Liberals can dish it out, but can’t take it in return

Tue, 09/25/2007 - 3:06pm
By: Letters to the ...

What a surprise, another liberal/progressive who doesn’t like Ann Coulter. By the way, who do liberals/progressives think they’re kidding with their phony monikers?

Hillary has come out of the closet by declaring “from each according to their means, to each according to their need” — no longer masquerading as merely socialist, but now preaching the Communist manifesto.

Ann is a conservative writer and satirist and is the only mainstream columnist who dishes it right back to the libs in exactly the same way they continuously serve it up.

Typical of libs is their outrage when what they do regularly is done unto them on the slightest occasion, the difference being that while they constantly denigrate anyone who disagrees with them, they recoil in abject horror when they are treated in kind.

Witness any of the Swift Boat heroes being “interviewed” by the Left – ask an accusatory question, then scream at the victim to respond but never let him get in a word. Or frame a “question” in the form of a long-winded, derogatory harangue that impugns the character of the likes of Condoleezza Rice, General Petraeus or whomever the target du jour happens to be. Especially poignant when the interrogator is the likes of Carville, Begala, Reid, Durbin, Pelosi, Clinton, Kennedy or a score of other Democratic “patriots.”

Next, also in typical L/P fashion, you’ll be lobbying for passage of the Fairness Doctrine, another fraudulently named leftist strategy for silencing the opposition.

Their hope is to return to the 1960s and ‘70s when the only voice being heard was the L/P voice – all the “news” that reinforces their scam, not that’s “fit to print.”

Don’t like Ann Coulter, Mr. Johnson? Don’t read her. By the way, you should probably skip Michelle Malkin, Walter E. Williams and Thomas Sowell as well – they don’t pull any punches either. Read the AJC instead – your kind of sheeple.

Gary Rettmann

Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by d.smith700 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 5:58pm.

I suppose you would say that our military is communist? Even our hundreds of thousands of government workers?
The only real communists we have here are the oil companies and the Prescription drug companies! No, make that dictators in their realm!
I'm sure you think churches, etc., who help those in need are also communist? I suppose your argument is that one is voluntary and the other mandatory? Made mandatory by whom? Us, that is who.

MainframeComputerGuy's picture
Submitted by MainframeComputerGuy on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 9:57pm.

Our Military? A few maybe, just like that Muslim traitor who fragged some of his brothers. Government Workers? Many more of them, way too many are Dems/"L/Ps" who want to drag us to the European/Canadian model. Oil & Drug Companies -- what are you, out of your mind? Oops, forgot, "Howling Moonbat". How do you get to work, light/heat/cool your house, how does American industry churn? Maybe on nuclear power? Anti-matter? Oh wait, "Howling Moonbat" -- hydrogen and corn. When's the last time a Canadian drug company produced a miracle drug? If Shrillery gets to decimate our Health Care system because of people like you, you'll be able to tell your grandchildren when the last one was produced anywhere!

Who did you folks say this is -- "Dollar"? I'm new here.

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 7:35am.

What is all this about a "dollar?"

Submitted by Nitpickers on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 11:40am.

If you find out let me know. Strange people here!!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 7:29am.

Look for blog posts by dollaradayandfound.

Tell us what you think about Halliburton, Cheney, Bush, etc., and we'll know if you're really $, especially if you answer your own blogs. Laughing out loud

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 8:11am.

You say: "look for blog posts by dolllaradayandfound." How do I do that, and why?
Some say dollar, some say dollar a day, and now you say dolllaradayand found!
Why are you pulling my leg?
What do I think about Halliburton, Cheney, and Bush? Is that a local law firm? What is a Halliburton?
Is there anyone on here who is interested in much of anything except themselves? Do any care about the USA or the world?
We need to talk about it, and quit calling new posters names that make no sense!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 11:59am.

Whenever you're wearing camoflauge and attempting to conceal who you are, there's something you must never do. Never, ever stand in front of a big yellow painted wall wearing green while thinking that you are inconspicuous.

Go back to your real name my friend. Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 9:13pm.

What are you proposing for the sweeper guys?

Submitted by wrkhrd4it on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 6:59pm.

Dollar is back! He's calling himself d.smith700. WOHOO!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 7:55pm.

Good eye WrkHrd4It. I think you found our grouchy old buddy! Welcome back Dollar! We've actually missed you a tiny bit. Smiling


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 8:01pm.

I've missed him (maybe I'm feeling sentimental -- a rare occasion). Laughing out loud

Denise, get your guns!!! Or with Dollar, my psychology book!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 8:05pm.

Our Dollar found his way home. How cool is that. Gee Denise..... are you ready to get cranked back up in leading those counseling session for ole Dollar? I just knew he would come come back. Smiling


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 8:54pm.

He's "interesting," but I always like the challenge. Laughing out loud

Submitted by wrkhrd4it on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 8:23pm.

Ya'll crack me up. I don't post much, but I read a lot. I'm out of town frequently, but when I get back to civilization, the first place I log on to is "The Citizen"; I get caught up on the news and entertained at the same time. There are many different personalities and opinions expressed. Denise, Git,and Hack are my fav's, not necessarily in that order. I kinda miss Dollar, I agree with very little of what he/she says, but miss the entertainment. I hope he/she's really back!

MainframeComputerGuy's picture
Submitted by MainframeComputerGuy on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 9:36pm.

I appreciate your positive comments. I don't know which drives me more crazy, The Moonbats' beliefs and goals (Socialism/Communism, the subjugation of our way of life) or their absolute hypocrisy in the way they deal with anyone who disagrees with them. They are so completely dishonest, just like this latest move to get socialized medicine established disguised as being "for the children". And who knows what Madam Clinton would give away this time -- hubby already gave nuclear technology to the North Koreans and our computer & missile technology to the Chinese.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 2:11pm.

With all of the leftist whining about Coulter you would think that the paper is dedicated solely to her column. But as the editor points out - "we have printed her column only about twice so far this year".


Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 6:38pm.

Coulter is extremely funny because she knows the liberal mindset and puts it out there for all to see - in a humorous way. She does it to them using the same techniques they (the liberal weenies) have used for years. I think that is why they object so strongly - they thought they owned the franchise on irony and hypocricy.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:32am.

To your arguments. I am amazed that you guys picked up this soccer ball and tried to make a golf outing with it. The sum total of all of your pathetic arguments is that liberals hate Ann Coulter and the author of a letter asking the paper to better use its space must, therefore, be a liberal (or a "liberal weenie" as the poor self-image-having Robert Morgan likes to put it.)
Gentleman: Lesson number 1. Don't blindly assign labels to a person if you have no flipping clue what their personal or political background is. Ann Coulter has been skewered in the National Review, Christianity Today, and other VERY conservative publications. Ann has been taken to task by Dr. Darrell Bock, professor of theology, Jonah Goldberg, and a host of actual Christian people who feel that hateful. personal attacks on widows and political foes are actually UNCHRISTIAN. It is the argument of a failed philosophy to think all critics are from "the other side" and motivated by politics and not principle.

Lesson 2: If citizens can air grievances to a business (Kroger) to attempt to have their wills met, can an individual not do the same? Are all of the citizens in PTC who wanted Goodwill to stay away "liberal weenies" for voicing their opinions? They could have chosen just not to shop there, right("don't read Ann's column if you don't like it" philosophy)?

Here is what "Hack" has discovered:

Conservatives will always march out Hillary and Ted Kennedy to try to make an argument even if the subject is Ann Coulter.

Conservatives will not stand strongly on principles, but will mutate as politics requires. Rudy now is pro 2d Amendment. Mitt Romney now feels guns are cool and choice is bad. Line item vetoes are NOW a good thing. A candidate's personal life is now off limits (since you have become the party of dump the old wife candidates.) And "christiany" and social/phiscal conservatives who harp on the hypocrisy and hate of liberals will fall in step and support the princess of mean and hate. they will wordsmith to the best of their abilities to equate her to Bill Maher or Michael Moore, 2 people who's work is not thrown into my driveway weekly. Tell you what guys, keep Ann Coulter comming. Her defense of Larry Craig as Senate Republicans search for ways to make him disappear is humorous. LAST QUESTION:

Is Ann right in her defense of Craig in "Cruising while Republican", or is Mitt Romney right for publicly thrashing the man? Ann, being the great writer she is, seems to have overlooked the chorus of Republican conservatives that thought his behavior was unacceptable; much like you fellows overlooked Ann's conservative critics, because acknowledging them would shoot holes in your arguments. Is Min. law enforcement corrupt in framing an innocent man, or does Ann have a tough argument to make? I'm just curious to know which version of conservatism to give credit to.

Ps Robert: You and the "weenie" thing again. You seem to have a Ted Haggard attraction to the "weenie" thing. What gives? Is there anything you need to come OUT about? just curious Mr. Log Cabin conservative

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 5:28am.

Ps Robert: You and the "weenie" thing again. You seem to have a Ted Haggard attraction to the "weenie" thing. What gives? Is there anything you need to come OUT about? just curious Mr. Log Cabin conservative

Now that sounds like something that you'd accuse Ann Coulter of saying! Keep on reading her columns. Soon you'll be reading her books. Laughing out loud

Try re-reading Ann's column about Larry Craig, "Cruising while Republican." She's not defending him; she's pointing out liberal media hypocrisy (standard fare).

Chris Matthews opened his “Hardball” program on Aug. 28 by saying Larry Craig had been “exposed as both a sexual deviant and a world-class hypocrite.”

Normally, using the word “deviant” in reference to any form of sodomy would be a linguistic crime worse than calling someone a “nappy headed ho.” Luckily, Craig is a Republican.

Unlike liberals, the “family values caucus” that the Times loathes has only one position on homosexuality: Whatever your impulses are, don’t engage in homosexual sex. In fact, don’t have any sex at all unless it is between a husband and wife.

Speaking of hypocrisy . . . Mass. Sen. Ted Kennedy's been in the Senate 45 years and serves on the Judiciary Committee, Health ... Committee, and Seapower Subcommittee after leaving a young woman with whom he'd been partying (without his wife) to drown in his car that he wrecked while drunk. Talk about irony.

Then there's Mass. Rep. Barney Frank (who's been in Congress since 1981) who hired a male prostitute, i.e., "male escort," through a personal advertisement -- who then conducted an "escort service" from Frank's apartment. [Is a male prostitute a "deviant"?]

Let's not forget homosexual Mass. Congressman Gerry Studds who acknowledged inviting a 17-year-old page who greatly admired him to his apartment, plied him with vodka and cranberry juice, and engaged in sodomy with him. Studds took the page with him on a two-week trip to Portugal and continued the sexual "relationship." Studds, who was 36 years old at the time he solicited the page, said that he was "never ashamed" of the "consensual relationship" with the teen. The page described the arrangement as making him feel "somewhat uncomfortable" because he is not homosexual and had not had a homosexual relationship prior to his relationship with Rep. Studds.

"If I could have had my druthers, I would have had the friendship that I had with the man without the sex. And I mentioned that to him."

[Hack, would you call that "UNCHRISTIAN"? Wonder if Studds was "motivated by politics and not principle"? Would he qualify as a "deviant"?]

Studds, a representative from 1973 until 1997, admitted to making sexual advances toward two other teen pages also.

Now that's "pathetic."

Weenie -- American name for small sausages. Slang: A person, especially a man, who is regarded as being weak and ineffectual.

Submitted by susieq on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 5:41am.

I don't know why you bother to spend so much time doing research for these people, but I am glad that you do. Thanks.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:25pm.

From Greg Johnson:

I’m glad someone asked for examples. Obviously you don’t watch anything but Fox News.

And then, of course, he still doesn’t give a single example.

…she had been fired from her original media employer, MSNBC, and banned from a number of other outlets (except for Fox of course)

I do not believe the majority of your readers to be that unintelligent or low in their morals or thinking to agree with her no matter how conservative they may be.

And from Vicki Harper:

I would like to address Mr. Johnson’s comments: Way to go!

Are you going to try to tell me that these aren’t a couple of liberals, Hack?

Good day,


Hutch’s hooker analogy is dead on, which is why I will never understand why liberals insist on giving more control of our lives to the government, especially at the federal level.


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 2:50pm.

1: Democrats are the party who want our soldiers out of Iraq's affairs.

2: Democrats are the reason people finally got a raise in the minimum wage.

3: Democrats are the only ones who's party feels giving kids health care is as important as funding preemptive wars.

Cheers, and have a great weekend. I'm off to enjoy the 17th anniversary

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 7:44am.

"3: Democrats are the only ones who's party feels giving kids health care is as important as funding preemptive wars."

The Democrat party is the only one who has the nerve to campaign by promising part of my future income to people who think they are entitled to free health care. If Hillarycare is implemented, you will see long waits at the doctor's office and a reduction in quality care. Government can't implement anything right - it's been proven over and over again.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 8:01am.

"Explaining Liberal Thinking In A Single Column" Laughing out loud

"The History of Republicans and Democrats" (from a friend with a great sense of humor who has a Hillary campaign sign to put out in her front yard soon)

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 9:51am.

Help me with this: I am not happy with our current human and financial involvement in Iraq. This being said, what have any republican candidates done to earn my vote? What would you say to a voter that is not happy with Iraq? How have the GOP candidates "earned" my vote? Have a good weekend, Beaver


Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 8:37pm.

Wait a minute here, Hack - The majority of Democrats and Republicans voted for the war. Why are you trying to pin it all on Republicans?

I did'nt realize that politicians were trying to "earn" votes - except in the case of Shrillary. She is trying to "earn" the votes of the less fortunate by promising them free health care at the expense of people who actually are productive in society. What do you refer to when you talk about a politician earning votes? Entitlements like gubberment cheese?

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:17pm.

Hack, Coulter writes political satire and gets her jollies by getting under your skin. You're wasting far to much time on her - get over it already.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:48am.

I think you paint to wide a swath with that brush when you confine it to conservatives only, at that level[and I've said this before I know]they're all just a bunch of hookers. [My apologies to the ladies here, and the honest hookers].

I yam what I yam...Popeye

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:50am.

Isn't it funny how all political sides try to say the other exclusively holds hypocrisy? Are we all nucking futs, or is it just me?

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:20pm.

That is funny.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:02pm.

It's not just you, It's the whole national political scene. If the candidates for Prez thought it would get them elected, they would all be in the bathroom stall tapping away for dear life.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Ga Conservative's picture
Submitted by Ga Conservative on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 12:45pm.

The people who have recently run are all bred politicians. You have our current President whose father was a lifelong politician and bureaucrat. His opposition, the former Vice President, whose father was a lifelong politician, was raised to live in the White House. It seems that most are applying for the job for their benefit and not the benefit of the American people as if it is some birthright.

However, to Hack's point about the conservatives shifting their views. Just remember one basic truism of politics, primaries are run on the edges and general elections are run in the middle. As an example, I heard an interesting quote from President Bush (43) the other day. He said that rhetoric on the campaign trail is fine and good until you wake up in office. Then your view changes and the rhetoric tends to fall away. Historically, I can absolutely see that statement holding water.

I hope that we could have a campaign of ideas and philosophy as opposed to personal attacks and dirt. Then again, this is the country where Jerry Springer and Paris Hilton reign supreme and brilliant minds and important topics are largely viewed as boring.

Best to everybody!! Have a wonderful weekend!

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

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