If at first you don’t succeed, lie, lie again

Ann Coulter's picture

Suspiciously, Daniel Pearl’s widow is suddenly being lavishly praised by the Treason Lobby. Jane Mayer, co-author of the discredited hit-book on Clarence Thomas, “Strange Justice,” published an article in The New Yorker last week recounting that Mariane Pearl was called by Alberto Gonzales in March with the news that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had admitted to American interrogators that he had personally beheaded her husband and they were going to release the transcript to the press. Mayer wrote: “Gonzales’ announcement seemed like a publicity stunt.”

Frank Rich followed up with an article in The New York Times saying of Gonzales’ call: “Ms. Pearl recognized a publicity ploy when she saw it.”

Inasmuch as these are journalists who adjudge George Bush more evil than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, their perception of reality is to be treated gingerly. But if Ms. Pearl is toying with the idea of becoming the latest liberal cause celebre, she might want to consider the trajectories of the rest of them.

All the Democrats’ most dearly beloved anti-war/anti-Bush heroes invariably end up in the Teresa Heinz Kerry wing of the nut-house. Scott Ritter went from being a trusted U.N. weapons inspector valiantly defending poor, misunderstood Saddam Hussein from George Bush’s imperialistic war to being just another creep trying to have sex with underage girls.

Cindy Sheehan once had “absolute moral authority.” Now she’s just a madwoman writing mash notes to Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.

Max Cleland was a war hero who lost his limbs as a result of Viet Cong grenades, giving him the stature to gleefully taunt George Bush and Dick Cheney. “Where the hell were you in the Vietnam War?” Cleland responded to Cheney. “If you had gone to Vietnam like the rest of us, maybe you would have learned something about war.”

Then we learned Cleland was a victim only of his own clumsiness and had dropped the grenade on himself in Vietnam after stopping for a beer.

Bill Burkett was the left’s most admired military veteran since Benedict Arnold. He claimed Bush had shirked his National Guard duty and said he had the documents to prove it. According to Dan Rather and CBS News, Burkett was a “solid” and “unimpeachable” source who was being attacked by “partisan political operatives.”

And then Burkett turned out to be a foaming-at-the-mouth loon. He was eventually forced to admit on air that he had “misled” CBS on the phony National Guard documents, which is a little like Hugo Chavez “misleading” Sean Penn. Burkett’s current medical diagnosis: too crazy to be a homeless person.

The congressional campaign of anti-war Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett was treated in the media as if it were the Second Coming. The New York Times described Hackett adoringly as a “lean 6-foot-4, he is garrulous, profane and quick with a barbed retort or a mischievous joke.” The Times even produced the obligatory quote-ready Republican who said that “Mr. Hackett’s service had caused him to consider voting Democratic.”

Then we found out with a little more specificity what some of those quick-witted barbs were. Hackett called the president a “chickenhawk,” referred to Bush’s “Bring it on” statement as “the most incredibly stupid comment,” and called Bush “the biggest threat in America.” Yes, he was a veritable Noel Coward, that Hackett.

Soon, even Rep. Rahm Emanuel and Sen. Chuck Schumer were trying to get Hackett to drop his next political campaign for the U.S. Senate.

Gen. Wesley Clark was once compared to Eisenhower, which, in mediaspeak, means: “He is virulently anti-Bush.” Democrats were so tickled to have found an anti-war Southerner and retired general, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert asked, is he “just a mirage?”

Then it turned out the only war Clark wanted to lead was America’s War on Fetuses, declaring that abortion should be legal for any reason until the moment of birth. Soon Clark was buddying around with Michael Moore and Madonna. Also, he claimed he had received calls from “the White House” by which he meant “a think tank in Canada.”

Last we heard, Gen. Clark was on the alternate list for “Dancing With the Stars.”

Joe Wilson went from being billed in the media as a trusted adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney and billed (by himself) as an eyewitness to the president’s “lies,” to being an apron-wearing househusband who had been sent on an errand by his wife.

Not only did he fail to debunk the Niger yellowcake story, he also forgot to bring home the quart of milk his wife had requested. (Wilson is now demanding a congressional investigation into who leaked the classified information that his wife wears the pants in the family.)

The Joe Wilson celebrity tour officially ended when The Washington Post editorialized: “It’s unfortunate that so many people took (Wilson) seriously” — not the least of whom were reporters at The Washington Post itself.

Most recently, The New Republic’s “Baghdad Diarist” has been unveiled as a liar, another illustrious chapter in that magazine’s storied history of publishing con men and frauds.

If conservatives are the ones driven by ideological passions, then why are liberals the ones always falling for laughable hoaxes in support of their anti-war ideological agenda? And if liberal beliefs are true, why do they need all the phony stunts to prove them? How about liberals keep hoaxes out of politics and return them to their rightful place: “proving” Darwinian evolution.


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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 1:39am.

If liberal beliefs are true, why the liberal schemes?

Ann, THESE are lying schemes, if you'd like clearer examples:

Like the folks who told us Nancy Pelosi demanded a larger plane than Dennis Hastert. Or the folks who told us Obamma went to a Muslim extremist school. Or the folks that labelled Mark Foley as a Democrat. All politics. And how nice to take the opportunity to attack the VETERAN Max Cleland again. There is no possibility ever of Ann Coulter or Dick Cheney or George Bush EVER being wounded in service to this country; by themselves or another. What an honorable woman.

I'll take one of Ann's targets, Paul Hacket. Yes, he said Bush's "Bring 'em on" comment was incredibly stupid. Ann, read the paper amor. Bush said of his bring it on quote, "I probably shouldn't a said that." It was inciting and worst of all, our troops were the targets of that incitement. Pretty freakin stupid, Ann. Chickenhawk: Someone hawkish on war who has absolutely no personal risk involved. Sounds like a good fit to me.

Alas, let's determine who is truly illogical and emotionally driven. Let's weigh logic and pragmatism against these very popular slogans:

Victory in Iraq is the only option (whatever "victory" is)

We'll be greeted as liberators.

They hate us for our freedom (it has nothing to do with our presence in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey, etc...)

We are a culture of life (that currently really likes war)

I challenged a statement Ann made last week and I'm still waiting for answers. Since Ann has the conservative corner on truth, her statement can't be that hard to support.

She said our "imminent victory in Iraq" has liberals desparate.

Plus or minus four months, when will that imminent victory be?

Will the boycotting Sunnis play a part in the imminent victory?

Will it also be a victory for Iran, a natural ally for their shiite brothers?

This editorial adds soooooooooo much to the paper Cal.

Kevin "Hack" King

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 9:30am.

…with a question of my own: how accurately did Washington, Madison, Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, etc. call the end to their respective wars?

You are right about one thing though. Ann’s column does add a lot to The Citizen. As do Thomas Sowell’s, Walter William’s, Michelle Malkin’s, Earl Tilford’s, Larry Elder’s and a few others.

Thanks, Cal.


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 6:53pm.

It is amazing that when you try to get here and now answers to "imminent victory" claims in Iraq, you always here talks and references to WWI, WWII, and/or The Revolutionary war; all wars that did not center on a third party of one religion in the midsts of civil conflict between members of another religion.

Maximus, is it truly ridiculous to ask when to expect an "imminent victory?" Or was the claim of imminent victory ridiculous? What is her support for an impending victory? Sunni/shiite reconciliation? Decreased sectarian animosity?

Neither you nor Ann Coulter have anything to lose by keeping our troops in this civil unrest. Her claims of imminent victory are "IRRESPONSIBLE" and "RIDICULOUS." They are unsupported by facts or the state of Iraq's government currently. This is exactly why the straight talk express was permenantly derailed. Saying it does not magically make it so. I wish it did, Maximus.

So let's look what Ann and Mr. Tilford added to this week's paper:

Ann: "Liberals lie and Republicans don't?" Or is the message, "Only trust what republicans say." I'm not sure.

Mr. Tilford's contribution to society is: "We need war with Iran which encompasses Hamas, Israel, and Hezbollah if we are to have peace." Does that sound sane or ridiculous Max? If you care to give me a framework for how you see war with Iran bringing peace and helping the US globally, I give you my word that I'll read every letter you type.

Kevin "Hack" King

ps: Here is what I honestly think these conservative talking heads contribute, and this is dead honest: I think they reinforce to the flat earth society that what seem to be majority opinions in our country are truly only evidence of a vast liberal media bias. Only Fox and select conservatives have the real truth. If you begin to believe that Iraq has no US military solution, that would mean that Fox and the conservative talking heads may have been and still be WRONG on many issues; issues like global warming, deficit spending, immigration, foreign policy, etc. If these folks help you cling to the GOP lifeboat which has been adrift for a few years now, then at least they have served someone.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 7:39am.

I guess I wouldn’t either if I was a modern day democrat.

Maximus, is it truly ridiculous to ask when to expect an "imminent victory?"

Yes, Hack, it is. That was the point of my prior post. And those people didn’t have to deal with Islamic lunatics who will blow up their neighbor’s kids in the market just to get a body count on TV. There will NEVER be a ‘V’its day (Victory over the surrendered Islamic terrorist scum). They will never concede anything. As long as there are Jews and Christians and freedom loving people of all stripes they will not stop. There will always be groups of radical Muslims who want to kill us. All we can do is take away their sanctuaries and government sponsorships, and reduce the size of the groups to make them ineffective. Do you not understand that? Do you think that some feckless dimwit like Jimmy Carter, as you’ve suggested before, could go over there and negotiate a peace that would last longer than it took them to rearm and get ready for the next round?

“Neither you nor Ann Coulter have anything to lose by keeping our troops in this civil unrest”.

I have plenty to lose if we don’t prevail, we all do. But we will. Even the most ardent anti-victory-in-Iraq democrats are starting to fear that we may succeed. You need to get on board with your leftist leadership (Durbin, Clyburn, Levin, etc) and start backpedaling before the report comes out.

Now, as usual, in your post you brought up several issues:

Lying politicians
War with Iran
War in Iraq
Fox news
The global warming BS
Deficit spending (I didn’t see your reply to my question on the debt)
And immigration

Try focusing on one if you really want to have a discussion/debate.


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 6:56pm.

and I know I ain't changing your mind on anything, but I'll offer my perspective on this, and then we can move on to the next big thread.

I don't think any Americans here in the U.S. have anything to fear by our inability to unify sunnis, shiites, and kurds in Iraq. Why? Because Iraqis have never shown either the ability or desire to harm Americans within the U.S. I believe they want us out of their country, but i don't see them building a navy or Air Force to come attack us. There is absolutely no military solution to Iraq's problems with unification. Patraeus has said it. The President has said it. Iraqis have said this. We are providing limited security for a nation which is not taking advantage of it to unify. IT IS NOT UP TO US. This is an Iraqi fight.

Al Qaeda in Iraq will never (as a radical sunni organization) find safe haven or control in shiite Iraq. Iran will have a steady ally, but Al Qaeda will meet the same fate in civil conflict as other sunni groups. And even worse, they don't have the support of sunni Iraqis. And they don't have a vehicle for force projection either. So, Maximus, if we want to be safe at home, we best look at global al qaeda networks which we currently lack focus on. Ossama Bin Laden is still an important figure to take down, in my mind. he did kill many of our brothers and sisters after all.

Finally, Maximus, one question to keep it simple:

Will the boycotting Sunnis play a part in the imminent victory?

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 8:21am.

Don't look at all the serious problems, just the war ones will do for now.
Let me see, how many terrorists were in Iraq prior to 9/11: NONE
How many are there now since our invasion: MANY, Many.
How many were in Saudi Arabia prior: Nearly All those who flew the planes.
When might they stop coming to Iraq? When we are gone.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 7:19pm.

I found THIS NAKED PICTURE OF COULTER for you. If this doesn't take your mind off the issues I don't know what will. Eye-wink


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 5:42am.

But I find Ann's selective rage soo interesting. Especially in the context of our global war on radical Islam. In pointing out "schemes" which outrage her, she somehow missed, what I believe, is the greatest, most agregious scheme of all: Using a friendly fire incident on you know who and spinning it into a war hero story for all to feel good about, and even lying to his parents to do it. This is why I have such disdain for Mrs. divide America by any means necessary. And I still ain't clickin the link. Cheers, Git,

Kevin "Hack" King

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 10:15am.

It's okay, click the link. I checked it out for you. Smiling

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 8:09am.

Well now hack, you don't expect hypocrites like Coulter, Limburger, and Hannity to say anything bad about the republicans, do you? They hint at Bush being a strange dude once in a while, but that is about it!
Torture, put-up tales of heroism, etc., are OK in their jargon.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 6:01am.

I find the phrase "selective rage" curious, isn't all rage selective? Who can be in a rage all the time? Our friend Basmati used that on me once when I objected to the nasty song he made up with Tug in it. Sorry, I just don't understand that phrase.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 8:11am.

She rages similar to O'Reilly when he wants to shout down a guest who will be cut off it he doesn't stop talking and let him rage!
They have a creed you know: I'm smart!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 5:53am.

"And that's all I'm saying about that". Smiling


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 6:45pm.

Under the advice of Tug whom I trust with any and everything. VERY NICE, as Borat would say. Some very sexy and sleek forms connected to that thread. Speaking of which, help me come up with a good excuse to give my wife for buying a 10 yr old corvette. They get good gas mileage don't they? Help me out, bro..

Kevin "Hack" King

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 11:05am.

Be very careful when you ask Git for advice. wink

Listen to Jane.
Sorry Git, we ladies have to stick together. Smiling

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 5:59am.

I'm not sure I'd go with Git's "cheesy" lines, I'm not sure even that "romatic" approach will work. This falls into the category of if you can buy a car, she can buy _______, fill in the blank. Seems only fair to me. I love the commerical on TV where the woman pulls out the tape recorder and has the man saying "if I can get this you can get anyyyyyything you want".

Ladies what do you think, Git's way or my way?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 8:10pm.

Speaking of which, help me come up with a good excuse to give my wife for buying a 10 yr old corvette.

That's easy my friend. Let me help you with this.

They get good gas mileage don't they? Help me out, bro..

First of all, I'm really, really jealous. My first reaction is to stick my tongue out at you and to then inform you that I'm holding out for an early 70's model. But, then I realize I am not supposed to covet my neighbors goods.

Remember, There is nothing you can say or do to make this right even though you are justified in your investment purchase.

Now for your reality check. You cannot appeal to your brides intellectual side. There is no reasoning with her on your purchase of the precious historical investment treasure that you acquired. So.... you've got to appeal to her feminine and emotional side.

Try this: Darling, I bought this for you. I looked at this beautiful car and said to myself, Hack...there ain't a woman around that can compliment this ride like my hot wife. Every time I glanced in the direction of this awesome ride I couldn't help but think it was missing something. You...as a seat cover. Then you can say that finally after all these years I've got a way of showing you off to the world as the hot item you really are. Sweetheart... can't you see how proud of you I am. I bought this pedestal to display your awesome beauty to the whole world. Baby...can you blame me? This car is almost as hot and irresistible as you.

Now if those cheesy lines (that women fall for and love to hear... I think they call it romance or something like that) don't work then you've only one other alternative left. You bow up like and man and simply say: Hey Sweet Pea. I'm at that age dear. It was either the Vette or a younger chick. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Realize my dear how much I really love you. Smiling I chose the car. Smiling

Be prepared to duck at anytime during any of these lines. You see... there is no acceptable reason in their minds for such an investment. So you have to feed 'em that line of crock, knowing that there is nothing you can say to appease her. So just feed her the lines, deal with the repercussions and enjoy your new mistress.

Personally, The Vette is a better investment than a girlfriend. Realize that no matter how she initially responds or what she says, that deep down inside she knows that in the end you made the right choice.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 7:41pm.

Tell her it's for investment puposes, in 15 years it will be an antique[ of course so will you], and it's cheaper then a private airplane.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 8:03am.

Thanks. But it won't be possible to tell her it's hers because it'll be my Oklahoma car that I use when I'm doing my 8 days a month of AF duty. And, Git, it's nothing to covet because the paint job only looks good outside of 15 feet. And I know the don't ask don't tell will get me killed. I'll keep you guys abreast.

Kevin "Hack" King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 8:58am.

Who cares about the paint job. It's still a Vette. Smiling

I won't tell you to lie to your wife. I guess the best solution is to be honest. "Schnookems.... I couldn't help myself. I had a man moment". Perhaps shed some "man sweat" from your eyes and give her the old puppy dog eyes as you hold her tightly while laying your head on her bosom. Heck... if that don't work then I give up. To keep a good man a woman has got to look over a few indescrepencies....like Vettes, tractors, and Harleys. Smiling A guys gotta play with something.

I think you spend about as much time out West as I do. I'm there every other month. We need to meet up at the Stockyards in OKC so I can buy you a steak at the Cattlemans. After eating there you'll be begging to be called a Conservative in order for me to take you there again.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 11:17am.

Hutch and I are about a month out from a Tulsa get together. I will gladly wade down to OKC for some red meat. When I set my sep schedule, I'll pass it along.

And how's this: When she finds out about the old vette like my mom found out about my dad's new toy (by looking at the auto insurance papers), I'll use my dad's, "Didn't I mention that to you? I sure meant to if I didn't."


Kevin "Hack" King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 1:13pm.

During the fair. Smiling

Hope Hutch's back is better real quick. If he works for himself I'm sure he's hurting in more than one way. Get better sailor.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 9:13am.

Please tell me you don't really use these "cheesy, romantic" lines, please!! After reading this stuff to help out Ole Hack, I'm thinking it ain't no wonder Mrs. Git shoved you out of the car to rassle an alligator, or send you into a thunderstorm with your silk boxers!!! Shoot, she is being easy on you!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 10:08am.

Mrs. Git is an exceptional woman. She has no enemies and everyone loves her to death. You just don't know how blessed I am that she hasn't killed me off or something like that. I sometimes think I'm the son she'll never have. Overall though, I do have to say that she's doing a pretty good job of raising me.

I suppose you're right. I'm a failure in the romantic department. It's best that I don't even make an effort. She already thinks I'm about as romantic as Ernest T. Bass. Shocked

My dad always tells her that "he's her problem now". I'm not really sure what he means by that. ;?

On another note, I gotta be careful with my stories. By the time you and Tug get through with me there's no telling how the "Adventures Of Git" will turn out. Oh well.... I know they could never compare to those in Dollar's upcoming book.

Hmmmm..... Wait until I meet up with ole Hack out West and we go do some old fashioned dirt road bridge jumping in that new Vette of his. Better yet we'll drag ole Hutch out of Tulsa and have a heck of a time. Yeeeeeee Haaawwwww! Smiling


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 08/24/2007 - 11:30am.

The less than proud owner of this slightly below average hard top 1996 vette wanted 15,000. This price would be accurate for a mint car, but this gentleman's vehicle needs paint and some light fiberglass work. We were so far apart that I didn't even try to negociate. I did wish him luck on selling his 1996 priced like a 1998. I think he got my drift. So, I'll stick with the '96 Mazda Millenia with the peeling clearcoat Sad It can still jump a bridge or two though.

Kevin "Hack" King

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 10:19am.

Somehow I have no doubt that Mrs. Git is an exceptional woman . . I'm thinking she has to be. LOL!

Between the lines, though, somehow I'm thinking your actions probably speak much louder than any cheesy words you could ever say; just my opinion.

Please please don't stop the middle of the night stories, they bring lots of joy to some of us (don't they Tug). We are not embellishing on your stories, we are directly quoting you (LOL) middle of the night silk boxers, middle of the night alligators . . .

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 10:46am.

Git, you are so crazy, you have a way of getting your point across with humor.
Don't change, we love you just the way you are! (most of the time)


BTW You knew I would peek Smiling

Submitted by Lubin Shapiro on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 1:48pm.

Don't listen to her! Everything she says relies on 9/11. 9/11 was a Zionist job. Go to www.iamthewitness.com and get an education.

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