anything unusual about the request, Dupree said.

“She also stated that he is her supervisor and that she has assisted him in the past on numerous other promotional projects,” Dupree’s memo said, providing a list of various non-profit and charity efforts and public service announcements. “In retrospect, she says that she understands how the city might frown on the chief using employees on a project in which there could be a personal benefit, however, while on duty her involvement was limited and strictly to portray a positive image for our department and city.”

Dupree said he recognized that the city’s personnel policy prohibits this sort of activity, though he firmly believed it needs to be addressed citywide through annual training, adding that it would certainly be addressed in the police department.

“In retrospect, I firmly believe that it was a mistake to spend the time assisting Chief Murray in this personal endeavor,” Dupree said. “Nevertheless, in an environment such as a police department, I would like to think we share in each other’s successes and assist each other in times of need. We just need to keep our private lives separated from our business lives.”

Dupree is heading the department pending a nationwide search for Murray’s replacement.

— Reported by Ben Nelms, John Munford, John Thompson and Cal Beverly. Editing and some additional material by Cal Beverly.

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Submitted by letsdoright on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 6:53pm.

Dear Cal,

Don't you think it's strange that PC James Murray hasn't been investigated outside of the local authorities? I know for a fact the computer that was confiscated from his home was only read by the "internal" personal and not by the GBI. Why is that? Shouldn't the Police Chief, you know, the one that claimed to "bring down on-line predators" be held not only to the same scrutiny as the rest of us, but even higher standards? I praise you for bringing this information out but am curious if this is going any further than the "local" authorities? This man should be accountable to ALL citizens and not just be able to leave town to relax at his "retirement" home.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 7:42pm.

"I know for a fact the computer that was confiscated from his home was only read by the "internal" personal and not by the GBI."

What computer would that be? I didn't see anything about a 'home' computer being confiscated.

If the computer you're alluding to was city property then the city has a right to it.

"Shouldn't the Police Chief, you know, the one that claimed to "bring down on-line predators" be held not only to the same scrutiny as the rest of us, but even higher standards?"

You may have a valid point there.

Tell me please, exactly what law are you accusing Chief Murray of breaking? I read no reference to any Georgia or Federal laws being broken. Did I miss something?

Submitted by scraft on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 9:00pm.

Ever wonder why Murray spent so much time and effort chasing down online predators? I think it is because he saw it in himself and his job gave him the perfect cover to do illegal things online.

I had first hand experience sitting in a court room and listening to the PTC police lie under oath to a judge and jury about Murray's involvement in online chats. After being cross-examined, Murray and several other involved officers were forced to admit that they lied (oops, I mean they had "mispoken") under oath during a case involving an "online predator".

You should have seen the instant messages Murray sent to a "suspect" while pretending to be one of his undercover officers. I don't believe the reporting officer had any idea that Murray was using her login/password to have a conversation with a suspect. His messages were by far the most graphic of all messages exchanged ("suspect/accused" included). However, Murray's free and he's ruined the lives of several good people.

I have no doubt that Murray and his team arrested some people who were indeed online predators. I support those efforts.

However, I also know first hand that Murray used his power and the hype about online predators to entrap men who would never have crossed the line without Murray's graphic, sexual messages and repeated requests for meetings.

There aren't many men that wouldn't consider, (I mean consider, not act on) chatting with a very aggressive, sexual undercover officer -- especially one like Murray that went into adult, non sex related chat rooms and approached and begged adult men to email/chat. Once conversations started, Murray and team built a relationship as an adult, began sexual conversations, and only later did the undercover officer admit that they weren't the age they initially stated. Then, Murray really turned up the heat with his explicit conversations.

Given the taboo around online predators, it has been impossible to get any police office or city official to acknowledge the possibility that Murray's methods crossed the line into entrapment.

My suspicions have been confirmed; Murray went after online predators as a way to deal with his own demons.

Maybe now someone will review all the questionable cases Murray capitalized on to gain publicity. Only then will there be justice.

Submitted by letsdoright on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 6:40pm.

I feel that you are correct in all that you state here. I hope that your article will bring enough courage for the city (more appropriately, the GBI and/or attorney general's office) to get involved. This man should not get away with what he has done. Several articles (in the Citizen and the AJC) state "there was never an investigation". If that is so, WHY, and how do WE, as citizens, KNOW that the sex chat logs were all "legal"? Something is amiss here. The police chief that wanted such notoriety for bringing down "sexual predators" should not himself, get a free ticket out of town by "retiring". Come on Scott Ballard, do your job.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 10:54pm.

It sounds like your trying to excuse what these slimy men did. In the end did they not think they were going to meet with underage and in some cases very underage little girls? Tell us how you know firsthand how he entrapped these men. You are making a lot of accusations here but I'm not seeing any proof. Can you back any of this up or are you maybe one of these so called entrapped men? A real man wouldn't have gone any further once he found out the age regardless of what he thought before, and if they did go further then they should have been put under the jail.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by scraft on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 11:12am.

I am not a man who was accused of a crime by the PTC police department. I am a woman. I don't make excuses for anyone, including the actions of law enforcers. I have never been in trouble with the law. I am a child advocate. I am a survivor of sexual abuse. I am highly educated, well-informed and gifted with the ability to see multiple sides of a situation. I am able to differentiate between a "real man" and a "slimy man". And, most importantly, I am a mother.

As I already stated, I do believe that all true child pedophiles and "online child predators" should be punished. Period. No questions.

Your response is typical and expected. I don't fault anyone for having strong feelings about "online child predators". I have them, too.

As a person who has asked people to consider the possibility that not all the cases brought forth by PTC are legit, I've been attacked and accused of being many things. And, I guess now I can add a slimy entrapped man to that list.

I wish the majority of human beings had the ability to think or consider that some people are accused of crimes they didn't commit, some police do lie to make their cases stick and their actions hurt a lot of innocent people.

However, when talking about "online child predators" the walls go up and most people lose their ability to think or reason. The knee-jerk response is to think - "It's our children, we have to save them from these online monsters."

A reasonable response on the surface, but if our society would take a collective deep breath, listen and critically evaluate each situation independently, we'd realize that not all cases are the same, not all the accused are guilty, and not everything is what it seems on the surface or what you read in a newspaper.

I am in the position of knowing many things involving court cases with the PTC police that the majority of the public will never know. And, if you are like I was just a few years ago you can't even imagine that your life could be touched by something like this.

I know first hand because I was in the courtroom during a trial. I know because I read every single email message/chat message Murray and Lackey wrote, and I read every single response from the accused. I'm not sure how much closer to the issue I could have been. I witnessed the police lying under oath; and I witnessed them changing their stories after being cross-examined.

Not all of the accused men showed up to see the "underage girl". At least one real man told Lackey/Murray that he wasn't going to meet with the "underage girl" and he never did - even though the "underage girl" asked and begged repeatedly.

You ask for proof? What do you want? What would it take to convince you that at least one of the accused "online predators" was not a child pedophile and not an online predator? Is there really anything I could post on this blog to open your mind to the possibility that the methods the PTC police used in at least one case went too far? If it was any other crime than "online child predators" I might have a chance.

The topic seems to be too heated, particularly in your area, for anyone to reconsider or challenge their own ideas and beliefs. In this environment, I'd have more luck trying to get you to reconsider your beliefs on murder and rape than "online chat rooms" that DON'T lead to murder, rape or even an in person meeting.

Submitted by CI5835 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 12:34am.

very little discretion offerred to the officer on the street and a hostile work environment. It's no wonder many officers used the dept. as a stepping stone to state and federal jobs. However, you left out one thing; the lousy name Murray gave the department across the state. Despite continued accreditation and all the "awards" that Murray received PTCPD is known by many in LE throughout the state for all the wrong reasons. Something is wrong when you hear officers from other departments tell you "you couldn't pay me enought to work in PTC" or "whenever we have to work with PTC..." you get the idea. I just can't imagine how he got away with all his **** (self-edited) for soo long. It looks like he actually did do one thing good...not getting caught doing something wrong for a very long time. Good riddance Mr. Murray, great way to end your "career". Where are you now? Is it North Carolina?? No prob., they'll extradite if need be.

Submitted by SpinDoc on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:48pm.

If half of what is being blogged here about the PCPD is true, then the Feds or the GBI will be here in a matter of days to investigate. I have always suspected the PCPD officers of being on a quota system, but if this is true then making the PCPD a profit center for the city should truly be investigated. There are a number of good officers in the PCPD, but there are a few who think they can do or say anything in court just to get a conviction or to make a ticket stick. Having served on a jury for a DUI case where the officer never saw the accused driving a car was one for the books. I would not be surprised when/if the new Chief is hired (hopefully from outside) that he/she will clean house and reclaim the reputation of the PCPD from the crapper.

Submitted by Beach Bum on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 3:24am.

I would like to ask the question, Who is perfect and who does not have skeletons in the closets, who has secrets? WE ALL DO. If you say you don’t you are lying. Have you ALL forgotten the good that the Chief, Major and Captain Pye have done for this city? What is up with everyone ? It is he said she said, pointing fingers, accusations . Why are some of you trying so hard to belittle, lie, snitch, etc. This does not sound like a bunch of adults, it sounds like a bunch of children tattleing just to get there way. Didn’t your parents teach you to find the good in people and not bully your way thru life? Find the positives in life! Look at the good that the Chief, Major and Captain Pye have done and continue to try and do. There are many people in this community that highly respect them and the PTCPD. Some believe that Bernie was dead wrong , drinking and driving that Golf Cart and back up the Major and Captain Pye 100% for arresting him. It’s a catch 22, what would have happened if Major and Captain Pye HAD NOT arrested him on that night? Does Bernie continue to want them to pay for that night he was arrested? You know it seems to me and to most that the ones that DO NOT like police are the ones that do wrong in the first place and yes SOME may even want them to pay. Is Bernie behind all this drama that is going on now? Does he want to clean house so that maybe Chief, Major and Captain Pye pay for doing the RIGHT thing? Maybe someone needs to investigate him. THINK ABOUT THIS, THOSE OF YOU THAT POINT FINGERS, YOU HAVE 4 FINGERS POINTING BACK AT YOU. I hope that all that read this, that support the Major, Captain Pye, the Chief to show our support, tell the good and postive things that they have done. Lets tell the positve, the good and lets show our support. Let PTC know and hear the positive and goodness these men have done. LET'S SHOW OUR SUPPORT!!!

Knowitall's picture
Submitted by Knowitall on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 5:16pm.

What comes around goes around former Chief Murry. Have you never heard what assuming really does?? All I can say for you now is you reap what you sow, not when you sow, but more than you sow. It appears you sowed a lot! Beach Bum, it is certain you were not aware former Chief Murry was chatting/surfing on line while on duty at sites the city deems inappropriate in the work place, but he also threw stones at glass houses as he called the kettle black. Guess who now has mud on their face……. Former Peachtree City Police Chief Murry! I hope your pockets are deep!!!!!
Just for the record, I support all of the men and women of our police force and am closer to them than you think.

Knowledge is the key to success

Submitted by PCPDNolonger on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 8:07am.

"This does not sound like a bunch of adults, it sounds like a bunch of children tattleing just to get there way. Didn’t your parents teach you to find the good in people and not bully your way thru life?"

- this is what they did to the people that worked for the department. They bullied their workers everyday.

Also the "pay cut talks" started before Bernie's arrest. They started a good year or more before that arrest.

Submitted by PCPDNolonger on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 12:55am.

First off I worked for Chief Murray for more than my share of time. Which means to say that I think that he is getting what was coming to him. Officers in that department are treated like second class at best. The highly paid Major and Cpts are taking all of the off-duty jobs and not allowing those that may not make as much as them to work for the extra money. Chief Murray didn't like for officers to leave his department. He would stab them in the back repeatedly when they tried and I am standing here as proof of the matter. He would always offer "quit or be fired" option to officers that were trying to leave. I think that it is justice that this happened to him. It is a taste of his own meds. He is a jerk and a crappy police officer and chief.

Officers at PCPD are well trained and smart men and women. At one point over 90% had 4 year college degrees or higher. These men and women deserved to be treated better than this and deserved to work for a department that gave them a choice of what to do. The former Chief and current higher staff tell them that they have to write certain tickets and they have to explain themselves when they don't issue enough citations. Their evaluations are partly based off of their productivity which again means how many tickets you write and how many people you take to jail. That puts an officer in a place where they feel that they have to make an arrest to get their "full" pay raise every year.

The write-up that are given to officers at this department are usually not coming from the Sgts. of Lts. They are mainly passed down from higher-ups. The Cpt. and the Major have final say on the evaluations even when they themselves have never worked with or around the officer in question. When a supervisor attempts to given that officer a good evaluation, he or she is threatened to change it so that they don't get their full pay increase. If the supervisor doesn't change the evaluation then they are chewed up and down and maybe even given a different shift or different off-days.

Murray, have fun and I am glad that now Peachtree City might not have just a great city but a much better run Police Department. And also Murray, President Jimmy Carter is a great person that has done great things for this world!!!!

In closing I would like to say that Peachtree City is a beautiful place to live and work and I loved the men and women that I worked with and some of them that I worked for. I am greatful for all men and women that dawn the uniform and protect and serve our public. This above was all opinon and not to reflect anyone else reality. For those that think that Chief Murray was a good chief, try workin' for him. That would change your mind. Karma does come around though Jamie Murray and I hope that you enjoy your retirment.

Submitted by lowrider on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:18am.

Thank you for serving our community when you did, but it was probably right for you to move on. When I returned home this morning, I wanted to respond to you before I became too tired to write. First and foremost, when you want to leave a job it is reasonable that one of your options is to quit. Second, you were very vague when defining the meaning of "stabs you in the back". Does that include illegal drug use, failing to satisfy your probation, sleeping on duty, illegally searching vehicles, spousal abuse, infidelity on the job, lying, cheating, rudeness, stealing or any other serious or repeated infraction? Not always mind you, but if an employer offers you the "quit or be fired option", generally you've done something counterproductive. Did it ever cross your mind that you were given the "easy way out"? If you were wanting to leave anyway, that might have helped more than hurt you.

About your comments having to be made to write tickets and arrest people. Your kidding us right? I've had several jobs in my life. If I work for the food industry, I may have to cook food or wait tables. If I work for a truck line, I may have to load a trailer or drive a truck. If I am a flight attendant, I may have to fly once in a while. If I'm a jailer, I may have to guard a prisoner. My point is, when you took the job as a police officer, did it cross your mind that your are expected to write tickets and arrest bad guys. Its called serving and protecting. Last I heard ensuring the safety of highway travelers and taking down criminals was two of the many job responsibilities of a modern day police officer. If you do not do your work, it generally weighs heavy on your performance reviews and often results in write-ups. I do agree with you on one thing. I am grateful for all the men and women that dawn the uniform and protect and serve our public. But I also believe there are some who have worn that uniform and wear the badge today who care nothing about what it truly represents.

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 2:50pm.

I was really reading your post seriously until you made the statement "And also Murray, President Jimmy Carter is a great person that has done great things for this world!!!!" After that, nothing you say bears close examination. For starters, what does that have to do with this thread? I have always tried to keep an open mind and see the other person's point of view but occasionally someone, such as yourself, demonstrates that the courtesy is not warranted in what should be serious discussion.

Just for the record, Jimmy Carter should have never run for a second term as President, he should have been arrested and tried for treason after the first! The damage, on oh so many levels, he did to our country and indeed the world is with us today. Also, just for the record and reference, I think very little of G.W. Bush as President. BUT, at least he has some leadership skills.

Now you come off as someone who couldn’t cut it in a normal business environment. As I stated in this thread "PTCPD is an extremely aggressive police department". One would naturally assume that that same aggressive atmosphere is/was internal as well as external. Your off the wall statement about Carter pretty much brands you as yet another whining liberal who just couldn't hack it.

Submitted by Howard Beale on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 1:31am.

I encourage all to read the AJC’s Friday account of this story. If ‘The Citizen’ was a marginally respectable news source, their article would look much like the Atlanta paper’s account.
The AJC version is by no means perfect, but I am willing to give their reporter the benefit of the doubt by suspecting that the Chief’s long and storied history with the City Manager was edited for space.
Notice the difference between the two stories in both the headlines and the overall tone. “The Citizen” is a tabloid, sensationalist internet blog that masquerades as a newspaper and we are all being duped.
Cal Beverly should be ashamed of himself.

Submitted by Highway on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 4:15pm.

I have never seen so much false drama and Juvenile conduct within a police department. The majority of the officers employed by PTCPD wouldn't last a minute in a crime ridden area like SW Atlanta or Clayton County. They are suited for one thing only, policing a "Golf Cart" community!

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 10:03am.

How about a dose of reality on this one folks? I've lived in Peachtree City 22 years and nothing (and I mean nothing) is ever as it first appears! As a disclaimer I have had no tickets or other altercations with the PTCPD (or any other PD).

To start with, Murray was a pretty fair police chief, he had his good points and he had his bad points. During, and even before, his tenure the PTCPD has been known as the PTC “Gestapo” all over the northern part of Georgia. Other department's officers would not even drive through PTC if they had a choice. To say that it was and is an extremely aggressive police department is a bit of an understatement. That can be both good and bad!

Having been involved in a national youth organization for the most part of two decades, I personally objected to PTCPD targeting/profiling teenagers & minorities. While this department was pretty much out of control during the Lenox administration, the following mayor (Steve Brown) did a lot to stop the targeting/profiling and return the department to some degree of normalcy. The targeting/profiling of teenagers continued mostly unabated. The officers of the department unionized - never a good sign.

On the flip side, Murray accomplished a lot of really positive things too. The very successful program to remove child predators from our society is my favorite. National accreditation of the department is praised my many. Hiring standards with the PTCPD are high. It is one of the few departments that actively pursues burglaries.

All of that being said lets look at some other factors. The town manager got himself busted for DUI in a golf cart last year at a public venue. He survived the scandal. The current mayor ("no new taxes" Logsdon) is embattled to say the least. The "sex chat" was Asian female oriented during a period where PTCPD had reportedly busted an Asian oriented prostitution ring. The mayor and city council are taking a lot of flak for gutting the police salary/benefits package.

The bottom line is that Murray made too many enemies over the years and when trouble came no one was willing to go to bat for him. The "I think that I’ll retire" response may well have been like the classic line from the old song "Take this job and shove it". The chief had been in the process of retiring for sixteen months.

You folks decide but take what you read in the news media with a grain of salt, and take what the Logsdon administration puts out with a whole shaker full of salt. All in all, I’m sorry to see him go.

Submitted by Spyglass on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 10:58am.

Then I'm all for it. We have WAY too many people on carts/walking/jogging etc. on and around our city streets etc to have folks speeding all over town. I tell my friends when they come to visit, if they don't speed, they won't get a ticket. So far, in 4 years, none of them have.

I agree, all in all, I think that Murray did a good job and I wish he was still the Chief.

Submitted by rhsuttles on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 5:10pm.

Barry, If our Commissioners could see the forest through the trees, we would have more agents like Mike Pruitt when he was running the drug task force. Last time I spoke with him, Fayette only had 5 agents now look at the Pavilion and the crime moving into Fayette County from we know where.

Once Home Depot in the Pavilion refused to prosecute the shoplifter several years back, look at the conditions now. Car jacking's, purse snatching and the attempted Armed Robbery of Tinsel town not to mention the Armed robbery of the Waffle House on Hwy 85 and others. Sure I can add to the list.

Instead the commissioners wanted to fight Randall Johnson, our sheriff, over how seized drug money could be spent costing the tax payers over $200,000 in attorney fees. Maybe if we had more agents, like the surrounding counties, how many agents could $200,000.00 have employed and make our county more safer? At least we have a sheriff that tries to protect its citizens. He used his time for the citizens and has more character than Chief Murray. Never have to worry about Randall wasting time on chat lines.

As to Chief Murray resigning, he had way too much time on his hands to get on the sex chat lines. I tried to subpoena him for a trial once and always told he was not available to call and make an appointment. When that failed after over a dozen attempts, I showed back up to have him served only to the threatened to be arrested for Criminal Trespass if I did not leave and showed back up again.

At least we have the best and longest serving sheriff, Randall Johnson, in Fayette County. What will happen when he decides to retire? At least he tried to get the county more agents, but when Commissioner Linda Wells and another back then tried to control the spending of seized drug money as the statute allowed, look at the crime rate in the Pavilion area.

Peachtree City may have had less crime but at least we have an outstanding sheriff that tries to protect us until politics tried to tie his hands at our expense of $200,000.00 just in attorney fees.

It is not like when we were in high school today where cops we knew back then helped to keep us out of trouble and make us pour out the open beer cans and say get gone. You can get shot these days just for looking at someone the wrong way.

Hopefully when February 16th rolls around there will be many supporters for Captain Mike Pruitt, due to his illness, to show up and thank him for over thirty (30) years of trying to make this county drug free and safer. At least up our way here in Fayette County, we have people of character in law enforcement. They utilized their time trying to protect us and not staying on no stinking sex chat line!!! We know Fayette County is run different than Peachtree City.

Submitted by Spyglass on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 8:42pm.

wtf is Barry?

The Crime Dog's picture
Submitted by The Crime Dog on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 7:09pm.

Hey I'm a Pruitt fan as much as anybody else and I'm hoping for a miracle for him.

BUT to say Fayette is drug free is pretty darn ignorant.

DTF does a fantastic job, but if you gave them 20 or 30 agents there's more than enough work to go around.

If you could start steroid testing at our schools, you'd be surprised! Not to mention all the penny-ante dime bag dealers laying 'round.

It's due to the fault of parents, not our DTF, that drugs are still a significant problem in Fayette. Get well soon Mike and get back out there.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 5:39pm.

I know it's fashionable for folks here to complain about the legendary amounts of crime at the Pavillion, but it's simply not true any more.

Fayetteville crime: reality vs perception

According to Police Chief Heaton, crime is down almost 50-60% at the Pavillion, and just about the only types of crime occuring there nowadays are shoplifting and larceny. Not unexpected in a major retail area.

Looks like there hasn't been a significant amount of crime there since 2003, five years ago. Time to update your rants!! Smiling

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 10:12am.

Was there one single incident that led the rank-and-file of the police department to organize a union?

I didn't think unionized police departments were all that common, especially in Georgia.

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 11:58am.

I believe, as Skyspy pointed out, that the pay/benefits package was the main issue but I also believe that there was a basic feeling of distrust that the rank & file officer felt when viewing our city government. A Police Department is a business too, when employees feel that they can not talk to management (the city in this case), they find someone like a union to do the talking for them.

Hopefully the two new council members can improve the somewhat less than desirable image our Council & Mayor currently "enjoy".

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 10:15am.

Yes, they formed a union after the councilFOOLS lowered their pay and benefits.

Submitted by do what you can on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 7:15am.

My question is in reference to the pure romance party. Was it appropriate and ethical for Major Dupree to give his personal feelings about the party and whether it was offensive? Why was there no mention of the fact that no one knew what kind of party it was until some of the staff at the police department spoke of the party AFTER going to it. And by staff I mean secretaries, Captain, and Sergeant. Was the email sent to city emails a bad decision? Yes. Was it anyone's business what Sgt. Bergh does in her personal life outside of the PD, as long as it is within the confines of the law? NO. Why not print the names of the people present from the PD and then make the statement again about an offensive party. You can't pick and choose who you're going to call perverted without including the rest of the women at the party. Why was this not questioned by anyone? And if it was such a big deal why was there some "rank" at the party?

Submitted by Justice4us on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 9:24pm.

In 2004, I brought to the attention of the Peachtree City Police, evidence of one of our citizen's addiction to porn which lead him to walk our golf cart paths between the hours of 10 -12 pm in hopes of viewing someone enabling him to sexually satisfy himself!

They Did Nothing!

I showed them the websites I had acquired by tracking his debit card which included "", amongst others, which displayed a white boy and a black boy with the cheeks spread!

They Did Nothing!

This man is a threat! His addiction will only escalate further than it already has!

I attempted to expose him, but with the help (or lack of) from people in authority, he never was brought to trial! By the way, he also works for the government and was questioned about pornography found on his computer!

Do you think Chief Murray and himself might have crossed paths in some of those "Chat Rooms"???

It's Not Over Till The Fat Lady Sings......

Submitted by jackyldo on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 7:28am.

We attended High School together back in the wild 1960's. None of us were perfect then and neither of us are perfect now. In private, these actions are protected by free speech and are neither immoral nor should they be offensive.

Despite conclusions that can be drawn about the Chief's behavior from the article, this is a case of an adult doing things in the work place that are deemed inappropriate in all workplaces. Throughout America every day bosses have to talk with employees about incidents at the work place.

Don't hijack the thread to be a testament to your own goodness and piety or your worry that we are all going to be inundated in internet porn. The world wide web was built without censorship and should remain that way. We as individuals are responsible for our own actions, and I don't need anyone's direction or control on how to live my private life.

I know Cal, Ben, John and John and the staff worked hard to see this information put together. It is a lay out of facts and does not lend it's own opinion.

It's sad a guy put a lot of years into his job and for the most part did a pretty fair job. It ends badly for him here and you can make of that what you want based on your own slant.

Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 7:50am.

A question!

If a rookie had been caught doing that, what then?

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 7:46am.

In private, these actions are protected by free speech and are neither immoral nor should they be offensive.

This is certainly debatable. To say that such activities "are not immoral" is to offer a moral judgment, as is the suggestion that they "should not be offensive." As such, the statement presupposes some moral principle in light of which viewing pornography (in private, as you say) is morally permissible. Which principle did you have in mind? What does the principle say about the cultivation of one's own moral character?

Don't hijack the thread to be a testament to your own goodness and piety or your worry that we are all going to be inundated in internet porn.

We are "inundated by internet porn." The only lingering question is how this will affect us as a society in the long run.

The world wide web was built without censorship and should remain that way. We as individuals are responsible for our own actions, and I don't need anyone's direction or control on how to live my private life.

Who was talking censorship of the internet? And who said anything about controlling what you do in your private life? What you do in the privacy of your home may very well be such that it should remain legal, but it does not follow from this that it is moral. Some activities invite censure even where censorship is not called for.


"The Muddles"

Submitted by jackyldo on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 3:39pm.

I offer an opinion, it's my opinion and that's all it is.
I steer my ship by my compass and expect others to do the same.
I'll worry about my character and you yours.

Viewing pornography in your private time and in a private place is permissible and I find nothing wrong with it, as long as it does not involve minors or the exploitation of human beings against their will.

If it offends you what I or anyone else does in the privacy of our own homes, then I wonder exactly what your goal is?
Should we ban adult videos? toys? How far would you like to go? Sounds like ypur the Taleban to me.

You say, we ARE inundated by internet porn?
I find the internet like television, many areas of information that can be sourced when and where I choose. If I don't like particular program, I exercise my right to change the channel. If I am steered toward an area I find distasteful, I steer away.

You CAN'T be inundated if you AVOID the subject matter.
Are you making a judgment based on hearsay? or on some facts.

What activities invite censure?
Do you mean a man using his god given free will to avoid activities?
Or do you mean censure by a "moral authority" akin to big brother.

It's those thoughts and behaviors that lead to a passive population, allowing a Government to erode their civil liberties, to declare war and commit genocide in their name.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 4:19pm.

If it offends you what I or anyone else does in the privacy of our own homes, then I wonder exactly what your goal is?
Should we ban adult videos? toys? How far would you like to go? Sounds like ypur the Taleban to me.

What a goofy thing to say.

My original post, which you seem to have had "at your elbow" so to speak, when you wrote yours, expressed a concern about the systemic societal effects of having pornography--including hard core pornography--readily available as it is on the internet. I never ventured the suggestion that some sort of censorship is the correct solution to the problem.

My straightforward concern is that people who otherwise would not view, and be affected by, it now have opportunities that were not available before.

We say of light duty locks that we place on valuables that they are there to "keep honest people honest." The assumption is that some otherwise decent people might be tempted if we make it too easy, whereas the hard core criminal is likely to break the lock and make off with the item anyway.

I am making a similar point. There was a time when it took a kind of effort to get at porn that a lot of otherwise decent guys--perhaps such as your friend in the news--were not willing to make. There was a sort of threshhold that had to be crossed, and your average, churchgoing family man rarely crossed it. But now the locks are off, the threshhold is removed, and porn addiction is reaching epidemic proportions. This is the "inundation" of which I speak. Even if I avoid it, now I may have a pervert for a next door neighbor, and the pool of potential dates for my daughter is filled with boys who now think about sex in terms of what they have taken in on the internet.

I wonder what effect it will have upon our society in general.

Yes, you are perfectly free to worry about your own character. But you assume without argument a saccharin moral principle to justify pornography. Anything goes so long as it neither involves minors or exploits anyone? Is bestiality permissible? How about the pedophile who fantasizes over sex with young children (but never acts upon the fantasies)? Shall we say that these are above board?

Is it just posible that there are such things as virtues, and that some activities are conducive to their cultivation while others have the opposite effect? Perhaps there is more to the picture than the pop-philosophy that you seem unthinkingly to have soaked in from the culture about you.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 5:01pm.

I was following your argument until I got to your phrase "porn epidemic". Mighty overheated rhetoric there, my friend! "epidemic"??

Yes, porn is a vice. Smoking, alcohol and gambling are vices as well. Society as a whole tolerates vice to a certain extent. I'm not sure that there is a "porn epidemic" any more than there is a "smoking epidemic" or a "drinking epidemic". Any vice can become addictive, but should we penalize the masses for the weakness of a few?

I don't believe your argument that availability=addiction. That's similar to the argument proposed by the neo-Prohibitionists a few years back when liquor-by-the-drink for restaurants was on the ballot.

YES, porn is more readily available thanks to the internets than at any time in the past. Yes, people use this medium to download porn....but hey, on a positive note, since I got Internets access I've also bought a heckuva lot more books (via Amazon) then I ever did at a bookstore! Demonizing a delivery channel makes little me anyway.

Finally, I categorically disagree with your conjecture that porn leads to bestiality and pedophilia...that's the same trite nonsense that the right wing uses to demonize homosexuals.

The Question They Will NOT Answer:How Much Jail Time?

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 5:46pm.

First, this as the result of perhaps five seconds of search:

Porn Epidemic. In my post, I was relying on a vague memory of a network news story that I saw months ago.

Second, the argument is not "availability=addiction" whatever in the world that would mean. It is simply the common sense point that when something that has natural attractions for many people is made available in ways that are without direct negative consequence, we can expect it to draw in people that might otherwise have been deterred by such consequences. And, in fact, this is material that is addictive. So we might very well expect the sorts of societal results that are reported in the news story above. Your going on to liken my argument to that of neo-prohibitionists commits the same mistake that was made by the other person: assuming that I have some sort of legislation in mind. I don't.

Finally, your last sentence simply attributes to me something that I neither said nor intended.

The person I was talking to suggested essentially that an act is OK so long as it is non-exploitative. I was asking how bestiality and closet pedophilia would come out on such a principle. I was offering these as potential counterexamples to the principle. I might have added adultery, as it would seem to pass the meager test that this person set up. I was not arguing that viewing porn leads to these perversions. I don't need to try to force such an issue. There are plenty of perversions that are the result of viewing porn.

"Demonize, demonize, demonize." Why is it always assumed that there is some agen da of demonization involved?

Submitted by drgio on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 5:04am.

For all you complainers who are dishing out your opinions about the Peachtree City PD, how many of you lived here prior to Chief Murray? Name a safer town in Georgia with our population. Which great PD in GA should we emulate? It’s funny how the law abiding citizens rarely complain about our PD. In my 20 years here the PTCPD haters have always been people are got caught driving under the influence or had trouble maker kids who always seemed to be “harassed” by the police. The department is full of well educated professionals. Do you complainers prefer redneck yahoos with GEDs manning our streets like our neighboring towns? Chief Murray developed a good department and I have always held him in high regard. If there was any inappropriate behavior I would be very saddened; however, I still believe he gave us all a safer place to live.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 8:18am.

For all of Murray's faults, he hired good people, we just don't have enough of them because of the low pay offered here.

We have less crime than any other city this size that I know of. Let's hope the next chief is tough on criminals.

Submitted by kteacher on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 9:26pm.

After reading this article I realized that it sounded familiar. I teach Kindergarten and all I read throughout this article was a bunch of adults acting like 5 and 6 year olds tattling on each other. I thought 5 and 6 year olds were bad, but after reading this I have discovered that many people never grow up. The article is full of he-said, she-said material. Use the energy you put into this "witch hunt"(which you say it is not) and focus on more important matters that would benefit the citizens of Peachtree City.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 6:59am.

Much ado about nothing. Right you are kteacher - it is just like kindergarten.

The police dept. and chief for having too much time on their hands and not realizing the city owned the computers and were monitoring them.

The city for spending so much time monitoring employees. Just hire people you can trust and get out of their way.

The chief for acting like a kid lusting after his teacher.

And most of all - The Citizen for taking a small offense (not illegal, you know - just against city policy) and turning it into an expose with a timeline. Wars have gotten less coverage - you guys must really have extra time on your hands. And who benefits. Is the public's right to kow somehow served by this over-reporting?

Submitted by bamawebster on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 1:30am.

Having a family member who worked under Chief Murry, all I can say is what you dish out, comes back to bite you in the end. There is sooooo much that went on at the police department that was crooked....I wouldn't know where to start. I will got really bad when all cops were banned from eating at the Chili's due to an personal conflict with the wait staff there. Enjoy your is safe to move back to the city finally!!!!!

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:50pm.

Does anyone see a conspiracy in this case? These files were being compiled for years and no one says anything.

The city manager and the mayor certainly had an ax to grind.

Vote Republican

borntorun's picture
Submitted by borntorun on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:22pm.

Surely you're not serious....let's see now, the mayor and the city manager secretly put together a plot to oust the police chief all the time running the risk of lawsuits, impeachment and public humiliation if they got caught. My word, you really should get on some kind of meds for that paranoia complex!

How about accepting the fact that the man got caught doing something at work he was not supposed to be doing??

Give me a break...

mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 2:51pm.

You must have meant to use the word "led" in your caption.

Cal Beverly's picture
Submitted by Cal Beverly on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 3:47pm.

"Logs" is plural subject, requiring plural form of verb "lead."

Headlines generally are written in the present tense; thus, plural subject (singular subject) leads (singular form) to present tense plural form of verb.

You may infer that I have been "led" to explain this fine point of headline grammar.

"Logs lead to resignation."

And so they did.

Best grammatical wishes,

The Citizen
Fayetteville, Ga. 30214

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:44pm.

you here, Cal. Glad to have you keeping an eye on things here in BlogWorld. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 5:14pm.

but you can't make him drink.

The resignation was tendered quite a few months ago. It is a past event. Headlines generally are written in the present tense because they generally refer to current events. But this is not a current event. Thus it is proper to question the use of the present tense, although I'll gladly accept the explanation. It's good to know that The Citizen's editor cares. Not every editor does around here.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 12:19pm.

The use of "keyboard loggers" to track employee internet usage is a huge red flag.

The fact that "keyboard loggers" are being used full-time on all police department computers indicates that management has severe doubts about the professionalism of its employees.

Tell me then, if the upper eschelons of both the Peachtree City government AND the Peachtree City police department feel that their own officers are acting unprofessionally and are not to be trusted to obey department policies, why should we citizens feel any differently?

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:00pm.

It's all on the computers, not just the PD and has been dating back to around the year 2001 or 2002. The main reason is that every City computer is technically owned by the taxpayer residents of the City, and with a few exclusions, so is all the information stored on those computers. They are subject to open records requests and you don't want anyone destroying public information.

It's pretty common in private companies also, though not all are as upfront about it as some governments that use it.

borntorun's picture
Submitted by borntorun on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 1:38pm.

The use of keyboard loggers is actually very common in most government IT departments ss a management tool. And as a taxpayer, I say great. These folks work for us (taxpayers) and if they are using our (taxpayer's) equipment for activities other than what they are hired for, then they should be held accountable. Yes, even the Chief of Police.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 1:10pm.

It isn't the average cop we have to worry about. We have to worry about the so called "upper" management at the PD.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 12:44pm.

or you shall be fired.

After I read the synopsis of the Murray scandal, it seemed to me that he may have had way too much time on his hands. Granted, there may not be as much crime down here in Fayette County, compared to Fulton or Dekalb, however, if all of this is true, he should have used his spare time at work more productively.

It's a shame that his career was destroyed over surfing the internet for Asian babes and breast shots. Truly sad for everyone, including our community.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 6:21pm.

"It's a shame that his career was destroyed over surfing the internet for Asian babes and breast shots."

Information from Murray’s computer revealed

- 16 entries listing “Adult Friend Finder,” [16/197 = 8%]

- 56 entries listing “Asian Euro,” [56/197 = 28%]

- 65 entries for “web-cam,” [65/197 = 33%]

- 32 entries for “panties,” [32/197 = 16%]

- [6] six entries for “breast,” and [6/197 = 3%]

- 22 entries for slang terms describing both male and female genitalia. [22/197 = 11%]

The city data collection system does not provide for web-cam photos ["nature" shots, I'm sure], Robinson said.Chat information retrieved from entries on Murray’s computer included numerous sexually explicit references and, occasionally, to forming a long-term relationship."

_____________________________ -- "The World's Largest Sex & Swinger Personals Community"

I wonder how much time his porn surfing cost taxpayers. Puzzled Totally unprofessional.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 6:37pm.

your point??

Do you really have that much time on your hands to be able to calculate all those nifty percentages for us? Gosh, thanks!

Idle minds, idle hands....

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:59pm.

Laughing out loud

There's plenty of online help with basic percentages. You might give it a try -- practice makes perfect! Laughing out loud

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:09pm.

Your comment to MS.Laughing out loud You might have to help her with it.Laughing out loud She is one of those unhappy people.Sad

Always saying unkind things about others to make herself feel better.Laughing out loud

"Hope Changes Everything"

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:11pm.

I just had to say it twice- think she will get it?Puzzled
"Hope Changes Everything"

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:08pm.

Your comment to MS.Laughing out loud You might have to help her with it.Laughing out loud She is one of those unhappy people.Sad

Always saying unkind things about others to make herself feel better.Laughing out loud

"Hope Changes Everything"

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 6:49pm.


Ms love you and me, always pays us compliments- I think she is very unhappy and sees we are happy and can't stand it.

Oh, and the Our Faith, Right to Life and you know the others.

You go girl, you got what it takes Denise.

"Hope Changes Everything"

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 6:35pm.

The ready access to porn--from soft to unthinkable--through the internet cannot help but affect the very fabric of our culture.

There was a time when the mere momentary embarrassment of having to look some clerk in the eye and say, "I would like to buy a copy of the March issue of Rat Filth" was enough to keep it out of the hands of the otherwise ordinary and decent guy who might otherwise be tempted.

Of course, there have always been the hard core types whose gait was not checked in the least by such scenes. I'm not talking about them. They will always be with us.

But now, with the internet it is all there with just a few keystrokes, and, to those who use more discretion than the police chief, it is without consequence.

I believe that porn can become an addiction with all of the characteristic features of addiction, including a tolerance effect and the ratcheting up of intensity in order to create the desired thrill.

As a husband, father of two daughters and grandfather of two granddaughters, I shudder to think about the subtle changes that are taking place in the minds of the increasing numbers of men who find thatg they cannot leave it alone. Is it even possible to imbibe the kind of material that treats a woman as though she is little more than a sex toy and then maintain a healthy and romantic and respectful relationship with a woman?

I am terrified of what effect all of this will have on younger generations of males who are introduced to God knows what at younger and younger ages. How in the world will my granddaughters be able to find good men who still believe that sexual intimacy is chiefly an expression of a more transcendent union?


"The Muddles"

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:42pm.

What's left of our 'moral culture that free wheeling abortion hasn't destroyed, will be finished off by the warping of our minds due to pornography. I agree Muddle. I fear the destructive influences of pornography in the minds of men in our society. Especially our young people who already display little if no respect for women.

I too deeply fear for the future husbands of my daughters and the damaging consequences porn may bring into to their families. What good could possibly come out of that crap? Puzzled

At least no one can accuse me of viewing porn. Who has time for it? Mrs. Git only has to worry about my blogging addiction. Shocked

Oh.... and that addiction I have to red meat and ice cream.

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:49pm.

I think it depends alot on parenting, as you see on here some talk the gross talk- that's the kids that you should be worried about.

I talk to my son about treating a girl like a lady, but with some unlady like women what good will that do- you do know what I am saying.

It goes both ways, boys and girls can be perverts.

Train up a child - you know the rest. And of course Prayer.

Get to know the parents, that has alot to do with it.

"Hope Changes Everything"

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:05pm.


I do understand what you are saying- but what about the temptations of girls - believe me they have them. Go to my son's school and you will hear talk that my parents would have (let's say I would never say or do it again) their vulgar talk, suggestive talk, and fantasies also concern me how will my son find a decent girl.

Our Internet has a high filter, I am surprised at some sensitive words that won't go through, thank God- but hey it's on t.v., movies, everywhere for both guys and gals.

My answer I pray daily- I really do- I pray- what else can I do? I am taking measures while my child is in my house to not let it happen. Even when he goes to college- my answer Pray! God is all we have to help us with this.

"Hope Changes Everything"

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 5:18pm.

"It's a shame that his career was destroyed over surfing the internet for Asian babes and breast shots. Truly sad for everyone, including our community."

Why would anyone google breast at work?

How did you find out what he was surfing for?

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 5:42pm.

"Information from Murray’s computer revealed 16 entries listing “Adult Friend Finder,” 56 entries listing “Asian Euro,” 65 entries for “web-cam,” 32 entries for “panties,” six entries for “breast,” and 22 entries for slang terms describing both male and female genitalia. The city data collection system does not provide for web-cam photos, Robinson said.Chat information retrieved from entries on Murray’s computer included numerous sexually explicit references and, occasionally, to forming a long-term relationship."

Submitted by sageadvice on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:50pm.

If you will recall, in the Senate Hearings on Clarence Thomas, they had a few of these slang things going that Mr. Thomas was supposed to have said about his help?
"long Dong Silver," being the most famous, I think.
I guess some are just living a protected life, like bpr! They cover their ears and those of their children. I don't know how at school, though!
Don't get me wrong, I can do without the current language of the schools, movies, TV, etc. I saw "Monster's Ball" the Slingblade and Halle Berry movie today. Wow, that was a good education even for me!
Want to bet many teenagers have sen that one? No wonder David Justice left her!

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 7:32pm.

You're right. It is indeed in there. Gross. I read it yesterday and did not recall seeing it - perhaps my mind was wondering Eye-wink Actually, that is not the first time I have re-read an article only to discover something new in the article. Hummmmm, I wonder if they edit the articles on here as more info comes out?

Anyway, I didn't even know there was "22 slang references for the male and female genitalia".

Jim was a very bad boy .... "he pray onrine rong time!

Couldn't he just do this at home?

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:31pm.

I know. Why do this at work instead of in the privacy of his home (another icky-visual). Could it be that he was really doing research? I would like to hope so, but it's doubtful...

I believe that in China (Asian hotties), it is the year of the Rat. Seems appropriate, wouldn't you say.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:38pm.

what is the current count of sexual predators snared by our ever-vigilant police department? And you think these guys are nabbed in the "Romney blogs"? Somehow they just materialize out of whole cloth? Our police department has to wallow down in the gutter with them to catch them. Oh, but that is different...that is for a good cause! Keep the faith

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Submitted by PTCDAWG20 on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 9:37am.

Most PDs, and I'm quite certain that PTCPD is the same, have dedicated computers that are used for the purpose of "wallowing down in the gutter". There would be NO reason for Chief to use one not dedicated to that purpose.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:53pm.

"And you think these guys are nabbed in the Romney blogs'?" -- Is that comment really necessary? Clinton (Bill, of course), Gingrich, etc., but why did you use Romney?

Would you rather the PD ignore predator crime?

Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 6:33am.

I'm afraid our police were mesmerized by all the sex stuff at the expense of common sense. It always happens when you delve into their world! Especially when men and women on the force are involved.
No professionalism there!
Just get the local lawbreakers before they commit!

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 7:42am.

Do you think this person could possibly comprehend how to spell your name. He and his good friend, are always knocking us for spelling-but you carefully spell it out and he can't get it.

Lack of respect of his part. We all know that except for his friends and friend.

"Hope Changes Everything"

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 8:56pm.

and how many of those predators were from PTC or even Fayette County? Are you saying that the ends justify the means? Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 12:31am.

I believe one or two of the predators were homegrown. If I recall correctly, one of them, Billy Somebody-or-other, used to write a humor column for The Citizen. Shocked

The bigger question is why does the PTC police feel compelled to expand it's jurisdiction and use our tax dollars to be some sort of regional super-cop, going after pervs.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for some statewide or Federal agency, perhaps the GBI, to be doing these sorts of investigations?
The Question They Will NOT Answer:How Much Jail Time?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 9:09pm.

Do you have their locations?

I recall one was at Ga. Tech. Puzzled They've been known to drive hundreds of miles to "hook up." Sad.

"the ends justify the means" -- You know the answer to that. Also, there are (usually) strict guidelines and accountability standards governing catching online predators. Comment if you know otherwise.

Would you not want the pervert caught who sent graphic pics (and asked for some in return) to your daughter or son? Would you want a face-to-face meeting with such a pervert to be the undercover policewoman or your daughter or son?

Catching one more pervert here or elsewhere will likely save parents and children a lot of heartache, no matter where they reside.

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 10:33pm.

On one hand, I agree with you. Get the sob's off the street.

On the other hand, I don't like the idea of perverts being lured to our City and discovering what we have here.

Submitted by therev on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 10:03pm.

I guess I will be the only person to see this article as a damn good job. It was in depth and very informative. I am happy to see that the newspaper did not let this investigation slip under the door after Murray. Based on the posts, apparently Jimmy's friends are the only ones that have read this so far. Certainly there is more in this story, but it appears to me that Jimmy fled like a cornered rat when confronted with his indiscretions. Not illegal actions, but certainly actions he will be explaining to Mrs. Jimmy. You need to read between the lines of what was in the Open Records, especially pertaining to the HR invest. 1st Lackey said "Oh that, I don't listen to him", then weeks later denied he made the disgusting comment. Well which is it? I feel for the Officers that are mentioned in here as targets of the IA. Leave it to the blind clowns running the PD now and then to conduct an Investigation based on their own feelings of how "disgruntled" an officer is. Trust me, the IA at Peachtree City consists of 4 people who could not investigate anything while they were actual cops. Don't believe that crap Lindsey, the former attorney turned Publicist, wrote either. What Asian prostitute investigation did the Department perform for 3 years? Where were those arrests? This is a disgusting, yet not unexpected, finding in Jimmy's 19 year tour. The proof is in the pudding folks, instead of arguing or suing like usual, Jimmy Andruw Cross, or whatever his name is, tucked the tail in and "retired". We can all be thankful for that.

Submitted by localyocal on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 9:02am.

1st Lackey said "Oh that, I don't listen to him", then weeks later denied he made the disgusting comment. This was not a statement from Lackey this was disclosed by Bergh who was offended by the alleged conduct of Murray.

Did Lackey ever file a sexual harassment action?

In his 19 year tour all they can come up with is adult chat, this is a witch hunt and he got tired of it.

You sound a bit to pleased to have Chief Murray gone.

Submitted by Lawdawg on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 11:59am.

Clean house at the PTCPD. Most folks I talk to consider them more worried about golf cart DUIs than real police work. The leadership obvioulsy held the community in contempt and thought he/they were above the law. Good riddance to this creep and his buddies need to follow him out the door.

Submitted by timwill01 on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 4:17pm.

You are absolutely right. I am glad to hear somebody else has the same feelings I do. Let us not forget that "unfortunate" Savannah incident I wrote about on here about 2 months ago. He IS a creep. So all the other weirdos get to stepping out the door. Good riddance.

Submitted by out of PTC on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 11:57am.

More kudos to The Citizen and to City Manager McMullen and staff, as well. PCPD is finally rid of the "poison" that has been infecting it for a very long time . . . and he should be able to see now that karma will come back to bite you. Murray is getting a taste of the very medicine he has fed to many good officers over the years and it is long overdue. The criticism of this department should not be directed at those officers working the road and responding to your calls for service every day. They are, for the most part, good hardworking men and women who are deserving of your respect and admiration for what they do every day. The problems lie with the administration and the way these good officers have been treated by the superiors they should have been able to look to for guidance. Best of luck to the entire department with this new beginning!

Submitted by wheeljc on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 11:21am.

The longer we live in this community, the more my family appreciates the dynamite work accomplished consistently by the Citizen! While this is a sad commentary, citizens deserve the truth. The Citizen -- no doubt -- worked long and diligently to obtain the specifics. Hope that our elected officials will learn from this experience, and hope that we will not paint all of the PTC PD with the same brush..

Thank you CITIZEN!!

Submitted by lowrider on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 11:39pm.

I honestly hope that you are not currently employed by the police department. You are obviously a very bitter person who will do nothing more than spread your poison and breed discontent. Your feelings are unhealthy and I'm not sure that I would want you to work in my organization. I certainly would not want you to stop one of my family members in your current state of mind. Most citizens view PTC police as a professional and very sucessful organization. This can be attributed to Chief Murray (Retired) and the hard work of many of the other officers (including those you choose to hatefully criticize). If you were fired from their service, I believe this was probably a good thing. If you are still connected to the PD, try supporting others and working hard as a team member. Have you ever thought that you may be contributing to the problem? Your poison pen will do nothing to help this situation or as a matter of fact any other problem that you face in life. Peace!

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 9:06pm.

"These types of sites or information include, but are not limited to, those containing derogatory racial content, sexual content, derogatory religious content, offensive language, improper humor, material that could negatively reflect upon the city of Peachtree City, or material prohibited by law.”

Current articles in the Citizen:
Fearlessness in a man is sexiness

Sex chat logs lead to chief’s resignation

Technically both of these articles would violate city policy if they were read/accessed via a city owned computer.

I guess the Mayor and City Manager should investigate themselves now.

Go figure.

Submitted by lowrider on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 8:27pm.

I to support Chief Murray. This is a long article that is full of speculation and inconsistencies. Jim, we still appreciate 19 years of quality service and keeping our city safe. As for the fine men and women of PTC Police, the best of luck to you under a your new leadership.

Stop taking things for granted, your benefits are better than most law enforcement agencies just look at your own pay and benefits study. You can thank Chief Murray's hard work and your City Administration for that.

ilockemup's picture
Submitted by ilockemup on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 10:39pm.

Chief Murray served PTC well, and better than anyone else they have ever had.

You people down in PTC will soon bemoan the fact that you will have a PD controlled by City Hall.

Murray did a great job. This online nonsense? Far less than 90% of all politicians including many of your current and past elected officials fool around with. The only difference is that they "play ball"; Murray didn't.

You will be sorry when Murray is gone.

MainframeComputerGuy's picture
Submitted by MainframeComputerGuy on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 11:49pm.

Let's see. The City Manager attends a show at the amphitheater, where liquor is sold and patrons are allowed to bring their own. After the show, who just happens to be doing parking lot duty as people are leaving? Why, the #2 & #3 officers on the force, who decide that said patron may be under the influence and shouldn't be piloting his jet propelled golf cart. They delay him while they wait for a patrol officer to come do the deed and, oh gee, it just so happens he's got one of those unfortunately "malfunctioning" dash cams. According to The Citizen, our CM pours out the remains of his glass of wine, attempts to leave and is arrested for DUI. Immediately, the Holier Than Thous come scurrying out with their torches and pitchforks demanding the resignation of this renegade, immoral city employee for imbibing eevvvilll alcohol and endangering the lives of all the citizens of our fair city.

Getting back to the incident, didn't that whole thing smell of a setup to you? And setting aside the attitudes of the local HTTs (we all know some of them -- they're the ones who won't return your greeting when you run into them at the liquor store) who would have been behind it? If #2 & #3 were actually doing parking lot duty, where was #1?

Personally, I think the low crime rate here is more due to the fact that our Judges tend to actually mete out punishment -- B & E gets you jail time here, not just a stern warning -- than the fact that our Police force constantly double and triple teams every traffic stop but can't find the personnel to keep Harmony Villagers on the cart paths under control.

Murray for Mayor? What a joke! And I've heard tale that something (should have) followed him from Savannah, but never heard any details. What was that?

rzz's picture
Submitted by rzz on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 7:24pm.

...I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you take a seat?...."

Submitted by Spyglass on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 6:38pm.

Assuming he was on duty, the time wasting is more of a concern to me.

Submitted by CuriousBob on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 7:46pm.

I suppose that most folks are looking at this as a misuse of city resources or some other trumped-up charge. However, politics is a dirty doesn't have to be one candidate opposing another. Office politics is just as dirty and can bring good people down simply because someone has an ax to grind. I think Murray knew they were gunning for him. It was simply a matter of time. As for an explanation of the chat logs--if I had been in his position of trust and authority and to have my bosses challenge me--I darn well would have told them to shove it, too. I commend Chief Murray for not cowering to those 2 self-centered politicos. Dirty tricks are only a small part of that duo!

borntorun's picture
Submitted by borntorun on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 1:47pm.

You've got to be kidding really think the folks at City Hall had so much time on their hands, they sat around "gunning for him and it was simply a matter of time". Do you mean a matter of time before he got caught doing something he should not have been doing in the first place while on work time and on city property?

I guess the next conspiracy theory you'll float will be Murray didn't really do any of this, the computers were tampered with to make it look lite he did.

Give me a break.

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