But wait: It gets worse ......

Enigma's picture

Hillary boasts that she has the experience to lead.... but that, like most Clinton statements (pick one) is a flat out lie.

Hillary's "Experience" Lie

Edwards served a single term in the Senate.

Obama served eight years in the Illinois state Senate and is halfway through his first term in the U.S. Senate and has missed more votes than he has cast.

Clinton is about to begin her eighth year in the U.S. Senate. About half of those years was spent running for office. She has yet to produce any legislation.

Actually, going by years spent as an elective official, Obama's 11 years exceeds Clinton's seven, which in turn exceeds Edwards' six. Gee, I guess Obama is the veteran with the 'experience'.

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Submitted by Nitpickers on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 4:24am.

If what we have now is caused by "experience" then we need someone without any! A failed oil man, ball team owner, and a figure-head Texas governor (and A-6 Texas Air jockey) was our last "experience."

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Sun, 01/20/2008 - 7:31pm.

Why don't you do something different from your usual drive-by smears of Democratic candidates for a change?

Why don't you try and work up enough courage to tell us who you support for President of the United States?

Got the guts to do that? Hmmm?

Surely you stand for something, right?
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