Police hidden ‘trap’ spurs boycott of Tyrone

Tue, 09/25/2007 - 3:09pm
By: Letters to the ...

I wanted to let you know that I have been starting a drive to boycott the city of Tyrone until the police department disengages with covert traffic enforcement activities.

I have observed over the past couple of years that Tyrone police frequently hide in the bushes and target choke points to trap people at minor traffic violations.

Today I finally reached my limit when I received a ticket for not stopping completely at the Publix grocery store in Tyrone.

I no longer feel it is worth the bother to even drive through Tyrone as there will probably be some aggressive police officer hiding under some bush to make sure I stopped completely at a stop sign.

I have started a formal protest on my blog here:


I go into much greater detail, and I also state my recommendations for change, which I will post here for convenience.

Recommendations for Tyrone Police Department traffic enforcement:

1. Do not hide behind bushes or hide any way in order to catch people making traffic violations.

2. If it appears there is a severe problem with a stop sign being run, like in the first choke point, work with the city to get a stoplight put in, but don’t punish your residents for a problem that could be addressed by a stoplight.

3. If there seems to be a situation in which complaints are being made about a traffic intersection, then sit out in public view and hand out warnings to people that are violating the law. This will have the effect of deterring the vast majority of offenders.

4. I hope that a significant portion of the police department’s budget is not derived from traffic offenses, and if it is, then this is a policy that needs to be changed. Having an incentive to lower the quality of life of citizens by looking for ways to entrap them in traffic violations is acting in bad faith with the police department’s own charter.

Noah Gift


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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 4:46pm.

I’m in 100% agreement about following the rules of the road but, I have to wonder about opportunities to set motorists up for selective enforcement. Last year, my oldest was on his way home from school. His route took him from 54E to Jeff Davis then to South Jeff Davis. As he made his turn that day and went south on Jeff Davis a school bus made its turn from South Jeff Davis to Jeff Davis. Now for those of you that are not familiar with that intersection, from South Jeff Davis to Jeff Davis is a running or “no stop” right turn. In this case the bus turns on its flashers as it makes its running turn and then stops to let of students on Jeff Davis. Traffic going south on Jeff Davis either doesn’t see the bus’s signals or have little time to react. Apparently FCSD knew this as they set-up a little operation to ticket people. And yes, my son and two others were stopped (at the same time) and ticked.

At court there were well over 10 other motorists cited for the same thing and at the same location. All of them told the judge that they did not see the bus’s signals and all but one of them pleaded “nolo” which basically gave them a fine and some points. My son, who was under 18 at the time, was given a fine, points, and probation. He too did not see the lights of the bus as it came around the curve. But it doesn’t matter as the law is the law.

My problem with the whole process is it took another six months for anyone to figure out that perhaps the bus stop was in the wrong location and was later moved and warning signs were placed to alert motorists.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 7:51pm.

How have you been. I'm going to be posting a blog real soon relating to cyclists and motorists and a proposal that I think might give some satisfaction to both sides of this issue. Talk soon.

Hey! Did I hear you went to England?


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 10:01pm.

Did three days at Rolls Royce, Derby. They had some weather in fact, tornadoes hit some surrounding areas. If you to go, you'll have to brake the bank as the exchange rate really favours the coin of the realm - the pound. $ is .42 against the pound.

I'll be waiting for your blog. I hope to see you recommend more enforcement on wayward cyclists.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 10:00pm.

England threw him out because he couldn't speak the language.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 10:41pm.

It will be a "fortnight" when the band plays again at the next FCHS game.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 10:29pm.

You were crackin' me up with a couple of your comments today. Salute to you ya spinach eatin' son-of-a-gun. Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 6:59am.

Next time you're in the airport bathroom and the guy in the nest stall starts tapping, don't think perv when you stomp his foot, think politician.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 10:49pm.

I have a confession to make, I wouldn't eat spinach on a bet, that's just an urban legend, I really do it on milky ways and snickers.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by Eliza on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:45pm.

Mr. Gift - my children and grandchildren are frequently in Tyrone, shopping or just passing through. I FULLY SUPPORT the Tyrone Police Dept. in handing out tickets for ALL traffic violations. If they "hide in the bushes" in order to catch people who are not stopping at STOP signs, I am all for it!

You say "lowering the quality of life of citizens by looking for ways to entrap them in traffic violations is acting in bad faith" - Baloney!!! Your "quality of life" is second by far to my family's safety.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 6:49pm.


Fyt35's picture
Submitted by Fyt35 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 6:03pm.

1. Don’t worry about who is hiding behind the bushes if you are not speeding.
2. A STOP sign is a STOP sign, “to halt the motion or progress of:”
3. Warnings will deter offenders? What are you smoking?
4. No different than other police department which derive a good portion its budget from traffic OFFENSES!
5. Get over it man!

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 3:36pm.

Try it sometimes. It works.

That being said, do you want to live somewhere that they don't enforce laws? I'm proud of the reputation that PTC has regarding their Police Force. They will enforce traffic laws, and for that I'm thankful.

I drive through Tyrone at least 8 times a week, I've never been stopped, but I obey the traffic laws, so that may have something to do with it. Smiling

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 8:42pm.

It is how small towns make money. Period! Everyone knows it.

Having said that I can't imagine what you are doing to attract that much attention.

I drive a bright red convertible and routinely run 10mph over the limit. I have never received even a dirty look from a cop in Tyrone. In Buckhead yes, not just dirty looks, I get pulled over routinely to talk about my.........um........driving skills. Challenged though they are. Fayette County Sheriffs Dept. doesn't seem to be overly amused with my driving either.(how do you guys figure out what day I'm late for work? Why are about 5 of you camped out on Goza on that day?) I get dirty looks from PTC cops, mostly because of my sound system.

What are you doing that is irritating them? I must be something real good.

Submitted by NoahGift on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 1:22pm.

If "staking out" the only grocery store in town is the way small towns make money, then I will gladly not spend any money there by not going to their businesses. I highly doubt that people in Peachtree City would appreciate the Police hiding in the bushes next to the Kroger to see if a mother didn't complete come to a stop at a stop sign.

As I mentioned on my blog, why stop at the Grocery Store? Why don't we stake every Church in the area and put the swat team in the bushes? I am sure we will find at least one or two people that don't come to a complete stop when they leave Church.

At some point Adults, not people who hide under aliases and call people "morons", adults, have to say when a situation is a problem. That is what I did.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 7:20pm.

First of all I didn't call you a "moron".

My driving has gotten me in trouble plenty of times. One cop has pulled me over twice for the same thing. Here is a news flash: HE WAS RIGHT TO PULL ME OVER!! I know when I'm doing something wrong, and when I'm late for work that is a chance I take. To speed, or not speed. I know it is just a matter of time before I get caught. I go and pay the ticket. I don't argue with them, in fact I have thanked several of them for doing a good job.

Running a stop sign is worse than shoplifting. People die. Several years ago 4 teens died in FL. Why? Because someone didn't stop at a stop sign! It is worse than shoplifting. With shoplifting no one gets killed.

I bet that cop was sitting there doing his paperwork, not hiding. If they see a law broken even while doing paperwork they are sworn to uphold the law. They have to react. It is their job.

When you get caught doing something wrong just own up to it, and make it right. Pay the ticket, and try to do better.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 2:07pm.

The only problem here is that you want to pick and choose what laws you follow and guess what, it's not allowed. So stop crying, pay the ticket, and stop at the stop sign next time. It's just that simple.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by NoahGift on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 2:41pm.

to not again and hutch866,

I am a bit disappointed that our society is at the point where people are too afraid to put their real names behind their "witty" responses. Both comments fail to address my core point and result to quick torts and insults like "quit crying" and "your a moron".

I suppose these arguments might be persuasive on children, but to me they fall flat as they don't address my core argument at all. My core argument is that in a town with one Grocery Store, in this case Publix, the police should not "stake out" and target people that want to get groceries so they can collect revenue.

Of course everyone should obey all of our laws, but setting up a sting operation on a Grocery Store parking lot smells quite a bit like Barney Fife acting out a scene in Mayberry. Is this really the reputation that Tyrone Police Department wants? I hope not, as on their website they have a quite inspiration mission statement, "...to enhance the quality of life within our jurisdictional limits."

In summary, if your doing things where you are hiding, like hiding in the bushes to give tickets, or hurling insults under an alias, perhaps your not too proud of what you are doing in the first place. Usually, when people cover up their identity in actions it is because they are ashamed of them.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 3:14pm.

You're missing my core point, obey the law, if you do that the whole discussion is moot, what part of obey the law do you not understand. If the clerk in a store can't see you do you shoplift? Do you take things from your neighbors just because they're not outside to see you? Recently on this site someone said and I might not get this exactly right, character is what you do when no one can see you, I suggest you have a lack of character and my using a screen name has no bearing on that. What say you Denise and Git?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 11:06pm.

What part of STOP does Noah not understand? A "rolling stop" will get you a ticket if you're caught. It's a bad habit to cultivate. I'd imagine most of us are a lot more thoughtful after getting a ticket (or being with someone who does). Maybe it's time to review the driving manual?

I was with someone who stopped almost completely coming out of Kroger onto Peachtree Parkway across from the fire station. The shopping center is private property (don't think the police can ticket you for not stopping within the parking lot), but that stop sign meant come to a full, complete stop (wheels not moving), even if there was no traffic in sight.

I do think that the Booker Ave. stops are more about money than safety -- the speed limit should be increased since it's 2 lanes there (isn't it?) and the limit increases very soon. Again, I was with someone who was stopped within sight of the higher speed limit sign. Absentmindedly staying with the flow of traffic can be expensive. Eye-wink

Also, I remember Tyrone's decreasing many speed limits not all that long ago -- after considering that they'd not been collecting enough fines. Years ago I was warned that Tyrone is a speed trap, but I haven't seen any evidence of it, except for 1 occasion a long time ago.

But, I have learned to go more slowly now that I'm older (hate to admit that!), even though I'm still plagued with a lead foot. I surely am glad that the limit has been increased on the interstates. (No traffic violations so far -- just so that no one will think that I'm reckless.) Laughing out loud

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 6:18pm.

Dear Mr. Gift,

Larry Wicker (our local incest crazed pervert) used his real name on here during the time of his two weeks in the spot light. I didn't see where that beggar had much character. Now let's take a look at Mr. Noah Gift and his self-righteous hypocrisy. Here's what he said about those of us who chose to use monikers.

"At some point Adults, not people who hide under aliases...

" am a bit disappointed that our society is at the point where people are too afraid to put their real names..."

"As for you alias and Popeye signature. Why don't you let the whole world, your neighbors, and your co-workers know how "clever" your opinions really are"

"At this point, I would have better luck talking to a Tickle Me Elmo doll."

"Lets cut to the chase and make the discussion simple enough for someone who has a child's cartoon slogan at the bottom of every post, and thinks it is some profound piece of wisdom everyone must know."

"What I also do is write a letter to the local newspaper under my REAL NAME."

"Why I don't do is insult people under an alias because it makes me feel smarter and braver than I really am. Calling people names under an alias is about as sophisticated as writing "John Smith has a herpes" on a truck stop bathroom door, "Popeye"."

Now who is this character that proudly boasts that he is a traffic law violator and that he's 'above' all the childish name calling that takes place here? Gosh... When I grow up and get a real name I want to be just like you Mr. Noah.


First of all folks, this 'clown' who has been registered on the Citizen for a mere 4 hours and 38 minutes has the unmitigated gall to criticize well known and long term bloggers for using monikers which the owner of this site allows. What a chump!

Can you believe all this babbble coming from some scofflaw who doesn't even live in Tyrone. I'm with McDawg. He travels through there multiple times during the week and has never been stopped in Tyrone. I've traveled through Tyrone at least a half a dozen times a week for the last 20 years without being stopped by the police. Gee.... I wonder why that is. So what this clown is whining about is that he probably travels through there on his way back and forth to work while selfishly ignoring the traffic laws that maintain an orderly flow of traffic and a safe environment for those who actually LIVE THERE!

I no longer feel it is worth the bother to even drive through Tyrone

Wow! Seems like you're doing the citizens of Tyrone a huge favor by keeping your law breaking sorry rump out of their fine community. Yeesh... what a pompous, "the law doesn't apply to me" weasel this dude is.

I do look forward to discussing this with you further Mr. Gift.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by The Citizen on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 9:59am.

The information that was edited in the above post included personal information consisting of the Letter to the Editor author's address and family members’ names, etc. This will not be tolerated by any user on this website. Any user of www.TheCitizen.com who posts personal family info about another poster will be banned.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:25am.

Dear Citizen Friends and Foes,

I humbly accept my public spanking and confess that I erred in posting Mr. Noah's personal information online. I will not let that happen again.

Mr. Noah Gift,

I apologize for posting your personal info online and making the tacky remark I lumped onto it. It was not personal, but rather a zealous means of proving a very important point.

Even though the ends may not have justified the means, I hope you may have come to an understanding as to why it is so very important to maintain one's anonymity when blogging on certain controversial issues.

Mr. Gift... I suggest you adhere to your boycott of Tyrone. No doubt they will be watching for your tag number, which for obvious reasons I will refrain from posting.

I do not, however, apologize for protecting my family and myself against the possible vindictive reprisals that some of the elected officials I challenge are known to dish out. One must understand that if our anonymity is eliminated then the accountability that our elected officials are held to will become lessened and/or negated.


Git Real


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:34pm.

Don't get banned, you are the hilarious entertainment here. I love it when you get mad.

It's not like the rest of us don't have a phone book.

Have you heard from muddle? eonndanj1(ok I know I botched it) is asking about him. If you have, answer her in her blog "No Responce"

I thought he said he goes to England this time of year for a month or two.

Anyway take care. No more catnip.

Submitted by susieq on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:07pm.

I knew one day you were gonna git it!!!
It's not as though you are the only one with a search engine. LOL

I've been meaning to ask: Is Denise your lovely bride, since she was off this website the same length of time you were? Or was that a coincidence?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 9:38pm.

You might want to re-think your conclusion, but it was a good guess. If I were Git's "lovely bride," then our children would be sorely neglected, don't you think? Laughing out loud

Our time-consuming "hobby" would leave too little time for parenting. Laughing out loud


WARNING to Liberals -- You might not want to read this!

"The Fertility Gap"

"Liberal politics will prove fruitless as long as liberals refuse to multiply."


"The Political Fertility Gap" (Professor Says Liberals Are Dying Out)


"Republicans' Fertile Future" (San Francisco Chronicle)

"If you're a liberal, here's what you can do to make Karl Rove a very happy man: Get yourself a labradoodle. Or any other kind of dog, for that matter. Even a cat will do . . . . Just don't have children."

"The lowest fertility belongs to Vermont, a state liberal enough to be the first to sanction gay unions." [That's the state where liberal judges let child molesters go free.]

"If 'Metros' don't start having more children, America's future is 'Retro.'" Laughing out loud

"These conservatives, now overwhelmingly Republican, see large families as blessings, abortion as [murder]."

"Conversely, the highest fertility rates are among Latinas [sic] who are in the country illegally, lacking voting rights." [But when did that stop someone from voting?] -- "An ethnic group that is historically liberal on economic issues and allied with the Democratic Party. . . . So are their offspring destined to be liberal or conservative?"

"Political scientists have long found that 4 out of 5 people with a party preference grow up to vote the way their parents voted. In fact, while many people experience a temporary rejection of their parents' politics in very early adulthood, virtually nothing is more predictive of your political ideology than that of your parents -- it's more of a determining factor than income, education or any other societal yardstick."

So, Git's children, my children, Tug's children . . . . Well, you get the idea! Laughing out loud


"The Fertility Gap or Abortion Factor?" (Or maybe it's the feminist movement?)


"Liberal 'Fertility Gap' Should Worry Democrats"


Is unlimited ILLEGAL immigration the answer for Dems?

"Baby Gap: How Birthrates Color the Electoral Map"

"Now illegal immigrants are flocking to other pro-growth red states, such as North Carolina and Georgia, and may eventually turn those states Democratic due both to the Democratic-voting immigrants’ very high birthrates and to a California-style drift toward environmentalism among its white voters as laissez faire proves inadequate to keep out illegal aliens."


Democratic Governor Spitzer's advocacy for illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses
has been called "legally wrong, morally wrong" because "it will weaken national security."

"It then leads to lots of other problems in terms of voter registration."

"Motor Voter" (which was responsible for"the largest single increase in voter registration since the practice of registration was established") & Bill Clinton comes to mind. Puzzled

"Motor Voter is making the electorate larger, more diverse and more reflective of the American population. It ishelping [sic] to eliminate historic disparities [GAG] by registering citizens who have traditionally been left out [GAG] -- people with disabilities, minorities, young people, anyone who has recently moved, and people with lower incomes."

And just think -- now Shrillary thinks that it's her turn. Shocked


If a nation expects to be both ignorant and free . . . it expects what never was and never will be. ~ Thomas Jefferson

cogitoergofay's picture
Submitted by cogitoergofay on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 1:14pm.

Denise has much better syntax and grammar than Git Real. His posts would never make it on line if she were looking over his (presumably his) shoulder. And----- I will bet you never see Denise admonished by the Editorial Board.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 9:06pm.

Is that the reason Git does most of his posting at work? Laughing out loud

I hope that I won't receive a warning, but I admit that I'm a little too much like Ann Coulter. Eye-wink

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 2:08pm.

However, my courtin' days are long gone. My bride is stuck with me whether she likes it or not. Smiling

And consider this. What would some hot, blonde cowgirl have to do with some ole frisky paw licker like me? Puzzled


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by d.smith700 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 4:10pm.

This is not an adult porn and date site!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 7:45pm.

Now go git a life you humorless prude. FYI... My date of 19 years is at my side now. Now go get your mind out of the gutter.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by susieq on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 5:23pm.

That is correct. Sorry if you are disappointed.

Submitted by susieq on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 3:15pm.

You're the one who tells us you have a lovely, hot wife. And how do you know that your wife is not posting as Denise Conner? Think about it. Maybe she doesn't even realize that you are GIT REAL. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 7:29pm.

Who got into the catnip? BTW you better not have so many unexplained absences when you are DA.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 7:54pm.

He was picking on some of my friends.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 8:01pm.

He seems to have a problem with Popeye, and Authority, and right and wrong, his comprehension was a little off too.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by NoahGift on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 3:48pm.

Your core point is "obey the law", then you equate unintentionally not coming to a complete stop with shoplifting. I am also sorry you feel that I have a lack of character because I won't drive through Tyrone become prey for the Police. This is my choice as an American citizen, we don't live in pre-1985 communist East Germany quite yet. I can shop and drive wherever I please thank you.

As for you alias and Popeye signature. Why don't you let the whole world, your neighbors, and your co-workers know how "clever" your opinions really are. That you equate not coming to a complete stop with "stealing from neighbors". That genius needs exposure to the outside world. Perhaps you can run for Mayor of Tyrone next on the slogon, "Shoplifting and not coming to a complete stop are crimes, and I am to treat them the same."

At this point, I would have better luck talking to a Tickle Me Elmo doll.

chippie's picture
Submitted by chippie on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 4:13pm.

Quit your fussing about police hiding in the bushes. Just because you didn't see them, doesn't mean they were hiding.

You can continue to say the same thing over and over, but the bottom line is you got caught breaking the law and received a ticket. Pay up!

Do you think the police shouldn't sit in the exit drive of an elementary school because it might scare the school children and they would become afraid of the police? It's a well-known spot for Fayetteville's finest to watch for speeders. I know of what I speak, too. They taught my son an expensive lesson and I'm very glad they did. Grow up and pay up!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 4:19pm.

You're the fourth person to weigh in on this side, but he can't get past the screen names........GO TIGERS.........

I yam what I yam...Popeye

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 4:10pm.

You'll have to point out to me where in any of your previous posts you said you unintentionally did not stop, are you changing your story now? I also did not equate your not stopping with shoplifting, I simply asked a question, did it hit to close to home.I don't equate your lack of character with not driving through Tyrone, I equate it with the fact you did wrong, got caught, and now you want to change the laws so you won't get caught again. Here's a hint, if you drive through Fayetteville on 54 east, slow before you get to Booker Ave. the cops wait there too and you can't see them till it's too late. They won't listen to your lame excuses either. As for my clever opinions, my friends and neighbors and co-workers already know. They won't let me run for Mayor of Tyrone, they have another one of those pesky laws that say you have to live there, gosh, Tyrone's just nothing but laws ya' know?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 6:44pm.

I have just the solution for you, obey the law, stop at the stop sign, don't speed, stay between the lines, see how easy it is.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by NoahGift on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 5:17pm.

Lets cut to the chase and make the discussion simple enough for someone who has a child's cartoon slogan at the bottom of every post, and thinks it is some profound piece of wisdom everyone must know.

Core Issue Question:

As a taxpayer, do you want your police to stake out the local grocery store parking lot looking for people that don't come to a complete stop?

My answer:

No. I don't want the police in my area to stake out the local grocery store parking lot, and if they do I DO NOT ask them to change the laws as you stated earlier. What I do, do is spend my thousands of dollars in locally spent money in another adjacent city. What I also do is call the Publix Grocery Store and tell them why I don't go there anymore. What I also do is write a letter to the local newspaper under my REAL NAME.

Why I don't do is insult people under an alias because it makes me feel smarter and braver than I really am. Calling people names under an alias is about as sophisticated as writing "John Smith has a herpes" on a truck stop bathroom door, "Popeye".

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 5:33pm.

Here's a core question for you, what name's have I called you? When I write letters to the paper I sign my real name too, so what? I do want the cops staking out the grocery store. You also don't answer my questions where did you say you didn't stop unintentionally. It doesn't matter if it was on purpose, you got caught and you're looking for sympathy and I don't think you're going to get it here, at last count it was 4 replys against you, see the trend here "Noah"

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by NoahGift on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 6:18pm.

You said I had a "lack of character" for wanting the laws changed. That is completely a fabrication as I never once "changed my story" or ever stated I wanted the laws changed. I do not want police to target "unintentional human error" to make money. Most humans beings want to obey the law, but in a grocery store parking lot at 5 MPH human error comes into play.

When I talked to the person in charge at the Police Station he mentioned, "yes, this is not about safety." He agreed with me. I also would like to state that I think he was very fair in hearing my complaints. It is very obvious when a Police department targets an easy "money zone" to make money. I don't think targeting Publix customers is ethical. I also don't think Publix appreciates the Police staking out their parking lot to prey on people making the most minor traffic violation it is possible to make.

I am also not won on the point that four random posts mean I "lost". I don't care about winning or losing an argument with a man who doesn't stand by his words with a real name. Anyone can throw stones from over a fence, it takes a real man to stand behind his words with a real name.

My objective is to boycott the town of Tyrone and to contact local businesses and tell them I will no longer be going to their stores because I don't feel comfortable in Tyrone. I guess we disagree. Great, that is why America is the best country in the world.

I welcome other people that feel that the Police in Tyrone should spend effort building up the community, making people feel safe, and working with the local town council to address potential intersection problems, if they truly exists, to join me in boycotting the town. Please call the Tyrone Publix and any other business you frequent and tell them you won't go into their establishment while the Police engage in stakeouts of businesses you frequent.

As my last post here on this matter, I want to state that I absolutely do not advocate breaking traffic laws or speeding or engaging in any risky driving behavior. I do advocate that police do not stake out choke points where law abiding citizens will be caught making minor traffic violations. There is a huge difference. Again, if the police feel there is a problem then work with City Council to address the trouble area with better engineering like a different intersection type or a stoplight. This is the method that will prevent accidents, not arbitrarily picking on citizens in a 5 MPH parking lot at Publix.

Noah Gift

Submitted by jondough on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 5:25pm.

First of all, you can forget the town council working with the police to do anything. Barry Amos, the town manager, controls the town council and the police department. There is a petition at Tyrone Tire on Senoia Road that you, Noah, can go sign to express your support of the removal of Barry Amos from his job as the town manager. I encourage you to do this.

I know a guy who was pulled over by a Tyrone police officer not too long ago and was driving a new car (bought that day) with dealer tags. The officer pulled him over for not having a tag and them cited him further for not having proof of insurance. Then the cop threw him IN JAIL!! He brought proof of the tag issue and insurance to court and was convicted anyway. Explain all this??? Anyone??

All I can say is that since Barry Amos came to town, Tyrone is no longer a desirable place to live or do business. It is very sad and I now tell anyone interested in moving to Tyrone or doing business in Tyrone to go elsewhere! Barry, how could you make Tyrone such a horrid place and why??

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 9:08pm.

I live in Tyrone and was at budget meeting a few years ago when, [I hate to keep sawing this same log} the town manager made the comment that the 'police department wasn't pulling their weight' meaning 'write more tickets'! Imediatley, up went all these 30 mile an hour signs all over town. Almost everyone who lives in tyrone has been on the receiving end of what you are talking about. I've been in trafic court and it was wall to wall. A lot of the police are nice, we have some young punks that really enjoy sticking it to you. I could almost tell you what the guy prob looked like that wrote you the ticket. The most outrageous thing that happen to me is that they pulled me over one night for a blinker that wasn't working then called for backup and hauled me off to jail over tickets that I had paid. I'm a 60 year old female and never been in jail in my life. I had to hire a lawyer, come to court and show the tickets had long ago been paid, something the DMV people said anyone could tell the tickets were paid, yeah, they took my licence too. The DMV gave me another one the very next day if that tells you anything. I was so pi....sed! It was false arrest and the two little punks really enjoyed themselves. After the charges being dismissed in court, they looked like morons. I think the fact that I am very vocal and it is very well known I don't like the town manager and he controls the police department prob had something to do with it too. I'm so sorry for what happened to you.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 7:34pm.

I notice that every response on your web site was against you too, was that to random for you? Do us a favor and boycott Fayetteville too.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 7:39pm.

They were raised by their friends, not parents. They can't accept the consequences of their choices.

I'm not saying all of my choices are great but I do accept the consequences.

ILuvFayette's picture
Submitted by ILuvFayette on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 7:15pm.

several times a day. I frequent the Publix. I have, as of yet, to see a Tyrone police car "hiding behind the bushes." As a matter of fact, on several occasions, I have to hit my breaks for some moron that is coming running the stop sign as they are coming out of the South Hampton sub-division.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 6:25pm.

My objective is to boycott the town of Tyrone and to contact local businesses and tell them I will no longer be going to their stores because I don't feel comfortable in Tyrone

So you won't frequent the Sonic in Tyrone anymore. Who cares?


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


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