Haddix: Clear differences between candidates

Tue, 09/25/2007 - 3:11pm
By: Letters to the ...

I believe I have honestly laid out my reasons for running for council and my agenda over the last few weeks.

Campaign vagueness has always bothered me, so I do not want to be guilty of the very same thing.

The feedback I have received so far has encouraged me. The majority of contacts have shared my feelings, concerns and issues.

So far I have only heard one person reject my candidacy. The stated reason [was] my support for hiring new police officers.

While I am not changing my position on new hirings, I am very curious why one would view this position as the one issue to reject a candidate?

Probably the most interesting question posed to me was whether I meant what I said or not.

Yes, I mean what I have said. Every word of it.

There are very clear differences between the appointed incumbent and myself.

Mike Harman supports the development actions of the council over the last two years and wants to continue them. I don’t.

He is for the sewer tie-in with Tyrone and for selling capacity outside PTC. I am not.

He has stated no concerns over how the present council does business, only support. I have concerns.

No one could ask for clearer differences between two candidates.

If I have not addressed an issue that is of concern to you, please do not hesitate to contact me and ask.

If you share in my goals, please share the issues with neighbors, friends and community. Let them know there is a candidate for Post 1 that isn’t business as usual.

Don Haddix

Candidate for Post 1, Peachtree City Council


Peachtree City, Ga.

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 7:03pm.

I don't think you have lived here long enough to run for office. My limit is 5 years - Cal Beverly wants 10.

I do like the idea of extending the sewer to make up for the loss in revenue from Photocircuts. Makes perfect sense to me. So, I'll be voting for the sewer dude - whatever his name is.

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 7:21pm.


I have lived here almost 21 years.

Tom O'Toole has lived a little over 1 year.

Mike Harman has lived here about 9 years.

As Steve Brown said, we didn't loose nearly as much revenue as has been implied. They had declining usage for years and was on a discounted rate from the beginning.

You have a right to vote for Mike Harman if you wish. He also supports continuing development of PTC, as has been happening for the last two years, Kohl's and selling sewer to other out of city entities.

I don't.

Don Haddix
Candidate for PTC Council, Post 1

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