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Regarding Ballard - This To DA Grif GuyLet me start out Grif Guy by stating that in your case the DA does NOT stand for District Attorney. I will respond to you here for posterities sake rather than spend the time to respond to you and it be lost forever in 2 hours. OK? Let's get started..... Lets Do Git REAL For the record, I speak English, French, German, some Arabic & Spanish since ya'll speak English Here. So freaking what you pompous {{{Edited }. I speak English too. More than that I am also fluent in Ebonics, Pig Latin, Red Neck, Mid-Western, and I know a couple of Spanish words too. I think I one-upped you. Now let me help you with something regarding your English. Re-read the title you wrote please. Note that it is Let's and not Lets. I guess you missed that one in your English-as-a-second language class. Your hyperlink for the "Rest of the Story" is really cute. Why? The writer of the article was Lee Williams. A person who was either fired or quit most journalistic position she had. How about backing that one up? Please provide some links to assist us non-Arabic speaking folks out on that one please. She wrote with enough facts to be printable, but her story you refer too was 85% opinion. She did not attend that hearing, nor did you or myself. Well... Duh! No, I wasn't there. Prove to me that she wasn't. Furthermore, who cares where you were. Her facts were minimal, her journalisitc intent was wrong as she brought to the story what she wanted. Reporters report the news, not make it. I see her opinion, as well as yours since you base your comments on her story. You silly goof. Did she not get her information from the prosecuting DA that was pursuing the case? The opinions were not those of the reporter but, were based on the statement of the PROSECUTING DISTRICT ATTORNEY WHO WAS TRYING TO TAKE A PIECE OF HUMAN DEBRIS OFF THE STREETS WHILE YOUR BOSS, DAD OR WHATEVER TRIED TO KEEP THE SEXUAL PREDATOR FROM ROAMING AMONGST OUR CHILDREN AND POTENTIALLY VICTIMIZING MORE INNOCENT VICTIMS!!! Let us clarify this..... the information came from the DA that angrily stated that Mr. Softy, The Griffin Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard defended a known sex offender and interfered in his case. And YOU don't see anything wrong with this? Simply as We all got one, but they only reach bout 4 feet off the ground. My opinion rates only about 3 feet 11 inches, butt like you we all got one! Goofy Guy... I mean Grif Guy, Did Dollar write this for you or are you fluent in Dollar Speak all by your own smart self? Really, you need to change your Pic, The Duke stood on his own word, not somebody Else's! How dare you drag John Wayne into this you spineless weasel. The Duke did stand on his own word along with truth and justice. The Duke would NEVER have tolerated the likes of a sexual predator such as Jeffrey David Allen or some spineless Trial Attorney / DA like Scott Ballard. Grif Guy, Do you really want to play on our playground with my friends? Git Real's blog | login to post comments |