End of the world!
The UN and scores of other countries and most scientists say we are warming up drastically, when compared to the time we have to do something about it!
Rush Limbaugh tells me it is a bunch of crap! Nothing abnormal is happening, he says. Go on and pollution, pollution, pollution. Besides China doesn't want to stop polluting so why should we. I like that---it means you could kill someone because someone else did.
Rushbo says we can last 10,000 more years until such time as it all turns around and starts getting cold again--then we will sure as hell freeze if we do anything now to stop warming!
What if he is right?
I don't mind breathing the stuff in the air to much--I ain't got long anyway. That is kinda how Rush feels about it. He ain't got no kids.
I do expect my grandkids to choke up enough to die early and I would hate that.
Maybe someone can come up with a great big air purifier, or something--you think?
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