I’m looking for the candidate with guts to say NO

Cal Beverly's picture

Minor thoughts on local themes:

Fayetteville Mayor Ken Steele has no opposition to another four-year term as top dog in the county’s commercial center. Two years ago, 7 percent of Fayetteville’s registered voters bothered to come to the polls to vote. Could there be any connection between those two facts?


The Fayette County School System’s definition of “rumor”: “What we haven’t officially decided to let you know about yet. When we decide in our wisdom that you need to know what we have decided, then it becomes a fact.” Side note — If the system is considering closing an elementary school, which do you suppose will be shuttered: A new school or the oldest in the county?


Coming: A study to “document” that principals and school system administrative folks need a pay raise. Study this: The inexorable growth in numbers of central office, supervisory, administrative and “support” personnel while the ratio of teachers to support staff declines. Fayette could be approaching a situation of too many chiefs and well-paid clerks and not enough teachers.


Isn’t that going to be a pretty fence on Ga. Highway 74 South? You know, the one that is supposed to shield all those Peachtree City homeowners from six-lane traffic hard up against their back doors? The sight brings warm reminders of downtown Atlanta. And when do you suppose they will start parking tank cars with toxic chemicals on the rail siding on Hwy. 74 North? Ain’t progress grand?


One question keeps me scratching my head about all the propaganda being ginned up to justify a Kohl’s big box department store next to Planterra Ridge. Nobody addresses this: Why should the wise heads on the Peachtree City Council feel any obligation to sell city-owned streets and rights of way to a big box developer? The developer — regardless of his zoning rights on the commercial property — has no legal claim to land the city has owned for many decades. Will the council become the developer’s de facto partner in a project that could not otherwise happen without the collusion of the council members? What kind of people have we elected who would do such deliberate damage to Peachtree City?


Tyrone faces a challenge in November: The ho-hum-Fayetteville challenge. Bluntly, do enough folks in Tyrone care about what is being perpetrated upon them to take the trouble to vote in new faces on the council who will actually do differently than the current crew? Well, do you care enough? One hint: Vote against candidates who speak only in generalities. Every time, every one. Pin them down on specific controversial topics and make them commit to a position. If they refuse to commit, refuse to vote for them.


Same can be said about Peachtree City candidates. Pin ‘em down. Vote against vagueness and happy-speak. I have one rule for my PTC vote: If you just moved here in the past 10 years, I’m not interested in having you run my hometown. You just don’t know enough, despite your good intentions. Give me some history, some kids reared here, some vested hometown interest, some willingness to do right by the majority of people who live here. Then I’ll consider voting for you.


I have a sure-fire way to get elected on a seven-point plan: If elected, I promise NO local tax increase, NO change to the land use plan, NO zoning change unless justified strictly by the land use plan, NO increase in bureaucracy, NO special interests except homeowners, NO annexations, NO sewer service outside the current city limit lines. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. I am looking for a candidate who has the guts to say NO. Where can I find a candidate like that?

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Submitted by Doug on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:33pm.


I'm looking for a candidate who has the guts to speak about against the current mismanagement. Why are the council people so silent about Mayor Logsdon's agenda?

What do the candidates think about...

1. going forward with the TDK extension?

2. running the sewer to Coweta or Tyrone?

3. building big box stores?

4. raising taxes?

5. builing more apartments?

6. listening to the average citizens?

yellowjax1212's picture
Submitted by yellowjax1212 on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 2:57pm.

Doug - Can you or anyone else please tell me what this mysterious agenda of Harold Logsdon is?
What is his agenda and what is his voting record on those items.
Seems to me that Logsdon and the current council has done more to reign in the rampant growth (that was started way before their time) than any of the more recent administrations.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 7:50pm.

bothered you too? Don't tell me you still wish it was 2 lanes north to 85. The plans I've seen call for trees etc to be planted. I'll say this, it will be quieter for the neighbors who live in the area.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 7:13pm.

You want people to live in PTC 10 years before they run for political office? That's against the rules. 6 months is enough according to the law. You are a Nazi.

But, on the other hand, I agree with you. Latecomers to Joel Cowan's great social experiment that is now our city is indeed a wonderful place to live and newcomers need not meddle in it or screw it up. I think 10 years is a bit extreme, but 5 years works for me. I'll never vote for anyone with less than 5 years invested in property ownership (no renters please) and I will lean towards those who have served on something civic or governmental before their run for office. We don't need agenda-driven gadflys ever again.

So, who do we vote for this time?
Forum coming up in early October - when is that?

Back to my old picture, so I can say "I don't have a dog in this fight" with real feelings.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 7:19pm.

Cal didn't say people with less then 10 years couldn't run, just that he wouldn't vote for them, just like you and your 5 years.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 7:10am.

5 years, 10 years, wharever. So, what do we know about the crowd running this time? 3 seats are up at PTC Council and except for Dar I haven't heard of any of them. After eliminating the newcomers who do we have left that might be able to serve without srewing things up? Any ideas?

Back to my old picture, so I can say "I don't have a dog in this fight" with real feelings.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 10:01am.

I wouldn't vote for a renter, but I know folks, myself included, who have been here less than 3 years and I would much rather have them in office making decisions.

How long have the current Commissioners been residents?

I don't think we need to go into a shell, we still have a lot of property that is zoned Commercial/Industrial/Residential that will be developed. We need people that will enforce our codes, hold the developers feet to the fire so to speak. Ride around the West Village on a golf cart, then ride around the "old PTC" on a golf cart, I would bet that 75% or more people like the feel and look of the Old PTC.

I could also see redevelopment in some areas coming into the forefront in the next 10 years or so. This will need to be addressed at some point.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 5:24am.

With that in mind pick 2 from the current crop of candidates. I'm sure you went to the forum last week and noticed how exciting it was.

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