Agents nab Atlanta murder suspect in Tyrone

Tue, 08/21/2007 - 11:31am
By: John Munford

An Atlanta man wanted for a deadly shooting that occurred in Atlanta’s upscale Atlantic Station area in March was arrested Monday afternoon by federal agents in Tyrone, federal officials said.

Marland Lemond Moore, 31, was arrested at his cousin’s residence on Carriage Oaks Drive in Tyrone after 2 p.m., said James Ergas, supervising inspector for the U.S. Marhsall’s Service. Moore actually answered the door and at first seemed unaware the armed agents were there for him, Ergas said.
Once it sank in, Moore struggled with agents for a few seconds before he was taken into custody, Ergas said.

Moore is charged with shooting to death another man on March 20 on 17th Street in Atlanta, Atlanta police said. The shooting occurred inside a vehicle as Moore, a passenger in the car, shot the driver, according to witnesses, said Officer Ron Campbell of the Atlanta Police Department.

Authorities have been searching for Moore since days after the shooting, Campbell said.
Ergas said charges against the cousin who lived in the home are unlikely because authorities don’t think the cousin knew Moore was a fugitive.

There were worries Moore would have tried to flee the Tyrone home, as agents believe they had located him about a week ago but he led agents on a pursuit, wrecking his vehicle and escaping on foot on Bouldercrest Road in DeKalb County, Ergas said. After he escaped, it is believed Moore broke into a residence and assaulted a woman, beating her up before fleeing into a wooded area and getting away, Ergas said.
Ergas said he expects additional charges to be filed in that incident.

The Fayette County Sheriff’s Department participated in the arrest, with its K-9 unit and helicopter unit on the scene in case Moore tried to get away, Ergas said.

The sheriff’s department has one agent assigned to the fugitive task force.

Ergas said while it doesn’t happen often, some fugitives get so comfortable in their new identities or with where they’re hiding that after a while they almost forget they are on the lam, which apparently happened in Moore’s case.
Agents don’t think Moore had stayed at the Tyrone home for more than a day or two, Ergas said.

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Submitted by depdawg on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 11:42pm.

You know, one would think that the over development of just about everywhere in the county would lend to the incresed crime rate, right? It has nothing to do with our over development as much as it does with the "hell holes" our county is surrounded by. The "lower income" housing does have some effect, but well over 50 % of all arrests have Rivverdale, College Park, etc addresses. Brian Nichols brother lived here in Fayetteville when he murdered those people, but his brother was a decent person, guilt by association works when then public wants it to, just dont see it in this case.

fancypants's picture
Submitted by fancypants on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 2:18pm.

Oh what joy. Another thug has found his way into Fayette County, compliments of John Wieland and his wonderful half acre lot subdisivsions.

When will the Tyrone City Council wake up and smell the roses? If you allow developpers to build on half acre lots, you will attract this kind of people!

And I just heard that Mayor Lee and her council men just voted for another 160 plus home sub by JW. Thanks a lot.

Submitted by onlyrealcat on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 6:05pm.

excuse me. john weiland did not kill someone. maybe you should read where he is from. not tyrone thank you. i think you are from ptc and just dont like sandy creek and whitewater maybe?

The only real cat in town

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 5:59pm.

Wieland and 1/2 acre lots are the cause of this when the criminal was visiting a relative? fancypants you are nuts - whoops, except I'm thinking liberal female.

There are more 1/2 and 1/3 acre lots in PTC than anywhere within 50 miles and this didn't happen here. Think it through fp and move on.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 6:25pm.

We do have some cluster home neighborhoods here. No this is one time this particular crime didn't happen here.

We have only had kids on the cartpaths with guns and knives. We have had thug kids beat up other thug kids and threaten adults with a knife. We have had troubled teen throwing moltov coctails at senior citizen homes. Enough drugs to fuel NYC and LA. We have had several armed robberies, and drug busts in the avenue, walmart and several apartments. We have had a drug party/murder in our cluster homes. We have had a teen raped at a teen party. We have had too many sex offenders to count. We have had several drug OD's even if the paper doesn't want to report it. We have had several trashy/domestic events of trashed out homes and kids neglected.......

Yeah you are right this particular murderer was not found in PTC........this time. Gee wiz how did we miss out on this gem?

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 2:40pm.

What does that have to do with a thug being in Tyrone??
Just be very thankful Fayette's finest arrested him. Smiling

BTW What kind of people?

SLUF's picture
Submitted by SLUF on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 2:24pm.

Isn't it a bit of a stretch to say that this person came to Tyrone because of a subdivision?? There are plenty of cases of manhunts ending on 5 acre home lots,farms or even high rise apartment complexes. I don't understand your logic here.

quit whining

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 5:02pm.

When, Where?? I can't think of any recent crime cases except for the wrestler roid rage thing, when was the last criminal nabbed in a neighborhood with 5 acre lots?

I can think of many like the current case. High-density seems to breed crime. First of all most criminals can afford apartments and cluster homes. It may be a generalization but lately it seems to be backed up by the news.

SLUF's picture
Submitted by SLUF on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 12:17am.

Well maybe you don't read news from any other part of the country, but I'm quite certain that somewhere in the US a fugitive has been caught at a home with more than a half acre lot. Not all of the USA is subdivisions like PTC-there are plenty of farms and rural areas. The fact that this killer was caught on a small lot doesn't matter. The two are unrelated. The only thing that brought that man here was that his family member happened to live there.

quit whining

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