FCHS, Coach Webb are class acts

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 5:19pm
By: Letters to the ...

I’m so proud of Coach Tommy Webb and the entire coaching staff of Fayette County High School. I met Coach Webb three years ago when my son was a ninth grader at FCHS and playing football.

For those first three years of this relationship, I saw Coach Webb go through a bunch of unnecessary attacks, but I witnessed him over and over again holding his head high, never giving up and always believing in his staff and his players.

Most people, even those who attacked him during this time, would have buckled under pressure, but not Coach Webb; he is a class act. He is no doubt a man of integrity and strong character.

I’ve witnessed a man who genuinely loves the guys who are part of his program and in these four seasons, I’ve seen these guys grow to love Coach Webb and respect him to the fullest.

Coach Webb is like any other coach, wanting to win football games and develop young men into football players, but more than that, Coach Webb wants to develop these young men into men of strong character, integrity and a hard work ethic at whatever they achieve in life.

He deserves what he has achieved this year along with his entire coaching staff (which by the way, is a great group of men) and with the young men who are the Fayette County Tigers.

When my son was a ninth grader on the football team, I said then, “These will be the guys when they become seniors who will change history at FCHS,” and they’ve done exactly that.

I can honestly speak for myself when I say I believe in Coach Webb, the entire coaching staff and the Fayette County Tiger Football Team. We’ve got a group of young men Fayette County can be proud of, not because of their region championship, but because they are all a class act.

Thank you, Coach Webb, the coaching staff and the Fayette County Tigers.

Alan Parker

dalanp (at) hotmail.com

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Submitted by TomCat on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 9:55pm.

We knew Coach Webb when he was at Jonesboro HS. He showed the same type of leadership there. It's gratifying to see someone's hard work and dedication have the kind of results that FCHS is experiencing this year. Those senior players, as well as the entire team will have a wonderful experience and memories for a life time. Let's hope they use this as a stepping stone to many more life successes.

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