Logsdon and Ramsey: Same support base, same message

Since Mayor Harold Logsdon and candidate Matt Ramsey have the same financial support base, the puppet masters simply made the Ramsey campaign a clone of Logsdon’s campaign.

Take a look at the quotes below. The only issue they address in any detail was zero-based budgeting. I guess it worked so well with Mayor Logsdon and Peachtree City (tax increases, 100% mayoral pay raises and development authority corruption buyouts) they've decided to use the same issue for Matt Ramsey.

Here's a secret: the developer puppet masters are hoping you'll have forgotten about Harold Logsdon’s promises and their support by now. Shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone.

“I want to use my experience in financial planning and business operations as well as my experience as a certified auditor to better manage our budget and reduce the tax burden on our citizens.

One way to control spending and evaluate government programs is zero-based budgeting. By starting from zero in each department, working closely with individual department heads, and highlighting our most pressing needs, we can better manage our resources while simultaneously identifying waste in our budget.

Peachtree City needs leadership with experience in financial management and planning, and I have the experience necessary to provide that leadership for our community. I am ready to take up this challenge, and with your help we will work together to ensure a bright future for our community.”
Harold Logsdon 2005
Candidate for mayor

“Somehow, this logic does not seem to apply when it is taxpayer dollars being spent. Regardless of cash flow, countless state agencies line up at the trough and take a bigger helping each year. Fortunately, Republicans in the General Assembly are attempting to move to what is called zero-based budgeting.

Under the current system, state agencies only have to justify whatever increases they seek each year. Zero-based budgeting, however, would return each agency’s budget to zero every fourth year, with the effect of requiring an agency to justify EVERY dollar in its budget.”

Matt Ramsey 2007
Warner, Hooper & Ramsey

Other than what you see above, Matt Ramsey doesn't really address the issues. It's the old pig in a poke routine.

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Submitted by wdd5885 on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 2:25pm.

No, of course you don't. If your so sure Logsdon took money then prove it. Your mindless drivel is getting old.

Submitted by Young Lover O F... on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 9:18pm.

I'll try to use simple English. Try reading it slowly wdd5885. Ramsey used the same poor excuse for an issue as Logsdon did, zero-based budgeting.

It was pointed out that Mayor Logsdon's immense financial knowledge (ha, ha) didn't serve us very well because he raised taxes every year and they raised their salaries by 100%.

As far as the same supporters, even the supporters don't deny that.

Matt Ramsey is the same tricky Harold Logsdon empty suit campaign in a younger body.

Submitted by wdd5885 on Sat, 12/08/2007 - 8:00am.

You consistently ignore facts to make your argument. The salary increase goes into effect in 2010. The only way the 5 people who voted on it will see it is if they get reelected. They did not raise THEIR salaries. They raised them for future mayors and councils.

I'm not disputing tax increases, but you again choose to ignore we no longer pay EMS taxes to Fayette county. I addressed that in a response to you in another post.

I asked you to prove the assertion you made about "development authority corruption buyout". Clarfy that for us. Were you accusing Logsdon of taking money from someone illegally? If so, prove it.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 2:30pm.

Of course not. Only politicians are dumb enough to take money!
A few years of cooperation however always gets one in on the know!

Submitted by wdd5885 on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 2:58pm.

Isn't that what this blog is accusing Logsdon of doing? But of course you answered the question the way I knew your camp would. No proof, just baseless accusations.

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