Who's Running for Mayor of Tyrone

This morning, I found a web site that could possibly result in the continuing downward spiral of Tyrone. It appears that one of “Mayberry’s” finest is running for Mayor of Tyrone. Although Chip Young has not officially announced his candidacy, I found his web site on the Internet. (Google “chip young for mayor”)

In a nut shell, Chip feels that everything is wonderful, the town staff in wonderful, and it will be wonderful if elected. Everything is just wonderful!!!

The real issue is that Chip has been free to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, without fear of consequences. Tyrone council and management have ignored his actions. I feel it important to point out a few issues that truly show why Chip is running for Mayor.

Several years ago, Chip rented his “legal barn” many times and did so illegally. The town staff ignored Chip’s activity until many citizens brought it to the attention of the council. Tyrone staff is wonderful!

Just recently, Chip decided to create a parking lot across from his establishment The Tyrone Depot. The fact here is that it does not meet code and Town staff refused to make his address the issues. Furthermore, his unsightly dragon and rail car make me feel as if Tyrone is going to turn into a magical kingdom. Oh yeah, Tyrone staff is wonderful!

The facts are Chip will not deviate from what our current majority is already doing. In fact, it may get worse because all Chip wants to do is “Just be the Welcome Wagon for Tyrone, you know, get out there and talk to people. Meet new citizens, get feedback from people, and let everyone know that the Town really cares about what they have to say”.

Chip wants the power but not the responsibility! Becoming Tyrone’s next mayor will take more effort than just “being the welcome wagon”.

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Submitted by too bad on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 3:41pm.

anyone can run, but after Aunt Bea, people will be a lot more selective. Look at the damage. It was no accident that Gloria Furr and Grace Caldwell won by a landside. People are fed up with the hogs feeding at the town trough. I can't wait to see some of the elected officals squeeling like stuck pigs when they are pushed away. We got two great officals in, and we will do the same with the other slotts. No tinker toy trains in downtown for gassy old smarts.

Submitted by Don Rehwaldt on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 4:38pm.

We won't know until Notice's of Candidacy are filed with the Town of Tyrone. But, be assured, there will be candidates running. Stand by until the end of August!!!

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