End of the world!

The UN and scores of other countries and most scientists say we are warming up drastically, when compared to the time we have to do something about it!
Rush Limbaugh tells me it is a bunch of crap! Nothing abnormal is happening, he says. Go on and pollution, pollution, pollution. Besides China doesn't want to stop polluting so why should we. I like that---it means you could kill someone because someone else did.
Rushbo says we can last 10,000 more years until such time as it all turns around and starts getting cold again--then we will sure as hell freeze if we do anything now to stop warming!
What if he is right?
I don't mind breathing the stuff in the air to much--I ain't got long anyway. That is kinda how Rush feels about it. He ain't got no kids.
I do expect my grandkids to choke up enough to die early and I would hate that.
Maybe someone can come up with a great big air purifier, or something--you think?

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Submitted by d.smith700 on Sun, 11/18/2007 - 11:54am.

We probably will commit second degree suicide to end the world as we know it. It is kinda like smoking three packs a day, or having 4-5 drinks every day, or eating pure cholesterol and sugar straight from the bag!
I am thinking about starting a new business that is going to be needed soon: portable oxygen that can be carried around in your clothing so as not to be noticed, and one can breathe it with invisible things up your nose. Then all one would have to do at the end of the day is to shower off the toxins.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 11/17/2007 - 8:35pm.

I know this is the South, nitpickers, but please try a little harder to write as if you had a brain in your head so we don't embarrass ourselves in front of all the Yankees that have moved here in the last 20 years - or ain't you that smart?

Global warming is a hoax that is embraced by stupid people who follow others blindly - kinda like you (and liberals). Ain't that right - nose picker?

Submitted by d.smith700 on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 8:48am.

What has the south got to do with brains? There are as many idiots in Michigan as are here!
You like Rushbo, huh?
Lots of people like Hitler's ranting also!

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 8:15pm.

Right here we have 4 answers to your 4 questions. Ready? Here we go--

What the south has to do with brains is that we in Georgia are 47th in the country in "brains" 48 and 49 are usually held by MS. and AL. That's what is has do about the south.

Yes indeed, there are more idiots in Michigan than here - although their population is larger which means our % of idiots is higher.

Of course I like Rushbo - assuming you mean Rush Limbaugh. Who should I like better? Randi Rhodes? Al Franken?

Yes, lot's of people liked Hitler's ranting. They were social and economic liberals or "progressives" as we now call them. I hate to compare Hillary to Hitler, but there it is.

A response would be nice if you can simply respond to the points raised and not attack the messenger.

Submitted by d.smith700 on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 9:36pm.

I watched "Uncle Joe's" polka party on TV yesterday as it was so fascinating as I clicked by I couldn't get past it for awhile.
They emanate somewhere out of the mid-west and seemed to be made up of older folks who couldn't dance and had no rhythm. All the squeeze box tunes sounded exactly alike but were named after some German.
They wore sweaty clothes, cowboy boots, sparklers, and never had missed a sausage meal in their life.
Old "Uncle Joe" couldn't get out of his chair, but could deliberately read the name of the next tune that sounded just like the last one.
This was the dumbest looking bunch I have ever seen since I was in Southern New Mexico once. Talking about hicks! Strange thing though about these people, they couldn't add 2 and 2 nor make a rocket, but they spoke clearly. Apparently their schools emphasize avoiding talking like Georgians at the expense of common sense.
As to Limbaugh, why compare him to Franken? There are serious republicans that you could listen to!
As to Hitler, I think he was more concerned more with light hair and features than liberalism. Germany got screwed after WWL and he used that as a crutch to convince another bunch of Germans to listen.
I have never been a fan of Oomph-pa-pa, dark beer, loud ranting and 100 % fat sausage myself.

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