The United States Under Islamic Law

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"In order to prevent prostitution and before reaching the sanctions of stoning or whipping, we will marry all our unmarried young. By the way, Islam allows the man to marry four women, so if he or she keeps practicing sex outside marriage and prostitution, in this case the sanctions mentioned in Quran will be used."

Hamas's Abu Abdullah said, "At the beginning, we will try to convince Madonna and Britney Spears to follow Allah's way. But I honestly don't think they will follow. If they persist with their whoring music, we will prevent them by force. I don't think that I can be in the same place with these singers. They might be killed if they do not respect our laws."

Hmmm.... I'd like to get rid of Brittney and Madonna too. But, these guys go a little overboard don't you think?

Perhaps we can sit down with the leaders of this 'peaceful religion' and counsel them as to where they err. Puzzled

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Sniffles's picture
Submitted by Sniffles on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 7:40am.

Meanwhile, closer to home, Donald Wildmon, a home-grown American religious fanatic, is loudly complaining that the Pentagon is not enforcing his religious edict banning magazines featuring naked women at military PXs. Playboy is "pornography", you know.

Wildmon wants American soldiers to be as spiritually clean as possible when they die for George W. Bush's folly.

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