SWMBO - McNally

Git Real's picture


I'm not ignoring your request. I cannot find your blog challenging me. I also do not have time at the moment to work on all of that. Give me a bit of time. I've had one of those days and a business emergency to deal with. Sometimes even Git Real has to work his tail off. This is one of those times.

Oh well.... Let me go out and install that pump on my effluent tank. It's late but if I get enough fabrication done tonight then I'll finish tomorrow evening so I won't have to water the trees any more. Smiling Although I suspect the trees are loving it. Eye-wink

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Submitted by swmbo on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 10:56pm.

What do you mean "work"? I thought your job was blog monitor and DA candidate. Laughing out loud

Seriously, I really wasn't trying to challenge you but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around the whole McNally-hate vibe. I understand why some commissioners may have issues with him (and, regardless of what Eric said, c'mon . . . let's keep it real . . . it's personal not financial). But there are regular Joes and Janes who genuinely dislike the man and I'm trying to understand why. Constituents usually don't have much involvement with a county attorney -- certainly not enought to create the kind of animosity I've seen here and I tend to believe people don't just hate someone for no reason at all. So, I'm just genuinely curious.

Anyway, have fun with the effluent pump. My trees are appropriately jealous (poor dehydrated pitiful things that they are).

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 11:09pm.

(and, regardless of what Eric said, c'mon . . . let's keep it real . . . it's personal not financial)

Oh yeah.... and that too! I'm working on a piece for you on the 6th commissioner. I should be more mental... I mean mentally prepared to put it together tomorrow.

As for the pump.... I'm working on it. I just have to remind myself that I'm saving hundreds of dollars by doing this myself. The darned thing is I can afford to have it done. But I have this mindset that if you want anything done right you have to do it yourself. I've got that mindset from dealing with many "con"tractors.

They're kind of like dealing with some lawyers, Eye-wink If you know what I mean.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 9:59pm.

This is taking me hours to put together. I'm almost there... I promise.

I'm going to have to bill you $200 per hour. Eye-wink Next time you challenge me I'm going to ignore you. Smiling

Now for a little rest and fun...... I gotta go. I think Goof Guy is looking for me.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


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