Fayette DA: No tolerance for gangs

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 5:18pm
By: John Munford

At Monday night’s NAACP forum on gang activity in Fayette County, not everyone was pleased with the get-tough attitude local officials are placing on gang activity.

Panel member Alice Jones

To keep gang activity from taking hold in Fayette County, District Attorney Scott Ballard said gang members need to be dealt with as examples to send a message that gang activity won’t be tolerated.

“There’s an awful lot of violence associated with street gangs,” Ballard said, adding that he didn’t want gangs “to take a foothold here.”

One citizen decried the fact that all seven youths arrested for engaging in gang activity in a recent fight at Fayette County High School were black. The remark set off some catcalls in the crowd.

“I can’t afford to let Fayette County develop a gang problem,” Ballard said. “I’m only one part of the solution. By the time it gets to me, all the other efforts have failed.”

A teenage girl asked Ballard if throwing someone in jail is the best thing for that individual.

Ballard replied that he has to worry about the safety of the community as a whole and not just the outcome for any one person.

“My responsibility is to enforce the laws to keep people safe,” Ballard said.

Ballard said his office will prosecute adult gang members with felony charges that carry as much as 15 years in jail for adults and between one and five years in detention for juvenile offenders. The goal, he said, is to send a message that gang activity is unacceptable in Fayette County.

Ballard said the public needs to be aware of the consequences of gang activity.

“Once the crime has been committed, and it’s gang activity, it’s too late,” Ballard said, adding that he would not “hold back” on prosecuting gang members for criminal activity.

As to gang-related incidents in schools, School Superintendent John DeCotis said that the numbers have increased from 14 all of last year to 15 so far this year. He added that the incident has cut across ethnic backgrounds.

“It hasn’t been just one group of students,” DeCotis said.

Some of the incidents involved gang-related dress or the writing of gang-related symbols on notebooks and textbooks, Decotis said. In some cases the students are immediately suspended and the parents are contacted.

Most parents contacted in those scenarios are supportive, DeCotis said.

“Unfortunately not all of them are, and some of them give us a hard time,” the superintendent said.

The Rev. William Brown, who works with gang members through his ministry in DeKalb County, noted that one of the main problems is that many gang members come from single-parent homes, raised by their mothers but lacking discipline and love due to the absence of their fathers.

“Fathers, that’s the missing element here,” Brown said, noting that youths from such homes are often mad at police officers because “they’re father-angry kids.”

“Most of them are just love-starved kids,” Brown said.

He also said that law enforcement can’t handle gang problems on their own and parents should also play a key role in preventing gang activity.

“Mothers, you don’t need a search warrant to look in your child’s belongings,” Brown said, drawing applause from the crowd. “... Men, your presence will make a difference.”

Brown said single parents in particular shouldn’t feel isolated but it would help for parenting skills classes to be offered. Today’s kids, he noted, will play their parents against their teachers, he added, so it’s incumbent upon teachers to make sure that parents feel welcome at school.

Parents, Brown said, “should look at their homework even if you don’t understand it. You need to show the interest. That’s the whole point.”

“I don’t think you have a hardcore gang problem like in DeKalb County,” Brown said, adding that prison time may be part of the problem as “the criminal gangs come out of the prison system.”

“We can’t lock up every kid who shows a tendency towards gang activity,” Brown said, adding that he once was “a gang banger” and was fortunate enough to change his lifestyle.

Fayette County resident Dave Simmons, who is running for sheriff, agreed that parents are key to the solution of gang activity.

“Many times we as parents have been too lenient,” Simmons said. “It’s very important that mom and dad be more concerned with being a parent than a friend to their children.

Simmons, who worked gang detail with the Detroit police department for a number of years and is now retired from law enforcement, said some of the worst gang activity in the area came from some of the most affluent suburbs of Detroit.

Simmons commended Fayette’s law enforcement personnel for being on top of the issue and working “to bring the peaceful, tranquil life back to Fayette County.”

Alice Jones, who volunteers her time with at-risk youth, said it’s incumbent upon parents who divorce “to band together to nurture your children and to give them love.”

Jones said churches must also be a part of the solution to the gang problem, arranging counseling sessions and providing positive outlets for children.

“We’ve got to work effectively together to educate our children,” Jones said.

Jones said there are a number of positive outlets for youth offered in the community, including the NAACP Youth Council, the Association of Village Pride and the Jack and Jill group.

Assistant Superintendent of Operations Sam Sweat said the school system needs more parental involvement at the middle and high school levels when students begin to address issues of sex, alcohol and drugs. He added that the school system offers a mix of extracurricular activities for students to participate in.

Lt. Jennifer Michel of the Peachtree City Police Department agreed, adding that Peachtree City also has a number of sports and recreation activities for youth.

Peachtree City schools also benefit from the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance and Education) program for fifth-graders operated by the police department, Michel added.

“At the middle school and high school age they’re trying to figure out who they are,” Michel said. “We’re such a big impact on who they’ll be later on in life.”

Simmons said that today’s youth need adults to get involved with them and “give them something to look forward to.”

Simmons said that one of the ways Detroit responded to the issue of gangs was to create sports leagues to give kids something to do when they weren’t in school.

Brown agreed that part of the way to address the problem is by “nurturing” the youth.

Sweat said that one middle school principal who has contacted parents about gang activity with their children said “a lot of parents are in denial and give the principal a hard time, saying my that’s not my son or daughter doing that.”

DeCotis said the school system is planning to have meetings at each high school for parents of middle and high school students to teach them the warning signs of what to look out for in possible gang activity.

Fayetteville Police Chief Steve Heaton said he agrees with the aggressive approach to prosecuting gang members for participating in gang activity.

“It lets gangs know that you’re not going to tolerate that behavior,” Heaton said.

Lt. Michel also noted that she is available to counsel with children at parents’ request, even if they don’t want their child charged with a crime. She also noted that Fayetteville police offer the same service to parents.

Heaton and Michel agreed that having school resource officers in local schools is a big help towards combating gangs.

Officials were also questioned about how individuals stepping forward with information on gangs would be protected. Ballard said that with no witness protection system offered by the state, the best that can be done is to make sure the gang members are put in jail by prosecuting them to the fullest extent in court.

Michel added that in some cases the information can be used anonymously by police to build a criminal case without the person even testifying. She also noted there are several ways to anonymously provide information to police, including a crime tip phone line.

At the same time, both Michel and Ballard said that combatting gang crime may involve people stepping up to testify in court if there is no other way to get the necessary evidence.

“We can’t do it without the help of the community,” Michel said.

Heaton said gangs often thrive on intimidation tactics.

“If we allow them to thrive and be coercive by intimidating the public, we’d better get set for having more serious gang problems than we have now,” Heaton said.

If witnesses report the intimidation and coercion, those charges can be added to a gang member’s criminal case, Heaton added.

“It takes the community as a whole to stand up and say we won’t tolerate their presence here ... and we’ll put them in jail,” Heaton said.

DeCotis said that administrators do not divulge the name of any student who provides information about gang activity. The administrator must follow up on the situation using that information, he added.

Simmons said he has a video he used to show gang members up in Detroit that features several gang members who were paralyzed after they were shot in gang-related incidents. He offered to come show the video to any group in the community.

“Young people don’t understand what it’s like to be shot,” Simmons said.

Rep. Virgil Fludd, R-Tyrone, said he wants to see the county commission spend more to support activities in parks and recreation.

Fludd also was critical because he didn’t hear how officials would address “a wannabe gang member ... or a could be (gang member).” His remarks drew some applause from the audience.

Ballard replied directly to Fludd, saying his intention was “to take a harsh stance on any gang activity whatsoever and not make a distinguishment.”

“My intention is to make an example of anybody who gets involved in gang activity,” Ballard said.

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Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 5:48pm.

It never ceases to amaze me how people like you - yes,YOU (and let us not be coy, you are indeed a democrat - and an anti-war one at that no doubt), squeal racism every time you are called on a double standard or failure to take responsibility for your actions or those of your children.

Point one: You don't know me from Adam.

Point Two: You accusing me of being a racist doesn't make it so.

Point Three: I couldn't care less about what you think about me.

Point Four: Wildcat is dead on...it is a cultural war - and it's people like you who attempt to make it racial.

Point Five: Give examples of " ... the nasty racial barbs Enigma was posting." or admit you too are a race baiting liar who would rather blame the police, call those who call 'Bull' on you a racist, and make posts about gangs and blaming the police for the misconduct of our children a racial issue.

You see, the sadist part about this whole (gang) issue (that became the NAACP blasting the cops issue) is that so many people are so affraid to say what needs to be said because there are so many minorities prepared to play the race card...but guess what "Main Stream" I know my heart well enough to be confident that what I see, think and feel is pure of heart and has nothing to do with race or racism and everything to do with how to overcome adversity and allow good to prosper.

You just continue to beat those old tired drums of martyrdom all you want sister - but until you stop turning on those that speak the truth like me, Bill Cosby, Jesse Peterson, Mike Steele, Clarance Thomas, Condi Rice, and others - who actually ARE successful, you will be doomed to lay in the gutter of self pity and fight off the stench of your excuse conjured inequities and the failure it breeds.

Let's get real - in a country where a poor black child, who was abandoned by his father, given by his mother to his grandparents, raised in the dirt poor south Georgia (where you are "Ashamed to ever be called a southerner")who genuinely held every 'excuse' in the world to fail can become a Supreme Court Justice and where a Presidential front runner can be a bi-racial child born to a Muslim and an atheist and later be abandoned by his mother and his Muslim father to be raised by whites - your pity-party and Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson/NAACP hate spawned hymns are nothing more than a sure recipe for the continued enslavement of an entire generation to dependency and self loathing for any and all who you indoctrinate in to the cesspool of excuses, failure to take responsibility, violence, drugs, and race baiting.

You can call me a racist if you want Main Extreme - who cares - but the reality is that the give away programs and pie in the sky promises from your party in the last 45 years have enslaved more Americans than the south could have in a million years.

The Immigration Twist - Black Flight

Main Extreme's Anti-White Rant: Enigma, you need to change your avatar and display the confederate flag instead... not quite sure what that avatar is that you currently have anyway. (Uh, it's called 'Ground Zero' - google it - I see you have caskets of my dead brothers and sisters.)

Holy crap, Enigma, put that Bubba beer down, ol' man, and snap out of it! By the way you're talking, I'd bet a dollar-to-a-donut, that you're a card carryin' member of the Klan. Did y'all have a good meetin' tonight in yer hoods, over at Billy-bobs? Did that get y'all fired up?

And of course she has to take you ignorant southerners to task for being 'racist' in this diatribe:

"This seems to be your war, not mine. I’m not a southerner and right now, I don’t ever want that name attached to me."

Gee, what a nice northern black lady with no prejudice or preconceived notions of "the south".

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 8:06am.

Enigma, have you noticed that I have not come to the defense of mainstream at all during this string? There is a reason. It is the same reason I would not come to the defense of a wingman that was unloading his 30mm into a Russian Frogfoot. I'd just be getting in the way of a perfectly capable comrade. She has so effectively neutered you that you resort to talking of baggy circus pants or something pathetically comical along those lines. Alas, I am here for one reason, and I'll disengage so that main stream can resume pumping you full of sidewinders and amraams.

"(and let us not be coy, you are indeed a democrat - and an anti-war one at that no doubt), "

1: Enigma moneybags: Who do you know is PRO WAR? Would that be your fellow "culture of lifers?" Is war a "good thing" now? Should we hope and seek for more war?

2: Question: Why does Barack Obama receive more contributins from military members than ANY OTHER presidential candidate?

Why does RON PAUL receive the second highest amount of political donations from military members? Is the military actually anti military now? Do you even arm yourself with facts before you make your comments?

Kevin "Hack" King

trentrivers's picture
Submitted by trentrivers on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 8:36am.

why do you make so angry coments to people here in your states? why do black people use so much anger to others? anger is acid that destroys the container.


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 9:00am.

Not really sure where you are going, bro, but if people having opinions and defending them passionately angers you, you are in the wrong place. Enigms money bags has shown that he is willing and able to argue his own points , but since you choose to weigh in, here is a question for you to ponder:

What did Enigma millionaire mean by this:

"I heard they served coffee for DeKalb's Rev. Brown, Alice Jones, mainextreme and basmati afterward since not everyone can afford Starbuck's coffee and it is owned by whites."

And Trent, what do YOU mean by this:
"why do black people use so much anger to others?"

Why did YOu and ENIGMA inject race into your posts?

Kevin "Hack" King

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:17am.


Kevin "Hack" King

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 8:17pm.

After reading your post, before you added my quotes at the bottom, it is clear that your gripe is NOT with me but with a failed system. And you are using me only as a springboard to get up on your soapbox and yammer on about your own political and social views, like we all do in here. But don’t use me for target practice, bud.

My original post to you, was regarding your ‘racial barb':
“I heard they served coffee for DeKalb's Rev. Brown, Alice Jones, mainextreme and basmati afterward since not everyone can afford Starbuck's coffee and it is owned by whites." This sounds pretty racist to me.

When I met with some of the other bloggers this past Saturday, one of them (Hack) asked a good question. Just what would any of us do to help our community counter crime and any rise of gang activity? I have my own ideas about what to do, but I’m asking you this same question, Enigma. What ideas do you have to counter crime and gang activity?

Don’t you think it’s time to put down the swords and come together, white and black, Democrat and Republican, and work together to stop the encroachment of increased crime into our community?

Racial barbs are nothing but counterproductive, I agree. But stop pointing the finger at me, get off your soapbox, and put your words into action. Maybe we could actually do something productive, instead of fighting about it.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 8:42pm.

Let me see if I have this right. You find the following statement to be a racist rant???

"I heard they served coffee for DeKalb's Rev. Brown, Alice Jones, mainextreme and basmati afterward since not everyone can afford Starbuck's coffee and it is owned by whites."

Wow - let's dissect this statement:

The democrats currently meet for coffee at Starbuck's - but a true 'socially aware' group would NEVER go to the most expensive coffee shop to discuss anything - so for me to make it more politically correct, I changed it. Is that the racist part?

Perhaps it's the fact that you actually realize that not everyone can afford the coffee.... is that the racist part?? No??

Okay, maybe naming YOU (who interjected yourself in this by defending "Wendy the hyphenated cop hater"), along with two known NAACP members, and our own WHITE liberal basmati was racist??? No??

Well, I guess not going to a place owned by whites for a liberal democrat meeting would be just ridiculous ... right? Like FUBU and the NAAColoredP, right?

Gee.... maybe the truth is that you just LOOK for racism even when it's not there.

Okay and that is the same as your statements:

Main Extreme's Anti-White Rant: Enigma, you need to change your avatar and display the confederate flag instead... not quite sure what that avatar is that you currently have anyway. (Uh, it's called 'Ground Zero' - google it - I see you have caskets of my dead brothers and sisters.)

Holy crap, Enigma, put that Bubba beer down, ol' man, and snap out of it! By the way you're talking, I'd bet a dollar-to-a-donut, that you're a card carryin' member of the Klan. Did y'all have a good meetin' tonight in yer hoods, over at Billy-bobs? Did that get y'all fired up?

And of course she has to take you ignorant southerners to task for being 'racist' in this diatribe:

"This seems to be your war, not mine. I’m not a southerner and right now, I don’t ever want that name attached to me."

And by the way, people in the south don't like blacks calling them "Redneck".... it's the 'N' word for hard working white folks. We can use it but you can't. Fair?

Actually, this all began when you butted in over a post I made defending a police officer when, without any knowledge whatsoever (apparently), she had written the second of two letters that she (your "friend" Wendy) accused hard working police officers of being racists (and by the way, she named them, listed badge numbers, and lied about the circumstances of the alleged events) in her latest hate filled racial charges in a letter titled "Driving while black".

I'm sure you regret making your "Redneck", anti-white, Bubba filled, anti-southern remarks. If you go read what your "friend" (your words not mine) wrote you would understand why law abiding citizens here despise her and her ilk.

Now, you have called me not once, but three times a racist and accused me of making "Racial rants" and being racist yet, all you can cite is me saying that a bunch of liberals (both white and black), went for coffee at an 'off-named' cafe after the NAACP meeting. Wow.

It seems to me that you, MsExtreme, have been exposed.

As a parting shot - since i will put you in the category of 'the beaver' (ignore) do yourself a favor - since those "Redneck" southerners can get along with each other just fine and have for many years - both blacks and whites - and if your husband's prejudice has instilled you with such deep fear and resentment of the south that you would "never want that name associated with you" (southerner) - you should both leave. But please - don't come to Ohio.

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Submitted by tikigod on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 12:10am.

you rock. put these race baiters in their place. People like them will never let issues of racism be solved. They scream "RACIST" whenever an idea dealing with race is raised by someone who doesn't agree with their failed social policies.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 9:49pm.

I thought I would offer up a truce, in my last post, but obviously you've chosen to continue the fight.

No matter how hard you try and 'dissect' and explain your original post, it was no doubt, racist. And yes, my comeback was describing a stereotypical southerner, and in turn, was meant to be stinging.

I've asked you to provide some of your heartfelt solutions to the encroaching crime and so-called gang activity we're hearing about, but you've chosen to continue the 'rant and rage' posturing.

I've also put you in the 'ignore' category, as I find your comments racist, just as you find mine cutting.

And if you truly have some solutions to encroaching crime into Fayette County, instead of ranting on your soapbox, please share them someday.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 5:34pm.

Fist of all: Have the courage to tell your "Friend" Wendy to stop publicly bashing the police for being cautious and vigilant.

Instead tell her to get control of her children (like "Chevy Boy" in the burgundy Impala with the 'boom' blasting) who did in fact live in River's Edge Subdivision in Clayton County while attending Whitewater High School. Not only is she teaching her kids to lie and cheat, she is also teaching them not to respect law enforcement or rules. Furthermore, she is teaching them that being a public nuisance is their God given right.

In fact, her failures as a parent and your failure to call her on it - but instead pretend that she is unfairly attacked due to race (according to some obscure white woman's opinion) is precisely where little thugs and gangsters come from.

YES - it is true that several of those kids who become gang members are looking to 'belong' and become a part of a larger whole (where is MR. Wendy?); however, when you mix that desire with being taught that they are racially targeted, to feel sorry for themselves, to lie, to cheat, and to have no respect for authority you get the perfect storm - and the perfect thug.

Right now "Main Stream" - YOU are a part of that perfect storm and you are either to ignorant or too arrogant to recognize it.

Buzz off- the world doesn't need another liberal white female telling us who is and is not racist while simultaneously stereotyping an entire culture.

My experience has been the opposite of your husbands. The south was good to me and my family and the people there are quite able to get along with each other and others ... but they also know a carpet bagging moron when the smell one.... and your shag is a bit musty at this point. I made my first million in the very county you abhor. I have two children who were born in the south as well. Some of the best friends and most delicious food I have ever had the pleasure to experience came straight from the south.

By the way, Bubba beer (that you so gleefully taunt) was a gift of you liberals and Jimmy Carter's brother Billy - talk to JeffC on here, it's his uncle ... I never tried it - I don't drink.
I am still waiting for Barney's Franks, Hillary's Ham, Ted's Swimming Seafood and Chappaquiddick Clams from you 'yanks'. The Kucinich Quiche' is really getting old.

Toodles MsExtreme. Get a clue.

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 7:29pm.

this isn't about you, or me, so stop the pontificating and be part of the solution. I catch your drift. You're sounding like a grumpy, old white man now, as you continue to drag my posts through the mud. Quit pounding your chest and take a breather, pal, before you have a stroke.

I thought I read somewhere that you moved out of state? Is this true?

Unlike you, I don't see people like Ms. Felton, as THE problem. The problem is how to curb gang involvement by providing answers and solutions and I'll say it AGAIN - we need to be proactive, not reactive.

Go drink your Metamucil, and chill out.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 8:06pm.

You really think you are in charge of people don't you?

You are not only judgmental, you actually think that you have the right to tell me, or anyone else, to "check their ego at the door"?

You are laughable.

Anyone who can read can see what an easy mark you are. I love this exchange. It allows me an opportunity to humiliate you by exposing your ignorance and hypocrisy. Eye-wink

Again, try to follow along: YOU and your 'friend' (do you too live in Clayton County?) Ms. Hyphenated Cop-Hater' ARE indeed a part of the problem.

Failing to teach respect for authority to your children and your failure to model an honest and healthy lifestyle (which you and your hyphenated hate monger obviously do not do) contribute to the demise that leads to 'gangs'.

When you teach a child that lying to the school system to break the rules is okay, that denying responsibility for your actions with the police is okay, that false accusations against the police is acceptable and that categorizing an entire race (in her case) or community of people (in your case, 'southerners') is okay, and that crying racism and being a divisive responsibility dodging elitist is acceptable - you birth the anti-social ilk that is easily influenced to become infatuated with, and entangled in to, the 'gang' scene.

As for my ego, I am just thankful it's not as big as your 'Barnum and Bailey' Under-ware and your 'Omar the Tent-Maker' triple knit pants.

And finally, I will say this - if you can't recognize that you and your friend are indeed a part of the problem - then no progress will be forth coming from you and the rest of us will have to continue putting you in your rightful place at the bottom of the socio-economic food chain and calling you on your self righteous indignation and hypocritical selective moral outrage. Ring ring.

You Hillary supporters all seem to forget that us 'Real Men' and 'Real women' aren't led around by you hairy legged sweat factories. No, MsExtreme white woman, I think therefore I am a conservative.

I will do as I please - and by the way - your trailer rent is due.
Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 9:58pm.

I thought it would be past your bedtime. I’m glad you’re enjoying this exchange – it must be giving you something to do at the rest home. Now, where did you relocate to? Outside GA somewhere, right? Hmmm… I can see now that you have no REAL vested interest in Fayette County anymore, other than to add fuel to the flames. Is this the reason you provide no solutions when I’ve asked for some from you, choosing only to continue the blog fight?

Your need to tell all of us of the first million you made in Fayette County, provides quite a bit of insight into your damaged psyche. Why was this necessary for you to disclose? Am I supposed to be in awe or something? What does that lend to the issue being discussed?? Again, it is a sign of your huge ego.

Well, I must go now and remove my ‘Omar the Tent-Maker’ triple knit pants, shave my hairy legs and make sure my rent check, for my double-wide trailer, is in the mail! Sheeesh....talk about stereo-typing.

trentrivers's picture
Submitted by trentrivers on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 1:57pm.

you are white woman and pretend to now racism. i say not. you hate people here who i love called southerner and you are ashamed? i think enigma called a solution for you - leave - and also a solution for problem of gang - people like you have to wake up. i see you are not.


Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 3:43pm.

lv trentrivers alone!
he makeum gud point often!
injuns treat much more bad then black. We killed or made alks out of all uf them.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 2:42pm.

Good to see you're back. Smiling Yep, these people who don't like the south..why are they here?

trentrivers's picture
Submitted by trentrivers on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 8:09am.

it is good to see my friend again as well. i thank you for the time to say hello to me!


yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 8:30pm.

you have summed up what we are trying to get across...it is time to end the partisanship and come together (as citizens/voters) to tackle these problems in Fayette County. It does no good to point fingers and blame...these problems affect us all in different ways and we need to brainstorm solutions. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 9:01pm.

There's one organization that only wants one certain "community" to attend.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 8:56pm.

You hit the nail on the head. There will always be some shrill miscreants preaching the philosophy of "us vs. them" around here, people that cannot or will not tolerate any opinion other than their own.

Thankfully, they're an extremely small minority, but they do bray loudly and often, particularly when people call them out on their nasty ways.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:36pm.

When we were talking at Starbuck's Saturday did you see any racism? Hack was outnumbered at least 4 or 5 to one. There's always some people that have a problem, at my daughter's band meeting's we have several races there hardly problems, but we do have a common goal, and that is the advancement of our children. I think the key here is a common goal, if there isn't one that's when the problems show up. We don't all have to think alike, but we do need the common goals or we all go our own way and no one ever arrives at the finish line. The worst of both sides are usually the loudest and get the most attention, while the best just go along and do what they do the best, which is be good citizens and draw no attention at all.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:47pm.

Your latest response to Main Schreech explains it all.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:46pm.

And I did not see any racism at all on Saturday, as you mentioned.

The racism I've been seeing lately in particular, has been on this blog and the racial comments related to the recent community meetings that were held in an attempt to be pro-active against gangs and crimes.

I agree, that all races need to band together and have a common goal, and in this case the common goal we all share, black-white-hispanic-asian, is the betterment of our community and raising great children who respect themselves, each other, and the law.

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:49pm.

New boyfriend- the others will be upset.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 8:52am.

It is possible that many people will move if we see crime on the rise. Most of us moved here to get away from DeKalb, Clayton, and Fulton crime.

I'm not from the south originally either. Since I moved here 20 some years ago I have seen some true incidents of racism. I have seen the race card played, and played badly and often. Keep watching the evening news. Everytime a black person is arrested, (even if there is security camera evidence to the contrary) they will cry racism. The other post I responded to is an example of reverse racism that runs free in Atalanta and the south.

The letters some people are refering to, are the letters to the editor for the past 2 weeks titled "Driving While Black". The person who wrote them was refusing to accept responsibility for her son's actions and his friends actions. Through open records anyone can go and read the police report. Her son and his friends were not being picked on, as she would like us to believe. One of the kids in the car had an outstanding warrant.

Your husband has probably filled you in on some local history. Clayton -crime county used to be as nice as Fayette. Clean, very little crime. Then they gangs moved in, and crime followed. Many people fled to Fayette to escape crime. We were willing to pay more for homes to be free of crime. Some of us are tired of moving, I would rather stay and fight.

I personally am sick to death and turn a deaf ear to cries of racism. For example in my work place we have seen 2 different individuals who were failing in their training. The next thing that happened was "someone sent me a threatening racial note " After investigating these 2 separate incidents one security camera showed the individual placing the note on their own car. The other through handwriting samples was proven to have written the note to themselves. These are just a couple of examples of why I and many other people here turn a deaf ear to cries of racism.

In the meeting above yet another example of "poor me", "everyone owes me". White people are sick of hearing it. One women was quoted saying that "the community should take responsibility". To which I say HUH?? Another wanted to know why no white kids had been arrested. The answer is no white kid was on the videos that this gang posted on-line to brag about their criminal activity. If more of these videos appear anyone on them I'm sure will be arrested.

The black community needs to take responsibility for a generation of kids that have been raised to believe they can play the race card and get whatever they want. They have been taught not to take responsibility for their actions. (actually that describes all kids in this day and age). Black kids have been taught that the world (mostly white people) owe them a living. Anytime they are arrested, anytime, they fail at a job or school, play the race card. They need to listen to Bill Cosby, instead of al and jessie.

Until I moved to the south, I had not ever seen anyone use the race card to get by. All people worked together equally. I do not remeber any social strife attributed to race like I do here.

Atlanta is the city that has taught me to hate, and it STINKS!!

My grandparents escaped from Nazi Germany with a suitcase and a desire to work hard. I was taught that no one owed me anything. I was taught to work hard. My grandmother told me the best way to get "even" to be successful. Success is a choice.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:41pm.

Cops = bad. Military = bad. Non-philandering President = bad.

Gangs = Misunderstood ... Yea, right Reverend Burke .. you did such a good job in DeKalb that now you are going to show those folks in Fayette how to do it....right?

You folks better wake up .... NOW.

"All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing ..."

Edmond Burke

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:24pm.

Nice avatar Msxtreme, Caskets of Our Dead Heroes. Wow. So, I'm sure the survivors really appreciate your exploitation of their family members.

I am certainly not surprised you cannot identify mine - it's ground zero ... I took in personally - it's the place you and your friends seem to have forgotten about ... you know.... where you and Rosie O'didle think the 'Jews' and 'Bush' plotted and conspired to make your peaceful Muslim friends look bad.

So, msextreme, do you like Hussein Obama or the Hilderbeast?

Perhaps you are just too embarrassed to say? I certainly don't blame you for being ashamed to state which cut and run socialist you prefer.

Polls say that most hairy legged, hyphenated, fat women in spandex waiting on their monthly WICA prefer Hillary ... I am betting you fall squarely in to that group.

And by the way, put some oil in that old Kia and drive on over the the NAACP/hate whitey and the cops meeting ... I'm sure you will fit right in.

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

trentrivers's picture
Submitted by trentrivers on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 2:10pm.

i like that this man is both funny and tells true things. i like the man name enigma. inlike the man git real. mr real says true things in a funny way to.


Submitted by kfhintx on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:40pm.

I always enjoy reading these posts and only now have I felt a need to actually respond. I pity you. I pity you because you are ignorant and closed-minded. I pity the offspring you might have or could have in the future. I hope they can see beyond you. You and those like you are the demise of our society. You simply spout hatred with all your misinformation. Maybe you should log off the computer, put out your cigarette, swig the last of your Old Milwaukee and get yourself on over to the Wal-Mart where you're free to get you some Moon Pies & an RC cola. I'm sure that will make you feel better.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:50pm.

Enigma is a known quantity around here. He's one of the only ones left of the bitter-ender hardcore 25% that still thinks Dubya is doing a splendid job.

It's only natural that he's as bitter as he is. Ignore him.

Submitted by kfhintx on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 11:32pm.

for letting me join in the "fun" tonight. Time to get back to work.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:57pm.

Get a load of this coming from Bas.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 11:02pm.


In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 11:07pm.

You need to re-read your WSJ article blog. There was a correction.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:44pm.

You didn't take long to get "Terrified". You have been on here for one hour.

I guess shallow, simple minded people are the most easily manipulated. That explains why you are a Democrat I guess.

Welcome newbie.

Enjoy the free press while you still can.

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Submitted by kfhintx on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:52pm.

I'll even use smaller words if you need me to. I just now registered, but have been reading the posts for months. Did I say I was a Democrat? Funny how you make assumptions simply because someone doesn't agree with you. Well, not so much funny, more pathetic. Shallow & simple minded I am not. Unlike you, I have the ability to see beyond the tip of my own nose. Republican, Democrat, whatever....doesn't really matter. I'm a strong, educated woman and we all know you're scared of those.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:56pm.

So which one of the panel members are you?

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

SpinDr's picture
Submitted by SpinDr on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 8:40pm.

I wholly support DA Ballard and his position on Gangs. I dont care if these gang members are "love starved kids". If they are robbing, raping, plundering and killing in Fayette County, then the kids gloves need to come off. If the NAACP thinks that position is too hard, then they should provide support and programming to divert these kids from gang activity. Not all of the gang members are minors, many are adults and the color of their skin is not necessarily always black. There are hispanic, Asian and white gangs. Lets not let Fayette turn into another Fulton county and help metro Atlanta become the home invasion and gang capital of the country.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:13pm.

I Just Wish That Ballard Was As Much Against Child Molesters As He Is Gangs.

I support being tough and severe on anyone involved in gang/terrorist activities regardless of their colors. I don't give a rip whether their parents are members of the NAACP or a founding member of Kenny's Koffee Klatch.

However, it just makes me wonder if these NAACP whiners just might have some validity in regards to their racist accusations on this issue. It seems our District Attorney is willing to 'lock up' those negro gang members but he tends to run to the aide and render compassion toward his white child predator campaign donors.

Could this possibly be a case of our DA selectively upholding our laws? Nah... It can't be about race..... I'm sure it's just a case of brewing up a little 'home cookin' as our friend Eric Maxwell likes to refer to it. Eye-wink

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 10:28am.

Git, I'm not so sure.

I'm going to pass along something that a neighbor told me, with the caveat that I have no way of knowing this is true or not.

I have a neighbor who was forced to sit in a courtroom all afternoon last fall waiting to be called as a witness or something, not sure what. He told me that he was appalled watching Scott Ballard run through the court docket.

As he put it, it went something like this:
black kid - plead down
black kid - dismissed
black adult - time served
black kid - dismissed
white adult - plead down
Italian young adult - THROW THE BOOK AT HIM
white kid - dismissed

All the charges were roughly similar, minor in possession of alcohol, noise violations, etc. My neighbor said he came away from that courtroom with the distinct impression that Ballard "had it in" for Italian Americans. "I think Ballard thought he was Rudy Guiliani busting the Mafia up there".

Again, don't know how true this is but thought I'd pass this along...wonder if anyone else has seen something similar.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:04pm.

Perhaps it's our District Attorney's way of pandering for votes among a group of folks that otherwise wouldn't give him the time of day. Incumbent politicians each have methods (that their office enables them to misuse) of purchasing votes from selected groups in an effort to obtain even the slightest edge over their opponents. Incumbents are the only candidate that are afforded this luxury. Remember the "Scott Ballard District Attorney Beer Coozies" that Mr. Softy threw out at the Peachtree City July 4th Parade courtesy of our tax payer dollars? It kind of reminds you of Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill that pastes his picture and phony public service announcements on expensive billboards on the backs of the taxpayer.

Remember Sniffles.... Ballard ain't pandering to the NAACP for poops and giggles. Smiling

Which group do you think Ballard was pandering to with the free beer coozies?

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by Fly21 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 10:14am.

No, that would take too much guts, wouldn't it? Besides, you probably wouldn't get many votes............it's just a lot easier to criticize others in anonymity with classless people like you and me, huh?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:26pm.

You gotta admit... this place is a hoot! Smiling

Hey Fly! What rock did you suddenly crawl out from. It's always fun to watch the Ballard Klan come out of the woodwork every time Scotty's historically proven and unscrupulous affairs resurface to expose his soft on child molester persona.

Yes, you silly ole person.... It is easier to criticize others in anonymity when you have proven your case and fear retribution from shady politicians. Duh... isn't that obvious? Now if I were spreading falsehoods and slander then by all means I should be requested to silence my tongue. But, you know... and I know... that Git speaks the truth. And if you're ready to open up that can of worms again, I'm ready to play. Evil

Call out the big bucks Scotty... You're going to need it this time in a very big way.

Hey Fly.... Remember This? Now which ethics violation was violated here by our DA? Eye-wink

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:05pm.

Man what is up with you defending schreech?

I am a guy and how can you defend someone who does not act like a lady-

Your posts are usually good- this one- somehow you got schreeched away.

I thought you would at least like the ones that don't talk vulgur etc.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:31pm.

What in the heck are you talking about? Puzzled Is BPR your wife?

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:40pm.

Schreech has been saying for days that bpr is my wife. bpr is not my wife.

It's a joke, pretty soon schreech will say she is your wife.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:36pm.

Is BPR your wife?

I thought the exact same thing. Or maybe they're drinkin' the same well water.

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:44pm.

Do you even have a husband, doubt it probably divorced.

Oh, your talking moonshine, sure your not from here?Laughing out loud That's a good one though.

You and Git buddies now? Are you going to tell us his name, I read your post yesterday about Hutch and how you called him by name- poor kid you need help.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:41pm.

Drinking out of the same Mason jar. Nope... on second thought that can't be possible. You would never drink out of a Mason Jar with a Southerner.

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:49pm.

as long as it will hold my Appletini!

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:52pm.

That exlains part of your strange behavoir what is the other.

Aren't you suppose to be our selling all that real estate?

I will be sure and tell them about your habit.

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 2:53pm.

The new boyfriend how does he compare to the others?

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:09pm.

Now, I get it you except email from others on here?????

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:14pm.

You aren't a bobcat at all.

You are a BI POLAR BEAR. (As I lift an Appletini to Main)

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:21pm.

Classic! Laughing out loud

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:08pm.

Take some time off, and when you have that coherent thought,(and I think you can if you try real hard,) get back to us.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:18pm.

Insults- just because of comments about schreech? Man, what's your problem? Little strange- you meet her this person who is the most un lady like person and say this???????????

You think about it. I'm sorry only she can call you __________. Only she knows, how cozy.

Who knows maybe you and she can have that vulgur talk like she and sofa.

Don't insult me, because I think women should be ladies!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:33pm.

It wasn't an insult cat, just a suggestion. Anyone who read the blog can now call me __________. Too late to change that. In the future, I'll fight my own battles, argue my own arguments, and get along just fine without your help. If you expect someone to be a lady, it would help if you would be a gentleman, otherwise you're just a hypocrite.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:50pm.

Gentlemen like ladies. Hypocrite- not a gentleman- this person is the most vulgur talking person on here-

I am a gentleman- I expect behavoir to be like a lady- you should also.

It's not like she's on one of the most loved list here- I read this garbage about what people write her. The kid needs help.

Since your a gentleman - help this kid.

Submitted by bobcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:19pm.

She thinks I am bpr husband, I am not- are you?

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 4:00pm.

What is all this talk, I was at work, got my kid and read this- whoaaaa- I am just going to ignore all of this.

"Hope Changes Everything"

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 4:06pm.

Hope everyone has a good talk, Hutch is correct I do know who I am married to.Smiling

Good golly miss mollie- keep talking, I don't have time for this stupid stuff.

You could find another person as a subject- I don't think I have that much for anyone to talk about me.

Who cares- Not me. Have fun.Smiling

"Hope Changes Everything"

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:34pm.

As long as bpr knows who her husband is, that's all that matters.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:17pm.

what did I miss in all this exchange? Seems like someone just picked some words and threw them online and others joined in. . .wha?????

Submitted by Hey on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:36pm.

I'm not a regular blogger, but I just have to say that recently between $Nitbonkers, bpr, bobcat, main stream and sniffles, the entertainment is great. I just can't get any work done.

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:46pm.

Ain't it the truth! But don't you feel like you walked in in the middle of a movie? This site has provided more chuckles for me than I can count, enjoy reading. LOL!

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:52pm.

...it's Fatttt Albert!

(couldn't resist)
(it ya don't get it, ask your parents)

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:42pm.

Adding extra fiber to your diet will do wonders for regularity. You don't want to become all "stuffed up" like Enigma...you see how grouchy he gets!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:27pm.

The bobcat seems to take offense if you agree with someone he doesn't like.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:35pm.

Oh, I guess I see. Is it just me or have there been some really at the edge exchanges here lately? Maybe I'm missing something as I'm in and out, off and online.

Well one happy thought, I see that Starbucks is going to try a short cup of coffee for $1; if y'all dare have another get together (check weapons, claws at the door!!) at least the tab will be smaller. Geesh, no wonder some of us never show up! LOL!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:38pm.

If I'm there I'll guarantee your safety. If Bas and me can do it without spilling blood anyone can.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:44pm.

What a guy! Thanks.
I'm 'bout out for today, check on y'all tomorrow.

ilockemup's picture
Submitted by ilockemup on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 11:06am.

Two former Asst DA's are kicking the tires to maybe run against Ballard. Is Git Real one of them? This election year "tough on crime talk" by Ballard is designed to get him re-elected. He has problems with law enforcement and has not proven to be "Ready for Trial" or even "Wanting to go to Trial".

This will be a law enforcement nightmare if we are gonna lock up wannabes. There's something called probable cause.

My vote: school uniforms county wide. That would cut down on the gang colors and that Confederate clothing nonsense. Fludd's idea of spending more money on recreation is stupid. It sounds like the "Midnight Basketball" program that was such a joke. Kids here in Fayette have it way too good and have no excuses. Any kid can find an activity if they want to.

Ilockemup, but show me criminal activity first.

Submitted by smoothassilk on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 6:23pm.

I agree, with the "show me criminal activity first" statement. I have just learned that not all crime is presented to the public. There are crimes not told. I think that if all crimes were reported to the public it would scare the pants off of everyone. Well, maybe that is a great way to have a "wake up call" to our residents. If you have never actually worked in this school system...you can not understand the demographic, economical, ethnic changes that are going on. Look at Fayette County High right now as compared to 5 years ago. How 'bout Sandy Creek. My point here is, although we are still considered an affluent county, great schools, some of these kids need help. Running for Sheriff Dave Simmons actually suggested other ways to get these kids involved and away from "gangs" and not having to increase our tax dollars.

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