Plunkett wants PTC Council pay raise

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 4:39pm
By: John Munford

Peachtree City Councilwoman Cyndi Plunkett knows that her request to increase the pay for the city’s mayor and council members will not be terribly well-received.

She’s not even sure if her fellow city council members will approve the concept, but she is pushing the issue to encourage more citizens to run for public office.

Currently, council members are paid $9,000 a year and the mayor is paid $12,000 a year. But those figures were last modified in 1985, so Plunkett is proposing that salaries be raised by applying an annual “cost of living” hike for each year since then.

The end result would be raising the mayor’s pay to $17,840 and council members’ pay to $11,226 a year, Plunkett said.

The matter will be up for discussion at Thursday night’s City Council meeting and Plunkett is willing to compromise in an effort to make it more palatable by spreading the increases evenly starting with the 2008-2009 budget.

If the job paid a little more, a larger group of people might consider taking on the part-time job of serving as a council member, Plunkett said.

While some may argue that elected officials should do the job for free, Plunkett disagrees.

“I personally think that limits the people who can do it,” Plunkett said. “... That limits you basically to people who are independently wealthy and retired people.”

Given the amount of work involved with serving as a council member, Plunkett guesses that many people wouldn’t want to do the job for just $9,000 a year.

Plunkett noted that since the last raise in 1985, city council meetings have increased significantly, from 30 that year to the 47 held last year. There’s also an incredible amount of email that has to be handled, Plunkett said.

Also, campaigns can be expensive to run, making it further difficult for someone who might be a great fit for public office but couldn’t afford to take on the part-time job and/or make sacrifices in their current career, she said.

“This is about diversity and allowing a broad base of people to run,” Plunkett said.

If the raise is approved, Plunkett, Mayor Harold Logsdon and Councilman Steve Boone would ultimately receive the raise. Plunkett said the issue could become significant during the upcoming election for the seats currently held by Stuart Kourajian and Judi-ann Rutherford, and the citizens ultimately could “vote” on whether or not they like the salary bump.

The mayor’s position is even more time-consuming than that of regular council members, and it’s much closer to a full-time job, Plunkett added. She will suggest to council that it should look at offering some benefits to the mayor, perhaps in the area of insurance or retirement enticements.

Plunkett noted that former Mayor Steve Brown and current Mayor Logsdon have spent quite a bit of time on the job.

“I just think you can’t be an effective mayor and have a full-time job,” Plunkett said.

Plunkett noted that the city of Fayetteville, which is much smaller, pays more for its mayor, at $14,363, and although council members are slotted at $9,600 annually, Fayetteville also provides retirement benefits to its council members, she said.

Plunkett said she thinks some Peachtree City residents would like to see the council pay increased given that it hasn’t changed since 1985, and spreading the increase out over two years may make it more reasonable.

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Submitted by Jones on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:21pm.

Didn't Mayor Logsdon say the office of mayor was just a part-time job?

And retirement benefits for council members? Cyndi ought to run for office in Fayetteville.

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 6:55pm.

I really hope the citizens out there are not fooled by this request. The Mayor was the one suggesting this about the same time he got elected. Got the City Manager to front for him and now has Plunkett putting it on the council agenda. Notice it is on the agenda just about the time all the people in the city are on vacation before school starts. They cut the blue collar workers pay and then turn right around and try to give themsleves a big fat pay raise. I guess the bar drinks have gone up at Big Daddy's, Y Kots and Taco Mack.

I find it funny that when they want to raise their pay because they are lower then other cities their size, they turn around and do not use that same reasoning when they are looking at pay for other city workers. In a meeting I sat in on I heard council and mayor say that city workers knew what their pay would be when they took the job and should stop asking for more money. Well I say why don't you apply this to yourselves. People wake up, you have the blind leading the blind.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 7:02pm.

The point of all this is to encourage future candidates to consider running for office and if the salary PARTIALLY compensates them for their time, so be it.
Harold told me last week he would not take the additional salary if the raise in pay happened on his watch. In fact, I don't think he takes the $12,000 now.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 8:14am.

As a general rule, the raises would come into effect on the next election term. I don't know this to be fact on this, but it's generally the way things are handled.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 8:30am.

Nobody likes to scratch someone else's back unless you make your living that way!
What you aren't saying however about the raise is good only for the NEXT office holder (may be same) is that you scratch my hairy back this time, I'll scratch yours next time!
Those things aren't forgotten. Ever notice the appointments in politics as to who gets them?
We need some people to do the work in the town, and then we need a few to instruct them, who should be changed often---with only expenses paid. Voters will pick someone acceptable!

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 8:40am.

But your comments make it hard. People get appointed because they are involved. They go to meetings, they get to know their Councilman, etc. That's a lot of it. I for one don't think everyone is out to "cheat" everybody out of something.

As far as volunteers, that would be a fiasco.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 10:37am.

No, everyone isn't out to get something from everybody---just the ones who can.

Submitted by Doug on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 8:23am.

You need to go back and read the last time Logsdon and Plunkett made the pitch for a big pay raise, I'm pretty sure it was to go into effect in 2008.

You could probably buy a keg for City Hall and that would be enough for Logsdon. The downside is the Y Knot’s revenue will start tanking.

Plunkett must be going through menopause to keep demanding more pay for the job she’s doing. And turn the air conditioning up because she’s having hot flashes.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 8:39am.

I still think we need to know. If the money is not a big deal, why not just make the jobs voluntary and see what type of leadership we get? You could be the first volunteer.

I for one appreciate some of the things this Council has done. I think the West Village was handled well (given what were left to work with), I think the vote to put the brakes on TDK was a long time coming. Recent moves were made to add Police/Fireman, which I think is a good thing. I appreciate the fact our Mayor doesn't dress down the City Manager at the meetings myself. They've yet to approve a "big box", which if less than I can say for many previous administrations. But truthfully, these are other issues altogether.

The Keg/Ynot and other comments serve no purpose in my opinion.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 5:20am.

Ummmm, is this the same harold who said he wouldn't raise our taxes and he would balance the budget??? The same harold who bailed out the corrupt buisnessmen and bankers in the tennis center "gift"?? That harold? How many drinks did you have with dinner?

Well if you believe that...... I have something you might be interested in. I currently own a beach resort in Nome Alaska. It is making a ton of money, especially in the winter. The only reason I'm selling is that I can't stand making all of that money anymore. It is too stressful trying to spend it all. You can understand that right?. I will sell you the whole buisness for fifty million dollars. I'm taking a huge huge loss, but that's the kind of generous person I am.

What do you say?

You know if our current councilfools don't like the pay maybe they will all resign, and we can hold a special election now. Steve Brown is the only mayor I can recall that worked for free.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 5:43am.

And we got what we paid for.

So, do you like my new picture? meow

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 8:05am.

Comparable demographics/incomes/populations. That would be something that needs to come into play in my opinion. No changes since 85 in pay would lead me too believe it's either to low now, or was too high then.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 5:23am.

Frankly, with the way the average citizen is ignored here, it is too high now as well.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:00am.

Shouldn't pay a dime!
It is a service which can be done in conjunction with one's other responsibilities, at least for a couple of years.
Expenses only for required travel and supplies.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 2:42pm.

You are saying it should be done for free. I'm a big believe that MOST of the time, you get what you pay for.

Do the city and favor, and DO NOT volunteer for these jobs you say should be free.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:02pm.

Then by all means let's pay 150,000 and 75,000! And, make them permanent jobs.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:07pm.

What I had said about comparable towns and pay. Be realistic, if you can. Otherwise, what's the point of this debate? Or is it just a "clown around" forum to you?

Submitted by INTHEKNOW07 on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 6:47pm.

You and your cohorts have the dubious honor of sitting on the council and destroying what so many people worked so hard to build and you want a pay raise. You and your band of merry idiots continue to balance the budget on the backs of the City's employees and you want a raise. Here's a news flash!!, Skyspy is absolutely correct in regards to the cart path situation. There are NO OFFICERS actively patrolling the cart path on a daily basis. The cart path gives criminals access to EVERYTHING in our City. How about solving some problems instead of being one.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 7:22pm.

They don't even want her back.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 6:29pm.

You bums aren't even worth what we are paying you now. The only thing a pay increase would attract would be more greedy people.

You people have verbally abused senior citizens in council meetings. You rarely take a true poll of what the citizens want here. Sending out a questionaire to 500 of your friends doesn't exactly cover a city of 33,ooo.

"Plunkett thinks some Peachtree City residents would like to see the council get a pay increase"??? Which developers would those people be??? The group of dumb and dumber doesn't count.

Councilwoman Plunkett would do well to stay away from the drugs sold on the paths. The kids on the gravel road off of the cartpath are selling bad stuff that will make you sick. They get sick almost everynight. Of course they are drinking with their If you want good stuff go to Buckhead where the money is.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 6:48pm.

Although Cyndy is not going far enough (pardon the double entandre).
We should raise the mayor's pay to $37,500 and then we would attract quality full-time people willing to work for $37,500 - like Steve Brown. Let's get him back at any cost. What do you think spy?

So, do you like my new picture? meow

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:24am.

The majority of the citizens of the USA make $37,500, or less each.
For you to insinuate that they are not full quality people due to their wages is typical of snobs!
You have to work for Delta, Insurance Company, Bank, Developers, or high-interest loan company!

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 7:18pm.

Good Idea, then we can get rid of our city manager for a 110,000 a year. 37,000 for a full-time mayor would be great, and we could pass along the savings back to our city employees. We don't need a full-time mayor and an over paid city manager, with a full- time assistant. Let the mayor do it all himself. Sometimes you are pure genius.

With the picture Northside Hospital physicain referal, they have great plastic surgeons.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 3:25am.

Wow! Looks ready to go.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 5:26am.

Believe me, you don't want to know.

So, do you like my new picture? meow

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