teen caught with drugs

My son did not "attack" me. We wrestled over the bag and the police said I didn't have a choice, I had to charge battery. I approved the canine to enter my home.
He showed signs of possible drug use by changing his set of friends. Be cautious of that. We tried to keep a tab on events and who he hung with. But teens can get away with quite a lot if parents don't talk. Keep the network going. Call, confirm and stay in touch with other parents.
As far as "a large quantity of drugs", this is overstated. As far as "packaging ready to sell, just before school starts", there were empty small bags. He had slightly over an ounce. Unlike the other article in the paper with five pounds. $1,000 of the money found was from his father for payment of a car. Receipt was in the wallet and we told that to the police. Interesting this didn't get relayed to the paper. I'm not excusing his behavior by any means. But The Citizen is dramatizing this.
He is a straight A child, almost Eagle Scout, worked an internship this summer 9 - 6 M-F and has a huge heart. He's just off path due to circumstances in his family life. He has a chance now to change his behaviors and lead a productive adulthood within a few years. He will be held accountable for what he did, but have a chance at life. I did the tough love call to save his future. Don't assume he's a horrible child. Far from it, he's a confused teenager searching.

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Submitted by 1bighammer on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 4:39pm.

Barely over an ounce???

Does anyone have any idea how much an Ounce of Marijuana is? Take a look at these links:


This is what 8 ounces looks like, he had 1/8th of this ... that's a lot. That eight ounce bag is as big as a math book.

Momofteen, skyspy, hack , JJSmom and Davidsmom all sound like typical PTC parents. Its ok , you just made a mistake, it'll be ok, here go buy yourself some nice clothes at American Eagle. Gimme a break. "We didn't fight we wrestled" Since when is it EVER ok to put your hands on your mother.

You people are amazing! No wonder there are so many messed up kids in PTC.

Submitted by JJsMom on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 5:33pm.

is wrong with sending positive thoughts for a familiy in crisis? I don't even live near PTC 1bighammer. I never condoned the kids behavior, just feel for the parent who is seeking to get some help.
Allow me to have compassion without putting me down please.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 5:08pm.

First of all what this kid did is not ok at all. It is not ok but it his behavior is typical of PTC kids. These kids are by far the most troubled, attention seeking, foulmouthed, ungrateful, destructive brats I have seen. Except for the Watts district in LA I really have not seen this many kids in one area this bad.

What his mother did was the right thing. She called the cops. Many parents here in good ol PTC are bullied and beaten by their kids. You know what they do??? NOTHING! They bow down instead of giving the kid a good spanking. 16 is not to old to spank. Before $ gets started I don't mean beating, I said spanking and that is what I meant.

This kid is where he belongs....jail. I have probably been the most vocal and venomous critic of the bad kids here. I don't know where you are coming from. You have to praise the good parents who do the right thing. This parent did the right thing. She called the cops. I am not a parent by choice. They take too much work, I already have one full-time job I don't need another. I like nice things and I like to travel.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 8:28am.

My Yes, she did the right thing by calling the cops. But to come on here and make excuses like, " it was barely over an ounce", or "As far as "a large quantity of drugs", this is overstated. As far as "packaging ready to sell, just before school starts", there were empty small bags."

Hello,over an ounce is alot and small empty bags is just what they use to divide it up into for resale. Also, of the 1600 cash found $1000 of it was payment for a car, what about the other $600? What teenager has $600 dollars laying around.

He's where he should be...in Jail. Maybe it will help him make better decisions when he gets out.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 6:39pm.

You shouldn't have any. Thank goodness you didn't!
Take your money with you into the casket.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 7:57pm.

Many people are having kids by accident or as a reflex, because they think they should. They have made big mistakes.

Take satan's child in my neighborhood. This kid has had his parents tell him he was a mistake and they are sorry they had him(sometimes we all hear it because they are loud). He is a bad kid, but that bad kid didn't ask to be born. His parents made a mistake and he is paying for it. That's not right.

People should know their limits and live within them. The world would be a better place.

I'll give my money to some worthy charity.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 8:21pm.

That's so very sad about that child. I just wish that wasn't so. I hate to listen to stories about kids that are abused like that or are not wanted or abandoned. God I wish I could duplicate myself along with other caring persons and give these kids a loving family.

Conservatism – apply it directly to the forehead.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 9:31pm.

I was trying to explain to dollar how selfish it is to have kids you don't want.

Some people say that those of us who choose not to have kids are selfish. I disagree. I think it is selfish to have kids or pets you don't have time for. Kids and pets aren't yard ornaments. If you don't have the time for them you are the one being selfish by having them.

It is sad. As much as I complain about that kid, he has been dealt a bad hand by selfish people.

Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 4:41pm.

I have former students who had supportive, knowledgeable parents like you. These students are now contributing citizens today.. . every one of them!! Stay the course. Your courage and honesty will be respected and appreciated by your son. The road is not easy - but it's worth the journey.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 4:05pm.

Hopefully this wil serve as a warning that helps your son change course. It sounds like he has no lack of ability. It is a shame this story was so overdramatized. They made your boy sound like a regional distributor.

All of the best to you. I hope you all will be able to look back at this in a few years and see it as a blessing in disguise.

Kevin "Hack" King

The 5-0's picture
Submitted by The 5-0 on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 11:36am.

"...the police said I didn't have a choice, I had to charge battery."

Yeah, it's state law that all family domestic violence MUST be charged and the person or persons arrested.
The charge was Simple Battery-Family Violence.

You didn't have a choice.

Submitted by noname on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 7:55am.

For a car payment??

What kind of car does your 16 year old drive??

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 4:21pm.

she didn't say car payment, she said payment of a car, I took it tto mean a whole car.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by JJsMom on Tue, 08/14/2007 - 9:12pm.

I admire your getting on here and setting the record straight. It sounds like you are an aware parent and hopefully your family will overcome this crisis.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 08/14/2007 - 8:47pm.

I hope some of the other parents read what you have shared. It may help them recognize a problem, before it gets any bigger.

I have always wondered about the friend thing. There is one very troubled boy in our neighborhood who never has the same friend around twice. Most of the other parents have a network and they know this kid is bad news. As soon as the other parents find out they don't let their kids play with him anymore. It makes sense.

If this could happen to an striaght A student it can happen to any of them. That is the usual excuse I hear: No not my kid they get straight A's, or not my kid we go to church.

Maybe your story will help parents see that even the kids that are usually good make incredibly dumb choices. I hope this is a turning point for your son.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 08/14/2007 - 8:53pm.

Problems such as are stated above would indeed be relieved if we had the Israeli form of service before college or technical training.
Yes, it would be the draft except everyone goes, no exceptions for the training, some then would do civil work to fulfill their obligations to their country.

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