
Looks like the guitar playing, Baptist preacher from Arkansas, and also was a Governor, is going to win the Iowa Caucus!
Since these people have to pay a thousand dollars to vote in this thing, it surely doesn't say much for the rest of the republican crowd!
Republicans in the congress and senate are "swarming" out of D.C.! Never to return.
If they wait to get beaten in the next election which they would, they would have a hard time getting a lobbying job after the defeat. Anyway, they can get rich in just a very few years lobbying. Just ask Armey, Lott, Touzan (drugs) etc.
I wonder if we could attach a non-lobbying bill to the next nationwide health bill similar to Canada, Britain, and France?
Why not get 6-8 weeks of vacation also, and full pay for sickness---no matter how long?
I realize that we wouldn't have as many multi-millionaires here then, but it is the Christian thing to do!
Reckon it would stop the dribble down and slow our development?

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Submitted by lion on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 5:18pm.

Any registered voter, Republican or Democrat, can participate and vote in the Iowa caucuses. Iowans are too frugal to spend $1,000 to vote.

Huckabee, the candidate who talks to God and who gets his tax program from right-wing talk show hosts, is likely to win in Iowa.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 12/03/2007 - 9:33am.

I wouldn't then be able to reply with any level of credibility. So let me say this: You bring up some, umm, fascinating points. Quick question(s).

1) Do you prefer a Giuliani Republican who has divorced two women, does not even have his children's support, and who's closest business associate has plead guilty to corruption charges and is facing more, to a man who had an affair but actually stayed in his marriage?


2) How will revenue lost by the dissolution of the IRS be replaced? How will we fund the transition to a "fair tax" without interrupting government?

I anxiously await your deeply thought out answers.


Kevin "Hack" King

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 12/03/2007 - 9:45am.

"who's closest business associate has plead guilty to corruption charges"

Hack, I can't believe you stepped on that land mine.

Did you conveniently forget about ABC and CBS Catch Up with Fugitive Clinton/Democratic Donor Norman Hsu

"A man who had an affair but actually stayed in his marriage?"

Who do you think is paying that "man's" bills right now? The other "MAN" in that relationship.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 12/03/2007 - 10:31pm.

Land mine? Not even close. You may not realize that Norman Hsu was not a business partner of Hillary Clinton. Mr. Hsu was not recommended by Hillary Clinton to head the Department of Homeland Security in a time of war. Mr. Hsu did not use an apartment donated for the use of WTC responders for extramarital sex with former Fox News employee Judith Regan. Mr. Hsu, unlike Bernie Kerick and Giuliani, did not work directly for Hillary Clinton or even in conjunction with her. He was a donor as I am a donor. The man you are evading answering questions about was in a direct working relationship with felon Bernie Kerick, yet was such a poor judge of character, he tried to put this criminal in one of the nation's most crucial jobs. A true crony's crony.

Now, Bad-PTC. Enough smoke screening. Either answer the questions or work on your spin game, because it needs some work.

Kevin "Hack" King

ps: I'm even pulling punches. No mention of coke dealing Giuliani campaign managers in SC or sexual predator campaigners in Florida. See? I'm playing nice.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 3:14pm.

"Hsu did not work directly for Hillary Clinton or even in conjunction with her. He was a donor as I am a donor."

Really Hack, you're just a donor? Have you donated $850,000 large to Hillary?

Do you live a tiny, lime-green bungalow that lies under the flight path from San Francisco International Airport as well?

Is your mothers maiden name Paw?

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said Monday it will return $850,000 in donations raised by Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation for allegedly violating election laws."

As far as you questions concerning Giuliani, I have no idea. He's not on my list of people for consideration after some of the poo poo he pulled with the 9/11 health concerns; but do keep guessing.

Like I wrote to JeffC, the only thing I've decided is that I will vote for the best person for the job from those I have to chose from.

I have no allegiances to either party at this point. For the most part, they both stink.

From what I saw 10+ years ago up to what I've seen to-date, Hillery is not an option.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:14pm.

It brings up some interesting points on where conservatives draw the line on inter and extramarital behavior. If you have some free time, weigh on whether you think Senator Craig is lying, or the 8 other guys plus the "entrapping" police force in Minnesota. Very interesting case that won't go away, will it?

Kevin "Hack" King

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 5:32pm.

I'm sorry, but I do not believe a word the man says. It just doesn't ring true. I think he went into that Minneapolis men's room hoping to score some homosexual and extramarital sex on the crapper.

The case exposed the fact that that paricular restroom is a known pickup spot for homos looking for sex. Having lived just a few miles south of there for several years, I was at that airport--and likely in that restroom--many times. If anybody next to me ever did the foot tapping thing, I likely naively assume d that he had rhythm, and subsequently forgot it.

Excuse me. Think I'll go wash. EEEE--Eeew!


Let it be known there is a fountain
That was not made by the hands of man.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 7:47pm.

Republican Senator Larry Craig is a toilet queer pervert. What's there to debate? Nobody's shocked or denying that fact.

We also agree that Giuliani lacks integrity and has broken his marriage vows multiple times. If fact Giuliani is about as disgusting as they come.

Why can't you agree that Hillary has a history of 'proven' corrupt campaign and business dealings. How about her abuse of FBI files? How about her selfish desires to be president while using her unfaithful hound dog husband as a campaign prop? How about her propensity do destroy the lives of those who may counter her.

Please knock of the partisan hypocrisy. You're both smarter than that and you have too much integrity to try to defend an outlaw like her.

As usual folks who disagree with your party get attacked and slammed by you for considering 'less than honorable candidates' yet as usual you seem to turn a blind eye to the same type of scumbags that reside on your ticket.

Now again, as usual, I'm expecting a barrage of examples of how evil Republicans and Conservatives are while you ignore the evils of your own party.


bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 2:05am.

Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Edwards would require people to get insurance, either through work, a government program or new health marketplaces that all three candidates promise to set up.

Mr. Obama would only require that children be insured. I’m seriously leaning towards this man.

Hack, is this another “entitlement program” (welfare by any other name) that you think I need to pay for?

I guess that’s why the state of Georgia provides uninsured motorist coverage to those who cannot get insurance. (I was wondering why my car insurance went up when I moved from south east D.C. to Georgia 20 years ago.)

I guess it never occurred to anyone to make it illegal for people to drive if you don’t have insurance.

Hillery says it will only cost me a measly $110 billion to provide health insurance to everyone with her version of a “government program” or “health marketplace”.

I’ll tell you what, if Hillery makes it illegal to bread if you don’t have health insurance I might consider her as a real candidate.

Short of that, if you can find me someone who believes that church and state should be separated with an ax (if any religion tells its followers who or how to vote they can start paying taxes like the rest of us) , someone who is pro choice (just how many male members of congress have ever been pregnant) , against illegal immigration (I’m getting tired of “he who makes the first 20 million illegal immigrants legal” wins), pro middle class (I just barely have my membership status in that class), pro national defense, pro civil rights (no race card required), against illegal surveillance of U S citizens (if your going to tap my phone or read my email before I do at least get a warrant signed by a real judge before you do it), someone who will pull our public educational system out of the stone age (no comment needed), someone who will kill all entitlement programs (if you type worse then me you don’t deserve any assistance), someone who will support public hangings for child abusers (must be carried live by all broadcast television stations and cable), someone who will mandate that all recipients of government assistance put in at least 40 hours a week of real work (if I’m paying for it they need to earn it), someone who will institute a flat 20% tax on everything except food and medicine (the Govt. would have to rent trucks to haul the money to the bank), someone who will make it illegal to lobby for anything (yes I understand that the housing market in the DC metropolitan area will plummet) and finally someone I can trust not to bend me over because they can or wish to silence me, let me know who they are. I’ll look them up.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 5:25pm.

Democratic fundraiser Hsu indicted on fraud scheme

P.S. I think Craig is guilty as charged.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 12/06/2007 - 1:06am.

“Clinton said she would consider legislation that would give legal protection to mortgage servicers and others who work with borrowers to modify their mortgages.”

Talk about pandering. Clinton is either going to provide legal cover for mortgage lenders who broke the lending laws or she’s going to provide legal cover for those that are willing to break the law in order to cover bad debtors.

I guess I shouldn’t consider this to be an attempt at courting large lending institutions with HUGH amounts of money or an attempt to garner favor from those that didn’t realize that they couldn’t afford the McMansion's they signed their lives away for.

Gosh Hillery, don’t ILLEGAL ALIENS, all eleven MILLION of them, hold your interest anymore or is accepting $4,500 cash from grape pickers a little to hard to explain to the finance committee?

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 11:25pm.

Partly because of his stance on:

Gay marriage
Illegal immigration
Two different polls, American Research and Rasmussen, have Huckabee in second for the nation. Also, second in Texas, Mo, S.C. and a few other states. Most polls show that he is the only candidate gaining ground.

I believe he is doing well because he is not a slick politician, he is a down to earth guy, brilliant but still very humble.

If you have any questions regarding Mike or would like to get envolved
with the campaign locally email me!!!
Huckabee 08'

Submitted by lion on Mon, 12/03/2007 - 7:34pm.

So Romney is going to give a speech to reassure the voters about his religion. This is being compared to Kennedy's speech on his Catholicism in 1960.

But Kennedy gave his speech to rebut the allegations that as a Catholic President he would be taking orders from the Roman Catholic Church.

But no one seriously thinks Romney, if elected, would be implementing the program of the Morman Church. So he would ban coffee drinking or what?

Romney is giving his speech to assure the Christian Right in the Republican Party that he is "Christian" enough to be trusted.

The person who should be giving a speech about his religion is Huckabee. He is the Baptist minister favored by the religious right and committed to implementing the Christian right agenda on abortion, gay marriage, anti-scientific views on evolution, and other issues.

I think Huckabee should give a speech to the nation reassuring voters that, if elected, his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, trumps his personal religious beliefs. But his Huckabee for President website says his faith permeates his whole life so maybe he cannot make the distinction between his role as a public
official and his private religious faith.

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 9:11am.

There is no doubt that Mike is greatly influenced by his religion. I would rather have someone influenced by there religion, then being influenced by interest groups, money, oil etc...

I have heard the argument that he is against science, this is absurd. He was asked about evolution during a debate and he said "It is ridiculous a presidential candidate is even being asked this question, I am not writing a 10th grade science book, I am running for president."

He is not for right/left politics he does what is right for the country!!! He greatly respects other religions and will stand firm for our constitution.

Huckabee 08'

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:31pm.

I hope you caught my brilliant analysis of how Huckabee breaks out and starts winning the nomination.

If you missed it, it is here:

Congrats muddle

If he wins, we'll kill him on the FairTax. Good luck!

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 11:17am.

I suppose he thinks the Flintstones is a true and accurate story too.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 3:24pm.

Earth 6000 years old? Could be as far as I know. I wasn't there!
However the Flintstone family was here much before 6000 BC.
The Egyptian pyramids measure out by atomic aging at about that don't they? Could people like the Flintstones have built pyramids as soon as they themselves were created? Maybe UFO people built them?
It's all so confusing. Why do I need to know?

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 12/03/2007 - 8:17am.

A nine year Arkansas governor is not Political! No way!

By the way, how did he lose 250 pounds recently?

Does he preach often? Is he Charismatic/evangelical?

About as humble as Chavez!

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