Haddix leaves questions unanswered

the_assassin's picture

So let's run them again right here.

For a guy who professes to want feedback from PTC residents online he's doing a horrible job of timely response to these concerns.

By the way, notice his website doesn't have a forum where you can post any comments; that's what he promises to have the city do if he's elected.

Anyway, on to the unanswered questions from Haddix that were posted 2 days ago:

Dear candidate Haddix:

Please read the following and let me know exactly how much REAL RESEARCH you've done on Sany coming to town.

Or, are you just jumping to conclusions?

Please answer as truthfully as you can.

Facts on Sany:

The WORST environmental thing Sany's going to do at this assembly plant is paint the trucks.

You don't need a calculator to do the cost analysis that Mr. Haddix says is lacking. VERY FEW police and ambulance calls go to industrial plants (though there is potential for a doozy ala the recent TDK warehouse fire). Chalk that up as LOW IMPACT on PUBLIC SAFETY.

Let's see. Nine residences. Can you say LOW IMPACT on RECREATION?

Those nine residences are unlikely to bring very few if any school children into the school system. LOW IMPACT on EDUCATION!

Also, Sany will only build concrete trucks et. al. via special order. It takes ONE WHOLE WEEK to build 1 truck. LOW IMPACT on TRAFFIC; up to medium once they employ more than 100 people or so.

Haddix alleges (albeit softly) that Sany WON'T hire folks from here. State development officials have said that's not the case. They're the experts in the field and have worked with Sany on this issue for months.

Candidate Haddix: How many people have you contacted to seek REAL information about Sany?

Likely the answer is none; at least he hasn't talked to anybody in the know.

Mr. Haddix: The land was ZONED industrial to begin with and yeah, you could've B&M'd enough as a councilman about that and maybe gotten two fools to vote with you. But even if elected, YOU CAN DO NOTHING TO STOP BUSINESSES FROM LOCATING TO APPROPRIATELY ZONED LAND as long as they follow local ordinances, as Sany apparently is.

I had previously thought Mr. Haddix was going to be another Steve Brown complaining all the time about this and that. I've decided however that Haddix is different in this respect: at least Brown bothered to do his homework.

PTC folks are on the whole a bright bunch and are willing to do their homework BEFORE applying for a job. Do you contend you've done your homework on Sany, Mr. Haddix?

Or are you trying to create an "enemy" to run against in your last gasp for office?

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Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:31am.

There were two Sany issues I stated.

1. Sany came to PTC with no public hearings. I believe the public had a right to input, you obviously do not believe they did, but trust the government to decide all such things for you.

With that in mind, I assume you would also be willing to dismiss all public hearings by the Planning Commission and Council on other development proposals, since they are the same issue.

Now, if you wish to dispute the fact there were no public hearings, please post the dates, places and times those hearing took place.

2. Gated on-site housing was the second issue. I oppose it. It has been historically opposed by every past Council.

If you support it, that is your right. I do not.

Believe what you will on how much research I have done. That is your right to do so.

As for no forum on my site, I am not yet elected to the Council and the Citizen is the forum for discussion now.

Don Haddix
Candidate for PTC Council, Post 1

Hoosier Fan's picture
Submitted by Hoosier Fan on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 11:36am.


For a guy who has posted some pretty strong editorials regarding the actions of the PTC City Council regarding TDK, Kohl's, etc., you've been pretty quiet in the last few weeks before the election.

Are you going to take a public stand in any of the local races?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 5:18am.

This guy has third place written all over him. The new guy is looking pretty good and I do hope he runs again in a few years, but Harman has already won the election - that's was settled the night he dumped Kohl's.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 7:15am.

Harman had to find the Citizen reporter so he could say he 'would have voted no'.

Harman will vote for the Kohl's the next time it comes to city council, 'IF' you elect him.

The best way to "Kill the Kohl's" is to NOT vote for Harman.

Hoosier Fan's picture
Submitted by Hoosier Fan on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 7:36am.

I agree with bad_ptc. If Harmon gets elected, we might as well start cutting down the trees next Tuesday evening for our new Kohl's.

While we're at it, we should also install signs at both ends of the Hwy 54 West corridor that say: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here (with a car, anyway)"

But on the bright side, maybe we'll get a six-lane TDK to help relieve our Hwy 54 West traffic...

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 7:07am.

Did harman dump kohls, or did he just do mcBully a favor?.

Delay the vote until after he has won, then vote kohls in.

What was his motivation for helping his friend mcBULLY save face?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 7:27am.

That would be dishonest and manipulative. I don't believe a fine upstanding public servant would ever do something like that.

Besides, he would get caught since so many people are watching.

Who is mcBully?

Hoosier Fan's picture
Submitted by Hoosier Fan on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 7:44am.

"Besides, he would get caught since so many people are watching."

The only people watching that counts in the eyes of our current City Council are their developer friends.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 7:43am.

Yes it is dishonest. That is the point, and it is exactly what most politicians live for. Part of the thrill is to see how much they can get away with.

mcBULLY is mcmurran, the bully developer who is trying to bully us with threats to get his way.

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