Democrat Madden’s ‘sensibilities’ failed him about Southerners

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 4:11pm
By: Letters to the ...

Dear Kevin (Madden): You are a dear friend and a good neighbor but, boy, have you lit my fire!

After all these years, I read today’s paper to find out I am a Southerner who, because of that fact, has no sensibilities regarding gay rights, abortion or, I assume, any other social issues of the day.

I have been around the world a couple times, have been privileged to meet a diverse selection of people from many cultures and lifestyles, have served my country, am proud to be from the South, am reasonably well educated, believe I am sensitive to others, and believe in my God and what He said is right and wrong.

My wife and I have gay friends we happen to love and we are well acquainted with abortion and the many emotions surrounding that difficult issue.

To be reduced to one who is “insensible” because I was not raised in the Northern part of this wonderful country smacks of the elitism that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are so adept at espousing from the steps of our nation’s capital.

I love you and your family and will continue to do so. Please, however, be kind enough to measure your words before you throw a biased blanket over people who come from a different background than yours. Remember there are a large number of people here that were born and raised in “these parts.” Many of them, I’m sure, are ready to tell you, “Delta is ready when you are”.

Your loving neighbor,

Walt Griswold

Peachtree City, Ga.

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Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 10:48pm.

I believe that Mr. Griswold's letter is referring to this article:

"Fayette’s Democrats Insist Party Has Begun a Comeback Locally" (7/10/07) by Kevin Wandra.

Madden’s Republican neighbors are not too dissimilar to Democrats, at least on social issues, he said.

“They’re more like Democrats on social issues,” Madden said. “The majority of people in Peachtree City are from somewhere else. They bring a northern sensibility to social issues, like abortion and gay rights. In their upbringings, they have been exposed to more different cultures than could be found in Georgia, and they brought their social mores with them.”

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 10:06pm.

D'ya ever have one of those days that you wished with all of your might you could turn back time and do over? Yea, me too. This would be a good time for a "what I meant to say was" moment. Good luck,

Kevin "Hack" King

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