Should insurance companies be...

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tried in criminal court if they elect not to approve a procedure and the "covered" individual dies as a result?

CIGNA Insurance Story

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Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 12/25/2007 - 4:30am.

be sued if they perform unneeded procedures? Is over-billing the same as stealing?
Is unneeded referrals to other doctors a crime?
Or is it just so they can't be sued?
Is there any competition for "thing" prices between hospitals and doctors? Professional services bills are to feed a bureaucracy, not for the service! Should not be the biggest industry we have!
If every bill sent to an insurance company was paid without argument, the insurance company would be broke quickly. Hospitals and administrators would be charging them to make Frankensteins!
It is a two-way street, which of course is made worse by the government's involvement.
We can either suffer and die early, or we can create a medical industry out of control.
"Take two aspirin and call my staff tomorrow."

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