Iran in the crosshairs?

Dr. Earl H. Tilford Jr.'s picture

“There is nothing so dreadful as a great victory ... excepting a great defeat.” — Sir Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington

A lot has happened in the past few weeks to refocus attention on terrorism and the global war against Islamist Jihadists in which the United States, Israel and, indeed, the Judeo-Christian world is engaged. Indeed, the war may be entering a critical phase. Soon, U.S. forces may be in Pakistan hunting down al Qaeda and Israel may be heavily engaged in Gaza exterminating Hamas. Furthermore, the sooner the United States deals with Iran the better.

Iran is at war with the United States and has been since 1979. The world cannot tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran. Normal parameters of deterrence will not work with an enemy anxious to die prompting an apocalypse. If Tehran goes nuclear, it will use its bombs—and not just on Israel.

In the 1970s, I served as a warnings indication analyst on the intelligence staff at Headquarters Strategic Air Command. My job was to examine intelligence data and provide warnings in advance of possible enemy action. We watched Soviet bomber and submarine operations, monitored communications, especially those associated with missile forces, and kept track of the movement of principal Communist Party leaders. I tried to think like the enemy. Let me apply that technique to see what Tehran might come up with as a possible “threat assessment” concerning possible military action by the United States.

President George W. Bush has stated that a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable. Although his political capital is low, events may force his hand sooner rather than later. If Bush does not act this year, it is less likely he would take decisive action in 2008, an election year.

There are risks in any military operation. If an all-out conventional attack to denude Iran of its nuclear capability works and Iran is unable — or unwilling — to respond effectively, the president’s approval ratings may soar and the Republicans could find themselves big winners in November 2008.

On the other hand, if it fails, as any half-hearted attack is likely to do, Bush could face impeachment and the Republican Party will be consigned to political purgatory.

The American political left may have misread the public’s dissatisfaction with the war. Most Americans want to defeat al Qaeda, Hezbollah, associated groups and nations that sponsor them. It is inaction that frustrates the public.

Historically, during the Vietnam War, public support for the war effort rose sharply when the United States took concerted action like mining Haiphong harbor and bombing North Vietnam purposefully during Operation Linebacker I, the air power response to North Vietnam’s “Easter Offensive” of 1972.

Additionally, while the media and the political left excoriated President Richard Nixon for the so-called “Christmas Bombing” (Linebacker II), the American public overwhelmingly approved. Ultimately, the continuing din of negative politics may push Bush to act sooner rather than later.

Currently three carrier battle groups are operating in the Persian Gulf. Their approximately 300 naval aircraft, coupled with hundreds of cruise missiles, along with the several hundred U.S. Air Force fighter-bombers stationed in the region, provide the United States with an enormously powerful air advantage.

If the United States strikes, the blow must obliterate Iran’s nuclear-weapons-making capabilities, “decapitate” the government and degrade its ability to respond militarily. This cannot be a half-baked operation.

Central Command recently changed leadership from an Army general to a Navy admiral, possibly presaging a shift from the tactical and operational orientation of day-to-day combat in Iraq and Afghanistan to a more strategically-oriented approach appropriate to a wider and more encompassing war carried into Iran and Pakistan.

Additionally, Israel must move soon to destroy Hamas in Gaza or face continuing and increasing harassment from rockets and terrorists. If Israel moves on Gaza, Syria and Hezbollah will respond with strikes at the Golan Heights and rocket barrages into northern Israel from Lebanon. Two Israeli armored divisions and an infantry division are moving into place in southern Israel.

Again, this is a matter of timing. While Israel lingers, its enemies gain strength. Imagine dealing with this problem after Tehran has nuclear weapons. Imagine what Hezbollah or Hamas would do if they gained access to nukes.

War is a sure and effective way to end — not just to deal with — evil. War should never be undertaken lightly nor engaged in with half-measures.

The United States is at war with Iran. Whose rockets and roadside bombs daily kill Americans in Iraq? Iran’s. What terrorist group ranks as No. 2 in taking the lives of Americans? Hezbollah, funded and controlled by Iran.

Douglas MacArthur said it best: “In war there can be no substitute for victory.”

[Dr. Earl Tilford is professor of history at Grove City (Penn.) College. He enjoyed an extensive military career and after retiring from the U.S. Air Force, served as an associate professor of history at Troy State University in Montgomery and professor of military history at the U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College. In 1993 he became director of research at the U.S. Army’s Strategic Studies Institute in Carlisle, Pa., where he worked on a project that looked at possible future terrorist threats. He has authored three books on the Vietnam War and co-edited a book on Operation Desert Storm. He has lectured throughout the United States and abroad on the Vietnam War and, more recently, the future of armed conflict.]

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 12:39am.

I feel Dr. Tilford is either deranged or attempting to somehow influence public opinion to have Americans embrace a false view of reality. This is his Iranian version of "we'll be greeted with flowers." Here me out before you begin throwing GOP eggs.

In 2003 when we were ramping up the "get Saddam" talk, I kept wondering why no one was talking about the unstable mess that many, many people saw comming. Last week I saw the 1994 and 2000 tapes of VP Cheney saying exactly what most who knew Iraq understood: If we unilaterally deposed Saddam we would 1): Be seen as occupiers. and 2) Be stuck in a QUAGMIRE (Cheney's actual words).

This told me that Dick Cheney knew all along what we would be stuck with. But he kept telling America what we needed to hear in order for the citizens to support the operation. Regardless of 9/11, the quagmire we are in was even foreseen by this war's architects.

As for Mr. Tilford: He is a smart man. He knows that Iran is a Shiia Muslim country. He knows Iraq is now shiite (shiia) controlled and a natural ally to Iran. Admadenijahad is visiting Iraq, and Maliki has already visited Iran. So, if "victory" in Iraq means a soverign, stable government, and we push war with Iran, exactly where will that put us in the country that thousands have died to liberate? And as for our military which would be required in this operation of mass Islamic destruction across the Middle East.....

How, Mr. Tilford, do you ignore the record number of SUCCESSFUL suicides we have seen this past year in the military? How do you ignore the op eds written by active duty troops saying that the Iraq strategy isn't working and is breaking our military? I know you've written books, Mr. Tilford, but these guys just got back from 15 months in Iraq with the 82nd Airborne. I tend to believe their view of reality. How do we ignore the war czar suggesting (like Charlie Rangle who was ridiculed) that this pace of military action may require a draft? With what Army, what men and women, will we attack and sustain operations against Iran? And WHY, OH WHY, do we always forget about the murderer of Americans known as Osama Bin Laden? Dr., I believe we will need you and your entire lineage to sign up and once again charge into battle if your ideology is transformed to foreign policy.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by Lubin Shapiro on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 1:55pm.

Everything he says relies on 9/11. 9/11 was a Zionist job. Go to and get an education.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 2:37pm.

I suspect you believe Hurricane Dean is a conspiracy as well. Instead of directing us to a website why not try to discuss the issue. Or is this all we're going to hear from you.
Twenty six miles across the sea......

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 4:34pm.

Well, you seem to want web site backup from others when they make a statement you do not agree with entirely!
I don't agree that the Zionists bombed down the trade center. The old CIA possibly, but not the Zionists. They work there!
Could have been the Saudi family, also.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 4:46pm.

The difference is this yo yo did it twice and I wanted to call him/her on it. People like this choke a website with this junk because that's all they will post. At least you don't hide behind a link and will attempt to discuss.
Twenty six miles across the sea......

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