Water Crisis, or not?
Most of the republicans (Sonny, Shipp, party members, etc., say no--there isn't one.
I assume that is what they mean when they say to let the people water their lawns and shrubbery and fill their home pools.
Now I know a lot of those shrubbery sellers and pool makers want water to be available, and I'm sure those "donators" have made it known in Atlanta, but the question is should the republicans take the heat now and next spring for rationing, or should we simply use it up---cut everybody off and blame a lack of prayer.
Nobody of knowledge thinks those lakes will be full this spring--nobody. Soon, those folks down south are going to say to Washington, "what is going on where is our free flowing rivers?"
Also, if some are allowed to water, etc., everyone is going to say to heck with suffering, I'm going to shower and water all I want. Bring on the pool parties.
My, my, what great leadership!
I even heard the argument that anything that went through the treatment plants "wasn't used" it went downstream! How does that help us.
Also, the worst thing is to soak water into the ground for grass and shrubbery, the plants simply eat it up and evaporate it---it is gone!
Dummies, or think we all are!
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