Regarding Ballard - This To DA Grif Guy

Git Real's picture

Let me start out Grif Guy by stating that in your case the DA does NOT stand for District Attorney. Eye-wink

I will respond to you here for posterities sake rather than spend the time to respond to you and it be lost forever in 2 hours. OK? Let's get started.....

Lets Do Git REAL
Submitted by Grifguy on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 1:11pm.

For the record, I speak English, French, German, some Arabic & Spanish since ya'll speak English Here.

So freaking what you pompous {{{Edited Eye-wink }. I speak English too. More than that I am also fluent in Ebonics, Pig Latin, Red Neck, Mid-Western, and I know a couple of Spanish words too. I think I one-upped you. Smiling

Now let me help you with something regarding your English. Re-read the title you wrote please. Note that it is Let's and not Lets. I guess you missed that one in your English-as-a-second language class.

Your hyperlink for the "Rest of the Story" is really cute. Why? The writer of the article was Lee Williams. A person who was either fired or quit most journalistic position she had.

How about backing that one up? Please provide some links to assist us non-Arabic speaking folks out on that one please.

She wrote with enough facts to be printable, but her story you refer too was 85% opinion. She did not attend that hearing, nor did you or myself.

Well... Duh! No, I wasn't there. Prove to me that she wasn't. Furthermore, who cares where you were.

Her facts were minimal, her journalisitc intent was wrong as she brought to the story what she wanted. Reporters report the news, not make it. I see her opinion, as well as yours since you base your comments on her story.

You silly goof. Did she not get her information from the prosecuting DA that was pursuing the case? The opinions were not those of the reporter but, were based on the statement of the PROSECUTING DISTRICT ATTORNEY WHO WAS TRYING TO TAKE A PIECE OF HUMAN DEBRIS OFF THE STREETS WHILE YOUR BOSS, DAD OR WHATEVER TRIED TO KEEP THE SEXUAL PREDATOR FROM ROAMING AMONGST OUR CHILDREN AND POTENTIALLY VICTIMIZING MORE INNOCENT VICTIMS!!! Let us clarify this..... the information came from the DA that angrily stated that Mr. Softy, The Griffin Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard defended a known sex offender and interfered in his case. And YOU don't see anything wrong with this? Puzzled

Simply as We all got one, but they only reach bout 4 feet off the ground. My opinion rates only about 3 feet 11 inches, butt like you we all got one!

Goofy Guy... I mean Grif Guy, Did Dollar write this for you or are you fluent in Dollar Speak all by your own smart self?

Really, you need to change your Pic, The Duke stood on his own word, not somebody Else's!

How dare you drag John Wayne into this you spineless weasel. The Duke did stand on his own word along with truth and justice. The Duke would NEVER have tolerated the likes of a sexual predator such as Jeffrey David Allen or some spineless Trial Attorney / DA like Scott Ballard.

Grif Guy, Do you really want to play on our playground with my friends?

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Submitted by Grifguy on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 9:37pm.

I just reread your rantings.. You are really insecure aren't ya. The garbage you wrote is simply amazing in quantity and miss-direction.

Ask Yourself, Is this the type of people we want in the DA's office working for us?

Guy In the Know

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:35pm.


My god man, Git's avatar and link must have set you off. Do you get upset this easily? If you do, as the old TV commercial suggested, "get help at Charter and if can't, get help someplace". Ballard has a lot of explaining to do and even that will not help him as far as I'm concerned. Now I guess you will make some sort stupid comment about my avatar.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:08pm.

Git doesn't get mad. He gets dramatic. Smiling Eye-wink Smiling

Ask Yourself, Is this the type of people we want in the DA's office working for us?

If you ask me I say hell yeah!!! How about a DA with a little gumption and determination to rid this county of the evil that surrounds and impacts each of us. Unlike Mr. Softy I intend to back our law enforcement brethern and work with them in an effort to combat our local terrorists.

Git Real or Mr. Softy??? Let the voters decide.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 11:42pm.

You're hilarious, as always! Laughing out loud

You have my vote!


(He speaks English, too!)

Submitted by Grifguy on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 9:08pm.

Git Real, allow me to say THANK YOU for making my Point very well. I bet you are an attorney b'cuz You became emotional and lost track of what I requested. Point out what Hayes has done for the people he is asking to serve.

I should have expected nothing less from a cowhand. You attacked w/o making your point. You should have prepared your case better! Professional...... Not quite... Asking me if I want to play with you on your playground with your friends? Okay, I'll be the adult here; you may continue to be the child who is one of Mr. Hayes supporters. Your response was neither concise or to the point. You were all over the ranch dodging the question. You even attacked me on my English which was a typo Allow me to say again "Thank you" for pointing that out. At least you did show me you do have some education. You also displayed your ability to MISS THE POINT. Is this what the people can expect from Hayes and his follower/supporters?

Allow me to enlighten you with a fact. Ballard was under subpoena as a private citizen to show up at the Allen case. Didn't git that from Lee Williams did ya? Did you even pick up the phone and ask your buddy Hayes? He knew! Well I hope you didn't or do we have another Hayes Posse trademark? Again lack of understanding and opinion. If you do your homework or talked to Hayes instead of dreamin in the daisy field, you would know this, but again only a cowhand.

For the rest of your ranting... Allow me to say "Wow, I am so not impressed". One exception.... I agree with your comments concerning the Duke! Quote" How dare you drag John Wayne into this ...... The Duke did stand on his own word along with truth and justice. The Duke would NEVER have tolerated the likes" Unquote. The Duke would not have tolerated a pretend cowboy using his name to support a guy like Hayes who quit his job to run against his boss without having the honor, guts and professional courtesy to tell him. That is truly POOR CHARACTER.

Now, one note cowboy, (let me put this at your level). Sticks and stones may break my bones, but no pretend cowboy can hurt me. This ain't no playground, I don't scare and if it makes you feel better bring on your friends, I gather they are Hayes SUPPORTERS too.

Next time, try to be adult about this, as elected office is a serious matter, not a playground issue for you and your cowhands.

Guy In the Know

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 11:17pm.

Git Real Mad??? Yes, I get mad when I see evil predators victimize innocent people. If you don't then there is something wrong with you.

Mad at you??? No.... Just amused. I wondered when you clowns were going to respond to my Signature Link. It took you long enough. I suppose you thought that if you waited it out I would change my Signature but it didn't happen did it? Chuckle. Eye-wink

THANK YOU for making my Point very well. I bet you are an attorney b'cuz You became emotional and lost track of what I requested.

Point is not made son. First of all let me clarify something. I've never met Rudjard Hayes nor do I know if there is any way I could support this guy. In my mind the only thing he has going at "this" moment is that he is "not" Scott Ballard. Now we can move on.

Now GG. You don't mind if I call you GG do you? Short for Goofy Guy. As I was saying GG, you came after me stating that the reporter was factless and reported her opinions rather than what actually transpired. You my friend are the one that has dodged the question. I asked you to back your statement that this reporter was as corrupt and unstable as you accused her of being. Rather than refute the evidence you trashed the messenger. I'm still waiting for something substancial to cause me to re-think my postion and to doubt that reporter and the DA whom she referred to.

I should have expected nothing less from a cowhand. You attacked w/o making your point.

I think you attacked first. Shocked I'm still waiting for proof that the reporter and her article was a sham. You yet to prove that. Remember... that is the claim you started in on me with. BTW... did I say I'm still waiting? Cowhand??? Your closer than you might think and I will wear that title with pride.

I should have expected nothing less from a cowhand. You attacked w/o making your point. You should have prepared your case better!

You babble. What point? I merely responded to your "ranting" if you will. I'm not the one with the "case" that needs to be prepared. I am not on the defense here. You are. Show me evidence that the reporter fabricated the story.

You even attacked me on my English

Let me correct you again GG. You are the one that came on with the arrogant and boastful attitude that you wanted to make it clear just how smart you really are. I was just pointing out that if you want to "talk the talk" you had better "walk the walk". You came across as an arrogant you-know-what. That GG is your fault.

Allow me to enlighten you with a fact. Ballard was under subpoena as a private citizen to show up at the Allen case. Didn't git that from Lee Williams did ya?

Liar! Show me the supoena. Enough said until you cough it up.

Blah, blah, blah, blah blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah. to support a guy like Hayes who quit his job to run against his boss without having the honor, guts and professional courtesy to tell him. That is truly POOR CHARACTER.

Ok..let me see if I understand this. Hayes goes up to Mr. Softy and says. Mr. Softy, Boss, Sir.... I can't take it anymore. You are a disgrace to your uniform. I can no longer support you as you tremble and "go soft" when confronted with taking on the bad guys.'s just to embarassing to see you wet your pants everytime one of these local terrorists stares you in the eyes. So... I've had it. Grrrrr.... I'm giving you my notice. In February of 08 I'm resigning so I can oust you from the leadership role you are so undeserving of. Now...Mr. Ballard, until then can we just please try to get along?

Is that how it should have played out there Grif Guy? need to git real.

Now, one note cowboy, (let me put this at your level). Sticks and stones may break my bones, but no pretend cowboy can hurt me.

Wow Dude! Did you come up with that one all by yourself? You're right. I won't hurt you. I'm not into physical threats against weak kneed lawyers. I don't need to hurt you. Your own words are hurting you more than your simple mind can imagine. Now I have to ask....did you just try to bait me? Smiling

Next time, try to be adult about this, as elected office is a serious matter, not a playground issue for you and your cowhands.

I agree. Now let me say this. You tell your boss, Mr. Softy, to wipe that make-up off his face and stop acting like Nifong in front of the cameras. You go prop that spineless lawyer up staight and tell him to aggressively prosecute the criminals and predators that terrorize our community every day. You make it clear to him if he's going to just stand there in the middle of the street wetting himself everytime he faces evil then get the heck out of the way and let me at them. Enough is enough. We want the predators off the street. This cowhand is ready to do his part. Now either lead,fight, and throw the book at 'em or go curl up in the corner. This is a serious matter and you and your boss ought to treat your jobs with such regard.

Now... from one lawyer to another...Pppffffftttttt. Sticking out tongue

Git Tough - Git Real / Gittn' Soft? Git Outa Git's Way

As for me and my cowhands.... we're cleaning up this town. Ready Sheriff? Ready Deputies? I'm your "bucket of spit boys".


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


abeautifulday4us's picture
Submitted by abeautifulday4us on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:06pm.

Mr. Ballard was not under subpoena. He went to help his ex-client as a volunteer. There never was filed with the clerk any record. That is a rule. For good reason. So the other side knows who your witnesses are. There are a number of obvious reasons why you are wrong. I understand you want to keep your job or something, but Mr. Ballard owes an apology to the families of Fayette County.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 4:24pm.

I had the pleasure of eating lunch with five or six Fayette County Deputy Sheriffs last weekend. Some were high ranking and others were not. All were smart, hard working, noble men.

Now I have known Scott Ballard for many years, and I know his family and children as well. And despite what I am going to say, I like Scott as a person. I too have seen him in 'action' and he is a good defense attorney. I have also seen him prosecute a case under pressure that he didn't want to prosecute because he didn't think there was a case - and the guy got five years in prison.

So I asked these guys I was eating with an open ended question that went something like this.

"Okay guys, I hear tell that Scott Ballard has opposition in the upcoming election, what do you guys with the boots on the ground think about Scott and the upcoming election? Who should I get behind?"

I was not prepared for, but not surprised by the flurry of profanity and insults directed toward Ballard.

"He's Retarded."
"I'll vote for anyone who runs against him."
"Help us get him out of here."
"He was a huge mistake."
"He's killing us."
"No one on the force likes him."
"Mr. No case and Mr. Plea bargain."

Now, you can make that in to whatever you want it to be. That's where I was and here is where I am now:

I support the cops. Period. I see their frustration of making a good arrest and having the paperwork still on the desk to complete when the perp/maggot is back on the street.

I have been asked by Fayette County's Finest Officers to get someone else in there - enough said for me- what say you?

By the way, this is a very similar scenario to the Pena case when I gave out additional information. I am passing along information that was given to me in confidence and I will not name any names.

Now if the next guy is as weak on crime as Scott appears to be - well, then we will be having this discussion again, won't we.

Now some panty waste dolt like Gump, will say I am being a 'Character Assassin" and taking "Cheap Shots" and "hiding behind an anonymous moniker" (if he is consistent). So you decide for yourself in advance how much 'stock' to put in to my little weekend lunch story. As for me- I'll stake my reputation and life on it.

Now I don't know who you are "Mr. Connected" and "In the know", but I do know this: You sure as hell weren't at the lunch table with me and the Fayette County Sheriff's last weekend.

Do you want to see some current examples of liberal media bias? Click Here.

Submitted by Grifguy on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 9:27pm.

Alcohol got ya dreamin again buddy? Or was it drugs? What is a name like mixer mean???

I'll bite... You think I am a goof Bcuz my handle is grifguy, you think I live in Griffin. Born there!!!! Try again.... Unlike Git Real, He & Hayes ain't from the southside...

Two comments.
1. I was not at your table, But was I nearby?? THink about it..
2. Why is it Hayes supporters must resort to childish name calling?

More of the Hayes SUPPORTER's intellectual Trademark? I'm not impressed. Bet you are one of Git Real Playgound Playmates....

More facts later, after these kids grow up a little.

Guy In the Know

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 10:21am.

Alcohol got ya dreamin (sic)again buddy? Or was it drugs? What is a name like mixer mean???(sic)

I don't drink, but that's not relevant. The name isn't relevant either but it's a nick from the military.

I'll bite...(sic) (I figured you as a 'teeth dragger' but I didn't know you would bite!)

You think I am a goof Bcuz (sic) my handle is grifguy, you think I live in Griffin. Born there!!!!(sic) (I played High School Football there - were you a cheerleader by chance?)

Try again.... Unlike Git Real,(sic) He & Hayes (sic) ain't from the southside...(sic) (Dollar, will you please translate this for me?)

Two comments.(sic)
1. I was not at your table, But was I nearby??(sic) THink (sic) about it..
(I have thought about it. Your weren't there. It was MY table gump.)
2. Why is it Hayes supporters must resort to childish name calling? (Are you calling the Fayette County Sheriff's who want him out 'childish'?)

More of the Hayes SUPPORTER's (sic) intellectual Trademark(sic)? I'm not impressed. Bet you are one of Git Real Playgound Playmates....(sic)

(I have counted not less than 12 grammatical and spelling errors. Using your twisted logic; is the inability to use basic English the trademark of everyone born in Griffin?)

I noticed that you claim to speak several other languages. I am also multi-lingual. Would you like to have this conversation in another language? Perhaps you would prefer we speak Farsi, Spanish, German or French? Would it help you understand what I am saying?

Regardless, I would venture to guess that I know Scott better than you do and I will say again that while he is a good person, he is a natural defense attorney and too 'compassionate' or unwilling to slam the crooks like we want them slammed here.

More facts later, after these kids grow up a little.

Would you please point out the 'Fact' you provided in this blog? I missed it. Oh, I found it: "I was not at your table."

Finally, allow me to summarize my position for you:

Scott Ballard has negotiated too many plea bargains and has been, in the opinion of many, too lenient with the criminals. Many of the local law enforcement is not happy with his performance in court. So, while 'we' like Scott as a human being, we do not like him professionally as a D.A..

To say it in 'Griffin-ease': He ain't gettin it done so he got to be steppin.

Welcome to the play ground - now please stop making the sandbox a litter box.

Do you want to see some current examples of liberal media bias? Click Here.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 11:24pm.

Back down while you can Mix. He's more badder that you originally thought. He was.... "gasp" Shocked .....nearby.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 4:55pm.

Mix, was it five or six? Could be important. Did you buy?
What does noble deputies mean? Noble birth, or very impressive?
I'm not being Festus but who was watching the store?

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 5:03pm.

There were more of us than that - but all of us weren't with the sheriff's Department so it's hard to say. I can name five that I know personally, so I guess it was at least five, but it might have been more than six, so I feel safe with the six. Then again, it was five for sure so I should say five I guess. But that would mean none of the other four or five guys could be with the FCSD and I think at least one was a NARC (he looked like a drug dealer so either that or he was just someone off the street trying to get a free lunch). So, is that five or six? What was the question again dollar?

Do you want to see some current examples of liberal media bias? Click Here.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 5:13pm.

completely now. You are learning to express oneself wonderfishly!

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 5:16pm.

It might be that the long haired guy was someone's wife. some of them guys was but ugly. i'm goin with six.

Do you want to see some current examples of liberal media bias? Click Here.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:42pm.

Have you got those signs and stakes ready? Smiling

buZZard's picture
Submitted by buZZard on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:37pm.

You always say what I’m thinking.
How do you do that?

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:36pm.


I mean nice to see you again Duke!! Just loved "True Grit". Hey - "Grit" is kind of like "Git".


Git 'em Big Guy

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