Nine suspects sought in murder

Mon, 08/13/2007 - 8:59am
By: The Citizen

Eighteen year-old Palmetto resident Brandon Horton was murdered late Wednesday night in Fairburn after he and three friends were attacked by up to nine males. Fairburn Police have warrants on three of the nine suspects.

Police received a call at 10:45 p.m. and responded to Signature Trace, a cul-de-sac off Creekwood Road near Johnson Road. Officers found Horton dead, having been shot in the head with a handgun, according to Det. Charles Israel.

Fairburn Police are not releasing the names of the three suspects being sought nor did they have any immediate comment about the remaining suspects, Israel said.

Israel said Horton and three friends were playing basketball in the cul-de-sac when a vehicle arrived and up to nine males exited. An altercation quickly ensued, with the suspects targeting Horton, Israel said. At one point Horton was struck in the head with the handgun prior to being shot, said Israel. Police did not know why the altercation occurred, he said.

Horton’s three friends received only minor injuries and did not require hospitalization. Two of the friends lived in the immediate neighborhood, Israel said.

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Submitted by Tanya33 on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 2:31am.

this was a dear family member of mines. and its a shame that us blacks witness crimes and talk amongst our friends about them but wont go to the police. this was a senseless crime and if nothing is done about it this silence will continue to happen again and again and again. I mean they say he had three friends with him they had to have seen something. all i know is that my cuz will be missed and i hope we can stop losing our family members to senseless crimes like this

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 6:54am.

and its a shame that us blacks witness crimes and talk amongst our friends about them but wont go to the police.

That is a shame. Why is that? Please shed some light as to why that may be. That has been so hard for me to understand.

this was a senseless crime and if nothing is done about it this silence will continue to happen again and again and again. I mean they say he had three friends with him they had to have seen something.

The silence certainly enables and emboldens the bad guys to attempt various crimes and assaults with little fear of any reprisals. It does take a good bit of bravery sometimes to do the right thing and publicly point out the evil doers.

In regards to his three friends. I'd have to say, "What friends". If someone killed my friend I'd spend restless days and nights helping the police capture them and gain all the evidence possible to put the human debris thugs away for as long as the law would allow.

It makes me wonder what the three "so-called friends" are trying to cover up. Or are they cowering in fear which is highly understandable yet unacceptable? Irregardless the right thing to do is to cooperate with the law. I suppose they are dealing with gangs here and possibly these may even fear for their own family and friends.

i hope we can stop losing our family members to senseless crimes like this.

Amen sister. All crime is senseless and we all need to take a stand and combat it, report it, work with our law enforcement men and women, and fight to eliminate these domestic terrorists every time they crawl out of their holes.

Sorry for your awful loss.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by susieq on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 4:22am.

His three friends should talk, but I can understand their fear of the repercussions if they say anything.

I am so sorry for your loss.

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