Another article about the Jena 6 case

What They Don’t Want You To Know About The Jena 6 Case

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Submitted by Nitpickers on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 5:50am.

Referring us to Jena 6 article a hundred times, wastes time!
It doesn't matter about the details anyway: Many hites in Jena are prejudiced, and many blacks want to be confrontational and also have their conduct ignored just as the white conduct is ignored.
All of the this happened then, that happened when, etc., is crap.

Submitted by d.smith700 on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 6:37am.

I don't know what a "hite" is, but I guess a "white."
We are a land of laws--applicable to everyone alike. Some prefer personal jusgement when it effects them!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 7:23am.

You caught your own spelling error. Perhaps it's not such a bad idea after all for you to utilize multiple monikers. That a way you can get a second opinion, along with patting yourself on the back. Plus, you get to save face by correcting your own spelling errors. Cool! Smiling

Another benefit is that, in the true Democrat fashion, you get to vote twice on the Citizen.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 7:15am.

Statements by the Jena D.A. (who’s "restrained by ethical considerations that are designed to protect defendants from prejudice as a result of public remarks made by a prosecutor"):

"The noose incident at Jena High School occurred in August, 2006. This incident was very thoroughly investigated by the United States Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana who concluded that the facts did not constitute an offense that should be prosecuted under federal law. I researched state law and came to the conclusion that there is no state criminal statute prohibiting the conduct. I could not prosecute the perpetrators without an applicable statute. This is an issue that may be appropriate for Legislative consideration."

[He has called the incident "abhorrent and stupid. . . . If those who committed that act considered it a prank, their sense of humor is seriously distorted. It was mean-spirited and deserves the condemnation of all decent people."]

An Attack – not a schoolyard fight

"It has been repeatedly reported that this incident was just a schoolyard fight. The evidence showed that the victim was 'sucker-punched' and knocked immediately unconscious before being stomped and kicked. There was no credible evidence before or during the trial that the victim had provoked the attack by word or gesture. The evidence showed that this was an attack, not a fight. It was prosecuted as such. At no time during the consideration to prosecute or the prosecution of this matter did anyone’s race enter into any decision that was made. It would be a fruitless waste of time considering something that would have no effect on the presentation of evidence or be admissible in a court of law." [And it would open the door for the conviction to be overturned.]

[Subsequent comments by the D.A.: "Imagine you were walking down a city street, and someone leapt from behind a tree and hit you so hard that you fell to the sidewalk unconscious. Would you later describe that as a fight?"]

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:31pm.

Many of you did not want to discuss this until it became a national story. Read this summary that was published in June 2007 in the Jena Times. Because of the inaction/mis-action of adults - children were allowed to continue making bad choices. The national media did not report all of the conflicts that went on for a year before the 'march'.

“Jena 6″ Update

JENA, La. (AP) - Attempted murder and conspiracy charges against a black high school student accused in the December beating of a white student escalating racial tensions were reduced Monday to less serious charges that could mean far less time in prison if he is convicted.

Mychale Bell still faces trial Tuesday on charges stemming from the Dec. 4 beating. But instead of facing sentences totalling 80 years, he now faces maximum sentences totalling 22 years if convicted.

Bell was one of five black Jena High School students charged in the beating, which occurred about three months after three white students were suspended for hanging nooses from a school yard tree.

Another juvenile, whose identity and charges were not released because of his age, was also accused. They were dubbed the “Jena Six” by supporters who say the attempted murder charges resulted from racism by authorities and were far out of proportion to the seriousness of the crime.

However, charges being reduced doesn’t get anyone out of jail. And these charges ARE ridiculous. This was a high school fight, in which the student who was assaulted was brought to the ER and quickly released. Do I wish the fight hadn’t occurred? Certainly, along with everyone else. But let’s recall what led to the fight - here’s the summary by Friends of Justice, with my emphasis and notes in brackets.

• On Thursday, August 31, 2006, a small group of black students asked if they could sit under a tree on the traditionally white side of the Jena High School square. [They felt it necessary to ASK. What does that say?]
• The students were informed by the Vice Principal that they could sit wherever they pleased.
• The following day, September 1, 2006, three nooses were found hanging from the tree in question. Two of the nooses were black and one was gold: the Jena High School colors.
• On Tuesday night, September 5, 2006, a group of black parents convened at the L&A Missionary Baptist Church in Jena to discuss their response to what they considered a hate crime and an act of intimidation. [No laws were broken by hanging these nooses, nor should we have laws for motive instead of action. But it certainly fell under the school disciplinary category.]
• When black students staged an impromptu protest under the tree on Wednesday, September 6, 2006, a school assembly was hastily convened. Flanked by police officers, District Attorney Reed Walters warned black students that additional unrest would be treated as a criminal matter. According to multiple witnesses, Walters warned the black student protestors that, “I can make your lives disappear with a stroke of my pen.” This was widely interpreted as a reference to the filing of charges carrying a maximum sentence of life in prison. [An assembly basically convened to tell the black students to “simmah down, boy.”]
• On Thursday, September 7th, police officers patrolled the halls of Jena High School and on Friday, September 8th, the school was placed on full lockdown. Most students, black and white, either stayed home, or were picked up by parents shortly after the lockdown was imposed. The Jena Times suggested that black parents were to blame for the unrest at the school because their September 5th gathering had attracted media attention. [What would you do if your child was threatened?]
• Principal Scott Windham recommended to an expulsion hearing committee that the three white boys responsible for hanging the nooses in the tree should be expelled from school. [Very wise.]
• On Thursday September 7, 2006, asserting that the noose were merely a silly prank inspired by a hanging scene in the television min-series ‘Lonesome Dove’, the committee opted for a few days of in-school suspension. The names of the three students were not released to the public for reasons of confidentiality. [Teenage boys watch MTV, not Hallmark channel mini-series. Give me a freaking break.]
• According to press accounts, on September 10, 2006, several dozen black parents attempted to address a meeting of the school board but were refused an opportunity to speak.
• At a second September meeting of the school board, September 18, 2006, a representative of the black families was allowed to give a five-minute statement, but school board refused to discuss the “noose issue” because the matter had been fully addressed and resolved.
• Although few major disciplinary issues emerged during the fall semester at Jena High School, there is strong evidence that several black male students remained unusually agitated throughout the semester and that disciplinary referrals on these students spiked sharply.
• On Thursday, November 30, 2006, the academic wing of the Jena High School was largely destroyed by a massive fire. Officials strongly suspect arson.
• Throughout the following weekend, Jena was engulfed by a wave of racially tinged violence.
• In one incident, a black student was assaulted by a white adult as he entered a predominantly white party held at the Fair Barn (a large metal building reserved for social events). After being struck in the face without warning, the young black student was assaulted by white students wielding beer bottles and was punched and kicked before adults broke up the fight. It has been reported that the white assailant who threw the first punch was subsequently charged with simple battery (a misdemeanor), but there is no documentary evidence that anyone was charged.
• In a second major incident, a white high school graduate who had been involved in the assault the night before pulled a pump-action shotgun on three black high school students as they exited the Gotta-Go, a local convenience store. After a brief struggle for possession of the firearm, the black students exited the scene with the weapon. [According to Mother Jones, the black students were charged with aggravated battery and theft.]
• The Jena Times has reported that, in light of these racially-tinged incidents, several high school teachers begged school administrators to postpone the resumption of classes until the wave of hysteria had dissipated. This request was ignored and classes resumed the morning of Monday, December 4, 2006.
• Shortly after the lunch hour of Monday, December 4, 2006, a fight between a white student and a black student reportedly ended with the white student [Justin Barker, later arrested for having a rifle with 13 bullets in his truck in the school parking lot.] being knocked to the floor. Several black students reportedly attacked the white student as he lay unconscious. Because the incident took place in a crowded area and was over in a matter of seconds eye witness accounts vary widely. Written statements from students closest to the scene (in space and time) suggest that the incident was sparked by an angry exchange in the gymnasium moments before in which the black student assaulted at the Fair Barn was taunted for having his “ass whipped”.
• The victim of the attack is close friends of the boys who have admitted to hanging the nooses in September of 2006.
• Within an hour of the fight, six black students were arrested and charged with aggravated battery. [According to the Chicago Trib it was originally “attempted second-degree murder and other offenses, for which they could face a maximum of 100 years in prison if convicted.“] According to The Jena Times, at least a dozen teachers subsequently threatened a “sick-out” if discipline was not restored to the school. According to the Alexandria Town Talk, District Attorney Reed Walters responded to the teacher’s threat by upping the charges on the six boys to attempted second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit second-degree murder—charges carrying a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Where was that swift justice for the student assaulted at the Fair Barn? Why was the man with the shotgun not arrested but the students he threatened at gunpoint charged? Those events occurred long before Jena D.A. Reed Walters wrote in the Jena Times,

“I will not tolerate this type of behavior,” Walters wrote. “To those who act in this manner, I tell you that you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and with the harshest crimes that the facts justify. When you are convicted, I will seek the maximum penalty allowed by law. I will see to it that you never again menace the students at any school in this parish.”

The white boy who threw the first punch at the black student [Robert Bailey Jr.] at the Fair Barn was charged with simple battery - others who took part in the beating were not charged at all. The white adult (a Jena high school graduate) who threatened three black Jena students with a shotgun was not charged with a crime. Evidently behavior worse than high school students beating another high school student is, in fact, tolerable and not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because the Fair Barn beating was a mirror incident to the Jena High School beating. There’s no comparison to the shotgun threat - unless you count the noose threat, also by whites against blacks. And make no mistake - it was a threat. This is the south, and anyone from here understands the symbolism of a noose. In this circumstance, it was unmistakable.

Now two of these kids [Mychale Bell and Theodore Shaw] have sat in jail (due to the lack of a $90,000 bond - $90k for a high school fight!!) since December 4th. So far, nearly seven months in jail for a high school fight. The charges have been reduced to aggravated assault, instead of attempted 2nd degree murder. This is the game they’re playing in Jena - set the bond ridiculously high to keep them in jail, and keep delaying the trial. If the case is dismissed tomorrow, they’ve still spent more than six months in jail for a high school fight. They were not able to graduate. One of the students, Carwin Jones, is a promising athlete who had college scholarships waiting for him. The scholarships are now withdrawn. The kids’ lawyers have been asking for a speedy trial, which they have the right to. But the prosecutor just can’t seem to get his witnesses together… in this tiny little town of about 3,000 people, where folks know each other. Convenient, that. The students should have been expelled for fighting. There’s no excuse for it, even though they were sorely provoked. But six months - so far - in jail for a high school fight in which no one was seriously hurt is a disgrace. The discrepancy between how the whites were treated and how the blacks were treated is painfully obvious.

As the expression goes, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get you. The stopped clocks of the ACLU, Mother Jones, a Daily Kos diarist, Pravda and Al Sharpton may still be right twice a day, and this is one of those times.

TonyF's picture
Submitted by TonyF on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 12:48pm.

is so COLOR BLIND I almost peed my pants reading her racist malarky.
is it Mrs. Jackson or Mrs. Sharpton or Mrs. Clinton? Maybe you aren't a "mrs.", or have you ever been a "mrs."?

"The memories of a man in his old age, are the deeds of a man in his prime.You shuffle in the gloom of the sick room,and talk to yourself as you die."
(R. Waters)

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 11:11am.

I'm confused. I thought we were all against nooses being displayed by anybody in any situation.

Nooses at Spelman

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 5:35pm.

It’s simply amazing how some people will try to twist meaning. All my post was meant for was to show the blatant, racist, double-standard that exists in society. We know who the students were who hung the nooses at Jena, and they were punished for their outrageous, wrong behavior. We know who the ‘Spelman 5’ are who have now hung nooses in defense of some thugs that beat up a white boy, yet they are not condemned for their actions?

We don’t know who planted the nooses at the Coast Guard Academy. For all we know, it was the accusers that planted them. Let's reserve comment on that until we have all of the facts.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 12:12pm.

we determined who would get drafted in to Viet Nam service. How could you miss the Coast Guard Academy noose story where Congress and the Coast Guard are currently investigating nooses left in the personal effects of a black cadet and an officer who was conducting racial tolerance and antidiscrimination training? You choose the noose incident which was a very poor attempt at teaching the significance of lenchings, and you SOMEHOW IGNORE yet another case of nooses used as threats and intimidation. Beaver, in attempting to push your agenda which suggests racism is in the minds of blacks, you prove that I've had you PEGGED correctly from your first posting here. And the proof is in your posting.

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 6:47am.

Some observations about your post "What really led up to Jena 6?"

Perhaps this wasn't discussed here any earlier because we have enough of our own problems to deal with? Conservatives believe in matters being dealt with as much as possible at the local level, and according to locals, they were trying. But then the news media & Jackson & Sharpton media hounds stirred things up with inaccurate reporting, bordering on the sensational. Now that they are pushing to have all charges dropped and the national media are emphasizing this, more and more people are commenting.

You & Hack wanted discussion only recently (from what I can tell); so, you've probably gotten more than you bargained for. Eye-wink


Big problem -- You continue to call 16 & 17-year-olds "children." They can drive (and kill someone if irresponsible) and procreate and commit murder. They are NOT "children." Under LA law, 17 yo are charged as adults.


The victim was not "quickly released." Doctors urged him to stay longer than the 3 hours that he was hospitalized, but he didn't want to miss a graduation function. A concussion from repeated blows to the head is serious and can cause permanent or temporary brain injury that is difficult to detect at the time of injury.


The chronological account in The Jena Times that you "quote" describes things quite differently than your account.

See also Interview with School Board Member.


"The so-called 'white tree' at Jena High, often reported to be the domain of only white students, was nothing of the sort, according to teachers and school administrators; students of all races, they say, congregated under it at one time or another." It certainly was not designated as such (like water fountains were in the past). Notice that you wrote that the "Vice Principal said that they could sit wherever they pleased." No hesitation. No intimidation. Doesn't sound as if there are nearly as many "racists" as the media has hyped. But a few bad apples (black & white) can spoil the lot.

Also, the black U.S. Attorney who investigated the incident said that the black student asked about the tree in a "jocular fashion." The remark was made to get a laugh (it wasn't interpreted as a serious question), and the assembly was described as "lighthearted."


"Three students were accused of placing the nooses [which were seen by very few students since they were removed by 7:15 A.M.], and the school principal recommended expulsion for the students. A committee of the LaSalle Parish School Board overruled the decision, and the students were suspended.

"Details of the suspension aren't public record. However, ... the students accused of hanging the nooses were sent to alternative school for nine days, served a two-week, in-school suspension, had Saturday detentions, had to attend Discipline Court, were referred to Families in Need of Services and had an evaluation before returning to school as part of the district's Crises Management Policy Procedures."


School assembly -- I cannot find one reliable news source at the time of the incident to confirm the D.A.'s comments and the actual events. This assembly, which was not "hastily convened" as a result of the protest (school officials question whether it actually occurred, especially as subsequently reported), seems to have become an issue much later and subject to rumors. All students were present, not just black ones. So, how could anyone KNOW that the D.A.'s comments were meant for the black students only?

There have been 2 school fires as a result of arson (1 before the racial tensions); graffiti was done. Since there have been no arrests, authorities aren't saying if the graffiti is gang-related. The second fire gutted the main building at the high school.

There had been some fights after "the media continued to flame the racial winds," and one fight resulted in a white student being sent to the ER for stitches to the back of his head after he'd been hit from behind on his way to class.

Maybe the D.A. was thinking about the fire and the prior convictions of some of the students and the fights when he issued his warning.

This assembly, as well as the noose incident, was also investigated and dismissed by the black U.S. Attorney.

"Teenage boys watch MTV, not Hallmark channel mini-series." -- I've seen that same assessment multiple times, but not all parents allow MTV trash to be viewed. Again, no charges were brought by the black U.S. Attorney or F.B.I.


Rumors abound about the party incident. You used the word "reserved." It was a "predominantly [but not exclusively] white" (your words) private party with some black INVITED guests. A group of black men tried to "crash" the party, and a fight ensued. One 22 yo white man was arrested. Mr. Sloan should sue the paper for libel since you claim that there is "no documentary evidence that anyone was charged."


Convenience Store Altercation -- The white male, who had to be treated at the hospital, alleged that 3 black males attacked and robbed him, and eye witnesses backed up the victim's version, not the self-defense claims of the black males. That's likely why they were arrested.


Why would the D.A. respond to teachers' fears of violence after arson and students' fighting by "upping the charges"? Are you implying that he was trying to intimidate the teachers? What evidence do you have that shows a correlation between the teachers and the charges?


The $90,000 bond (reduced from $130,000) was set because of "four previous juvenile adjudications for crimes of violence and Bell's status of already being on probation for a Dec. 25, 2005, battery."

Bell "could have been bailed out if a portion of the total -- a little more than $9,000 -- was paid in cash or if $90,000 in property was put up as a deposit for bond."

If he were such an upstanding young man, his many supporters should have been willing to pool resources and post bond. Were they afraid of losing their money?


What is "painfully obvious" is the media hype and distortion of reality, especially from your sources: the ACLU (which defended NAMBLA), Mother Jones (based in San Francisco and Michael Moore was once the editor), Daily Kos (whose founder called murdered private military contractors in Fallujah, Iraq, "merceneries" [sic] who "aren’t in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them."), Pravda (Do you mean the "leading newspaper of the Soviet Union and an official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party"?).


Paranoia is a mental illness characterized by an unfounded or exaggerated distrust of others, sometimes reaching delusional proportions. Paranoid individuals constantly suspect the motives of those around them, and believe that certain individuals, or people in general, are "out to get them." Persons with paranoid personality disorder tend to be self-centered, self-important, defensive, and emotionally distant. Some individuals with PPD are described as "litigious," as they are constantly initiating frivolous law suits.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 12:01am.

The 'comments' in the article I shared were not my comments - but the comments of the 'journalist' from the Jena Times. The meeting on December 7 (called by black and white ministers) appeared to be the first sincere attempt by the members of the Jena community seeking a peaceful solution this problem. I hope that their efforts bring about their desired results. My opinion regarding ‘Jena’ is that: 1) Equal justice was not being handed out under the 'rule of law'. 2) Most of the citizens and students in Jena were not involved in this 'mess'. 3) Sharpton and Jackson need to go home and shut up. 4) Praise to the college students, church members and professionals in the black and white community - with the cooperation of law enforcement and citizens of Jena in conducting a peaceful march.

The results of the march? Justice will be done. What message should be acknowledged? We have not progressed enough in American race relations to consider a noose hanging from a tree - where blacks are not 'wanted' as a simple prank. There are still living members of families who lost brothers, fathers, and grandfathers - to the noose in this country. Blacks consider it an act of intimidation. Race relations in Fayette County in Georgia exhibit what is possible in the new south.. .and throughout our country. Why do I believe this? Because the neighbors that I have come in contact with respect one another, most exhibiting southern courtesy to all regardless of race or religion. There are exceptions - as have been demonstrated in this discussion . . .but the discussion has been good, exposing all to the different perspectives of an American tragedy.

(Correction: Sharpton announced that 'all charges should not be dropped - but that equal justice and charges be issued regardless of 'race'. He was 'encouraged' to make this clear - by more responsible but less publicized 'leaders' of the black community.) The charges against Bell will be heard in juvenile court.

Learning from others mistakes and/or concerns is important to the peace and tranquility that can continue to exist here in Fayette County. Thank heavens we have adult leaders, parents, and religious leaders who have the wisdom to deal with potential race problems. And I hope that we as citizens of Fayette or any county in our country will never allow a situation like 'Jena' to fester and get out of hand.

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 6:42am.

Dave's Mom,

Are you calling for equal prosecution of the noose hanging (not a crime) as for the 6 on 1 beating of a white child? (is a crime)

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 6:31am.

The beating of another human being is reprehensible. The killing of a human being is reprehensible. Fighting in school is unacceptable. Justice in all cases of reprehensible or unacceptable behavior should be handed out equally regardless of the color of ones skin, or ones athletic ability, or ones parentage. In Jena - justice was not being handed out equally. Now, with the nation looking on, it will be. Nowhere in my statements have I ever stated that 'noose' hanging and/or using violence by cracking a bottle over a human's head or stomping a human with intent to do bodily harm are 'equal'. I am glad that you post your opinions and interpretations. . .so that your comprehension of my intention can be clarified.

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 6:38am.

Listen to this clip of John Edwards where he implies that all African-American males are criminals.

Stopping Inner City Violence - John Edwards

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 10:30am.

I found the Jena 6 site too. It gives the perspective from the eyes of the blacks and whites who knew these kids. I am so sick of the people who jump on, and try to morph, anything into something to justify a march, or their picture in the paper. Has Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson earned a honest dollar in the past 10 years? If MLK were alive today, I think he would have taken a far different appoach, starting with getting ALL the facts, and you would have seen a different outcome. As for David's mom...jumping a kid from behind, 6 on 1, in a convience store is NOT a 'boys will be boys' deal. If you go to the Jena La site, you will see this black kid has had problems before. The whites and blacks had turned a blind eye, hoping that he would be a pro ball player instead of a jailbird. They knew his chances of becoming say a councelor, negociater, arbitrator, preacher, or peace core worker were bleak. When he beat that child that bad, in his little temper tantrum for God knows what, most had had enough. It is just that simple, and here comes Jessie and Al, and prob David's mom, if she heard in time and found an open door at the home while no one was looking. In short, they, the people of Jena who knew him best, would have settled it, for what they thought, was his best.

sidebar...blacks,whites, in a VERY small town, had been locking their cars to keep him and his little buddies out. They could just as easy set a trap, black or white, and had the little moron put in jail. They were putting up with him, hoping he would come out of it. As for the white kid's beating, yeah, he went to an event that night. When the kid was inviewed he said he had waited his whole life for it, it had something to do with graduation, and he was going, banged up and all. He wasn't gonna let the other kid take that from him. I respect that. Is that any reason to think his beating WASN'T BAD? OR that he deserved it. You keep implying he was one that hung the noose, he wasn't. The other kid is a homicide waiting to happen, and all this outside input is just gonna make him meaner and feel the next thing he pulls he's get away with it. This has taugh him a very wrong lesson and it has been taught by the likes of Jessie, Al, and people like David's mom.

Submitted by thebeaver on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 8:30pm.

Notice that Jessie "Hymie-town" Jackson and Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton only come to the aid of people accused of wrong doing in order to scream racism and to get some face time in front of news cameras. Would'nt it be more productive for them to spend their time teaching kids how to stay out of trouble, or isn't there enough money in it for them.?

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 10:27am.

I found the Jena 6 site too. It gives the perspective from the eyes of the blacks and whites who knew these kids. I am so sick of the people who jump on, and try to morph, anything into something to justify a march, or their picture in the paper. Has Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson earned a honest dollar in the past 10 years? If MLK were alive today, I think he would have taken a far different appoach, starting with getting ALL the facts, and you would have seen a different outcome. As for David's mom...jumping a kid from behind, 6 on 1, in a convience store is NOT a 'boys will be boys' deal. If you go to the Jena La site, you will see this black kid has had problems before. The whites and blacks had turned a blind eye, hoping that he would be a pro ball player instead of a jailbird. They knew his chances of becoming say a councelor, negociater, arbitrator, preacher, or peace core worker were bleak. When he beat that child that bad, in his little temper tantrum for God knows what, most had had enough. It is just that simple, and here comes Jessie and Al, and prob David's mom, if she heard in time and found an open door at the home while no one was looking. In short, they would have settled it.

sidebar...blacks,whites, in a VERY small town, had been locking their cars to keep him and his little buddies out. They could just as easy set a trap, black or white, and had the little moron put in jail. They were putting up with him, hoping he would come out of it. As for the white kid's beating, yeah, he went to an event that night. When the kid was inviewed he said he had waited his whole life for it, it had something to do with graduation, and he was going, banged up and all. He wasn't gonna let the other kid take that from him. I respect that. Is that any reason to think his beating WASN'T BAD? OR that he deserved it. You keep implying he was one that hung the noose, he wasn't. The other kid is a homicide waiting to happen, and all this outside input is just gonna make him meaner and feel the next thing he pulls he's get away with it. This has taugh him a very wrong lesson and it has been taught by the likes of Jessie, Al, and people like David's mom.

Submitted by wrkhrd4it on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 9:55pm.

I went to the Jena Times website and read the summary they have now. I don't know if it's changed since the July version you referenced, but I came away with a slightly different conclusion. I think your post would have been more credible without the comments sprinkled throughout. I would urge all interested to visit the Jena Times website so they can form their own opinion.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 10:24pm.

I think most of us realize it was largely taken out of context. We all have computers and can check the facts available on the Jena Times website. Look at Denise's posts she has links directly to news articles......more accurate and credible.

What if people were still segregated by race? Who would black people blame when they were only surrounded by their people?? Who would be to blame for violence and crime? Who would be to blame for lack of education and job opportunities? Who would they point a finger at and say thats not fair? Who would supply public assistance and finacial aid?

Who would we blame if we only had our own people to rely on and associate with? It would make it harder to pull the race card.

Would we as people have to start taking responsibility for ourselves and be self motivated and self supporting?

The whites only tree thing is a little weird. What about the blacks only colleges, like Moorehouse and Spelman? What about black spring vacation? What about the black miss America contest. What about black history month? When is Jewish history month? Or is black history month the only one that matters??? Huh? What about the black only churches? No whites can attend? Even in God's house?? Ummm, ok,
but someone declares a tree(?) as a white only tree and every goes into a tailspin?? If we had a Miss white America contest would that be better? Or a whites only college??

I don't get the logic, or lack of it.

Submitted by d.smith700 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 4:14pm.

Who is "they"? And what is there to know except the law has been delivered out uneven!
The noose boys should have benn prosecuted for disturbing the peace, and the gang who kicked the kid---no matter what he "said" should have been charged with battery as juveniles. It is simple.

G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 4:39pm.

If the article thats linked to the thread is even close then battery as juveniles isn't close to being enough. Did you read it ? While the kids that hung the noose should be punished you have to remember that no one was physically harmed by this act. So to respond with a 6 on 1 attack of an individual that wasn't even involved in the noose incident deserves attempted murder charges. The only reason that this is national news is because Jesse and Al have to keep those donations coming in.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 10:51pm.

You gentleman are arguing that the Louisiana 3rd Circuit Court was wrong to rule this case as 1: Being inaccuratly charged and 2: Tried incorrectly out of juvenile court. I'm actually on the side of the actual law here. But some quick enlightning:

G35 dude, you are surprised by my tone? Recall your reasonable tone in invoking Sharpton and Jackson in a case that isn't even about them:

"So to respond with a 6 on 1 attack of an individual that wasn't even involved in the noose incident deserves attempted murder charges. The only reason that this is national news is because Jesse and Al have to keep those donations coming in."

Yes... Jesse and Al. sigh. You are wrong on the victim's involvement in this race-inspired tension(not that involvement justifies the beating). Read the summary at the top of this thread for enlightenment.

Skyspy: Do some fact collecting my friend. You wrote that if a black was beaten by whites we'd all be crying. Skyspy, a black teen WAS beaten by whites! He was even hit with a BOTTLE. Am I whining? What were those attackers charged with?

Finally, the low hanging fruit offered by Oldbeachbear: You wrote:

1. The victim was "almost killed."
2. "beat... almost to death"

Oldbeachbear, what do you base this on? How did he come back soo quickly from "near death?"

3. I show pity for thugs
Certainly you can differentiate disdain for the overreach of authority from pity for a thug. What DAs stretch to weild upon thugs can be used against you and me. And I, at least, won't silently let that precedent be set.

4. The whites in Jenna bent over backwards for the blacks.

All I will ask is this: HOW?

5. Finally, you predict Mychal will get out and kill someone.

Ponder this Oldbeachbear. Mary Winkler who actually DID kill someone (her husband) by shooting him in the back, served 10 months in jail for taking this pastor's life.

Mychal Bell was just released on bail after 10 months in jail.

Marcus Dixon, who went to jail for having consensual sex with a girl just shy of 16 when he was 17, served more time in jail than the murderer Mary Winkler. Soooo, Oldbeachbear, do you see any reason that at times blacks might be just a little itty bit skeptical of lady justice's blind fold? I think, at times, she sneeks a peak at skin color, and then sets bail, charges, and sentencing. God Bless you guys, and I hope you know the spirit in which I write (I'll smoke from your supply with you next time G35)
Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:09pm.

I think we are all skeptical of our system of justice (oj). I think we all need to do some research. I understand what you see from one side of the coin. Whites see the other side of the coin the oj's and others who get away with crime because of the race card.

I have said this before, I think you and I could one up each other all day long when it comes to instances of favoritism of every kind. Whether legal, or educational, or career, I think we have both seen instances of favoritism that was not earned.

Have a good weekend.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 6:29am.

The though of a broken justice system reminds me of the trial for those that beat Reginald Denny almost to death - the truck driver that was caught-up in the LA riots in 1992. The defense strategy for one of defendants was to portray him as a victim of poverty and racism.

Here's a reminder of how brutal and savage that beating was:

A man named Antoine Miller opened the truck door, giving others the chance to pull Denny out. Another man, Henry Keith Watson, then held Denny's head down with his foot. Denny, who had done nothing to provoke the violence, was kicked in the stomach. A man who had led a liquor store break-in earlier that day hurled a five-pound piece of medical equipment at Denny's head and hit him three times with a claw hammer. A man named Damian Monroe Williams then threw a slab of concrete at Denny's head and knocked him unconscious. Williams then did a victory dance over Denny. He then flashed gang signs at news helicopters, which were televising the events live, and pointed and laughed at Denny. A man named Anthony Brown then spat on Denny and left with Williams. Several bystanders took pictures of Denny but did not attempt to help him.

Only one defendant (Williams) was sentenced for substantial time - 10 years which was later reduced for good behavior. BTW, he later shoot a drug dealer and is now serving life.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:23pm.

But at the end of the day is a night to enjoy!!


Kevin "Hack" King

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:02pm.

Please don't involve my subject header with your argument.

I have not posted on this subject.

I have no time or interest in those that propagate racism of any kind.

Correction: I have no time or respect for those that propagate racism of any kind. I do have an interest in them as I will always fight against those that use racism as a justification for their actions.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:24pm.

I've got no idea what you're talking about, but please have one for me; preferrably a chocolate or apple martini.


Kevin "Hack" King

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:28pm.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:35pm.

Git Real tried, but I failed the class. Unfortunately Skyspy, as much as I would love it to, race just will not disappear as a way of prejudging people. I say black male, first thought for some is criminal. I say Asian guy, first thought is math skills. I say Mexican? Illegal of course. I say southern white? Some think prejudiced or redneck. I don't understand why we are still having these mental malfunctions. The Bill Oreilly comments about Sylvia's and the reaction thereafter serve as but one example. I think a step in the right direction will be when sentencing is more balanced for rich and poor, white and black, male and female (That weird music producer Alan Spectr should be in jail with OJ). I'm not holding my breath though.

Kevin "Hack" King

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 11:47pm.

“Start with the lawyers”.

Something about a bus-load of them going over a cliff with one empty seat.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 2:31am.

Did you smoke before this post? This is a national story because it caught national interest. Do you think "Jessie" and "Al" called FOx News and told them to run a weekend report on this? Are you kidding me, us, or yourself? Attempted murder charges with the murder weapons tennis shoes? G35, do not pass the Bar, do not collect $200!!!!!!

Kevin "Hack" King

G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:16pm.

Seems that you're the only one here that didn't understand what I was trying to say. But at least you responded with a lot of class and a level head. *LOL* But if you still want to argue and insult people go read "Jena Six -- Another Story of Unequal Justice for Blacks?" by Larry Elder in this very paper and insult him.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 6:06pm.

those thugs beat that child almost to death and would have been happy if they did. Your idea that just cause he is white and almost killed is ...OK.. pales in comparison withyour pity for a thug that should be in prison shows you need to take a step backward. If that was a black child instead of white you would be screaming your head off. It looks like the whites down there have bent over backwards for the little fart. time will tell, as it already has by his rap record. My guess is, as soon as he's out, he'll kill someone and it will be their fault in your eyes.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 7:18am.

Those tennis shoes were attached to 6 200 pound thugs. I think murder was exactly what they intended. They got caught beating up a kid that had nothing to do with the alleged noose incident. They attempted to kill him because he is white.
I bet if the kid was black being beaten by 6 white thugs you and al and jessie would crying like 3yr olds "until justice was done". Based on your statments you seem to think this is ok since it was a white kid that was beat up. Is that really the message you are trying to put across? I'm asking since I think I have misunderstood some of your previous comments.

Hate isn't right no matter what color card you use to justify your actions.

I think al and jessie both called every news station they could think of for the press. Neither one of them really has a job, other than causing trouble and stirring up hate. Yes this story has national interest, because of the hate on both sides.

The fact that 16 and 17yr olds were charged as adults seems fitting to me. If you can do the crime you are old enough to do the time.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 9:28am.

Please tell me what in my above comment shows that I think the 6 on one attack was "okay." If you can find a comment I have made that shows I suport the attack of this child, I'll be able to continue down this road with you.

Quick law 101: Stare decisis is "the past shall rule." That means that legal precedants guide current laws and sentencing. Tennis shoes are not, by precedent, considered murder weapons. That is because those intending to murder have, historically, used better weaponry than tennis shoes. Question skyspy, if you get pulled for doing 5 over the speed limit, do you expect to be hauled off to jail for wreckless driving? You did the crime, right? No one wants a government entity that overplays its control over people's lives. Most Americans are on the same page on the ridiculous nature of this sentence. The LA supreme Court is of that opinion. I hope you return from the fringe.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by d.smith700 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 5:44pm.

I'm Angolan White Moor, so I have no bone to pick here, but it seems to me that the nooses started the whole thing!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 7:22pm.

You really have no idea what preceded the nooses or all that followed -- none of us here do. Mychal Bell (and friends) had been a troublemaker for some time, and likely the noose-hangers and friends were troublemakers, too.

How can you equate a THREAT with actual violence -- 6 strong teens (some or all on the football team) attacking 1 guy from behind, knocking him unconscious, and continuing to beat him until stopped by others?

Based on previous misconduct and the nature of the crime, the prosecutor charged a 16-year-old (or 17?) as an adult perhaps because juveniles get out when they turn 18 (or before due to overcrowding). The "kid" was already on probation for assault, with 2 prior offenses. Correct me, if I'm wrong. Perhaps the prosecutor wanted to impress on the thugs the seriousness of their actions and was using the original charges as pressure to get more information or some such similar legal tactic. Without knowing the juveniles' history (which is not publically accessible) and all of the info that the prosecutor knows, we can't really say for sure that the charges were excessive, although they probably were, or that the charges would not have been reduced before trial. Wouldn't an attempted murder charge be a lot harder to get a conviction on and likely end up in a not-guilty verdict or a hung jury?

I've seen a TV program about a juvenile detention center (or some such similar name -- it looked like a prison). Quite revealing about the ferocity of these "children" who are released back into society. The guards said that they'd much rather work at an adult prison because of the intensity of the violence and the irrationality of the juvies -- who are stronger than adults and harder to subdue, according to those guards who've been attacked by them.

Also, the teen who was attacked had nothing to do with the nooses and the attack was not directly related to the nooses (accepted fact by those not listening to High-Jackson hype and verified by a black U.S. attorney).

If you care to find out the facts, look at "The 'Jena 6' Affair: A Balanced Perspective" & "Great Article on Jena 6" for more information.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 2:26am.

1: That there may be a perfectly good reason for kids hanging nooses in the south (death threats Denise)?

2: Are you suggesting that it is proper for the government via a DA to misapply the law to "send a message?" Why not just charge them with capitol murder and push the death penalty? That would really show them.

3: Are you suggesting that in a beating of a kid who attends a school function the same day, that it is appropriate to misinterpret the law and charge a 16 or 17 year old as an adult?

Are you now a big, strong-arming government type? I'm confused. Fox News gave, what I believe, was a very balanced weekend story on this case. They, like me and the majority of Americans, saw the noose hangings and dragging from cars and the nooses on a US Coast Guard Ship as reprehensible. They found the boys to be well short of sainthood. They also found the DA's application of justice unexplainable. On this one, I agree squarely with Fox News and their anchors.

Kevin "Hack" King

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 9:47am.

Most of the Jena people who were involved in this were on the Dr. Phil show yesterday. Sharpton, the young man who was stomped and beaten and several others. Both sides are presented. Part two will be on at 5 pm Monday. I hope you can watch this.

Denise you are a gem. I read everything that you write. Smiling

Hack, happy anniversary to you and your wife! Smiling

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 9:42pm.

How was Dr. Phil?

I missed it -- just too busy. I'd like to know what you learned from the show. Thanks for letting me know.

Right now I'm listening to a WWII documentary on TV while trying to do some work on my computer. There aren't any commercials; so, I'll have to work later. Smiling

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 11:37am.

I didn't really learn anything from the show. Seems most of the people had a different story about what happened in Jena.

The Friday show had Sharpton on, running his mouth. The Monday show had a crazy acting white supremacist Richard Barrett on. ( both were disgusting)

Dr. Phil sent T.D. Jakes to Jena to talk to everyone.

I don't watch much tv. I watched part of The War. I think I'll stick to watching specials like that. Smiling

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 8:22pm.

Well, sounds like I didn't miss a lot, especially Sharpton's yapping. He, as least, can be personable during an interview.

I don't watch much TV either (not enough to justify the cable bill), but The War on PBS has been very good. Smiling

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 9:55pm.

Well, they didn't solve anything that's for sure. I will try to tell you more tomorrow. I'm really tired right now.

Keep on writing! Have a great evening. Smiling
BTW our dollar's back.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 5:44pm.

I'd be interested in your thoughts about this since you saw part 1.

Now I know why you haven't posted a lot lately -- I've kept you so busy reading that you don't have time to type. Laughing out loud

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 7:56am.

Exactly what I said: "There may be a perfectly good reason for kids hanging nooses in the south."

Funny thing is I can't remember thinking it, saying it, or typing it. The words must be invisible because I can't find them, even if I use ctrl F. Maybe you can point them out. Puzzled

"Why not just charge them with capitol murder and push the death penalty?" -- Ummm, because no one died. Surely you're not disappointed? The victim survived, no thanks to the thugs.

"Phrases like 'stomped him badly,' 'stepped on his face,' 'knocked out cold on the ground,' and 'slammed his head on the concrete beam' were used by the students in their statements [about the attack]."

I wonder how much psi (pound-force per square inch) 6 athletic young men could apply when stomping and kicking on a person's head. Or would it be better to use Newton's second law of motion: F = ma?

"Punch and Kick Force?" -- "To cause maximum damage to an opponent, targets should be chosen for their inability to respond elastically." Would you agree? Eye-wink


"Beating Victim Dies of Head Injuries" -- "The medical examiner has ruled the death a homicide caused by blunt force trauma [from being punched]." No weapon was used in the incident.

"Teenager Jailed for Vicious Attack" on another teen -- "punching him to the floor and then inflicting serious head and brain injuries by repeatedly kicking and stamping his head and face"

Beating at Six Flags over Georgia Causes Head and Brain Injuries -- "Three of the men then 'jumped Joshua and knocked him [to] the ground. They then punched and kicked repeatedly, even leaving a shoe print [on] Joshua's forehead.'"


A traumatic brain injury occurs when the skull slams against a stationary object, such as a windshield or the ground. Damage results from the rapid acceleration/deceleration of the brain when it is slammed back and forth against the structures inside the skull. When this happens, the neural connections that transmit and receive messages between the brain and other parts of the body are twisted, sheared, and pulled apart.

In a "closed" brain injury, there is a blow to the head such as a beating or an assault, during a motor vehicle crash, or while playing sports.

"Mild" brain injury occurs when the head impacts an object or undergoes the acceleration/deceleration movement (i.e., whiplash) without direct external trauma to the head. Persons may lose consciousness for under twenty minutes or not at all. Mild brain injury can result in a constellation of symptoms that has been referred to as post-concussion syndrome and post-traumatic syndrome. These symptoms include: feeling dazed, disoriented and confused, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, sleep disturbance, fatigue, sensitivity to light/sound; difficulty with attention and concentration, memory, judgement and problem-solving, speech/language; irritability, low frustration tolerance, anger, mood swings, and depression.

Brain injury can be difficult to detect; x-rays, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and CT (CAT scan) may appear unremarkable or normal. Brain injuries may remain undiagnosed.

Brain Injury, even "mild" brain injury, can result in alterations in all aspects of a person's functioning: physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, financial, interpersonal and vocational.


I guess that a beating can cause more than a headache, wouldn't you agree?

If I shot at you and missed, what should I be charged with? If I tried to shoot you but someone hit my arm and made me miss? If I robbed a bank but dropped all of the money? If I put poison in someone's drink but the person accidentally knocked it over?

From what I remember, the victim left the hospital against the advice of his doctors. He wanted to attend a graduation function that evening.

Exactly what is the law that you claim was misinterpreted?

"According to Louisiana's Children Code, if someone is 15 or over -- Bell was 16 at the time of the incident and Beard was 14 -- and they are charged with one of a list of specific charges -- including attempted murder -- they must be tried in the adult justice system. If a defendant is under the age of 15, he can't be charged as an adult. This decision isn’t one resting in the hands of the judge or district attorney, but is clearly spelled out in law."

Under what circumstances, if any, do you FEEL that it's appropriate to charge a 16-17 yo as an adult? What if the perp has prior assault convictions? What is the law?

Are "the boys" (football players who are old enough to drive and procreate) that are "short of sainthood" just the "white" ones, or do the "black" ones fall in that category, too?

Am I "now a big, strong-arming government type"? What do you think? Is this something else that I typed that's now invisible? Puzzled

I missed the coverage on Fox News, but I'm glad that you didn't. Eye-wink WOW! You're watching Fox News and reading Ann Coulter and my posts! You'd better watch out, or you might just catch a little conservatism. Laughing out loud

You haven't had that knee surgery yet, have you?

Happy 17th anniversary! Smiling

Submitted by thebeaver on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 12:17pm.

"Funny thing is I can't remember thinking it, saying it, or typing it. The words must be invisible because I can't find them, even if I use ctrl F. Maybe you can point them out."

Join the club. Hack accused me of calling him a "shovelnose" (whatever that is), which I didn't. When I called him out on it, did he retract or apologize?

Of course not. It's an old liberal trick - repeat a lie often enough, and people will start to believe it as fact.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 7:16am.

that at times I go away for long periods. The posts keep moving. If I don't respond to a comment you made days or weeks before, it is only because the comment is burried and I haven't seen it. I try not to leave questions unanswered. Now to your , ummm, points:

"Join the club. Hack accused me of calling him a "shovelnose" (whatever that is), which I didn't. When I called him out on it, did he retract or apologize?

Of course not. It's an old liberal trick - repeat a lie often enough, and people will start to believe it as fact."

First, you can reference my response to Denise on the noose hanging comments. As to your "calling me out, I never got that call. At any rate, I was referring to the "go figure another criminal in Fayette county is a black male" posts which you participated in. You spent much time trying to explain why it was reasonable to emphasize the race of criminals in Fayette County (but only when they were black males.) this string of postings brought out the oh so colorful "shovel nose from your side of the argument. I APOLOGIZE FOR ATRIBUTING THE LANGUAGE OF ONE OF YOUR TEAMMATES to you. It isn't the first time I've screwed that up. Probably won't be the last. And I'll apologize the next time. I don't want to color you as someone you aren't.

As for the "repeat a lie" part and "liberals: Please, Beaver. Please....

We are winning the war. We will balance the budget. We are compassionate conservatives, conservatives are fiscally responsible, conservatives believe in and live the "family values" life, etc, etc, etc. You don't own the party of moral and truth Beav. Even if you repeat it enough times to make yourself think you do.

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 8:53pm.

That derogatory term came from Take back Fayette and was made during the Imus discussion on April 11.

Al Shaprton needs to get hit by a truck. He does nothing more,than promote race issues.I didnt see him on the tv preaching about how Tupac shakur degraes women. Now im not saying Imus is right for what he said. Im just saying "who cares".Were in America, we have the right to free speech. If i want to say Jesse Jackson is a shovel nose. Then so be it. Who cares. Heck, i beleive it was JJ that admitted to spitting in white peoples food. Go figure


Our "friend" Basmati replied: "If I'm reading Google correctly, a 'shovel nose' is a colloquial term for a black African catfish.

"As slurs go, it's a tad more imaginative than the usual ones foisted upon us here by the race baiting contingent (norwester aka thebeaver, 30yearresident, enigma, et al). "Thug" was getting a bit worn out as a euphemism. (et al means "and others", Denise)"

I didn't see any posts under this thread made by TheBeaver. NONE!


"Take back Fayette" also said, "Come on Hack"

"I though you knew. Shovel nose is a term used to describe people with flat wide noses. There nose looks like it got hit by a shovel. Usually a characteristic seen in blacks.That is all."

Hack, you might want to re-read others' comments in response to TBF -- yours were quite insightful. Smiling

Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 10:55am.

In your feeble attempt at an apology, you try to attach me to a racist comment by calling them one of my "Teammates". Please Hack, just what exactly did you mean when you refer to a person that made a racist comment as one of my "teammates". Are you insinuating that all white people are racists?

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 10/07/2007 - 6:33pm.

One team or group or side of the argument was explaining why we have to consider racial makeup of bank robbers and cart path harrassers. The other side, my side or team, was saying crime is crime why emphasize the race especially when that race is black. So, you were on one side of that discussion and I was on the other. We did not share a side of that argument. HOWEVER, if I were a very racist person, which side of thast argument would I be on Beaver? Yours. Strange bed fellows is what I am insenuating. nuff said though. I've got to continue my self loathing now.


Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 7:29am.

Get up and get to the airport. There's a bus to fly somewhere.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 7:34am.

how much chewing one foot in the mouth (shovel nose) will generate. Or is that 1 and a half (teammate double meaning)? I'm sure that if I try hard I can swallow the hole second foot and an arm. Cheers,

Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 7:38am.

I don't know. I'm staying clear of this thread.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 12:40pm.

Sounds like with that comment about "Teammates", you are stuck on stereotypes. What is the team and who are the teammates? So, now we established that we are on different teams? Kinda like the FUBU mentality. Are you really interested in equality, or advancing your own special interests? Isiah Thomas says in the Garden lawsuit that it is ok for a black man to speak to a black woman with profanity but that it would be insensitive for a white man to speak the same way. Kind of like blacks using the "N" word to each other--- that is ok. Or Frank Thomas last night during the ALDS referring to Matsuzaka as "that Japanese guy".

Sounds like you are helping to keep the labelling and stereotyping alive.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 7:30am.

"teammates." At any rate, if we go back to the root of the root of this discussion, you will see that it originated from postings wrt crimes in Fayette County. The crimes in particular (if you would like to dig up some VERY interesting and VERY race specific posts) had to do with posters here pointing out that a Fayette County bank robber, a marble slab robber, and a dollar store robber were, gasp, black males. The comments were along these lines:

"figures" "who would have guessed" "surprise surprise", and the emphamous "another shovel nose." I didn't know what shovel nose was, but I had an idea. My postings, not to rehash all of this, dealt with the question of why we never point out the race of the murderers in our county or the pedophiles caught by the PTCPD. The posters that seemed so race conscious became selectively colorblind. And, drum roll please, they shared opinions with openly racist posters. So one might ask, "why would a rascist person be on the same side of this race argument?"
Anywho, nuff about that. You can just lump me in with Bill "wow, blacks can behave in a restaurant" OReilly or Rush "Barak the magic negro" Limbaugh. But I imagine folks are growing tired of this thread.

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 8:54pm.

What's this with "ONE OF YOUR TEAMMATES"? Does that apply to me now? Just who's on each team? Puzzled

Do you really know that Beav is like TBF, or are you making assumptions, too? I don't really know, but Beav does admire Walter Williams and voted for Herman Cain. We have that in common. Smiling

Each person is responsible for his own speech and thoughts and actions, not for those made by others. (That's the way that conservatives think, or at least once did.) There's a BIG difference between calling derogatory names and recognizing the fact that most of the robberies here seem to be committed by "blacks" and that there is a crime problem among "blacks" as a group.

Not wanting FayCo to turn into Fulton or Clayton is a valid concern. Isn't that why you chose to live here rather than there?

"When hate crime statistics are adjusted for blacks' lower population numbers, proportionally, blacks commit more than twice as many hate crimes as whites" ("Jena Six -- Another Story of Unequal Justice for Blacks?" by Larry Elder).

Maybe there's a reason "whites" are apprehensive of some "blacks"? Puzzled 50 years ago that wasn't the case. Shouldn't we be glad for the progress that we've made in racial relations? There are still problems on both sides, but the scales often seem tilted the other way now.

Would it make you feel better if I and others acknowledge that most child molesters in this county are white? Maybe most drug users and sellers are, too. The issue of "race" comes in when the police give a description of the suspect. As Git has said before, if "trailer trash" were hanging out at the Pavilion and robbing stores and banks, we'd be fools not to be wary of them (and I think that most of us are). Not that all people who look a certain way are criminals (ignorant maybe), but some people are more likely to be.

It would not be wise to assume that ALL crimes are committed by one "race" or that all "blacks" are criminals or that all "whites" are racist or bigoted or are on the same team.


In an effort to avoid misunderstanding, for some of my previous comments, go to these links:





Git’s Thoughts

Hack’s reply

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 12:33am.

"There's a BIG difference between calling derogatory names and recognizing the fact that most of the robberies here seem to be committed by "blacks" and that there is a crime problem among "blacks" as a group."

This is your quote, Denise. I'm not criticizing now. I am analyzing. You type very exhaustive posts explaining your ideas and principles thoroughly. The problem is you appear to be arguing both sides of the coin to support conservatism's ambiguities. You have linked here your posts specifically singling out crime related to blacks.

Denise, do you not remember your many postings arguing that blacks should not even refer to themselves as blacks or African Americans, but just Americans? Denise, you said it would be the downfall of American society if we all begin referring to ourselves by our different ethnicities and national heritages. So please explain this in a way a liberal can understand. Is it only okay to refer to my race with respect to crimes committed? Are BET, miss Black America, the NAACP, etc the wrong way to reference ethnicity? I am confused now.

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 2:03am.

Please notice that I used quotation marks. I merely used terminology that is commonly recognized and used. Ideally, no such segregation should exist.

I'm not the one espousing "black" / "African" culture or "white" culture. If you want separate "black" status, then you have to take the good with bad and the ugly. If it makes you feel better, I don't like Eminem's "Kill You" "culture" or Hells Angels' "culture" either. "Trailer Trash" / Red Neck "whites" leave much to be desired also. Laughing out loud

I'm very comfortable with PEOPLE like Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Star Parker . . . . maybe even a liberal like you. Eye-wink

You never answered me. Which group does my friend's little boy belong in? He's "half 'n half." What about another friend's son? He's "black" but adopted by "white" parents? What about a dark-skinned friend who talks and acts "white" (labeled as such by your "team") -- articulate, well educated, Christian, conservative? Puzzled

David's Mom has criticized Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton. What about you? Do you have any criticism of "black" culture? Puzzled

Now, which "team" did you say that I'm on? Oh, yes, the "evil" Republicans. Eye-wink

You keep forgetting. I'm evangelical-traditional Christian first, conservative second. Not too many GOPers fit that bill, but Democrats certainly don't. Here's a party that I more closely align with.

"the only party which is completely pro-life, pro-gun, pro-American sovereignty and independence, and in favor of a strong national defense . . . anti-globalist . . . opposes special rights for homosexuals, the constantly increasing expansion of unlawful police laws"

Just so that you won't be confused. Laughing out loud

Here's a car you might be interested in since you didn't get the Vette. Laughing out loud

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 3:31pm.

You're great! In terms of which group a multi-ethnic child belongs in, there is a historical precedent. My family and my wife's family have widely varied ethnicities. But my parents were told that 1/4 black meant black. 1/8 black meant black. That is why Strom Thurmon hid his love child right to the grave. I see your religion first and conservatism second. I am a religious person who tries to keep religion out of politics as much as possible. Pro gun pro life is interesting. politics lately is akin to the whole nation shopping at a shoe store with two sizes: Donkey and elephant. Unfortunately all 300 million of us have different sized feet.


Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 2:41am.

You do like to bring up old news! But there's a lot more to this than you mentioned.

"Thurmond Family Acknowledges Senator Had Illegitimate Daughter"

"[Ms. Essie Mae Washington-] Williams [78 at the time of disclosure] had long been rumored to be Thurmond's child, though she had previously denied it. She came forward now at the urging and encouragement of her children, Wheaton said.

"Williams told The Washington Post that Thurmond privately acknowledged her as his daughter and had provided financial support since 1941. She said she waited to go public because she didn't want to embarrass herself or hurt Thurmond's career. The Post first reported her claims on its Web site Saturday.

"'There was an agreement between the parties that she would never discuss the fact that Sen. Thurmond was her father,' Walters said. He said Williams was not seeking money and did not want to challenge Thurmond's will."


"I am not bitter," Williams said at an emotional news conference in Columbia, S.C. "I am not angry. In fact, there is a great sense of peace that has come over me in the past year."

"Throughout his life and mine, we respected each other," Williams said."

Armstrong Williams, a black columnist and commentator who was a protégé of Thurmond, whom he calls "my hero": "I know Strom was there for his daughter. He was willing to risk it all. He would get in his car as [DEMOCRAT] governor [in the 1940s] and go to that campus to see his daughter."

"She kept silent out of love and respect for her father. She denies that there was an agreement between the two to keep her connection to Thurmond silent."

"Many close friends and staff members had long suspected this to have been the case, stating that Thurmond had always taken a great amount of interest in Washington-Williams and that she was granted a degree of access to the Senator more appropriate to a family member than to a member of the public."


What a classy lady! Mrs. Williams likely overcame many hardships without allowing hatred to diminish her.

I don't think that too many men back at that time (1920s) would have acknowledged any illegitimate child. What the parents did was illegitimate, but it was the child who suffered and was inhumanely labeled.

Mrs. Williams' mother was 16 and Thurmond was 22 when she was born in 1925. Thurmond "helped pay [Williams'] way through college and later paid her sums of money in cash or, through a nephew, checks. These payments extended well into her adult life."

It appears that Thurmond tried to make ammends and his daughter accepted their relationship.

Times are a lot different now (such as no shame about immorality and acceptance of shacking up). If this had happened now, perhaps Thurmond would have married his child's mother. We don't know about their relationship, but it was illegal to marry her in the 1920s. Immorality always has consequences.

I have personally observed that "blacks" don't accept "mixed" children very well either (maybe that's changing, too?). I'm just glad that "white" parents have adopted children that others didn't want and that these children have found love and acceptance from so many people.

"Blacks" are accused of "acting white" or being "Toms." Didn't "blacks" criticize Clarence Thomas about his "white" wife? Isn't that racist? Puzzled

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 9:33pm.

I don't see why this is so hard for you to understand, Hack's problem isn't with the description given in the paper, it's with the comments made afterward by our own bloggers. You're very good at research, find me one time beaver has commented on any crime by someone white, as long as he only comments on the crimes commited by the minorities {mainly the blacks} he's being racist.It's as simple as that to me, I don't know about you.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 12:24am.

I have been re-reading Beav's posts today. I'll see if I can find an answer to your question. But maybe the problem's been communication. Just maybe. Hopefully, neither he nor Hack hates anyone because of skin color. I surely don't. Smiling

Here's an article that Beav recommended:

"Betrayal of the Civil Rights Struggle" -- The "tolerance for barbaric behavior"

"People with such a tolerant mindset are in effect saying that blacks are not to be held to civilized standards of conduct and academic expectations that might be enforced for others. That's a disgusting and debilitating notion. I guarantee you that years ago, such nonsense would not have been tolerated, and a person making excuses for barbaric behavior by black students [as well as white] would have been considered a lunatic.

"What has been allowed in predominantly black schools is nothing less than a betrayal of the struggle paid with blood, sweat and tears by previous generations to make possible the educational opportunities so long denied blacks that are being routinely squandered today. Blacks who lived through that struggle and are no longer with us wouldn't have believed such a betrayal possible.

"There's enough blame to go around for each to have his share: students who are alien and hostile to the education process, parents who don't give a ****, and the education establishment and politicians who accommodate and excuse this tragedy of black education."

Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 8:17am.

In most of the recent crimes, the articles only describe the criminals they are still looking for. In the case of the computer offenders they had already been arrested, and their pictures were in the paper. So no need to describe them. I think you are being overly sensitve.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 12:28pm.

In an exhaustive study of current high-cost, sub-prime loans, Genworth Financial found that these loans were made at disproportionally greater costs to black and hispanic borrowers when compared to equally qualified white borrowers. I do not know why so many in our society still make decisions based on a person's pigment and not their background, personal, or credit history. But I don't think telling the victims of this type of prejudice that it's all in their heads is going t make it go away. Probably time to shovel dirt on this thread though. I can hear the disinterest through the ether.

Kevin "Hack" King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 1:04pm.

Hi Hack!

Glad you made home OK. You didn't drive that bus on a buzz did you?

Genworth Financial found that these loans were made at dis proportionally greater costs to black and hispanic borrowers when compared to equally qualified white borrowers.

My understanding is that the underwriters of these loans aren't privy to the race of the applicant at all. The bottom line is that the banks have been loaning money now for a decade to folks who never should have been approved in the first place, regardless of color.

If you look back a decade, the issue was that most minorities were denied loans, supposedly because of their race. Part of the problems we face today is that the banks 'bowed to the pressure of the minorities' and started approving loans that they should have never loaned money on in the first place. Hence, the term Sub-Prime Loans. This opened up the door for any knucklehead. regardless of race, to purchase a home with no money down. Not to mention, a home that most people making three times the same salaries wouldn't be foolish enough to borrow on.

I hope this blog doesn't cast me as "Teammate" of some of your buddies. I might think you were judging my opinions based solely upon the pigment of my eyes. Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 4:13pm.

There is always a point to what you write and I always appreciate that. What's that they say about fools and their money? I fit that category more often than I'd like to admit!!!

Kevin "Hack" King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 4:36pm.

What's that they say about fools and their money? I fit that category more often than I'd like to admit!!!

Yikes! Me too! If I have my way it'll not happen again. But, I do have to admit that Harley and that Okie Bridge Jumper (Vette) sure are tempting. Smiling

Hack, Are you originally from the Indian Territory?


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 12:22pm.

One person's oversensitivity is another person's naivity to think my good ole neighbors here aren't saying "figures" for a reason. Any idea on the "another shovel nose" comment? Oversensitive again?

Kevin "Hack" King

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 8:42am.

Hack's problem wasn't with the article, it is with the comments made afterward by our fellow bloggers. Hack, that shovelnose comment was made by that bastion of propriety takebackfayette. Even the beav won't claim him.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 4:16pm.

Shooting at the wrong target again! Nuts!!!!!! Beav, I am the symbol of the Democratic party if you know what I mean. Sorry. really sorry!

Kevin "Hack" King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 4:41pm.

When our ole buddy Beav came passing by you. Eye-wink Now you boys "shake a hand and make a friend". Smiling


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 9:06am.

Thanks hutch. I thought he was complaining about the way the article had been written.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 3:52am.

Good assessment!

Just a few recommendations to further communication. Laughing out loud

Liberwocky: What Liberals Say and What They Really Mean by Victor Gold


Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., a forensic psychiatrist, explains the madness of liberalism in his book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. -- EXCERPT


Also by Dr. Rossiter: “Radical Liberal Themes”

"Certain neurotic themes are dominant in the radical liberal mind’s perceptions of the world. All of them portray the citizen as a suffering child who is victimized, helpless and in need of rescue. All are evident in various liberal platforms. They represent the liberal mind’s transference of childhood dynamics into the world of adult relationships."


“The Psychodynamics of the Radical Liberal Mind” by Dr. Rossiter

"The radical liberal ... grandiose goals of providing for everyone’s material welfare and healthcare, protecting everyone’s self-esteem, correcting all social and political disadvantages, educating all citizens, and eliminating all class distinctions.

"In his pursuit of these goals, he intends to construct a universal human family, one united in bonds of mutual love, concern, caretaking and tolerance."


Ann Coulter's How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) -- Listen to an excerpt!

"Ever combative, Coulter is unafraid to court controversy or confront her detractors head-on, whether they are mainstream journalists and talk-show hosts who have misquoted her without apology or 'weak and frightened conservatives' craving liberal approval."

I've only read part of this book, but I remember that the intro was great.


Ann Coulter's newest book If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans Laughing out loud

“Uttering lines that send liberals into paroxysms of rage, otherwise known as ‘citing facts,’ is the spice of life. When I see the hot spittle flying from their mouths and the veins bulging and pulsing above their eyes, well, that’s when I feel truly alive.”

Excerpt from the book: "Liberals and the Woman Who Hates Them"


Ann's most recent column, "Pretend to Be All You Can Be"

"Not content to wait for my book to come out, Senate Democrats are demanding a censure resolution against Rush Limbaugh."

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 9:43am.

We've been hanging around different posts I guess. I always watch news from all venues as I want a very clear picture on what all sides believe or at least "say" they believe (and that includes liberal pundits). Thanks for the anniversary wish. My wife is sooo awesommee that she let me go to the fights at Cowboys on our anniversary, after taking her to the Sun Dried Tomato. The reason I point out that you seem to suggest there could be an explanation for the noose hanging incident was this quote from you in your previous post:

"You really have no idea what preceded the nooses or all that followed -- none of us here do. Mychal Bell (and friends) had been a troublemaker for some time...."

I'm not sure where you were going with that. And noone talks about the underlying problem of having a "white tree" at a public school in 2007. There are problems on all sides with this one, but the reason many want to keep the story alive is so that the local DA does not feel he can bury a teen under the jail on overreaching charges wtihout having to account. If you think that a DA can simply pull charges out of thin air and rewrite years and years of legal precedent, I would not call you a "strict constructionist " conservative. It would imply that you wish greater powers be given to government entities. Am I wrong?

I wish you would shorten your posts a bit. It is near impossible to respond to the volumes of internet matter you bring forth with each post.

To the ones I have time to address: Firing at someone with a gun and missing does not in the least equate to a schoolyard fight; even a 6 on 1 fight with no actual weapons. Yes, attempted murder charges drove this to a trying of a juvenile as an adult. THE POINT, Denise, is that there never should have been attempted murder charges. That is what higher courts found, not me. I will have to respond with reality and not conjecture: Do you believe the Louisiana Supreme Court was wrong to reverse the DA's charges and the venue of trying this minor as an adult? These kids should be convicted of assault and be dealt with accordingly. But attempted murder? I don't think so. Take care, and see you at the LA Boxing Grand Openning!!!! right?

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 7:04am.

Surely you know that I'd not think that hanging nooses or any other type of intimidation is OK. Neither is beating someone.

Also, you can tell that I'm just teasing you sometimes, can't you? Smiling

The context of my post was the possible reasons for the charges. I've stated elsewhere that the attempted murder charges seem to be excessive to me, but there may have been legal reasons that neither you nor I know about.

One reason allowed the teens to be charged as adults and not to be put in the juvenile system that would keep this assault (one of several prior assaults, which seems to be a pattern of behavior that could lead to murder) from being public knowledge. There would be no criminal record and the thugs would be released shortly since they would soon be 17 by the time of conviction. (4 of the defendants were 17 at the time, and legally adults under Louisiana law.)

"During the August bond hearing, it became public that Bell had four past adjudications as a juvenile -- two charges of battery and two of criminal damage to property. The details of the those incidents aren't public." [But the D.A. could read the details and use them to decide how to charge Bell this time.]

I've read about "blacks" repeatedly calling the police about vandalism, etc. that these "kids" were doing, and they had good reason to believe that their concerns were ignored. Was it because the victims were "black" and the offenders were "black"? Seems like that may have been the case. Sad and wrong.

Bell was NOT convicted of attempted murder but aggravated second-degree battery. The original charge allowed the case to go into the adult system and be open to the public. The legal wrangling (remember lawyers can argue over the word "is" Eye-wink ) was over whether he should have been tried in juvenile court, which seems clear-cut in the law to me (but then I'm not a lawyer, so I don't see everything in shades of gray). The D.A. called it "a very unsettled area of the law," which means to me that there's inconsistent application because some people want thugs held accountable and others want to excuse their behavior because they're just "kids."

I don't see a ruling that "there never should have been attempted murder charges" but that the D.A. failed a legal technicality with listing all of the lesser charges. The ruling was about jurisdiction. The state appeals court overturned Bell's conviction of aggravated second-degree battery; the D.A. then had the choice to appeal the decision (which he's decided not to do -- at the request of the victim and his family) or charge Bell as an adult with attempted murder, or charge him as a juvenile with aggravated second-degree battery.

[As of 9/28/07, Bell will face "charges of aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit that crime in juvenile court. Further details about his case won't be made available to the public."]

The law seems to say that the court that starts with jurisdiction (i.e., adult rather than juvenile) retains it.

This is an excerpt from the code that governs which court would handle a juvenile's case:

"The court exercising criminal jurisdiction shall retain jurisdiction over the child's case, even though he pleads guilty to or is convicted of a lesser included offense. A plea to or conviction of a lesser included offense shall not revest jurisdiction in the court exercising juvenile jurisdiction over such a child."

I just can't see evidence that the D.A. "simply pull[ed] charges out of thin air and re[wrote] years and years of legal precedent."

Should the location of a fight (i.e., at school rather than on the street or at a bar) lessen the severity of the charges?

16 and 17 yo "juveniles" who can drive and participate in other "adult" activities and have the strength of adults and can kill should be prosecuted as adults.

I've had way too much experience with the court system to have an idealized view of prosecutors or defense attorneys or judges or the "law" (which can be "interpreted" the opposite of the clear language). Prosecutors (like Nifong) and defense attorneys can both suppress the truth and probably do way too often. So, I try to look at both sides objectively.

I'd probably be rejected by both sides to serve on a jury because I'd want evidence "beyond a reasonable doubt" and would doubt the defense attorney's truthfulness. Hence, my tendency for loooong posts. Sorry! Laughing out loud

Notice that one case that I cited mentioned "homicide caused by blunt force trauma" from punching. Fists were the weapon; so, shoes on feet can be weapons, too. Or, in the case of a kickboxer, bare feet? (I'm NOT implying that you're a murderer or a thug -- to all those who'd want to read that into this.)

Hope you enjoyed the fights! No, it'd be a waste of $ for me to attend because I'd keep my eyes closed most of the time. Laughing out loud Is that why your wife didn’t go?

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:40am.

Good job Denise.

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:06am.

Also a good cut and paster. Anybody read all this stuff? Did you believe it as being in context?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 12:08am.

Philosophiæ Doctor, Medicinæ Doctor, Divinitatis Doctor, and Legum Baccalaureus

Did you forget any? Laughing out loud

WOW! No wonder I'm so tired! Laughing out loud

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 5:32am.

Yes, BSer, first class!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 6:35am.

At least you called me "first class"! Laughing out loud

Submitted by susieq on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:14am.

Yes, and Yes

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:43am.

Ok d.smith now you really are starting to sound like our poor, multiple personality, schizophrenic, serial blogger dollar.

Yes many people read Denise's post and enjoy them.

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 8:02am.

There used to be nooses hanging from trees along the road in a certain county in Virginia, along with signs saying "N" word, don't let the sun set on your a.. in blank county!
Yes, the repercussions would disturb the peace here!

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