Conservatives and Illegal Immigrants

Gwinnett County Police proved that they really don't want to arrest illegals, even though a law was passed there saying that they must when reported by those hiring them!
Those who hire them and don't report them after checking them out are to be fined, and they don't want that either!
I don't know any way that they can say they don't want illegals, except when they need them, and then say they want them picked up by someone else, when they don't need them!
This is the same kind of gibberish we are getting from Washington these days about "intelligence" about Iran, and many other places! They know better but want their voters to be able to say that they all are against these things. Can't have it both ways and sound serious!
I wonder if we are picking up Bin Laden Spies when we find them!

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Submitted by d.smith700 on Thu, 12/06/2007 - 7:24am.

It is the same here!
How many illegals have the PTC police arrested for being illegal aliens? None---but for broken tail lights, plenty.
Hard to raid the roofers lately though---there aren't any roofs!

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