Avenue erects billboards in PTC

Fri, 09/07/2007 - 10:07am
By: John Munford

Billboard at Avenue

City says signs are in violation

Peachtree City may just have its first-ever billboards, and of at all places the luxuriously-designed Avenue shopping center.

But the city wants the signs taken down, as not only does the city have a ban on traditional billboards, but they are also apparently in violation of the special sign rules the city drew up for The Avenue when the development was approved, officials said.

The signs, some of which advertise radio stations and two area subdivisions, are definitely not in compliance with the sign program that has been approved for The Avenue, said city spokesperson Betsy Tyler.

Tyler noted that one of the signs advertises for a country music station that is not located at The Avenue. She added that she was “surprised” when she recently went to the shopping center and noticed the signs.

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nightsunstar's picture
Submitted by nightsunstar on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 9:46am.

Well, I wasn't surprised. I was disgusted, but not surprised. This is the path the City is headed on, and it's a nasty, big corporation-lined path. (Much like America itself, but I won't go there.) The signs are distracting and look like crap! I hope the City can get them on the violations and have them removed all together. They're totally unnecessary!

Submitted by John M on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 1:42pm.

Why is all this crap happening now under Logsdon's watch? The West Village, the big Rockaway deal, Kohls and billboards are turning Peachtree City into eyesore like the rest of Atlanta.

Does the mayor really have a clue what this stuff will do to us? Are the developers trying to run all over us or is the mayor pushing the stuff?

"I'm NOT John Munford"

fancypants's picture
Submitted by fancypants on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 3:51pm.

Just weight when Wieland pushes for those super tiny lots and the "urban" feel in his subdivision. The riff-raff is sure to follow and with it all the problems that come with that.

Enough is enough, but whatcha gonna do? May be Brown was not such a bad mayor after all.

Submitted by thebiggun on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 2:02pm.

The blind leading the blind is all I can say. Just look around at what is happening in the beautiful city we once knew. Goodwill Store at the cross roads of our town. Every other place you find them are in blighted areas. But here it comes with McMullen and Logsdon driving the welcome wagon. Developers that don't live here telling our elected officials and residents what our town should look like even thought they live in Buckhead. These people in charge were not around 15 years ago and will not be 10 years from now so why should they worry about Peachtree City. Golf, drink, golf, drink, golf, drink is all they worry about. They are trying to get money for recreation when they better get money for our safety and security for the developers.

Logsdon is like the King without cloths, he is walking around naked in knowledge and all the people around him are telling him how smart he is. Boone drives his carriage to the bars pulled by the bind mice Cindy P and McMullen. The sad thing folks is that it is having a drastic effect on your property values now and in the future. All the smart people have left or are leaving.

Will the last honest or sober person shut the lights off in PTC when you leave.

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 3:35pm.

You mean the drunk leading the drunk.

Ga Conservative's picture
Submitted by Ga Conservative on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 2:23pm.

Just look at the city now. Not just with the developers, but with the debacle around the police dept, fire dept and city workers. It seems that only the here and now will suffice with the current Mayor. What about the future? What will become of the city?

My family left an area that we loved because of the blight. We moved to Peachtree City in 1991. It was wonderful. It still can be. The people that love Peachtree City just need to take control.

But who should run for Mayor or City Coucil?

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

Submitted by madprof on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 1:14pm.

Maybe the billboard folks have noticed that everything in PTC is now supposedly "just like The Avenue." First it was that bunch of trashy stores around a Great Asphalt Sea that replaced the woods next to the Kedron Kroger. Now it's the Big Box Kohl's (AKA Hooters-Uptown) that promises to rival the Wal-Mart in charm. If all of that is "just like The Avenue," it makes perfect sense to transform The Avenue itself into an ugly suburban stripmall. Bulldozing the landscaping around it was a great start. The billboards simply take it up another notch.

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 12:23pm.

Let it go. We were at one time a the verge of being an upscale community......but thanks to the trashy mcmurrin crime boxes, with leonxe's help of course....we can forget about that.

We are an over-priced river-crime-dale. We need the gay community to come here and rescue us. They can turn the big boxes into lofts, and re-decorate the frumpy dumpy family homes in forecloseure.

We have let so many codes and ordinances slide you might as well let this one go too.

Let's start a pot farm at city hall and call it a day.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 12:08pm.

I was at the Avenue earlier, and saw the signs. I would hesitate to call them billboards. They may be in violation, but they certainly billboards like we usually think of them. They are inside of cases and look more like movie posters to me.

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