There goes Fayette’s low-density zoning

Tue, 09/11/2007 - 3:19pm
By: Letters to the ...

Frick, Frack and Frady drop a bombshell.

You ask, Who are Frick, Frack and Frady? For the sake of these comments, Frick stands for Eric Maxwell, Frack stands for Jack Smith and of course Frady is none other than Herb Frady. Frick and Frack are our two newest Fayette County commissioners who took office in January 2007. Frady has been a county commissioner for far too long.

Frady and his special interest friends have been kept in check for the last eight years. The majority of the Fayette County commissioners (Dunn, Wells, Pfeifer and Bost) during that eight years did not support Frady’s special interest wishes.

Unfortunately, Frady now has his two puppy dogs in Frick and Frack that seem to be responding to his every command. Anything Frady wants, Frady gets. After having been kept in his special interest cage for the last eight years, he is exploding with caged-up energy.

He is literally destroying many things that made Fayette County the place that lived up to the slogan, “Fayette County, where quality is a lifestyle.”

With Frick and Frack in his pocket, Frady has been able to fire Chris Venice, the county administrator, a long-term, dedicated, honest and professional county employee. This was followed close behind by the firing of Bill McNally, the best and most respected county attorney in the state of Georgia.

Then on Thursday night, Aug. 23, 2007, Frick, Frack and Frady destroyed an airtight approach to rezonings that was keeping down high-density zonings in Fayette County.

Fayette County has had a number of court challenges to low-density rezonings decisions over the last eight years. On Aug. 23, that was all lost.

Frick, Frack and boss man Frady approved a one-acre rezoning right in the middle of a five-acre zoned area in north Fayette County.

Folks, remember a few weeks back when the newspapers ran a story about Fayette County having the second slowest rate of growth of all the counties in the metro area? That slower growth was by design. It started eight and one-half years ago when Greg Dunn and Linda Wells joined Harold Bost on the Fayette County Board of Commissioners.

In 1999, building permits fell by 9.6 percent in unincorporated Fayette County. That decline in building permits was followed by another 22.5 percent in 2000. And, in 2001, building permits fell by still another 25.6 percent. The number of building permits have remained near the 2001 level through 2006.

That is why Fayette County went from one of the fastest growing counties in the metro area to the second slowest in just eight years. That slower growth rate had a great deal to do with the lowering of your county tax millage rate of the last few years

You can now kiss those good old days goodbye. You can thank Frick, Frack and Frady for that.

Now, let’s go back to the firing of Chris Venice and Bill McNally. Both of these individuals have been dedicated to the betterment of Fayette County for many, many years. Apparently, Herb Frady has been working on his strategy for some time now.

It appears he saw the dedication and honesty of Chris Venice and Bill McNally as potential hurdles in his path to ruling over his new kingdom and doing anything he wants in any way he wants. Thanks to his two new subjects, Eric Maxwell and Jack Smith, he was able to clear these people out of his way.

So what else has Mr. Frady been able to do?

1. The published County Commission meeting agendas are continually void of important issues that Mr. Frady want to keep below the radar screen. Then, once the meetings are underway, Mr. Frady or one of his cronies introduces the issue from the floor. That way, the public is unaware that the issue will be discussed.

By doing it this way, a lot of things they want are slipped in without public notice and we the people do not find out about it.

2. Mr. Frady personally redrew the three county commission districts. Frick and Frack voted to send Frady’s personal proposal on to the Justice Department without it ever having a public hearing.

It is no surprise that Mr. Frady drew several of his potential opponents out of his district so he would not have to face these viable candidates in the 2008 election. Of course, it is not a surprise that his sidekicks, Eric Maxwell and Jack Smith, sucked up and endorsed Mr. Frady’s handiwork without hesitation.

Folks, I am afraid we are in for a downward spiral in Fayette County. It appears that Frick, Frack and Frady are more interested in Mr. Frady’s personal agenda, and getting Mr. Frady reelected in 2008 than they are in what’s best for you, me and the other citizens of Fayette County.

Special interests will have a field day as long as Herb Frady is King. Yes, I know Frady is not the official commission chairman. However, the official commission chairman, Jack Smith, is not showing leadership. Instead, he takes his lead from King Frady.

Ladies and gentlemen, the only hope we have to stopping Frick, Frack and Frady is to get the full story out to all citizens of Fayette County so we can all bring pressures to bear on them to stop their unacceptable actions. We can stop them during the election in 2008 by defeating Frady during that election. However, if we don’t stop these guys NOW, they will do so much more damage before the end of 2008 when Frady’s current term ends.

Will you help spread the word? We must act NOW before it is too late.

Harold Bost

Fayette County, Ga.

[Bost is a former county commission chairman.]

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Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 3:13pm.

wasn't fired, he resigned, read the minutes of the meeting and stop making a fool of yourself. The zoning you mention was by no means in the middle of 5 acre tracts, it was in an area designated in the 1980s as 1 to 2 acre, across the road from Franklin Farms, 1 ACRE.

Submitted by lawaboveall on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 5:18pm.

McNally did not resign. Just because Eric Maxwell said they did does not make it true. They were told that their services were not needed and Mcnally left. If there is a letter of resignation, it should be a matter of public record. I have asked and it has not been produced. I dare Maxwell to produce it.

You hear that Cal? Maxwell said he had a letter? Has anybody see it?

Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 6:00pm.

McNally wrote the letter and Jack Krakeel has it, go ask him for a copy. As I recall, the letter stated that the firm would not continue
to do work for the county after a specified date, Krakeel can fill you in on the details.

It's there, go get a copy, I'd believe Eric or Jack over you or McNally any day.

And my info came from an entirely different person, in the know, commissioner in fact.

Submitted by lawaboveall on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 7:02pm.

Did you see the letter? Or did you just take Herb's word for it?
(Bad mistake based on current circumstances). I asked the same people and lo an behold, they could not produce it.

Sorry, if there is a letter, I would be willing to bet plenty that it does not say that they resigned. I would concede that they may have said that they would not do work beyond a certain date...the date of the meeting where they were fired. They were fired and you and your buddies can spin it anyway you want. The price of Randall's backing for both Maxwell and Smith was to get rid of McNally. They did it and you know it.

I frankly could care less if you believe me. I do know that virtually all of the things that I predicted this board would do have come to pass. I want you to name one good thing that his group has done yet!! They have fired great employees, paid political debts with your taxes, raised your taxes, started undermining the land use plan, I could go on, but you are too blind to see the truth.

If you believe anything that Herb Frady tells you, by the way, then there is no hope for you!!

Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 9:24pm.

Herb into this, he had no input into what I know to be fact. Read the minutes, they are public record, and they reflect exactly what was said at the meeting. I obtained the minutes on line, anyone can do that.

And yes, you could go on and on, but why continue attempting to sell your lies in this forum?

Submitted by lawaboveall on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 9:02am.

If you rely on the "official" meeting minutes then you have a real problem. If that is what you meant by hearing from a commissioner then you are truely off base.

Are you not aware of the public, recorded for all the world to see, amendment of meeting minutes that Maxwell attempted to make a couple of weeks ago? They AMENDED the minutes to reflect a bald face lie by Maxwell to cover his tracks. It was a violation of the Open Meetings act and he has be scrambling to cover it up since. Maybe the special prosecutor will help you see the light.

If you do not want to drag Herb into this then you must have gotten the information from either the meeting minutes amender himself, his surrogate (Smith) or lord help you, Horgan. In any event, you got the abridged version of the truth. Funny thing is that you say I am lying, but you have no proof beyond an ALTERED public record to support you position that the letter of resignation exists. You wanted me to go see Krakeel for a copy but you ASSUMED it was there.

It isn't there. And none of what I have said is anything but the truth. Your calling me a liar does not alter the truth.

Submitted by tonto707 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:58am.

Hillary, you finally made your point: it's a vast right wing conspiracy.

Submitted by boo boo on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 12:52am.

The writing was on the wall when they all, all cept one, went down to Calloway to try and keep the Tax Payers from knowing what they were doing. Yep, time to start going to meetings again...darn, thought we were done with those meetings.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 9:30pm.

Does the record reflect that he was actually awake? He seems to git trashed on here regularly for his lack of attention.

tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 7:15pm.


Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 8:25am.

If even half of what this guy is saying is true, you 2 will out of office in one term.

We do not want to be clayton-crime-county. What will it take to get that through your heads?

Eric the only reason most of us voted for you is because our Sheriff who we like and trust supported you. We can change our minds.

What is your plan? Is frady going to give you all kick-backs on the high-density projects he has planned? Do have a plan for dealing with all of the crime that is sure to follow?? How high will you have to raise our taxes to double the Sheriff's Dept.? You will have to double the number of deputies to handle all of the problems. How are you going to pay for it??

Submitted by yada yada yada on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 9:22pm.

You are right on Mr. Bost. Who would have thought that a crew could outdo Sprayberry & Burrell. At the rate they are going they will make tweedle dee and tweedle dum look tame. Informed citizens should keep on top of these ego maniacs. PLEASE we need some new commissioners next year.

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