Vouchers for private schools
The more property you own the more school taxes you pay. Is that not correct?
I don't know how much it costs, on average, to pay for a student to attend public schools, but I do know it costs more to go to private schools.
Since vouchers should never be for more than the cost of public schools, in spite of the fact that some pay more school tax than others and maybe have more kids, I still think that amount would only be legitimate. Can't see a rich person getting larger vouchers than poor people.
Now, in my opinion, more rich people's kids, (rich defined as being able to afford private school) by far, attend private school. These people want some of their tax money back, as vouchers, to help pay for the private school.
I fear this situation. It would seem to me that if minorities were to also be able to get vouchers also, that they could begin their own private schools and we are back to segregation again!
We would have rich private schools and poor private schools!
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