Man robbed on cart path near Wynnmeade

Tue, 09/04/2007 - 11:58am
By: John Munford

Peachtree City police are offering a reward, hoping to solve the armed robbery of a man on the city’s cart path system early Saturday morning.

The incident occurred on the cart path near MacDuff Parkway and the Wynnmeade subdivision around 12:30 a.m as an armed man pointed a gun at the victim, who was riding his bicycle home from work at the time, police said.

The assailant took the victim’s money and ran toward the Wynnmeade subdivision, police said. The suspect was described as a black male in his 20s-30s approximately 6 feet tall, weighing between 160-180 pounds, wearing a white ball cap and dark baggy clothing, police said.

Police are looking into whether criminals are targeting victims who appear to be of foreign descent and don’t speak English well if at all.

To claim the reward, informants must provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of the assailant, police said. Police may be contacted at 770-63102510 or at 770-487-7657.

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Submitted by Dawg_Fan_APL on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 4:38pm.

Surprise...Surprise...he ran toward the WYNNMEADE SUBDIVISION and was a black male in his 20s-30s approximately 6 feet tall, weighing between 160-180 pounds, wearing a white ball cap and dark baggy clothing.....

I don't know about you but I moved down to PTC and make the choice to commute hours to work each day to get away from this kind of crap and these wanna be thugs...

I hope the police in PTC get a chance to make an example of this fool...

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 5:17pm.

Due to the fact that the victim was not a child, and the fact that the victim was not killed, we can assume the assailant was not a white male. You see, in these parts, when the perp is a pedophile or actually kills their victim, and is WHITE, we don't have the gloom and doom chorus telling us to fear the color of the perp. Hmmmm. Interesting. Fox news did a great story last weekend on the Jenna 6. It's a perfect example of how race actually still does matter in this country. And this group of "the sky is falling" bloggers only serve to perpetuate the problem. Good night, and good luck,

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 5:27am.

Please tell me how many local armed robberies (or even unarmed) have been committed by anyone of a lighter skin color. Perhaps I've missed reading about them. Haven't the overwhelming majority of robberies been committed by blacks?

The facts are facts: in this county a black male is more likely to rob you (no matter your skin color) than a white male. And if someone is waving a gun, he's likely to shoot you, on purpose or accidentally. ROBBERY is the topic, not pedophilia, etc. But since you mentioned it:

3 registered sex offenders with a 30269 zip (PTC) -- All 3 are white (child molesters).

30214 zip (F'ville) -- 1 out of 10 child molesters is black, 2 rapists are black, & 2 child molesters are likely Hispanic.

30215 zip (F'ville) -- 2 out of 10 child molesters are black & 1 white is a rapist.

30290 zip (Tyrone) -- 4 whites (2 are rapists.)

There are a lot more blacks registered in Clayton Co., though, as well as a greater total number of sex offenders. In fact, in Morrow (30260), 12 out of 14 RSO's are black. Why do you think that is? Puzzled

These numbers cover only those REGISTERED sex offenders living in these areas, not those who have committed crimes in this county but are incarcerated or live elsewhere.

See the Dept. of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website for more information and photos of all but 2 offenders (black). (I wonder who should be held responsible for the missing photos.)

I know that it is "unfair" for all of the decent dark-skinned males who enter the Dollar stores, banks, etc. to be looked upon with suspicion. But I doubt that those who enter to conduct legitimate business and don't look or act like thugs will be given a second thought or be treated any differently than any other customer. Perhaps you've experienced different treatment, but I doubt it because you don't seem to emanate a thuggish mentality. Puzzled Smiling

If I see a male (white or black or brown) wearing baggy pants, cap, sunglasses, etc., I'm watching and preparing for conflict. I'll also observe all other males (females, too) for suspicious conduct. You can't always judge a book by its cover -- some criminals appear quite respectable. These days someone's likely to shoot you or beat you for a few dollars, and you should be alert for possible criminal intent. It might save your life.

And if the number of armed robberies (rapes, murders, etc. -- I'm too old to interest a child molester because I'd fight back) continues to rise, then I'd imagine a lot of people (no matter their skin color) will be thinking about moving away from high-crime areas. I did when I moved here (when the number of robbery and assault crimes was very, very low in Fayette Co.). I've grown too accustomed to shopping without constantly looking over my shoulder and walking down the street or in a parking lot without a guard dog and gun. Eye-wink


Denise, get your guns!!!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 7:24am.

You miss his point Denise, when the child molesters are mentioned, does anyone say what a surprise, he's white, don't trust the white man little Johnny, he'll rape you, do they say look a coat and tie better stay away. We can dance around this forever, but Hack has a legitimate point.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 8:57pm.

To clarify, if I can. Smiling

Perhaps the reason a person would focus on "race" is because it's the quickest way we identify someone (along with clothing and special features such as tattoos), especially if the perpetrator is not of our "group." Puzzled

Perhaps when "race" is mentioned, it involves a crime that that person is much more likely to be a victim of (i.e., robbery and/or assault from strangers rather than child abuse -- perps are often family "friends" or acquaintances) and is the result of fear and worry and anger.

I doubt that you (or anyone else here) want to see Fay. Co. become like Clayton, for example. Just look at the DOJ's registered sex offender site -- Fay. Co. has few offenders comparative to Clayton & most are white (while, I'd guess from looking through some of the zips, that most are black in Clayton). I do know that there are A LOT more criminals listed in Clayton than in Fay. Co.

2005 Crime Stats for Clayton (Population, 271,240 -- about 2/3 black -- 2006 est. -- about 60% more people than FC) & Fay. Co. (106,671 -- about 17% black). [1980 stats are in brackets]

Murder -- 21 to 0 [4 to 0]
Rape -- 47 to 2 [57 to 0]
Robbery -- 491 to 13 [207 to 8]
Assault -- 551 to 31 [293 to 11]
Burglary -- 2242 to 179 [2774 to 247]
Larceny -- 8736 to 1035 [5863 to 403]
Vehicle Theft -- 1687 to 138 [718 to 28]

Since FC's pop is 39% of CC's, then, using that %, FC's burglary crimes should be 874, 215 assault, 3407 larceny, 658 veh. theft -- IF both populations had similar criminal mindsets.

Perhaps we're all a bit "racist." If you're white, black, Hispanic Mex., Korean or another Asian background, Jewish, or whatever, you've probably spent a lot more time with other people like you -- people that you have a lot in common with.

From my limited observation, it seems that whites (I hate using these terms) today are not as segregationist as other groups who want to maintain a separate identity from the rest of America. While it's understandable, since whites (many but not all) wanted nothing to do with other groups (but remember there's been white segregation, too -- the Irish weren't welcomed by either whites or blacks), it seems that a lot of blacks (the group we're focusing on) try very hard not to fit in and carry a grudge against whitey. How many times do you hear charges of "Uncle Tom" & "Oreo," etc.? Whites react and then blacks react and around and around it goes. Sad

Hopefully, through communication here & elsewhere, we can all be more aware of our prejudices (that we ALL have) and more sensitive to others.

I've often been hesitant to comment because of fear of being misunderstood and/or saying the wrong thing accidentally and offending. Maybe we should all give one another's words more latitude and just keep on talking until we come to more understanding. Smiling

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 7:45pm.

What are you talking about??

Did you miss the pages of venom heaped on the sex offenders, especially the recent case that went into an astounding 3 pages of hating them?

Did you miss the pages complaining about the white woman who shot her husband in cold blood?? Did you miss the pages ranting on about the white wrestler who killed his family?? How about the 3 pages of rant directed at the white teen who was binge drinking at a party and shot his friend? How could you miss all of that??

We really hate crime here.

Some of us, ok, alot of us rant on, and on about crime. I know many communities that used to be nice are changing, but it still doesn't make crime ok.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 9:58am.

But in the stories you mention, how many ranters focused on PIGMENT? NONE, None, and nOnE. That is exactly my point. We focused on the CRIMES in those cases. But now you guys are encouraging, in a very substantial way, for police and citizens to scrutinize and profile me as I shop, as I drive, as I live and pay taxes here. You, DENISE, say I shouldn't be devisive in calling myself African-American (hyphenated American) and yet you encourage people to see me as a BLACK MAN who may be dangerous! A man who has served this country for a lifetime. Are you reading your posts Denise? Is that not what you all advocate? Look at the black hack and hope he doesn't rob you on the way to the airport? And then focus on his son as he gets older? Read what you guys are writing, please....

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 5:03am.

The subject came up, as I recall, as a result of armed robbery and the description of the perpetrator and the increase of these types of crimes in this county (which probably bothers you as much as the rest of us).

"Yet you encourage people to see me as a BLACK MAN who may be dangerous!" -- Hack, I never quite pictured you looking like this or this. Shocked

But more like this. Notice the smile and the eyes -- no glaring hatred. Smiling

Or even like this (if you prefer wearing a cap) Smiling

I just don't think "robbery" and/or "assault" when I look at this face.

Maybe you look somewhat like this but not like this? Notice the defiant look and the body language. From your posts, you don't sound like you'd look or act like a thug. Puzzled

I'd be really nervous around these guys, too, even if they have less melanin than some people.

Re-read the post and take off your blinders.

I said, "But I doubt that those who enter to conduct legitimate business and don't look or act like thugs will be given a second thought or be treated any differently than any other customer." I said everyone should be cautious of "male[s] (white or black or brown) wearing baggy pants, cap, sunglasses, etc."


However, there is a "culture" that doesn't reflect well on decent "African" Americans:

"In 2005, offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites."

"94% of black victims were killed by blacks."


"Based on 1998 data for the eight communities studied [Baltimore, Maryland; Brooklyn, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Los Angeles, California; New Orleans, Louisiana; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Washington, D.C.], a 15-year-old urban African-American male faces a probability of being murdered before reaching his 45th birthday that ranges from almost 8.5 percent in the District of Columbia to just under 2.0 percent in Brooklyn, New York. By comparison, the probability of being murdered by age 45 is 2.21 percent nationally for all U.S. black males and 0.29 percent for all white males."

Crime Stats

"Numerous studies show that each succeeding generation of young male criminals commits about three times as much serious crime as the one before it: the occasional fatal knife fight of 1950s street gangs has given way to the frequent drive-by shootings of 1990s gangs."

"A 1985 study by Langan of black-white differentials in imprisonment rates demonstrated that 'even if racism exists, it might explain only a small part of the gap between the 11 percent black representation in the United States adult population and the now nearly 50 percent black representation among persons entering state prisons each year in the United States.' An otherwise typically liberal-leaning 1993 National Academy of Sciences study voiced the same basic conclusion."

"Though the vast majority of murders are committed by someone of the same race as the victim, black-on-white murders are more likely than black-on-black murders to be cases of strangers killing strangers and to 'involve kidnapping and rape, mutilations, execution-style murders, tortures, and beatings.'”

"As a number of analysts have begun to notice, blacks are about 50 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than whites are to commit violent crimes against blacks."

Jesse Jackson: "'There is nothing more painful for me at this stage of my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start to think about robbery and then look around and see it’s somebody white and feel relieved. How humiliating.'"

"Let’s be truthful. Especially in urban America, white fears of black crime — like black fears of black crime — are rational far more than reactionary or racist. If Americans are to learn how to deal in common with black crime as a problem of 'sin, not skin,' as Glenn Loury puts it — as a correctable moral defect of individuals, not some ineradicable racial fate — then we must hear and heed those leaders, black and white, liberal and conservative, who are speaking and doing something about it."

"A resurrection of the inner-city black churches [such as Greater Exodus Baptist Church in Philadelphia] is the one and only key to the resurrection of civil society in crime-and-drugs-ravaged black inner-city neighborhoods. A moral problem — a deficit of conscience, of values, of connectedness — requires a moral solution, and only a moral institution that comes out of the black community, such as the black church, can bring to bear the moral authority to solve it."

My Black Crime Problem, and Ours

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 4:14pm.

Excellent research and sharing. When people call the black churches in the black community 'racist' for trying to help their own through spiritual and moral guidance - one questions their understanding of the problem. In 2007, most black community leaders realize that they have to work with their own to solve the problem - or they are a part of the problem. Most EFFECTIVE black leaders of today, the media never mentions. I don't think there is anyone in this discussion that supports criminal actions. I don't question the accuracy of your research, but I haven't heard of many 'whites' being shot down by blacks due to gang violence or neighborhood drive-bys. Most groups of parents who have united to stop the gang killings in their neighborhoods are minority. I don't think any substantial group of white parents in a community has found this a need. (However it is interesting that white parents who have lost their child to violence have sought help from some of the groups of minority parents.) The grief of losing a child knows no color. The bone of contention is when one or two people try to paint a picture that all 'blacks' are criminals. Most of the posters in this discussion have not voiced this opinion - and those that have are a lost cause. We don't want anyone to take his or her gun out of fear and kill an innocent black male because of some of the rhetoric in this discussion. Dress, attitude, behavior etc., - if noted, rather than color of skin, is all that is asked before making a judgment on whether a black male child is a criminal.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 8:50pm.

We all have to keep trying and realize that the problems stem from character and morals and no respect for God's laws. Hence, the white politicians visiting prostitutes, white child molesters, and black robbers (just for a few examples) that have been in the news. Adultery and molesting children need to be seen as "criminal" as robbery. A thief is a thief, whether a black thug, white motorcyclist thug, or a corporate official (who, at least, doesn't compound the crime by threatening someone's life).

"I haven't heard of many 'whites' being shot down by blacks due to gang violence or neighborhood drive-bys." -- But, aren't most of the shooters and victims black and occur in pre-dominantly black neighborhoods? (Just from news stories that I've heard)

I've worked with the children in those types of crime-filled neighborhoods and talked with grandmothers (not as many mothers and very few fathers) who live in fear and worry about their families. Some strong individuals (mostly women), often at the risk of great personal danger, have decided to take back their neighborhoods from the criminals, and some have succeeded.

The schools that you mentioned in another post, hopefully, will make a difference. Other schools and teachers have, as well as churches that teach that it's "sin, not skin." Smiling

"We don't want anyone to take his or her gun out of fear and kill an innocent black male." -- That's very true, no matter the skin color. That's why teens should be encouraged not to look the part of a thug (or other "trash") or adopt the mannerisms of such if they don't want to be treated accordingly. Having a smile or pleasant look on your face helps a lot, too! Smiling

BTW, I try to read all of your posts but can't find the time to respond. I can't seem to say things as succinctly as Hutch! Laughing out loud


It can not be emphasized too strongly nor too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on the gospel of Christ. ~ Patrick Henry

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 9:52pm.

Today I had the opportunity to visit in the community of the new Coretta Scott King Leadership Academy for Girls - in southwest Atlanta. The school is beautiful - and the teachers have made the rooms very, very conducive to learning. But oh my - the community is frightening...and depressing. These sixth grade girls have such hope and promise. I know that what this school offers them is more than just an academic curriculum - but an insight into what a goal centered life can offer. The expectations are high for the students' success. The parents are cooperating to the very best of their ability. The curriculum will involve the achievements of all Americans as well as black Americans. The organization that I work with will offer workshops in Conflict Resolution. We will expose the young ladies to speakers/achievers from every race and religion. I just wish we could have more schools like this one! You may have heard about the single gender schools that opened this year in southwest Atlanta. There is a school for young men also. As I drove home - I couldn't resist thanking my maker for giving my grandchildren an opportunity to go to school in a 'safe' environment conducive to learning. The poor black community is in crisis - as are all of the 'poor' communities in our country. If we all don't step up and do what we can to provide all children with a moral as well as an academic education - we will have committed a horrendous crime against the future of our wonderful country. Members of the black community are working hard to clean up the 'rap' role models who have sold our youth down the drain. I have met some of these courageous parents and grandparents who are trying to close the crack houses in their neighborhoods and keep their children safe. In speaking with some of my friends in law enforcement throughout the country - we don't hear about all of the crime in our cities. The home invasions; purse snatchings; random beatings; are almost too numerous to report . . and all are not happening in just the 'poor' minority areas. Again, thanks for your research and taking the time to share your thoughts.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 9:43am.

Dear Hack,

A couple of things you said in several of your posts.

But now you guys are encouraging, in a very substantial way, for police and citizens to scrutinize and profile me as I shop, as I drive, as I live and pay taxes here.

You kidded a few days ago about me “popping you with a cap” as you went to the store because I would mistake you for some street thug. Somewhere else you made another statement about you and your son being profiled every time you went into a public place where the majority of folks are white. I personally view you as a “professional” and a “model neighbor and friend” (not to mention a great dad Eye-wink ). I just wanted you to know that your thoughts have stuck in my mind and I have pondered them for days. I can understand your frustrations in this regard and I am sorry that you have to deal with them in the first place. However, you must understand that if would be foolish for me to suddenly “drop my guard” when I walk through the crime ridden parking lots of the Pavilion or I conduct my daily business in Clayton County where my company is located. I cannot, however, apologize that my natural personal safety and survival instincts and discernment skills in somewhat hazardous environments are more important to me than the frustrations you feel when you think you are being profiled. It goes like this….. I value the safety of my self, family and friends first over your feelings. Mind you, I consider you one of those friends.

The only thing that will change my “habits” for discernment and profiling in situations that have the potential for dangerous criminal activities to occur would be for me know without a doubt, and that historically criminal activities are non existent in that particular area and that these activities are not being committed by a particular race in that particular area.

As David's Mom said, asking others to focus on crimes and not skin color is not support of crime. And please read my above.

We are focusing on crime. Unfortunately, race is a major factor in the area where we live and it affects as to how and who we focus our attention to in regards to the crimes that are impacting us. You know as well as I do that when you’re in Enid and you go through some of those areas, more than likely the criminal elements you need to watch for there will be those that fall under the classification and race of “white trash”. When in those areas I can promise you that my “profiling nature” will still be intact even though I am white like the “white trash” I am cautious of.

On a side note…. Are you going to be at your “Western Job” between the 15th and 22nd? I can see,hear, and smell that steak a sizzlin’ now…….

My Black Crime Problem, and Ours

CLICK HERE To View The Referenced Article That Denise Posted


What a very interesting read. I’m not sure that most of the bloggers on here would bother reading that piece. For some, I doubt that they would have the intellectual honesty or desire to understand what was being discussed along with the willingness to overcome their own personal prejudices in an effort to overcome the root causes of this issue. Thanks for the thoughtful response to Hack. I think I somewhat understand his frustrations on these issues. I think he understands where we’re coming from too. It’s a shame that the racial divisions that we face are coming between fine people like yourself, Hack and myself.

Out of the well written piece that you discovered I posted a couple of things that jumped out at me. I would encourage folks to not only consider the paragraphs I cite, but that you take the time to read the whole thing.

For the American liberal establishment, this has become the stock response after a public outrage that divides Americans by color. . . . Is black America so lost in its own resentment . . . that they feel closer kinship to a killer because of his skin color than to the killer’s victims? I can understand how this has happened, but it makes me sick.”

I love Davids Mom, but I think the above paragraph describes “where she is coming from” and why she defends the bad guys from her race. As I’ve often discussed with her I’d like to see her spend more time condemning the black criminals from the culture of hate and crime that is so indwelled in her community. Black and white we need to stand together fighting crime regardless of color and admit to where each of our respective races fall short and work on those issues within our own communities. Let’s stop using race as an excuse and justification for our actions.

Recently a page-one story in the Wall Street Journal tackled the question of “jury nullification” in cases involving black defendants. It is increasingly common for black jurors to “side with African-American defendants against a mostly white-dominated justice system,” even to the point of acquitting black defendants whom the jurors know to be guilty on the legal merits—and even when the victims are black. More black jurors “are choosing to disregard the evidence, however powerful, because they seek to protest racial injustice and to refrain from adding to the already large number of blacks behind bars.” The story noted that in the Bronx, where juries are more than 80 percent black and Hispanic, black defendants are acquitted in felony cases 47.6 percent of the time—three times the national acquittal rate of 17 percent for all races. In Washington, D.C., where virtually all defendants and 70 percent of jurors are black, 28.7 percent of all felony trials end in acquittals. Similar patterns hold in Detroit and several other cities where black jurors predominate. Paul Butler, a black criminal-law professor at George Washington University, was quoted as arguing that in cases involving black defendants charged with nonviolent crimes, black jurors should “presume in favor of nullification.”

Hey Hack… I want you to know that I won’t be using “jury nullification” to get any white child molesters off the hook. I say we drag them out into the parking lot and “pop that cap” on em’ Eye-wink Some of ‘em on your side deserves the same fate. We need to hold the bad guys accountable regardless of their color. How about this thought? You work within your race to get folks to eliminate “jury nullification” when it comes to taking down the black bad guys. I’ll do my job and fight within my race to see that the likes of our District Attorney and his ilk stop negotiating out their “stinky plea deals” that return white predator bad guys back onto the streets.

Most whites and blacks now accept living, working, shopping, playing, side by side—every interracial interaction save marriage. And yet on crime, America seems closer than ever to becoming two nations separated by race rather than one nation under God. Why? At least part of the reason is that we are inundated with statistics about race, crime, and punishment that needlessly fan black concerns about white racism.

Is this not an accurate description of what we are all dealing with in Fayette County and beyond?

For God’s sake, let’s be truthful. Especially in urban America, white fears of black crime—like black fears of black crime—are rational far more than reactionary or racist. If Americans are to learn how to deal in common with black crime as a problem of “sin, not skin,” as Glenn Loury puts it—as a correctable moral defect of individuals, not some ineradicable racial fate—then we must hear and heed those leaders, black and white, liberal and conservative, who are speaking and doing something about it.

I agree. My fears of black crime are “rational far more than reactionary or racist”. I also think that this slogan carries much merit…. black crime as a problem of “sin, not skin, -as a correctable moral defect of individuals, not some ineradicable racial fate”. I love that one….although I would like to see the word “white” installed next to the word “black”.

Oh well…… forgive me for babbling. I doubt that it will make a difference. Also forgive me for not proof reading. My yard is calling me……..


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 4:30pm.

I love you too! Smiling I have spent most of my adult life trying to change racist attitudes in the black community. There is no one in this discussion regarding criminal acts (except those already mentioned) that is acting in a racist way to a national problem. In the black community - there is a perception that anyone white driving a pickup truck with the Confederate flag on it - is a racist. . . .regardless of their actions or comments. We have a very good friend who would fit the description mentioned above who would put down his life for our family. As Denise's research indicates, there are leaders, black and white, liberal and conservative, who are speaking and doing something about this national tragedy. We all must protect ourselves, our families, and our communities against criminals. . . regardless of their color. I have not seen any indication that the law enforcement in Fayette County uses 'color' as an indicator of criminal activity. I've seen them pull over men and women of every color with equanimity. I couldn't say this for many parts of California. I think through rational discussion - we're beginning to understand one another's perspective. Thanks for the 'babble'.

ADDENDUM: What did I say to make you feel that I 'defend' black killers? Please let me know. I must correct that!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 8:54pm.

David's Mom, please raise your right hand and repeat after me:

I - David's Mom - From This Day On - Hereby Solemnly Swear - To Condemn And Verbally Attack - Any And All - Black Clayton & Fulton County Hate Filled Ghetto Thugs - That Would Come Into Our Community To Rape, Rob or Pillage - And To Do Everything In My Power - To Prevent Them From Further Harming Innocent Folks - Black Or White.

I Also Pledge Allegiance - To The Fayette County - Local Thug And Predator Elimination Association. I Will Join - Git And The Gang - In Their Endeavors - To Lynch Or Cap - Any Known Ghetto Thug - White Trash - Or Sexual Predator - That Would Attempt To Harm - Any Innocent Citizen - Regardless Of Their Race.

Now let me show the "super secret hand shake". Smiling

ADDENDUM: What did I say to make you feel that I 'defend' black killers? Please let me know. I must correct that!

There now. We've cleared all that up. Now we can move on with the goal of using "jury nullification" where it is needed. To fight ridiculous laws and charges that our governments might try to force onto it's subjects. Eye-wink

I guess to answer your original question..... It has always appeared that when folks have gone after the black thugs, you always seem to bring up race as an issue. I suppose it would be refreshing to hear some of our black neighbors and friends join us in our outrage against the black ghetto thugs that are preying on Fayette County. I don't see that happening. I believe that would go a long ways in solidifying our team efforts against crime and racism. If our immediate crime problem was that "white trailer trash hoodlums" from Spalding and Coweta Counties were making crime raids in Fayette County then I would expect we identify them by their color and culture also. But, at this moment, this is not where the majority of our crime is coming from.

Now what say you? I'm open to your suggestions regarding what I can do to to help resolve these issues.

I love you too!

Thanks. Smiling I needed that!

I have spent most of my adult life trying to change racist attitudes in the black community.

I'm not saying that I've made "changing racist attitudes in the white community" my life's mission. But, I will try to raise my children to love and respect all peoples. I will also demand that employees in my business treat others with respect. Except for the evil ones.... to which I hope to teach them (my kids and employees) to combat and despise them with all their might. Evil


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 10:18pm.

Just let me be a little clearer before I make the secret handshake! Smiling

I - David's Mom - From This Day On - Hereby Solemnly Swear - To Condemn And Verbally Attack - Any And All - Clayton , Fulton and Fayette County Hate Filled Ghetto Thugs and Trailer Trash - That Would Come Into Our Community To Rape, Rob or Pillage - And To Do Everything In My Power - To Prevent Them From Further Harming Innocent Folks - Black Or White.

Can you accept my edit? Smiling From experience, it is still difficult for me to see criminals as just 'black' or ghetto thugs. I've experienced criminal activity from all - even Asian. I understand that the majority of recent crime in Fayette appears to be from the 'black' community.. .but as Hack says . . .the Peachtree City law enforcement is known nationwide for catching child molesters - who are mostly of a paler hue. If all of the 'black' community were criminals - we'd all be in trouble! And I know that is not what you are saying. . but sometimes that is what I hear in these discussions. That is changing. I see progress within others and myself. That's a good thing - right? (Can't keep my eyes open - nite!)

What each of us can do is just correct our own thoughts about others if racism creeps in to our daily expressions - and act as role models for our children.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 12:37pm.

I can handle that. I also understand and accept the fact that you (as a woman) would feel queasy with the rest of the oath that states:

I Also Pledge Allegiance - To The Fayette County - Local Thug And Predator Elimination Association. I Will Join - Git And The Gang - In Their Endeavors - To Lynch Or Cap - Any Known Ghetto Thug - White Trash - Or Sexual Predator - That Would Attempt To Harm - Any Innocent Citizen - Regardless Of Their Race.

I should realize that as a lady, you and the majority of the female types get uncomfortable with the tough talk and actions required to combat the bad guys along with their evil ways. So I'll cut you some slack on that part of the oath. You'll just have to turn your head when the dirty, but necessary work has to be performed. Eye-wink

It's kind of like when my wife freaks out and discovers a rat or snake in her presence. She "loses it" and doesn't know how to act. She wants the problem taken care of but she doesn't want to know about or see how the dirty task of fixing the situation transpires. So don't guys will take care of the messy part of the crime fighting equation while you ladies leave the room. Smiling

What each of us can do is just correct our own thoughts about others if racism creeps in to our daily expressions - and act as role models for our children.

Allow me to strike the word "racism" in what you just said and insert the word "predjudism". I don't have a problem with other races, I have problems with certain aspects other cultures and any elements of crime that arise from them.

Oh, Yeah. You're right on something else. "If all the 'black' community were criminals", then we would indeed be in trouble. Now let me turn that around a bit. If the majority of the 'white' community were racist in this country, (as so many 'blacks' believe) then this conversation would be totally unnecessary in 2007. Us 'white' folk would have purged the color out of this country and might have very well succeeded. Thankfully, for all of us, the vast majority of us weren't and aren't racist.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 10:18pm.

Can't compromise with anyone who uses the word 'lynch' even in jest. Sorry. Hope you understand. Racism and prejudism both stink - and smell the same to me. I agree with you regarding other 'cultures'. .and thugs. Git - if anything that I personally said indicates that I feel that all whites are racist - then I take back whatever statement that may be. I have family members who are 'white'. The progress made in this country regarding race-relations since Columbus and his crew landed in the Americas is because 'good' people of all races worked to improve 'human relations' - not just 'race' relations. Can we agree that there are people who may not have our skin 'color' that we fear and prefer not to have in our immediate presence - since their actions may harm our property and our families?

ADDENDUM: Better yet - there are persons, regardless of skin color that we fear and prefer not to have in our presence - since their actions may harm our property and families.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 8:26am.

Can't compromise with anyone who uses the word 'lynch' even in jest.

Think about what you just said. If your not going to compromise with me because of the word "lynch" then we're in trouble. Get over it. Where I came from we used to "lynch" cattle rustlers and other sorts of thieves and robbers. This was necessary because there either was no law to administer justice or the law often times refused to enforce the laws properly. During those times it was necessary for good and decent folks to take matters into their own hands. I typed the above response it occurred to me that I it might be possible that I didn't know the true definition or meaning of the word "lynch". So, I looked it up.

Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus - Cite This Source
Main Entry: lynch law
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: punishment by hanging without due process
Synonyms: criminal syndicalism, gang rule, kangaroo court, mob law, mobocracy, mob rule, ochlocracy, reign of terror, syndicalism

With the definition of "lynch" clearly defined, I will retract it from my pledge and will use the term in a wiser manner. However, I do not back away from the thoughts that there may come a time when "we" the people may have to take "matters of law and justice" into our own hands if and when our legal system and our law enforcement agencies fail to hold the bad guys accountable, or they become so overwhelmed that citizen intervention becomes necessary. This may become necessary to protect good and decent people so, with that said, I stand by my the original intent of my thoughts.

Believe me.... I fully understand your animosity toward the word "lynch". Yet, when I think of the French Underground and the awful tasks they were forced to carry out in fighting the evil Nazi regime, then I see "much" justification for a "hanging via mob rule". So... just like my wife you must be telling me; "It's not what you say, it's how you say it".

I strongly feel that it's time that the "bad guys" experience the fear of a lynch mob. I have no problem with the predators of our society experiencing the fear of syndicalism or the terror of mob rule. };-)

if anything that I personally said indicates that I feel that all whites are racist - then I take back whatever statement that may be.

I don't think either one of us thinks that all persons of a different race are racists. Again it goes back to what my bride says; "Git! Watch your mouth. It's not what you say, it's how you say it". I get tired of hearing that all the time. Yet, there's much truth in it. Mind you that I despise Political Correctness", but I do agree that we need to watch what we say sometimes. Shhhhhh... just don't tell anyone on here that I said that though. Perty please. Someone may think I'm going soft. Shocked

Can we agree that there are people who may not have our skin 'color' that we fear and prefer not to have in our immediate presence - since their actions may harm our property and our families?

Oh, heck yeah!!!! There are people with "my" own skin color that I fear and prefer not to have in my presence. I can take you to where I grew up and the vast majority of folks are white. And I can guarantee you that you won't find me around their presence with some sort of protection near hand. I am in complete agreement with you on this. Now let me ask you this and let's be honest: Can we agree that the greatest threats that face Fayette County are drifting in from Fulton and Clayton Counties? Just the facts Ma'am.

ADDENDUM: Better yet - there are persons, regardless of skin color that we fear and prefer not to have in our presence - since their actions may harm our property and families.

This is where we "all" need to get to. I get tired of saying it, but we need to "stand together" against crime. Especially the crime coming from our own races and communities where we have the most influence. Let's fight crime and the evil bad dudes that perpetuate it on our communities and to heck with political correctness in the process.

I gotta get to work. See Ya!


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 9:21am.

This is where we "all" need to be. I get tired of saying it, but we need to "stand together" against crime. Especially the crime coming from our own races and communities where we have the most influence. Let's fight crime and the evil bad dudes that perpetuate it on our communities and to heck with political correctness in the process.

AMEN, AMEN, AND AMEN. Peachtree is doing an outstanding job on child molesters! There are those who live here who are working with communities in Fulton and Clayton County to stop the crime problem in the black community. I had a discussion with a long time resident who stated that too many newcomers to Fayette County don't attend Town Hall meetings and express their concerns/support for what is going on here. As a newcomer from a suburb of an area larger than Atlanta - I don't feel the 'change' that many here feel. I think that as a community (diverse as it is) we should be concerned about investors who are purchasing property and 'renting' to 'section 8' renters; the need for more (private) security in the malls and the Pavilion; and our responsibility to report any suspicious actions to the authorities immediately. (Use those cell phones!) Have a good day - and thanks for engaging in this discussion with me. [ And I really hope that we don't have to resort to 'war' with the criminals (regardless of color) - but I'm prepared - I'm rated as an expert on the range.] Smiling Just read your comment regarding two 'conservatives! That's a hoot!! Smiling David's dad and I would love to chat with you and your bride!! Unless this happens throughout our country (honest, non-threatening discussions) we're in trouble - I agree.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 10:20am.

And to think that after all that agreement I was fixing to invite you into a polygamous marriage arrangement. Shocked But that's OK. Just knowing that you're really a conservative means so much to me. Smiling

Best to you and yours!


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 9:25pm.

Smiling My family is cracking up!! Me - a conservative? Interesting. So, I did some 'research'. This is what I found:

Four researchers who culled through 50 years of research literature about the psychology of conservatism report that at the core of political conservatism is the resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include:

* Fear and aggression
* Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
* Uncertainty avoidance
* Need for cognitive closure
* Terror management

How researches define a political conservative

It's an interesting article - but I know I don't fit the description of a political conservative. (a fiscal conservative - yes!) Anyway - labels aside - I hope I'm among those citizens who try to use some common sense in dealing with political issues. I don't think you have to have the label of 'conservative' to want 'terror management'. Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 10:01pm.

You've got to be kidding. Puzzled Four Psychology researchers from UC Berkley describing the characteristics of a Conservative? Chuckle! No bias there eh? Isn't Berkley classified as a hate group?

That's like a asking some Klansman to write a report on the worthy characteristics and benefits of the African-American race in the USA. Or having Screwy Louis Farrakhan write an article detailing the contributions to mankind by the Jewish peoples of the world. Or how about Git Real describing the benevolent characteristics of Ted Kennedy. Smiling

Ok....that was a good joke David's Mom. You almost had me going there for a moment. Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 7:00am.

I knew you'd see the humor in that!! California - my roots - UCLA my alma mater. Not too many conservatives come out of that combination - even if California did elect The Terminator for governor - also the great communicator Reagan. We're all entitled to our lapses! Conservative/Liberal - Red State/Blue State - Black/White - just labels to divide 'thinking' Americans and hinder communication. Free speech isn't just SPEAKING, but also LISTENING. I'm noticing that there are some people who are listening to the 'other side' - and trying to reach some kind of consensus for the good of our country, our families, and our future. It's been fun Git. Thanks for taking the time to listen to your moderately liberal participant in this discussion. Smiling

Submitted by susieq on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 2:39pm.

You are so full of it that you deserve to be DA. You'll have those criminals begging for life in prison.

Submitted by loveptc on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 10:46pm.

I cannot believe you looked at Gits post and instead of looking at all the positive he wrote, you pick on 1 single word. You are race bating again. When Git wrote that, he used a word out of the dictionary and didn't mean it in any racist way. Don't try to make trouble where there is none. I guess if I say "I slaved for the day" that I'm a racist? Kick back and relax Davids mom. We are all just people here. I don't care if you're black or white. (Personally, I'm a shade of pale. Don't wont to be part
of a group!)

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 8:09am.

Reading just the first line of a paragraph is a comprehension skill taught - but not always wise in understanding the writer’s intent. I should not have made that sentence the first one in my paragraph. I'm having a conversation with Git - and it was late. I'm not trying to make trouble - but he used the word in a context where people would be hurt if the word represented intended action. Your use of the word 'slaved' has no such intent. Comprende? Anyone who questions the status quo of 'racist' thinking is considered a trouble maker - but I sincerely believe that the more we discuss our true feelings - and others reactions to them - the better our understanding becomes regarding this flaw in our implementation of the meaning of our Constitution. Believe me - I hope that Git knows that I appreciate the positives in his post - and I agree with those statements, as I stated in my response. Thanks for your input.

Submitted by loveptc on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 10:54am.

You replied with a great deal of class. I understand how the word could of offended you. Years ago when I worked on a factory line the line coronater was black. One day as she was refilling my parts, someone came by and committed about how she was helping me. I joked that she was my slave for the day. I didn't see her as black and me as white. She was my boss. She reported me to HR. I felt horrible and told her I was so sorry. The point is that there are people like Git and I who don't think in color. Sometimes good meaning people use words in jest. I think you know that, and I'm so glad you didn't raise the race card. Like I said... class.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 8:49pm.

I certainly understand. . .and thanks for the 'classy' reply! I think once people realize that an honest reply is respected, the dialogue regarding 'race' is not so difficult to have. I hope your boss accepted your apology. If more people were like you and Git - we wouldn't be having this conversation. Believe me - I have said things in jest - and they have been viewed as most offensive. . but I'm learning.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 8:34am.

It's all "Cool". We be "Chillin'".

I've enjoyed these dicussions much. I think David's Mom and I are talking as we would if we were drinking coffee together at our weekly get-together. I believe in the end we would be able to call each other close friends. This proves the need for "blacks" and "whites" to initiate open and honest dialogue. Yet, I hold out little hope in actually seeing this happen in this country in the way things are going.

But see!!! Look what happens when two Conservatives sit down together and have an open and honest conversation. Smiling Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 8:23am.

I would guess that 99% of your posted comments have something about race in them.

Lord a mercy, enough is enough is enough. Please Smiling


Submitted by ConfushaSay on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 12:15pm.

looks like you always start your day with a bowl of bitchflakes.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 8:49am.

I try to address my comments to those who are interested in having the dialogue. I appreciate your stance. I made it quite clear - that my intent in participating on this blog is to get a better understanding on participants 'take' on race. I have responded to statements that involved 'race'. I understand that you care not to participate in this dialogue - and I respect that.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 5:50pm.

we have chased this thing around and around and around. I guess I'll have to start a blog about these pesky cyclists and how they're scourge on the roadways. That will, most likely, bring you all back together for a common cause!!!!
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 12:42pm.

LOL.... Gee, looks like we've just about come to a consensus between several of us on here regarding race issues here on the Citizen Blogs. I just wish we could make something happen out in the real world.

Now about those Spandex Wearing, Traffic Impeding......... Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by loveptc on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 1:04pm.

I think Spandex is more manly than silk you know what!
You knew I was going to jump on that, didn't you!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 2:38pm.

Wasn't that silk bulletproof something or other? Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 1:58pm.

I'm trying to play the part here of an intelligent edumacated manly man. You know... the Hemingway type. AND YOU AIN'T HELPING THINGS A BIT.

Now.... where were we?


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 12:47pm.

And I am very frustrated that young black men are putting other young black men in such a light. I know that if I encounter you guys out and about, there would be nothing but good cheer and conversation. Hutch, great talking to you Thursday. I made the appointment. Just wish my doc had smaller hands Sad

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 8:00am.

You are so much better at getting the message out than I am. I just seem to piss people off. It's definitely time for a different approach.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 7:06am.

Where do you get your energy?

Keep up the good work. The quote from Jesse should be a wake up call for many.

Have a good weekend.

Only SHOP @ PUBLIX if you live in PTC.

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 3:57am.

As long as the majority of these types of crimes continue to be committed by minorities, I will continue to unapologetically profile based on race and dress. I will carry a gun at all times and be prepared to defend life and property. If you don't like it, you can go perform a physical impossibility on yourself, if you get my drift.

Submitted by thebeaver on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 6:51pm.

I'm very disappointed in you. You were making so much progress. In your world, I guess crime is o.k. as long as no one is killed and it doesn't involve children.

Why are you defending these thugs?

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 10:01am.

As David's Mom said, asking others to focus on crimes and not skin color is not support of crime. And please read my above. Cheers

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 8:44pm.

Hack isn't defending 'thugs' - he's pointing out that there are those who try to classify all 'blacks' as thugs and are trying to make that a cause for 'whites' to run. Should one take their child out of a public school in Fayetteville because a white child brought a gun to school? No one suggested that. It is interesting that the rest of the country - and bloggers are discussing the Jena 6 - and no one here (I think) has broached the subject. I know, race is an uncomfortable subject for good and fair people to discuss - regardless of their color. But racism will continue as long as 'good and fair' people turn a blind eye. Beaver, you are the known 'racist' in this blog. . .and have attacked me for being a hyphenated American. My family did not become 'hyphenated' until the difference was made between 'white Americans and black Americans. I have friends who are proud to be Italian-American; Irish-Americans; German-American; - why do you find it un-American for one to be proud of being African-American? I can see that you have made no progress at all. Fortunately, there are not many like you in Fayette County . . .at least I haven't found many.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:03am.

You do this every time. When a robber is mentioned as being black, which is discriptive, then swoope down like a a buzzard that just found road kill. You get so overbearing someone calls your hand at it, then you slink off for awhile. Later you come back making goody two shoes comments for as long as you can stand it, then you go straight back to race! You have a one tract mind, you won't move forward, you just want to wallow around looking for pity cause someone chained up your ancesters. All those people are dead. Many, many, groups have unfortunate backgrounds. You just guzzle up the pity, but the problem is you have just wore it out. I wish the nursing home would take your laptop!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 9:08pm.

I believe your recollection of the past is a bit inaccurate. There was a news article which described an assailant. In the description, his race was mentioned. The first several posts following the news story zeroed in on the "Black" part of the article. Comments like, "who would have guessed" and "what a surprise." This puzzled me because when the white child brought weapons to school, the white teen shot his friend at a party, the white woman killed her husband, and the numerous cases of white internet stalkers were mentioned in this same paper, noone said, "go figure" or "what a surprise." No one brought up Benoit's race, but the majority of steroid using pro wrestlers are white. I do not understand why you must feel it is appropriate to drag my race through the mud for the crimes of individuals, and then call us race baiters for bringing your unequal reaction to white crimes into the light. I personally think crime is crime. PERIOD. David's mom has spoken so clearly on this subject, but many a skyspy, Beaver, and oldbeachbear will not dare see her points as valid. The ironic part is, if we were all sitting at the same table at Mike and C's , we'd be having a heckuva time, and race would be the last thing on our minds. We'd all just be hoping that the Beaver's gun didn't discharge on accident. Oldbear, thanks for your efforts with the cemetary. Those comments were not unnoticed Smiling

Cheers, and G'night

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 3:04pm.

What upsets you, Old one, is that I have moved on. My family has moved from slavery to educated, financially secure retirement. Our children are productive citizens; our grands are serving their country with distinction; and our great grands will do just fine, thank you very much! We stand on the shoulders of those 'dead' people who suffered from slavery - and we recall them with reverence. (My mother, who is still alive, remembers well her grandfather - who was a slave.) My mother graduated from UCLA in 1932. There is no slinking here. Just bringing to the forefront those who continue to hold on to white supremacy - and refuse to acknowledge the progress that has been made by blacks in this country - and continually focus on the criminal element of black society. Listen well -I DETEST CRIMINALS.. . regardless of color. I DETEST RACISTS . .regardless of how they try to disguise their racist attitudes. I have found that the majority of residents in Fayette County feel exactly the way that I do. The solution to our crime problem in this county is to support our law enforcement by reporting any and all criminal activity - white, black, yellow, brown or red! Did you hear me Old one????

Submitted by Don Rehwaldt on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:34pm.

O.K. ya'll! Quit your fighting! Each has their points; i.e. the greater majority of crime in America is committed by non-whites. (fact) There may be excuses for it as seen by those who do these deeds, but it doesn’t change the fact.
I would like to interject something that most of you fighting don't know. White, Oldbeachbear has been fighting for the repair of a black, slave cemetery for the past several months. She, note "she" does not care that the cemetery is the resting place of black slaves; her only concern is to have those who desecrated these graves make amends by returning this site to its original condition and bring peace back to those buried there. We applaud her efforts. Follow up on the status of this tragedy. Call the Tyrone Town Hall and ask them for status or, attend the next Council Meeting, where, I've been told, this desecration will be discussed. So, everyone, get the chip off your shoulder and play nice.

Submitted by igno on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 1:03pm.

My gowdness Davids Mom, Oldbeachbear, I blieve ya'll exhausted the race and Tireon issues. "preciate yer efforts, but old women, yer sure wore us all out. Why not save yer nergy and lock those thugs up and beat the crap out of Bary's Anus. That will do it.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:54pm.

That Oldbeachbear was listed as 'online' just before Loopie posted. . .and then OBB disappeared. I will be calling the Tyrone Town Hall. Nice effort.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:47pm.

Thank you for caring.

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 7:24am.

I think you have it right.

The pity party should be long over.

Why haven't we brought up the Jena 6, they are thugs just like the criminals(all of them) here.

Note to david's mom, we like to stick with local issues. The Jena 6 thing didn't happen here. Thanks for pointing out to us that the criminals in that case were all black.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 2:08pm.

I guess you're correct. Hanging nooses on a tree considered the 'white' tree' at a high school is not a criminal act. However, the adult leadership at the school and the community had an excellent opportunity to do some effective conflict resolution. The innocent - who were white - claim that it was just a prank. The criminals - who are ‘black’, were completely wrong in expressing themselves by beating up a white child. The ADULTS should have intervened long before it got to the point of 'white vs. black'. I think some here in Fayette County will see this reality - and provide our young people with guidance in solving misunderstandings and conflicts non-violently. I think that conflict resolution is being taught in our schools - and I hope that nothing like this will ever be allowed to fester as it did in Jena to the point that violence - and unjust sentencing is the answer. This is not 'race-baiting' - but learning from unfortunate incidents that happen elsewhere so that our young people do not make the same mistakes. Whites were wrong for hanging the nooses; blacks were wrong for using violence to try to settle a problem. David’s mom = race awareness. . . violence prevention. It will be pitiful if the adults in Fayette County don't prepare our young people to live peacefully with one another- regardless of color. No pity party here - just hope for a peaceful county, free of racial conflicts and misunderstandings.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 5:52pm.

I'm not talking about nooses or white trees, I'm talkin bout ..YOU>....! You just won't quit whining, and no it isn't me that lives in the past, it is you. And, as far as your family in the military, well thats good. Mine have been in all the wars, and way back then, they didn't get paid like they do now! You seem to think yours should be commended for doing someting other white men have been doing all along. Yes, its great that yours were paid and went to war, but understand they are not the only starfish in the sea...who do you think got your ancestors, if indeed they were, out of slavery. You need to slow down with your vindictive..'you owe me'...cause lady...we don't owe you nothing! You aren't grateful for anything anyone has done for you. You still have your mental hand out. Shame on should get a life instead of finding any excuse to refight the are truly sad.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:35pm.

You don't even realize how sad you sound. Hang on to your 'white' pride Ms. Charley. My family has stood with the rest of the country in being proud to be Americans - since the Revolutionary War. No one, black or white is paid enough to lay down their life for their country. Read your history. The black man was not paid the same as the white man until Truman integrated the services. Since 1964, blacks are no longer, under the Constitution, inferior to 'whites'. We vote, we achieve, we make mistakes, we bring honor, and we embarrass just like the 'white' man. What is amusing is all of the racist talking points you use to smear me - and some of these talking points don't even relate to what I have posted. You are a true member of the #47 club. You must be a little lonely. There are not too many members of this prestigious organization in Fayette County.

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 5:27pm.

"Whites were wrong for hanging the nooses; blacks were wrong for using violence to try to settle a problem."

There is no moral equivalence between the 2 actions. Whites were wrong for hanging the nooses; blacks were CRIMINALS for using violence to try to settle a problem.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:15pm.

You're right!

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 8:53pm.

Then why did you bring it up in the first place? Just another race-baiting tactic, I suppose

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 3:29pm.

They were convicted of a crime and should be punished.

Are you suggesting that because they are black they should have not been punished??

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:11pm.

It's persons with your comprehension skills that keep this state at #47 out of 50 states in academic achievement! God bless you!

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 10:14pm.

I fully understood your true message. I just don't like it.

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 4:16am.

Nice try on the old tried and true liberal trick of setting up a straw man as your defense- Which white child brought the gun to school? Are you specifying a particular incident in Fayetteville - if so, please enlighten us.
Jena 6 - Never heard about it so I looked it up. 6 black students possibly being charged with attempted murder and conspiracy for beating up a white student.
You accuse me of being a known racist. I can assure you that I am not. I am merely highlighting the incidents the increase in crime in our fine city and the people who are committing these crimes. There were 3 armed robberies within a mile of where I live- All of them committed by Abfrican Americans. When I first moved to Fayetteville, these types of crimes were unheard of, which is why I moved here. Therefore, I will continue to unapologetically profile based on the description of the people that are committing these crimes. As soon as the majority of these types of crimes cease to be committed by minorities, then I will change who I begin to profile. I refuse to be a prisoner in my own town due to a bunch of no good, rap-thug, punk cockroaches moving into the area. I will carry a firearm at all times to protect life and property.
Lastly, I never stated that it was un-american to be proud of ones heritage. I do find it strange that whenever I fill out a form and it asks for my race, theres not a check box for Romanian-American, yet there is a box for African-American. I'm not offended by it, because I don't think of my identity as the color of my skin or where my great-great-great-great-great grandfather came from.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 2:34am.

How can you be a racist if you voted for Herman Cain and like Thomas Sowell? Puzzled Smiling

If someone looked similar to Thomas Sowell (clothing and mannerisms and nice smile), would you speak to him, or would you feel defensive?

Or like this?

Or like this?

Maybe like this?

Or like this? (serious or stern but not seething anger)

What about this guy?

Or this one?

Or this one?

What about this guy?

Or this one?

How about these guys?

Or these model citizens?

Or these?

Or these average guys?

Perhaps you are against Black-thug "culture"? White-trash "culture"? Black-trash "culture"? Hispanic-gang "culture"? Black-gang "culture"? White-gang "culture"? Perhaps you can elaborate?

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 7:53am.

That's exactly what I have been trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to say. I am not a racist. I am against Black-thug culture, White-trash culture, Hispanic-gang culture, Asian-gang culture, Black-gang culture People of Pallor-gang culture, Mafia culture, and I'm against or anything similar that threatens the people and the peace of this town. It just so happens that predominantly, it appears most of the crime is being perpetrated by the Black-thug culture and Black-gang culture. And for bringing the rise of that type of crime to the forefront, some people have chosen to label me a racist. They don't like the message, so instead of doing something do address the real problem, they attack the messenger.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 8:19am.

Maybe you could show where you pointed out any other culture but the blacks, i've failed to see it. Please also tell me what you do to address the problem.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by susieq on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 8:26am.

Why should Beaver point out any other culture? It is the black culture that's in the news in Fayette. Fayette News -- Isn't that the topic of discussion?

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 2:38pm.

I do find it strange that whenever I fill out a form and it asks for my race, theres not a check box for Romanian-American, yet there is a box for African-American. I'm not offended by it, because I don't think of my identity as the color of my skin or where my great-great-great-great-great grandfather came from.

That's because you check 'white-non-Hispanic'.

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 5:29pm.

"That's because you check 'white-non-Hispanic'"

Dave's mom,

Your statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Care to try again?

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 6:18pm.

. . .ah another candidate for the #47 club.

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 8:50pm.

WTF? Speak English - What are you trying to say?

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 5:53am.

Did you not hear about the kid who brought all the weapons to Whitewater High School? Are you that far down in a hole? Untill you are offended by all the colors of all the criminals you are a racist.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 7:34am.

I understand now. Because I didn't hear or read about one white kid who brought the guns to school - it makes me a racist.

Thanks for clearing that up. I feel better now.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 11:24am.

It's not that you missed the kid at WHS bringing guns to school that makes you a racist{although I don't think you missed it}, it's the fact you're only concerned with one color of the criminals, I can't make that any clearer, if you want to be obtuse go ahead, but it's not attractive on you.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 8:30am.

in my opinion, IS a THUG. The fact that he was described as a black male is not germane to his thugness.

Submitted by Melungeon on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 3:01pm.

Hmmm ... an armed robbery where the thug criminal was described as a black male wearing dark baggy clothing. That seems to be a common description over the last few years. I see a trend developing.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 2:43pm.

Is it too much to ask to have our local crackheads target our councilFOOLS? They love criminals.

Thank god we gave the councilFOOLS a big raise. What would have happened if we had used that money to hire more cops? Thanks for curing us of cart path safety harold.

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