Reflection of October 15,2007 Tyrone Candidate Forum

Thu, 10/18/2007 - 1:33pm
By: Ken Matthews

Thank You Citizen News and Tyrone Business Association for the Candidate forum and all the citizens for attending. After the forum I talked with many and those citizens realized we have many qualified candidates. I heard comments that all candidates were in consensus of Sewer need, if old Town Tyrone was to be revitalized as a vibrant town.

Candidate’s concurred Shamrock Park’s renewal is imperative, any Master plan that is sitting around should be assessed by the citizens and after this assessment, and all comments should be addressed. Then the same master plan should be submitted after changes for the Public hearing process, Planning commission review and the final Public hearing with adoption after approval of Citizens and Town council. Then the implementation can occur, as funds are available.

Ordinance codification & electronic posting to Tyrone’s official website was questioned. I am aware Tyrone has contracted in the past to codify the ordinances and this codification was returned Ill prepared. Staff has recently been reviewing ordinances and all changes from the past few years to prepare for another codification. There is $5000.00 in this years Budget to codify the Ordinances.

Review of all Personnel and pay-grades were questioned due to concern of Town managers salary. This process was scheduled to be conducted this year by ARC and on August 16,2007 this was on The Consent Agenda.(Paraphrased from minutes of Council meeting) Councilwoman Grace Caldwell Post 3 wished to remove the item from the consent agenda; she stated she did not feel the Town should expend $1700 for ARC to review pay scale and classification program. Staff stated the original study was conducted in 2003; revealed Tyrone had a 5% differential to surrounding communities.

Communication between Town government and the Taxpayers!
The Town crier or similar publication reinstatement, with this being an Electronic notification (E-mail) to a free subscription list. Candidates were asked why meetings and legal postings were advertised in the Fayette Daily News with distribution in Tyrone of approximately 300 and not in The Citizen News, which is free. Candidates made statements as to a bidding process and other speculation. I stated The Fayette Daily News is the Fayette County Legal organ, but failed to state the Fayette County Superior court advises to place legal advertisement with Fayette Daily News.
I will be available to answer Question by phone 678-364-0463 or E-mail

Vote November 06,2007 to Elect Ken Matthews Town Council post1.

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Submitted by jondough on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 11:57am.

Please explain what you are talking about when you state that the codification of Tyrone's ordinances were sent out to be codified and returned ill prepared......When was this done, and why were the results ill-prepared? What is your source?

Submitted by Tracy Young on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 9:55pm.

My response is to clarify some of the statements made by Mr. Matthews.

Sewer in downtown
QUOTE: “I heard comments that all candidates were in consensus of sewer need, if old Town Tyrone was to be revitalized as a vibrant town”
RESPONSE: I do not support additional sewer capacity for downtown Tyrone. Sewer in downtown will require high-density development. I stated that to revitalize downtown we must start with Shamrock Park. My article in next weeks print edition addresses this very issue in greater detail.

Shamrock Park
QUOTE: “any Master plan that is sitting around should be assessed by the citizens”
RESPONSE: The citizens developed the restoration plan by completing and returning surveys. This plan has not been “sitting around”. In fact, council has ignored this plan by not funding it. Please read Judy Jefferson’s letter to the editor for additional details.

QUOTE: “Then the implementation can occur, as funds are available”
RESPONSE: It is easy implementing a plan when funds are available. My point being, we must find ways to fund the restoration, as they will not appear from nowhere. Monies that are provided from the county every year, acquiring grants, and donations by local businesses are all ways to fund this project.

Codify Ordinances
QUOTE: “I am aware Tyrone has contracted in the past to codify the ordinances and this codification was returned Ill prepared”
RESPONSE: I am not sure how to interpret this but it sounds like taxpayer money was wasted. Being aware of the budget amount and to whom it was contracted, does not complete this necessary task. Setting realistic deadlines and providing resources is critical for the completion of this project.

Personnel and Salary
QUOTE: “Councilwomen Grace Caldwell Post 3 wished to remove the item from the consent agenda; she stated she did not feel the town should expend $1700 for ARC to review pay scale and classification program”
RESPONSE: Important facts are missing from this statement. Mrs. Caldwell did want it removed from the consent agenda because she wanted to DISCUSS the issue. Being that the item was on the consent agenda, no discussion could occur.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 10:00pm.

Can you please run for the president of the US! WOW! We are so lucky to have you.

Submitted by Tracy Young on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 10:06pm.

While I appreciate the compliment, I need to focus on this election first.

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