Melear celebrates 50 years of F’ville barbecue

Tue, 07/31/2007 - 4:21pm
By: Michael Boylan

A ham for his 50th

Kenny Melear, owner of Melear’s Barbecue in Fayetteville, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the restaurant on Saturday. It was a festive day filled with food and frivolity.

Starting at 6:30 a.m. for breakfast and stretching into the evening for dinner, everybody who has a place in their heart for Melear and his barbecue seemed to stop by and offer a kind word and a handshake to Melear and his wife, Merrium.

Melear comes from a long line of barbecue makers as both his father and grandfather cooked barbecue. He uses their recipes and his dishes have obviously struck a cord with local residents.

“The barbecue is cooked over oak and hickory wood,” said Melear.

In addition to a coffee club that meets every morning at the restaurant, which has occupied the same space for all 50 years, the establishment has also become known as a place where elections are won and lost.

Numerous local politicians stopped by to pay their respects to Melear’s on Saturday, including Congressman Lynn Westmoreland. Westmoreland presented Melear with a Congressional Record honoring Melear and his restaurant.

Over the years numerous politicians have stopped by and sampled the wares, including Dan Quayle, Zell Miller, Pat Buchanan, George Busby and Johnny Isakson. Isakson also brought Melear an official document honoring him.

When asked what the secret to his success was, Melear didn’t know how to answer, but the answer apparently is a combination of good food and good customers.

There were patrons of all ages digging into Melear’s famous barbecue plate, which comes with beef or pork barbecue, Brunswick stew, cole slaw, potato chips and bread. There was also an outdoor dining area on Saturday offering hors d’ouevres and cake and people could dance to music provided by a DJ while they looked at a collection of classic cars.

Melear estimated that over 800 people had come by on Saturday by 1 p.m. and every 50 customers received a prize, ranging from free dinner for two to a barbecue ham.

“Twenty-five years ago we had a similar party,” Melear said with a smile. “I’m already looking forward to the 75th anniversary party.”

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Henrietta Bui's picture
Submitted by Henrietta Bui on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 11:34am.

Thank you, Kenny, for 50 great years. Love your BBQ!

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