Michael Moore Hates CNN and Cindy is running against Nancy

Mixer's picture

Hillary and John (The war on terror is just a bumper sticker), AKA: 'The Breck Girls' or 'The King and Queen of the makeover', want to kick the only black guy, Baraak 'Hussein' (Glory be to Allah, I mean God) Obama and the only Democrat to publicly oppose the war - before the war, Dennis 'the menace' (they are never too young) Kucinich from sharing their ideas and the stage in debate.

Meanwhile, back in the ethereal plane of 'Global Warming', Al is trying to figure out why no one wants to acknowledge the greatest threat to mankind's existence is cow flatulence, 100 MPH Toyota Prius' emitting carbon and losing pills on the side of the road, and 'rock' bands flying over 250,000 miles at 100 gal/mile for a rock concert to 'save the planet'.

And if all of that isn't enough, Michael Moore Hates CNN and Cindy Sheehan is running against Nancy Pelosi.

Where's Harry Reid when you need him?

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maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 5:52pm.

Talk about self destructing!


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 4:40am.

Speaking of self destruction....

Rudy "front runner" Giuliani is such a good judge of character that he has a cocaine addict run his campaign in South Carolina and a male prostitute GOP state Representative run his Fl campaign. I'll pick a fight with Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan over those two gentlemen ANY day of the week.
On to the straight talk (and flat broke) express, which now is flying coach to evenly distribute carbon credits. The Latter Day Saint hasn't swayed over the heart of conservatism as he is nearly down to single digit support national.
But wait! There's more. The president, who's ratings are higher than congress', had his immigration policy handed to him in a flour tortilla by that lowly congress. The breakers away from his Iraq policy are over-filling the lifeboats, and the slick talking Tony Snow seems to be having a tuff time of changing the meaning of what GOP defectors actually have said. If not for "executive priviledge" used as a gag order, we could be looking at President Pelosi.
With leadership like this (on both sides) who needs Al Qaeda????

Kevin "Hack" King

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 6:07pm.

How about those approval ratings they beat Bush over the head with ... now Bush's approval is higher than congress' approval ratings.

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maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 6:34pm.

But according to swmbo: "The fact is that a 14% approval rating is more likely to be the product of Republican policies coming home to roost after the Democrats got control; after all, they've only had control for 6 months."

Somehow those darn republicans used their policies to drag the democrat poll numbers lower than their own.?

That Karl Rove is one rascally fella.


Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 6:46pm.

Is that the wildest thing yet? I guess he was going to slip that one right on past you, huh?

I have got to believe that swmbo was kidding - he's usually a pretty smart fella.

I offered him $3 to vote Republican and he came back with $2.50, I told him I would get back to him on it.

Do you want to see some current examples of liberal media bias? Click Here.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 6:50pm.

that for next years election republicans vote on Tuesday and democrats on Wednesday.


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 7:46pm.

I thought that Democrats voted on Monday BEFORE Republicans! Laughing out loud

Here's "The Socialist Brain of a Liberal Democrat."

A composite sketch of a healthy Socialist brain:

"Naturally it took twice as much time to map it because the brain of a progressive, open-minded Democrat is always changing -- as opposed to the rigid and bigoted Republican brain."



A normal state of a healthy person whose brain developed under the caring guidance of the progressive establishment. As opposed to the rigid and bigoted Republican/Capitalist/Conservative brain, a Liberal/Socialist/Democrat brain is hard to map because it undergoes perpetual reshuffling of its centers and synapses.

Generally it can be characterized by a compassionate concern for not taxing the rich enough, combined with generosity in spending other people's money.

A liberal brain is known to have a well-developed "blame-America" synapse, a benign "Smarter Than Thou" tumor, a Global Warming Panic Center, the Entitlement Synapse, Moral Relativity Gray Area, and a "P.C. Lobe" responsible for speech codes, multiculturalism, racial quotas, and alternative lifestyles.

The underdeveloped areas of a Liberal Brain usually include those that handle common sense, personal responsibility, sense of humor, patriotism, and work ethics.

The eternal motivational force that keeps a liberal going is typically a daily doze of Starbucks coffee combined with the dialectical struggle of the opposites -- the feeling of being a victim of oppression and the feeling of guilt for oppressing the others at the same time. Laughing out loud

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 7:53pm.

That web site is pretty funny. It started out as communistsforkerry.com during the 2004 election I think.


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 7:58pm.

I wonder how many liberals will acknowledge Hillary's philosophical foundation and will vote for her anyway. Puzzled

"They who would give up essential liberty for temporary security [HillaryCare, "peace" in Iraq, etc.], deserve neither liberty or security." ~ Benjamin Franklin

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 6:59pm.

I have a secretary that's a democrat.

Sometimes I send her to ACE to get a shelf stretcher, or some flight line.

Once I sent her to Falcon Field for a bucket of prop wash.

God I miss her.

Do you want to see some current examples of liberal media bias? Click Here.

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