Why do we do it?
I read Mike Vick's letter to his
sentencing judge.
I expect Mike went to college for five years as most of the ball players do. All expenses paid from football revenue.
Mike must have gone to school at least 17 years and probably more in his life.
I'm not going to criticize the detailed grammar errors in his handwritten letter, as you night expect.
Although it is half cursive and half printed (they do that who don't play ball also), I could tell what he wanted to say to the judge.
Obviously he neglected to say much about the bad things he has done, and concentrated upon the good. The lying being ignored was the worst, as to say---lying doesn't matter any more. (learned from skilled politicians--no doubt).
He was also smart enough to write the letter himself and not have it corrected (I hope he didn't).
Although many people would say these vicious dogs should be executed instead of spending money on them for many years, Vick didn't say that. He says he will pay for their keep. I suppose that means they get helped first before his creditors! It appears that he didn't pay for anything significant but elected to pay payments instead. Many people are after him for money he committed to them, including the Falcons bonus.
Due to the smart money hounds now available, I expect much of his fortune is either in the Caymans or in Switzerland!
Religion again has been brought into the picture to mix with government. That is stupid and no judge will be influenced much by that, even if true. He will probably serve over a year before his release.
He should have set the fights up here in the mountains. It is not even illegal here to let chickens slaughter each other for sport.
What are we dealing with here? I saw many bad things as a kid, but my folks didn't let me do such weird stuff---none of my family! I also respected them enough to steer clear.
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