Nancy Faulkner

I have known Nancy since the late 1980's the city of fairburn is lucky to have such a great person.


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Submitted by breeze348 on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 1:33pm.

Can someone please let the good citizens of Fayetteville know why the city fathers continue to let the current city fire chief treat his staff like a bunch of chidren instead of grown people this department has been ran into the ground to the point of no return its a crying shame want used to be a outstanding department is now the laughing stock of all the surrounding cities and county's I would like for the city fathers to explain why the city fire department cars a driven home some go to brooks some go to Clayton County some to Coweta County with gas prices as high as they are it just does not make a good sense the curent chief leads by scare tactis. The worse move the City of Fayetteville ever made was when they lost Chief Henry Argo. But as long as your one of the current chiefs so called boys its all good and you know who you are but one day it will catch up to you I remember the current chief had to fire a employee one of his boys the city manager made him fire him I was working the chief came back from city hall screaming and yelling and throwing things My crew was told to leave and go the the other station for a while this came from the operations Captain and other people have been fired for the same actions the chief made that day. Go figure

Submitted by daisyheadmaisy on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 3:23pm.

Punctuation is your friend, and ours, too. Your post is 3 VERY long sentences, is hard to read, and hard to understand your point.

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