Fayetteville to discuss speed zones

Tue, 11/13/2007 - 4:26pm
By: Ben Nelms

Fayetteville City Council Nov. 15 will consider a resolution on the submission of a $100,000 Recreational Trails Program grant request for property south of Burch Road.

Also at the meeting, Fayetteville Police are proposing amendments to the speed zone ordinance on streets across the city.

The council will consider a request for a $100,000 grant to Georgia Recreational Trails Program. The 20 percent matching grant would construct a recreation/nature trail on the 308-acre, city-owned P.K. Dixson property south of Ga. Highway 54 where Burch Road ends and would highlight Whitewater Creek and Gingercake Creek.

If approved, the city would finance the entire project and be reimbursed for 80 percent of the cost.

Fayetteville’s Greenspace Program has a goal of setting aside and permanently protecting a minimum of 20 percent of the land within the city.

In what will be essentially a housekeeping move, the council will also hear the first reading of proposed speed limit changes on portions of approximately 50 streets throughout the city.

Many of the streets result from new development, annexations and the opening of Bennett’s Mill Middle School, said Chief Steve Heaton.

Other changes on major thoroughfares such as Ga. Highway 54 were already put in place with accompanying signage by Georgia Dept. of Transportation due to increased traffic volume and traffic safety concerns, he said.

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 11:57am.

they would set uniform speed limits through out the county. One road is 45 mph while another one is 35 yet, there's no reason for the change.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

cowtipn's picture
Submitted by cowtipn on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 11:43am.

Step 1: Sneak speed limit change bill into a public parks bill for easy passage.
Step 2: Lower speed limits on 50 city roads.
Step 3: Increase enforcement during off traffic hours to increase revenue.
Step 4: Use citation increase to justify radar and red light cameras.
Step 5: Use excess funds to purchase radar and red light cameras.
Step 6: Install cameras and shorten yellow light timing.
Step 7: Sit back and collect more revenue.
Step 8: Buy rental property in Florida.

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