After careful research

I find that there are still two corners in PTC that do not have either a liquor store or a bar in a restaurant on them, or within 500 feet.
What with the new wholesale liquor warehouses now and the ability to order on-line, maybe those two will never be built, I don't know.
Since most of the dope in PTC is exchanged on the cart paths, that is a pretty safe environment; however, we are missing out on millions by not dogging those alcohol dens at closing time, and before they get out of the parking lot.
Special citizens could be warned which places are on tap for the night to be raided.
If this depression keeps on going downhill, I think there is a good chance that the still business may be back in business right here in PTC.
There is still a still (partly) on Flat Creek on Flat Creek Country Club.
I'll just bet you Randall could tell you who last ran it!

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