Kenwood Park opens unfinished and over budget

Tue, 10/09/2007 - 3:42pm
By: John Thompson

Kenwood Park opens unfinished and over budget

North Fayette’s six-year quest to have a park to call its own ended Saturday morning as Kenwood Park opened to accolades.

Under a partly cloudy sky and with temperatures closer to summer than autumn, more than 100 people gathered to get a first glance at the park that has cost the county $6.4 million to date in the first of three phases.

The first phase alone has cost more than twice the original budget for a completed park. The original budget for all three phases was $2.5 million.

County Commission Chairman Jack Smith told the crowd that the park was not finished and that landscaping would be put in place later in the fall to complete the first phase of the 172-acre park.

The first phase includes a multi-purpose field, a running track, four tennis courts, four basketball courts, two volleyball courts, a community pavilion and walking trails.

As part of the opening weekend, county Executive Assistant Carol Chandler said more than 200 people turned out Saturday night for a showing of “Charlotte’s Web.”

Smith outlined the timeline for the park, which started with acquiring the land in 2001. The county paid $1.5 million for the land, which included $367,000 from the state for purchasing greenspace. In 2004, the county adopted the master plan for the park and started construction on the first phase in August 2004.

The next two phases of the park would have to be funded through the county’s Capital Improvements Project budget. Included in the second phase would be four baseball fields, two volleyball courts, two horseshoe courts and a playground/tot lot.

The final phase would include four softball fields, two soccer fields, four tennis courts, a volleyball court, four horseshoe courts, 10 picnic pavilion/shelters and walking trails.

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John Thompson's picture
Submitted by John Thompson on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 1:46pm.

The park is near the intersection of Ga. Highway 279 and Kenwood Road.

Submitted by medra42 on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 11:02am.

I've been out of the "loop" for a while, but where is this park? Being constructed by my tax dollars, I would like to visit.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 11:33am.

In the far Northeast corner of Fayette County, right on the Clayton County Line.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 6:15pm.

There are a couple of parks in PTC which are located on the boundary with Coweta County. So what? You put the parks where you can afford the land and near our citizens, and this one is where it is needed for our county at this time. Should we put up a border fence to keep non-residents out?

Submitted by medra42 on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 12:17pm.

any chance you know the road name?

Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 6:22pm.

From Fayetteville, go north on GA 85. Turn left onto GA 279 between the QuikTrip and the BP stations. Go about 1/2 mile and cross over Kenwood Road, where there is a church over to the left. Go about another 100 yards from there and you will see the new park entrance on your right.

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:25pm.

What a great place for fayette county to build a park for clayton county

sit back and watch the muggins and trash build up
if you dont put a 24 hr law enforcement office in that park
it will be a dump in 12 months

anybody wana bet


Submitted by thebeaver on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 6:58pm.

Just listen for the "thump-thump-thump" of thug-rap music - you will find it.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:29pm.

again i say

if you dont put a 24 hr lawenforcement office in that park
it will be a trash dump and muggin haven in 12 months
anybody wana bet


G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 7:13pm.

It won't take 12 months !

Submitted by Like it is on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 7:23am.

Ok African Americans, Fayette County has now officially spent more money on a park for you than anytime in it's history. It's now up to you to keep it from becoming a crime infested, drug riddled hang out for your community. I pray that you can do it, but if the history of Clayton County is any guide, you'll fail. Please prove me wrong. Trust me, white people want you to succeed.

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:39pm.

Im really blown away that it was not named

MLK mermorial park


Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:48pm.

Somehow, I get the impression that you don't like park or the crowds it will attract. (chuckle)
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:50pm.

He's just a ray of sunshine, ain't he? What did you think of the trailor?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 3:46pm.

nope but i do like spinich
ive lived here all my life and i really
feel that this county opened the door to
north fayette being a really bad problem

what kind of trailer


Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:55pm.

Oh yeah.

The trailer has come a long way and thanks for your hard work. You got special accolades from your future President - see the e-mail. I'm going over in a little bit and see If I can help load.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 3:51pm.

nope just tired of everything going to crap
and then holding out there hands for more


shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:33pm.

i really think you hit the what ever on the great big head
my wife just saw a woman wearing a shirt last week that
read (we took riverdale fayetteville is next
and yep it will start here
the line is drawn, it can not be said that where I move to turns to crap what about you ?????????????
tell it like it is

Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 9:12am.

I've lived in North Fayette for 30 years. When my kids were growing up, we were forced to make the trips down Redwine Road and to McDonough Road for baseball and soccer, as there were no parks in our area. We still have to drive some distance to get our kids to middle school and high school in Tyrone.

We and others in North Fayette have paid taxes for all that time and have received proportionately much less in return, as other parts of the county have benefited from our tax money. I assure you that the cost of this park has been more than paid for with tax dollars that have been and will continue to be collected from those who will use it.

This park is long overdue for our area. The fact that it is overbudget and under expectations is something that is not the responsibility of the citizens in this area and still leaves us short on needed facilities, meaning more trips down Redwine, etc. until the next phases are completed.

I have no problem knowing that the blacks in our area will take care of the facility. Most of them live in better houses and likely make more money than many of us who have been here longer. If you have a concern about crime and drugs, it shouldn't be with these folks. I might understand concern about those who ruined parks in Clayton County, but that should be a matter of enforcement rather than a matter of attacking our county's citizens.

But, this is not a park simply for blacks, as you might believe. It's a park for my family and me and all Fayette families without regard to race. It's very much appreciated, but is long past due and should not be begrudged by people in other parts of the county who benefited from our tax money for decades.

In fact, you are welcome to come enjoy it as we expect to enjoy it. It also might show you, as we have seen, that the families in this area are decent and responsible. They are deserving of the park and deserving of the trust to care for something that we have long missed and want to protect for the long-term health and recreation needs in the area and for future families.

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 7:41am.

last night your park had 28 cars
19 had clayton co. tags

5 fay co.
the rest i could not read because of the tag fame
or the pay here tag on the back (I bet that is clayton also)


Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 8:28am.

This weekend, I decided to do my own census of license tags. I went through the park right after dark and there were no cars at all there.

Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 1:40pm.

Well, Shadowalker, you were in the park long enough to inventory the auto tags. During that time, did anyone come up to your car asking to clean your windshield or to sell you drugs? Were you attacked or your hubcaps stolen? If not, it sounds safe enough for me. If anything, I would be worried for the people playing in the park coming face-to-face with you.

BTW, the sign at the entrance to the park says that the park closes at dusk. (Which is confusing since it has lights.) If you went at night, why did you enter the park when the sign at the entrance specifically said that the park was closed? You're right about one thing, there was one lawbreaker there that night...the person who went in late.

If you don't like the park, maybe you should meet your friends and conduct your business at the Pavilion or in Pike County. (See today's lead article.)

That article shows that Clayton County cars can go more than one mile across the county line. That means that "they" could destroy the park at McDonough Road and Hwy 54 near the Clayton County line just as easily as the new park. But, that park has been around for years, and "they" haven't ruined it.

Maybe your alarms and predictions are based upon your prejudices rather than knowledge about our residents and their desires to maintain the park. As for me, I appreciate the park, plan to use it regularly, and expect it to remain in good shape for years to come. I guess you'll just have to keep moving further south to get away from "them."

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 1:08pm.

garbage in garbage in, oh and by the way i consider anytime after 5pm as last night or in the evening it was not dusk yet when i was there
also the other park you refer to if you knew anything, had major issues for years for drugs, to porn to vagrants, at one point the lawenforcement would watch it from the fay co. water system office
so get your facts right before you ply your trade of let the have it
its not that bad type of wyning, it will be
and maybe no cars were there when you went because they knew you were coming

Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 11:26am.

Shadowalker, the park that you mention is still there and in good shape. If you had made your prediction about it like you did Kenwood and we visited that park today, then you would have been shown wrong, like you will twelve months from now about Kenwood. It seems that you're wishing for problems.

shadowalker's picture
Submitted by shadowalker on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:37pm.

you will be the first one mugged by one of those clayton county gangs
that will be overwhelming that park

just keep on thinking all the nice things
maybe when your slapped in the face at knife or gun point you will grow up
even the blacks i work with that live in clayton are laughing at your comment. they are the ones that are saying give it 12 months

the blacks from clayton

we have seen shirts that say (we took riverdale fay is next)
grow up


Woody's picture
Submitted by Woody on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 5:53pm.

Shadowalker, the blacks who work with you probably found that it is easier and safer to humor you than to pick a fight with a bigot. I'm not any more worried about my security in the new park than I am in the "safe" parks on Redwine and McDonough Roads. Cars with Clayton County tags are capable of driving to all of them. Just tell me which park you visit and I'll probably be more careful in that one.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 9:26am.

said and congratulations on your new park. As mom would have said of Like It Is
"consider the source".

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