Main Stream - About Wicca

BPR's picture

Some time back you gave your views on Wicca. I must tell you that you are mistaken. This is what they believe.

*Definition of astrology:
click here

*wicca and astrology: click here

*What the bible says about horoscopes: click here

*Mystical Awareness: click here

*Mystical Awareness what the bible says. click here.

*Practical sorcery:

*What the bible says about sorcery:

I know that you said that you are not into Wicca. The reason I wrote this is to let people know what Wicca believes. If you need more infomation I have it. We live in a coutry where we can worship the way we choose.

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Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 2:07pm.

Thanks for the links. It's promising that you are actually conducting some general research on topics that you aren't familiar with.... there may be hope for you yet.

But I do hope that you're not trying to 'save me' from your perception of the biblical view of hell and damnation. I'm quite happy and content with my inclusive view of the world religions.

However, at this point in my life, if someone were to put a gun to my head and ask me to choose between following Christianity, and all its firmly held tenets, or Wicca, I would choose Wicca.

I appreciate the fact that you have found your religion, so I hope you appreciate the fact that I have found mine.

Thought for the day: "Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open."

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 2:20pm.

I already knew about Wicca- my purpose was to show the people that you were not honest with the evidence of what Wicca stands for.

Like I said it's a free country worship the way you want to.

You sure don't act happy- do you hate Christians? Honest answer- because I try to be nice to you and all you do is act get out of my way. Yeah, that says alot about your religion. You refuse to have coffee with two women, yeah I am sure alot of people would like that and want the religion that you say you have. Sorry, where is the love?
It's be like me, or I will have nothing to do with you.

BTW, I have a personal relationship with Christ which means I am a Christian.

I don't save people only Christ can.

"Hope Changes Everything"

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 2:30pm.

and it feels wonderfully liberating.

I've never been happier in my life.

You seem to be the one searching. Why such an interest in me?

Move on please, and find another interest.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 4:37pm.


You did not answer my question- Why do you hate me and Denise? We have not done anything to you. Is it because we are Christians?

We voice our opinions on certain topics.

I am not searching- I know the answer and I am not ashamed of it.

I know you have all those friends with all those names. Thought you could use two more.

Keep saying what you want, I don't care..

I find it sad that you speak highly of your religion but you can't make peace with a person.

"Hope Changes Everything"

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