Huckabee and Holocaust

McGannahan Skjellyfetti's picture

Recently Mike "Shmuckabee" Huckabee made a comment correlating abortion to The Holocaust. He just lost any credibility he may have had as a candidate with me. Even though he is a Re"prehensible"ican he had deserved a listen to as all candidates longer is that true.

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Submitted by Citizen_Steve on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 4:14pm.

I think he'd do better to not stir up the issue but the comparison is accurate - both involve a large scale slaughter of innocent, captive, defenseless souls.

Submitted by bowser on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 7:54am.

So I guess that means Huckabee -- and you, Citizen Steve -- believe that America is morally equivalent to Nazi Germany because our judiciary has legalized abortion.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about Huckabee. His future lies in talk radio or cable tv, not the White House.

McGannahan Skjellyfetti's picture
Submitted by McGannahan Skje... on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 5:10pm.

Although it may be agreed upon that one involves and one did involve a 'large scale slaughter of innocent, captive, defenseless souls'..........It is insensitive to say the least to speak this way; especially for someone with political aspirations and/or in the hunt for a nomination to run for president of the U.S. It is not appropriate to use the term Holocaust for any reason other than THE HOLOCAUST. Some use it when speaking of Rwanda or the events in Darfur or to describe unimaginable events involving nuclear arms. Although similar and it can be possibly agreed upon in principle; most use the lower case holocaust when speaking of these. There is just too much pain and heartache attached to the Holocaust. The world must never forget what happened and hopefully never will.

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