The Iraqi Government

Did that bunch ever get off of vacation?
Didn't a large group of them say they weren't going to attend the functions anyway? Sunnis, weren't they?
Do Petrayus and Ambassador Crock Full still tell everyone there what to do about the Iraqi government? Does that mean actually that Condi tells her employee, Full, what to do?
I actually thought the Iraqis were declared Independent! Long ago.
Do all of the soldiers and police from Iraq, still go home for lunch, supper, midnight meals, and breakfast? All at once? Do they also kneel on their rugs five times a day--shooting or not?
I'm not being cute--just truthful.
Wonder if we could see the federal government "books" if we asked?
Are there any schools or hospitals in Iraq---out of Baghdad? How would we know? We hardly ever go there.
What kind of money do they use in the country?
Who has the distribution monopoly of the fruits and vegetables from the fertile valley between the two major rivers in Iraq? Where are the Chicago stockyards for slaughtering the sheep, goats, and camels? Or does everyone just find one if he can and kill it?
Does the water and electricity work in all of Iraq---even all of the time in Baghdad?
Isn't it pure river water?
Are the sewers working, or did they ever have any? Doesn't it go right into the river--our green zone included?
Is Fort Humongus about completed (last I heard its budget was 300% over) along the river where we will defend ourselves while the civil war goes on and on?
Just asking a few simple questions? Can't seem to hear any answers from anywhere!

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Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 12/14/2007 - 4:49pm.

Afghanistan Taliban and "the campers" are stronger than ever, and growing more poppies.
NATO about to say to H with it!
Then our "coalition" will be uslition!

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