March of Fools

Watching this event on C-Span - Never in my life have I heard so many fools speak into a microphone at one event. It was the most idiotic display from a bunch of numb-skulls that I have ever seen in my life.

This article does not capture the venom and hatred toward the Justice Department and Law Enforcement in general. These people don’t want justice, they want anarchy.

If they really want to do something about the number of black people being charged with crimes, they need to tell their people to begin by NOT COMITTING CRIMES. Go out and get a job. This march didn’t accomplish a thing.

'March on Hate Crimes' in Washington

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Submitted by tiredofit on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 10:21am.

It would really be nice if someone out there could give us some statistics on how many white people have been killed by blacks, as opposed to how many blacks have been killed by whites. It seems like when a white person kills a black, it's a "hate crime". When a black kills a white, it's a "robbery gone bad". We never get the full story. Look at the Jena Six for example: The "ring leader" of that group had a wrap sheet even at his young age. The main reason for him going to jail was because he had broken his probation. Of course the people of Jena were convicted of racism by the NAACP and every other black politician out there. A little known fact is that Bell, the "ring leader", actually lived with foster parents who were white. His mother got on TV and cried, "not my boy, he's a good boy." How does she know, she wasn't even raising them? Another little known fact was that there is a picture in the yearbook of that tree with blacks and whites standing underneath. You have to be from there or know someone from there to know these details. CNN was not going to tell us anything about these things. Sharpton, and Jackson would prefer to keep that hidden. The truth of the matter is that there is racial tension everywhere. Some of that tension is brought on by blacks and some are brought on by whites. What I have learned living in the south is that blacks seem to be just as racial as whites, only you never hear about that. For some reason blacks seem to have a right to be racial, and whites don't. I would like us all to be able to have the same rights,as they are associated to our opinions and preferences. Dog the bounty hunter is living proof that we don't have a right to our preferences. He prefers to not have his children date black people, what's wrong with that? Why does a preference have to be racial. You can like Black people, work with black people, have a black room mate, have a black best friend, but the minute you say you prefer not to date blacks, all of a sudden, you are a racist. Where does it stop? I'm tired of trying to understand this one sided debate. And sure as I'm writing this, someone is going to reply and call me a racist or ignorant, just for my opinion. And the turmoil goes on...and on.. and on.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 12:49am.

In your blog to condemn what was truly a non-event, you made an incredible stretch of truth. If Dog isn't a racist, you should have no problem copying this post and filling in the blanks which are a direct quote of his words. Are you brave enough?

"Dog the bounty hunter is living proof that we don't have a right to our preferences. He prefers to not have his children date black people, what's wrong with that? Why does a preference have to be racial. You can like Black people, work with black people, have a black room mate, have a black best friend, but the minute you say you prefer not to date blacks, all of a sudden, you are a racist."


problem 1) It is not Dog's decision is it? It is his son's decision.

Big problem 2)

Dog didn't say he prefers his son not to date "black people." He said this: "It's not because she's black, it's because we use the word 'blanker' sometimes here. I'm not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked for for 30 years because some [blanking] [blanker] heard us say [blanker] and turned us in to the Enquirer magazine. Our career is over! I'm not taking that chance at all! Never in life! Never! Never! If Lyssa [Dog's daughter] was dating a [blanker], we would all say '[blank] you!' And you know that. If Lyssa brought a black guy home … ya da da. It's not that they're black, it's none of that. It's that we use the word '[blanker].'

Tiredofit, you are right with this:

"And sure as I'm writing this, someone is going to reply and call me a racist or ignorant, just for my opinion. And the turmoil goes on...and on.. and on."

I will freely say that your comments above show a great deal of ignorance as to what biggoted behavior is. And the turmoil goes on...and on...and on....

Kevin "Hack" King

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 11:34am.

to raise him when his Black parents and Black neighbors wouldn't. Whites show compassion to blacks everyday with no recognition for it. There is no other group handed so much on a silver platter and so thankless. A lot of this has todo with politicians pandering to them for the vote. This has been milked to death. Any day I expect to see them running around in trucks with their guns shooting everyone in sight like in the movie Blood Diamond.

Submitted by thebeaver on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 8:59am.

Diversity Scams

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 8:43pm.

2006 Hate Crime Statistics

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sat, 11/17/2007 - 9:36am.

I honestly tried to understand the meaning of this latest march, but I still don't know. I think it has something to do with the rash of nooses being displayed around the country, but I'm not sure if that is all.
I do know that if any group rents a bunch of air conditioned buses with snacks aboard, that it is easy to fill them to go anywhere. Mostly with women or kids.
This would apply to any race I think, although usually it is for a different reason.
Social events such as this march, accomplish practically nothing. When New Englanders used to portray the Irish in sketches appearing as gnomes and monsters, eating potatoes and drinking Irish whiskey, it must have given the Irish citizens cause to pause also. Same for the way early Jews here have been portrayed in this country in the past.
Italians have had no picnic either, although they deserved some of their criticism in the early days, due to the mafia.
When the Chinese built our railroads, they were treated as slaves with no rights---but they still thought it was heaven on earth here, considering from where they came!
My point is that it is taking too long for proper assimilation of those from the southern hemisphere, and those this country brought here as workers 3-400 years ago.
There will always be some ignorant and ill-taught people who will hang a noose, or want a free ride.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sun, 11/18/2007 - 4:30pm.

This country has turned it's self inside out for them. Something we have never done for any other group. As d Smith pointed out, we've all taken our knocks and gotten over it. I think a lot of good blacks are embarressed by them. A lot of the rest of us, disgusted.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 1:03am.

From sugarfoot:

"There is no other group handed so much on a silver platter and so thankless. A lot of this has todo with politicians pandering to them for the vote."

"This country has turned it's self inside out for them."

Guys, I have to ask: Since you understand the black man and the "silver platter" which we have been handed, riddle me this: What have I been handed on a silver platter? What has this country turned itself inside out to give me because I am a black man that was not available to the two of you? What do I have that I haven't worked or fought for? If it was handed to me, obviously I didn't work for it. And if you can humor me with one more answer, how, pray tell, have I been thankless as Sugarfoot says we blacks have been? Do you guys read what you write? I pray to God that my son never has a boss, teacher, or team mate that looks at him as a thankless black who has the world handed to him on a silver platter. I pray he never has a routine contact with a police officer who's initial mindset is "this is a thankless black boy which our country has 'turned itself inside out for'." If I based my opinion of caucasions on meaningless stories I read in the paper, I'm sure my opinions would be different. But I am fortunate enough to learn from the many white, asian, black, and latino friends I have that people should be judged on their own individual merrits. I don't judge all whites by what skin heads or the Aryan nation do. I don't judge hispanics by MS-13 standards. And I sure don't try to cast whites as the enemy trying to hold me or my family down. But you guys certainly don't help your cause by jumping on every racial non-story you can find. Next time a group of blacks or PETA members, or anti-war protesters or gay rightss advocates march (as is one's right in a free society), try ignoring them. Get out, smell the fresh air; realize there is not a black guy behind every bush waiting to hurt you or take your money. Let it go. Meditate. Grab a latte. Do some yoga or pilates. Please!


Kevin "Hack" King

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 6:11pm.

When will they start riding around shooting everyone like in the movie Blood Diamond? Seems that is all that is left to make them feel liberated. But, we will still owe them something I'm sure.

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